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Abstract: N -Acetylsuccinimidylglutamate [(asu)NAAG], a cyclic form of the peptide N -acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG) in which the aspartyl residue is linked to glutamate via the α- and β-carboxylates, was identified and quantified by HPLC in the murine and bovine CNS. In the rat, the highest concentrations of (asu)NAAG were detected in the spinal cord (1.83 ± 0.15 pmol/mg of wet tissue weight) and brainstem (1.16 ± 0.08 pmol/mg wet weight), whereas the levels were below the limit of detection in cerebellum, hippocampus, and cerebral cortex. (Asu)NAAG was also detected in significant amounts in the superior colliculus and lateral genicutale nucleus (1.17 ± 0.05 and 0.82 ± 0.13 pmol/mg wet weight, respectively). Although the tissue content of (asu)NAAG was about three orders of magnitude lower than that of NAAG, levels of both peptides were positively correlated among different CNS regions ( r = 0.74, p < 0.003). In the rat spinal cord, (asu)NAAG levels progressively increased from week 2 to month 12 after birth. In bovine spinal cord, the contents of (asu)NAAG and NAAG were comparable in gray and white matter as well as in the dorsal and ventral horns. These results suggest that NAAG and (asu)-NAAG are closely related metabolically and raise the question of the physiological significance of such a cyclic peptide.  相似文献   
The role of CCN proteins in vivo is only just becoming understood. A prototypical member of the CCN family, CCN3 suppresses proliferation. In a study in press, Shimoyama and colleagues show that mice lacking CCN3 have a hyperproliferative response to vascular injury. These data, along with other recent observations, suggest that CCN3 may represent a novel therapy for hyperproliferative diseases.  相似文献   
Summary Two different aspects of tritiated thymidine (3H-Tdr) reutilisation in skeletal muscle were examined. Injection of a high dose (7 Ci/g) of 3H-Tdr into mice prior to crush injury of skeletal muscle resulted in heavy labelling (grain counts) of myotube nuclei 9 d later. In contrast, myotube nuclei were essentially unlabelled when a low dose (1 Ci/g) of 3H-Tdr was injected at similar times with respect to injury. It was concluded that labelling seen after the high dose was due to reutilisation of 3H-Tdr. (Such 3H-Tdr reutilisation can account for the results of Sloper et al. (1970) which previously supported the concept of a circulating muscle precursor cell.) When replicating muscle precursors were labelled directly with 3H-Tdr 48 h after injury, the percentages of labelled myotube nuclei and the distribution of nuclear grain counts were similar with either high or low dose.We also investigated whether the light labelling seen in regenerated myotube nuclei after 9 d, when 3H-Tdr had been injected before the onset of myogenesis (as found by McGeachie and Grounds 1987), was due to 3H-Tdr reutilisation or, alternatively, to proliferation of local cells in the wound which subsequently gave rise to muscle precursors. Labelling of myotube nuclei was compared in mice injected with 3H-Tdr either 2 h before, or 2 h after injury. In another experiment, mice were injected 12 h after injury and lesions sampled 1, 12 or 36 h later, to see whether local cells were replicating 12 h after injury, and what labelled cells subsequently entered to wound. No difference was found in myotube labelling between mice injected before or after injury, and no cells replicating locally in the wound at 12 h after injury were observed. The results clearly show that the light labelling was due to 3H-Tdr reutilisation.  相似文献   
Summary Transection of the sciatic nerve in Rhesus monkeys and the consequent transganglionic degenerative atrophy (TDA) of central terminals of primary afferents result in transneuronal degeneration of substantia gelatinosa (SG) cells. Severe degeneration is characterized by an increased electron density of the nucleus and by conspicuous shrinkage of the cytoplasm, mitochondrial swelling, dilation of cisterns of the rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum, accumulation of free ribosomes and an electron-dense material in the cytoplasm. In the mild form, dilation of cisternal elements of the endoplasmic reticulum, swollen mitochondria and accumulation of free ribosomes takes place. About 10% of SG cells in segment L5 undergo the severe form whereas the rest shows signs of the mild form. Cytoplasmic alterations that occur during transneuronal degeneration seem to start at the level of subsurface cisterns. Dendrites and axons of transneuronally degenerating SG cells also show a conspicuous electron density. By analyzing the synaptic relationships of such darkened dendrites, connections in the upper dorsal horn can be deciphered. Modular units of the primary nociceptive analyzer that evaluate noxious and innocuous inputs on the basis of thin versus thick (AC/A) afferent activity and subjecting them to descending control appear to be recruited from structurally dispersed elements of synaptic glomeruli. These are arranged alongside dendritic processes of large antenna cells which relay impulses to projection cells of the spinothalamic tract.  相似文献   
