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We undertook a 2-year (2002–2004) mark–recapture study to investigate demographic performance and habitat use of salt marsh harvest mice (Reithrodontomys raviventris halicoetes) in the Suisun Marsh. We examined the effects of different wetland types and microhabitats on 3 demographic variables: density, reproductive potential, and persistence. Our results indicate that microhabitats dominated by mixed vegetation or pickleweed (Salicornia spp.) supported similar salt marsh harvest mouse densities, reproductive potential, and persistence throughout much of the year, whereas few salt marsh harvest mice inhabited upland grass-dominated microhabitats. We found that densities were higher in diked wetlands, whereas post-winter persistence was higher in tidal wetlands, and reproductive potential did not differ statistically between wetland types. Our results emphasize the importance of mixed vegetation for providing adequate salt marsh harvest mouse habitat and suggest that, despite their physiognomic and hydrological differences, both diked and tidal wetlands support salt marsh harvest mouse populations by promoting different demographic attributes. We recommend that habitat management, restoration, and enhancement efforts include areas containing mixed vegetation in addition to pickleweed in both diked and tidal wetlands. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Studies of tidal flows in salt-marsh creeks in Essex, England, show large variations in water velocity during different tidal cycles, particularly between tides below, at, and above marsh level. Water level, velocity and suspended sediment concentration have been monitored at 5-min intervals during 700 tidal cycles during the year March 1982–March 1983, and the data are being used to calculate sediment budgets for the creek system studied. Completed analyses for two of the tidal cycles show a large positive sediment flux. Because of the importance of velocity in controlling total discharge through a creek cross-section, and hence its effect on total sediment movement, we cannot extrapolate from these two below-marsh tides to any general conclusions about marsh erosion or accretion. We use these preliminary data both to demonstrate our methods and to indicate some of the complexities involved in the analysis.Acknowledgements: This work has been supported by the Natural Environment Research Council. We thank the Philip Lake Fund for financial assistance and the Department of Geography, Cambridge University, for much material support. Mr D. J. Fisher kindly gave access to his land, and Mr W. Bailey helped us greatly. We also thank Mr A. St Joseph for his help, Mr M. Diver for practical support, and Dr J. S. Pethick for discussion.  相似文献   
Contrary to our expectations, soil salinity and moisture explained little of the spatial variation in plant establishment in the upper intertidal marsh of three southern California wetlands, but did explain the timing of germination. Seedlings of 27 species were identified in 1996 and 1997. The seedlings were abundant (maximum densities of 2143/m2 in 1996 and 1819/m2 in 1997) and predominantly annual species. CCAs quantified the spatial variation in seedling density that could be explained by three groups of predictor variables: (1) perennial plant cover, elevation and soil texture (16% of variation), (2) wetland identity (14% of variation) and (3) surface soil salinity and moisture (2% of variation). Increasing the spatial scale of analysis changed the variables that best predicted patterns of species densities. Timing of germination depended on surface soil salinity and, to a lesser extent, soil moisture. Germination occurred after salinity had dropped below a threshold or, in some cases, after moisture had increased above a critical level. Between 32% and 92% of the seedlings were exotic and most of these occurred at lower soil salinity than native species. However, Parapholis incurva and Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum were found in the same environments as the native species. In 1997, the year of a strong El Niño/Southern Oscillation event with high rainfall and sea levels, the elevation distribution of species narrowed and densities of P. incurva and other exotic species decreased but densities of native and rare species did not change. The ‘regeneration niche’ of wetland plant communities includes the effects of multiple abiotic and biotic factors on both the spatial and temporal variations in plant establishment.  相似文献   
Frank G. Nordlie 《Hydrobiologia》2000,434(1-3):165-182
A wide variety of teleost fishes occur in tidal marshes of Atlantic and Gulf coasts of Florida, few of which breed in these habitats or remain there for extended periods of time. A significant fraction of teleosts that do so are members of one of five families. Eleven representative species belonging to these families, whose reproduction and development are considered here, include: Adinia xenica, Fundulus confluentus, F. grandis and F. similis (Fundulidae); Cyprinodon variegatus, Floridichthys carpio and Jordanella floridae (Cyprinodontidae); Gambusia holbrooki and Poecilia latipinna (Poeciliidae); Mugil cephalus (Mugilidae); and Dormitator maculatus (Eleotridae). Spawning or birth locations, patterns of growth and development, times of use of the salt marsh as a nursery area, and development of salinity tolerances/osmotic regulatory capabilities were evaluated for each, considering these in the context of variability of environmental conditions, especially of salinity. Five different patterns of reproduction are shown by these 11 species, and only A. xenica appears to be limited to reproducing in the salt marsh environment. Some of these species are capable of reproducing throughout the year. Several of the species are annuals, most others live only 2 or 3 years. Eight species (those other than M. cephalus, A. xenica and G. holbrooki) were found to show no size relationship, large juvenile to adult sizes, in osmotic regulatory capabilities.  相似文献   
J. K. Bush 《Plant Ecology》2006,183(2):215-225