Material in rat spinal cord extracts that reacts with antibodies to the molluscan tetrapeptide FMRF amide (Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2) has been characterized by HPLC and radioimmunoassay using region specific antibodies. An antibody to the N-terminally extended analogue, Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2 (YGGFMRF amide), did not react with the rat material. Two antibodies to FMRF amide were characterized that differed markedly in their affinities for analogues with substitutions in the second and third positions from the C-terminus; both required the C-terminal amide, and neither showed appreciable sensitivity to substitutions in the fourth position from the C-terminus. With both antibodies the relative potency of the avian brain peptide, LPLRF amide, was about 0.1. Both antibodies revealed similar concentrations of immunoreactive material in rat spinal cord extracts. On reversed-phase HPLC using Techsil C18 and Spherisorb-phenyl columns, two peaks were separated that could be distinguished in retention times from FMRF amide, Leu-Pro-Leu-Arg-Phe-NH2 (LPLRF amide), and YGGFMRF amide. The results suggest that the rat spinal cord peptides are structurally related to the C-terminal tripeptide of FMRF amide and are probably extended at the N-terminus by sequences immunochemically distinct from other known peptides.  相似文献   
Summary A dorsal-horn fiber system is revealed in the thoracic spinal cord of guinea pig by means of substance P immunocytochemistry. This system has repeated craniocaudal and/or caudo-cranial extensions and possesses five main components: (1) a superficial network, situated beneath the dorsolateral surface of the spinal cord. This network is connected with the dorsal root fibers and the accumulations of substance P-like immunoreactive (SP-LI) fibers in the Lissauer's tract; (2) an accumulation of SP-LI fibers in the Lissauer's tract at the border of the dorsal horn; (3) two collateral SP-LI fascicles (one lateral and one medial) emerging from the SP-LI fiber accumulation in the Lissauer's tract; (4) a transversal fascicle running through laminae III–V, and (5) an SP-LI network in the region of the lateral spinal cord nucleus. These components of the dorsal-horn fiber system show widespread connections with ipsi-and contralateral spinal cord areas, connecting them in cranio-caudal and/or caudo-cranial directions. The SP-LI dorsal-horn system has close relationship with groups of preganglionic sympathetic cells in the intermediate zone of the spinal cord, respective with the vegetative network of this zone. It is suggested that some fibers of the dorsal-horn system that originate from dorsal-root ganglia may represent primary sensory or visceral afferents. It is likely that the dorsal-horn fiber system and the vegetative network of the thoracic spinal cord may represent the morphological basis for the integration of (1) the central and peripheral vegetative nervous systems, and (2) the somatic and vegetative nervous system.  相似文献   
The alpha 1-adrenergic receptor has been shown to mediate the release of arachidonic acid in FRTL5 thyroid cells and MDCK kidney cells. In primary cultures of spinal cord cells, norepinephrine stimulated release of arachidonic acid (from neurons only) and turnover of inositol phospholipids (from neurons and glia) via alpha 1-adrenergic receptors. These two responses were dissociated by treatment with phorbol ester and pertussis toxin, which inhibited production of inositol phosphates with no appreciable effect on release of arachidonic acid. Extracellular calcium was required for release of arachidonic acid, but not for production of inositol phosphates. The calcium channel blockers nifedipine and verapamil inhibited release of arachidonic acid only. However, 8-(N,N-diethylamino)octyl-3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate (TMB-8), a compound that blocks intracellular calcium release, diminished production of inositol phosphates, but had little effect on release of arachidonic acid. These results suggest that alpha 1-adrenergic receptors couple to release of arachidonic acid in primary cultures of spinal cord cells by a mechanism independent of activation of phospholipase C, possibly via the activation of phospholipase A2.  相似文献   
Aliquotes of human amniotic fluid (AF), fetal serum (FS), and cord blood (CB) were obtained as by-products of routine clinical diagnostic procedures at term or in the second trimester of pregnancy. When samples of CB were applied to a pH 5.5-4 chromatofocusing gradient, three isoforms of AFP could be resolved; a pl 4.57 form (isoform IA, 52% AFP), a pl 4.27 form (isoform IB, 43% AFP), and one species that was bound to the column but could be eluted with 1.0 M NaCl (isoform II, pl less than 4.00, 5% AFP). Term AF displayed a profile similar to that observed in term CB. When samples of 15-20-week gestation AF were chromatofocused, the immunoreactive AFP recovered was distributed between isoform IA and IB (60%) and isoform II (40%). FS and AF obtained from same pregnancy (23-26 weeks) displayed an identical chromatofocusing profile. Aliquotes of AF subjected to conA revealed 83% reactive variants compared with greater than 95% reactive variants for CB. FS displayed a conA profile identical to CB. When individual CB charge isoforms were isolated and subjected to conA analysis, greater than 97% of the AFP bound to conA. In contrast, when AFP isoform IA and IB were isolated from midgestation AF, approximately 22% of the AFP did not bind to the lectin while 100% of isolated AFP isoform II eluted as the reactive variant. These data suggest that human AFP exists as at least three charge and two lectin variants and that the charge profile may change during fetal development.  相似文献   
Abstract: The time dependence of N -acetyl-aspartate (NAA) concentrations relative to lactate and pyruvate in the injured rat spinal cord was investigated. Segments of spinal cord from regions rostral, caudal, and at the epicenter of the injury were analyzed. NAA concentrations were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and lactate and pyruvate concentrations were determined by UV spectroscopy at 20 min, 60 min, 2 h, 8 h, 24 h, 3 days, and 1 week after injury. NAA levels fell most significantly at the epicenter of the injury, reaching 30% of basal levels within 24 h. In all segments, lactate levels increased significantly shortly after injury, peaking at two to five times normal basal levels between 20 and 60 min after injury. Rostral and caudal to the injury site, lactate elevations and NAA reductions were less dramatic. Pyruvate concentrations were not significantly altered in any of the sections after injury. The temporal and spatial relationships of NAA and lactate changes indicated that ischemic conditions due to injury in the upper thoracic rat spinal cord were distributed asymmetrically. Acute ischemia was more severe caudal to the injury site, and NAA concentrations were more severely impaired in the rostral direction. The results suggest that the extent of neuronal degeneration due to spinal cord injury does not correlate directly with acute ischemic severity as measured by the lactate/pyruvate ratio, and may be more closely related to secondary changes in the neuronal environment.  相似文献   
Abstract: In this study, we have investigated the effect of mivazerol, [3-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)methyl-1]-2-hydroxy-benzamide hydrochloride, a new α2-agonist lacking hypotensive properties and a potential anti-ischemic drug, on the evoked release of norepinephrine, aspartate, and glutamate in tissue preparations from hippocampus, spinal cord T1–T5 section, rostrolateral ventricular medulla, and nucleus tractus solitarii of the brainstem of rat. A simple and efficient in vitro procedure to study pharmacologically the release of norepinephrine and glutamate is described. Tissues were chopped into (0.3 × 0.2 × 0.2 mm3) sections and the resulting minces were used for this study. Exposure to KCl (10–75 mM) for 5 min served as a stimulus for the release response. One, S (for aspartate and for glutamate release), or two such stimuli, S1 and S2 (for norepinephrine release) were conducted. The release of norepinephrine (+150% above baseline) was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by mivazerol in hippocampus (IC50 = 1.5 × 10?8M), spinal cord (IC50 = 5 × 10?8M), rostrolateral ventricular medulla (IC50 = 10?7M), and nucleus tractus solitarii (IC50 = 7.5 × 10?8M), and by clonidine in hippocampus (IC50 = 5 × 10?8M), spinal cord (IC50 = 4.5 × 10?8M), rostrolateral ventricular medulla (IC50 = 2.5 × 10?7M), and nucleus tractus solitarii (IC50 = 10?7M). This effect was counteracted by the selective α2-antagonists yohimbine and rauwolscine. A significant glutamate and aspartate release response was also induced by KCl (35 mmol/L) in hippocampus (+250 and +135%, respectively) and spinal cord (+120 and +55%, respectively), in vitro. However, neither mivazerol nor clonidine, at doses up to 10 µM, had any significant effect on KCl-induced glutamate release in spinal cord, whereas mivazerol blocked completely the release of both amino acids in hippocampus and only the release of aspartate in spinal cord. On the other hand, clonidine (1 µM) was only effective in reducing by 40% the release of aspartate in hippocampus. These data indicate that (1) inhibition of KCl-induced norepinephrine release by mivazerol is mediated by its action on α2-adrenergic receptors; (2) at concentrations selective for α2-adrenergic receptors, only mivazerol was effective in blocking the KCl-induced glutamate release in hippocampal tissue; and (3) at the same concentrations, both mivazerol and clonidine were unable to inhibit glutamate release in the spinal cord. These data suggest that prevention of hyperadrenergic activity by mivazerol in perioperative patients may be mediated through its effect on the release of norepinephrine and/or the release of glutamate and aspartate in regions of the CNS that are involved in the control of cardiovascular homeostasis.  相似文献   
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