This study evaluated the relationships among soil moisture, soil salinity, and soil oxygen on the growth of Helianthus paradoxus (Asteraceae), a threatened inland salt marsh species of western North America. The study was conducted in large growth boxes (1×2×0.3 m) tilted at an angle to achieve a saturated to dry water gradient similar to that found in the marsh. This experimental design allowed the evaluation of major abiotic factors (soil moisture and soil salinity) which have been shown to be potentially important for this species, while removing major biotic factors, such as competition from other community dominants. Maximum aboveground biomass occurred in the middle rows of the boxes, where surface soil water was reduced and subsurface soil water was intermediate in the gradient. Regression analyses indicated that H. paradoxus would grow best where surface soil water is approximately 5%, subsurface soil water ranges from 20 to 30%, and where surface soil salinity is less than 0.5 g kg−1. Edaphic variables, particularly soil moisture and soil salinity, affect the growth of H. paradoxus. Data presented here suggest that the survival of this species depends on maintenance of the hydrologic regime.  相似文献   
Janet W. Reid 《Hydrobiologia》1987,153(2):121-138
Eight species of cyclopoid copepods were recorded from 1979–1983 in the complex microhabitats of a wet campo (campo úmido) marsh in central Brazil. Ectocyclops herbsti and Paracyclops fimbriatus occurred most often in areas with water covering the soil; Muscocyclops therasiae n. sp. occurred mainly in soils with no surface water; while Metacyclops campestris n. sp. showed no distinct microhabitat preference. Occurrence of the remaining four species was too sporadic to determine microhabitat preference. Paracyclops carectum n. sp., Metacyclops campestris n. sp., Muscocyclops therasiae n. sp., Muscocyclops bidentatus n. sp. and Ponticyclops boscoi n. g. n. sp. are described. A key to the New World species of Metacyclops s. str. is provided.  相似文献   
Summary Three high marsh communities on the Chesapeake Bay were exposed to a doubling in ambient CO2 concentration for one growing season. Open-top chambers were used to raise CO2 concentrations ca. 340 ppm above ambient over monospecific communities of Scirpus olneyi (C3) and Spartina patens (C4), and a mixed community of S. olneyi, S. patens, and Distichlis spicata (C4). Plant growth and senescence were monitored by serial, nondestructive censuses. Elevated CO2 resulted in increased shoot densities and delayed sensecence in the C3 species. This resulted in an increase in primary productivity in S. olneyi growing in both the pure and mixed communities. There was no effect of CO2 on growth in the C4 species. These results demonstrate that elevated atmospheric CO2 can cause increased aboveground production in a mature, unmanaged ecosystem.  相似文献   
A method is proposed to identify impacts of habitat modification in cases where it is difficult to site experimental and control samples. This problem occurs especially in heterogeneous systems, but may pose difficulties in any field experimental situation. The method is relevant to the situation where treated (modified) and untreated sites are spread over a range of habitat types. Types of change are identified and compared to treatments. If a specific change type is associated with a particular treatment then it is likely that the change is causally related to the treatment. There are five stages in the analysis. First, the classes or states of the sample sites, over a period of time, are identified (by numerical classification). Second, for each sample site, the sequence of states is listed. Third, transition matrices are made for each sample site to show the changes which have occurred. Fourth, the transition matrices are classified, to identify types of change. Finally, we use the Chisquared test to indicate whether the treated and untreated sites are associated with particular types of change. As an example, we refer to habitat modification to manage salt-marsh mosquitoes and we evaluate impacts on the environment mainly through changes to the vegetation. We consider that the method has potential to identify changes in heterogeneous systems even though little change was identified in the particular salt marsh studied.  相似文献   
Transpiration, leaf conductance, net photosynthesis, leaf growth, above-ground biomass and regeneration of new culms were studied in a rapidly subsiding Spartina alterniflora Lois. salt marsh following the addition at 47 and 94 Kg m–2 of new sediment. Plant growth was enhanced in response to sediment addition as was evident by a significant increase in leaf area, above-ground biomass production and regeneration of new culms (p 0.05). Leaf conductance and transpiration rates were significantly greater in sediment treated plants than in control plants (p 0.05). Enhanced production of culms per unit area of marsh resulted in increased leaf area which allowed a greater capacity for net photosynthesis and contributed to increases in above-ground biomass of sediment treated plots.  相似文献   
W. G. Beeftink 《Plant Ecology》1985,62(1-3):469-486
The paper deals with some views on the phytocoenose in relation to the functioning of vegetation and its plant-species populations in space and time. From these viewpoints the study of vegetation is seen as a field of tension between the organismic and reductionistic approaches. Both have their value, provided any dogmatism is avoided and either can be applied to the other.In the field of vegetation structure characteristic features of life-form spectra and species distribution, inversion phenomena in zonation, and community architecture in relation to production and decomposition are discussed. In this connection some remarks are made on habitat and niche differentiation with respect to the phytocoenose concept.Vegetation dynamics are discussed in relation to the introduction of Spartina anglica, the frequency of flooding by the tides, different environmental disturbances caused by heavy winter frost, rainfall and hot and dry periods, as well as to human interferences for agricultural and civil-technical purposes.It is suggested that salt-marsh plants may have found refuge areas in inland habitats as well as on more southerly coastal sites during glaciations.Nomenclature follows Tutin et al. (1964–1980).The author wishes to thank his collaborators Messrs B. P. Koutstaal and W. de Munck for much fieldwork, and Mrs M. J. van Leerdam-de Dreu and Messrs A. A. Bolsius and J. A. van den Ende for the preparation of text and figures.Communication No. 302 of the Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research.  相似文献   
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