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Mitochondria mobilize iron from ferritin by a mechanism that depends on external FMN. With rat liver mitochondria, the rate of mobilization of iron is higher from rat liver ferritin than from horse spleen ferritin. With horse liver mitochondria, the rate of iron mobilization is higher from horse spleen ferritin than from rat liver ferritin. The results are explained by a higher affinity between mitochondria and ferritins of the same species. The mobilization of iron increases with the iron content of the ferritin and then levels off. A maximum is reached with ferritins containing about 1 200 iron atoms per molecule. The results represent further evidence that ferritin may function as a direct iron donor to the mitochondria.  相似文献   
Plots of fresh pulverized fuel ash (PFA, an industrial waste) were inoculated with soils from existing PFA sites and fertilizers in a factorial design, then left unmanaged for 12 years during which time the floral development and soil chemistry were monitored annually. For the first 3 years, the site supported a sparse mix of chenopods (including the scarce Chenopodium glaucum ) and halophytes. As salinity declined, ruderals, legumes, and grasses plus the fire-site moss Funaria hygrometrica colonized, followed by Festuca arundinacea grassland (NVC community MG12) and Hippophae rhamnoides scrub. Dactylorhiza incarnata (orchidacea) appeared after 7 years, but only in plots that had received soil from existing orchid colonies. Four years later, a larger second generation of Dactylorhiza appeared, but only in the central zone of the site where vegetation was thinnest. By year 12, the site was dominated by coarse grasses and scrub, with early successional species persisting only in the sparsely vegetated center, where nitrate levels were lowest. This edge effect is interpreted as centripetal encroachment, a process of potentially wider concern for the conservation of low-fertility habitat patches. Overall, seed bank inoculation seems to have introduced few but desirable species ( D. incarnata , Pyrola rotundifolia , some halophytes, and annuals), whereas initial application of organic fertilizer had long-lasting (≥10 years) effects on cover and soil composition.  相似文献   
A cadaver represents a temporal energy‐loaded resource, which provides arthropods with food, protection and a place in which to find a mate. Insects are usually the first organisms to discover and colonize a cadaver; as decomposition progresses, insects colonize cadavers in a predictable sequence. This work aimed to establish cadaverous entomofauna relationships with regard to stages of decomposition and environmental conditions using multiple correspondence analysis and thereby to identify the way in which insects distribute a perishable and changing resource. Entomofauna were thus collected in a semi‐rural area near Bogotá from the cadavers of three pigs (Sus scrofa L.) which had been shot. Environmental variables were recorded for each sampling. Multiple correspondence analyses were carried out for adult forms belonging to Diptera and Coleoptera families and stages of decomposition, and for Diptera and Coleoptera adult forms and environmental conditions. Stages of decomposition were a primary determining factor for structuring four guilds of entomofauna. However, environmental conditions influenced insect activity and were therefore a relevant factor in the structure of the entomofauna community. The results showed that the insects' distribution of available resources was related to changes in the stage of decomposition.  相似文献   
The experimental study of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function has mainly addressed the effect of species and number of functional groups. In theory, this approach has mainly focused on how extinction affects function, whereas dispersal limitation of ecosystem function has been rarely discussed. A handful of seed introduction experiments, as well as numerous observations of the effects of long‐distance dispersal of alien species, indicate that ecosystem function may be strongly determined by dispersal limitation at the local, regional and/or global scales. We suggest that it is time to replace biodiversity manipulation experiments, based on random draw of species, with those addressing realistic scenarios of either extinction or dispersal. Experiments disentangling the dispersal limitation of ecosystem function should have to take into account the probability of arrival. The latter is defined as the probability that a propagule of a particular species will arrive at a particular community. Arrival probability depends on the dispersal ability and the number of propagules of a species, the distance a species needs to travel, and the permeability of the matrix landscape. Current databases, in particular those in northwestern and central Europe now enable robust estimation of arrival probability in plant communities. We suggest a general hypothesis claiming that dispersal limitation according to arrival probability will have ecosystem‐level effects different from those arising due to random arrival. This hypothesis may be rendered more region‐, landscape‐ or ecosystem‐specific by estimating arrival probabilities for different background conditions.  相似文献   
Questions: Is change in cover of dominant species driving the velocity of succession or is it species turnover (1)? Is the length of the time‐step chosen in sampling affecting our recognition of the long‐term rate of change (2)1 Location: 74 permanent plots located in the Swiss National Park, SE Switzerland, ca. 1900 m a.s.l. Methods: We superimpose several time‐series from permanent plots to one single series solely based on compositional dissimilarity. As shown earlier (Wildi & Schütz 2000) this results in a synthetic series covering about 400 to 650 yr length. Continuous power transformation of cover‐percentage scores is used to test if the dominance or the presence‐absence of species is governing secondary succession from pasture to forest. The effect of time step length is tested by sub‐samples of the time series. Results: Altering the weight of presence‐absence versus dominance of species affects the emerging time frame, while altering time step length is uncritical. Where species turnover is fast, different performance scales yield similar results. When cover change in dominant species prevails, the solutions vary considerably. Ordinations reveal that the synthetic time series seek for shortest paths of the temporal pattern whereas in the real system longer lasting alternatives exist. Conclusions: Superimposing time series differs from the classical space‐for‐time substitution approach. It is a computation‐based method to investigate temporal patterns of hundreds of years fitting between direct monitoring (usually limited to decades) and the analysis of proxy‐data (for time spans of thousands of years and more).  相似文献   
The debate about the biological species concept - a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of the species concept in biology has led to a continuing debate about the definition of species. This paper summarizes the recent literature in relation to the ‘biological species concept’ (MAYR 1942). Among the general attributes demanded, possible limitations of the universality and applicability of a species definition are discussed. Three different areas of criticism of the biological species concept are considered: 1. The impracticability of the criterion of reproductive isolation. The demand for more practical criteria is rejected, because reproductive isolation is seen as the factor that produces and maintains species as discrete entities in nature. 2. The inapplicability to non-bisexual organisms. A brief survey of modes of uniparental reproduction and their relative importance suggests that obligatory apomicts are of little evolutionary significance. 3. The inapplicability to multidimensional situations. Despite practical difficulties, the biological species concept is held to apply to organisms separated in space. The impossibility to delimit species in time by reproductive isolation is recognized. Out of two ways to divide continuous evolutionary lineages in time, the phylogenetic approach, which considers only speciation events (cladogenesis), is preferred as it is more objective. A list of recently published alternative definitions of species, none of which is found acceptable, is given. It is concluded that the biological species concept needs not be changed or dismissed on the basis of the discussed criticisms.  相似文献   
Closely related living mammal species present numerous difficulties of recognition and delineation, not least because populations as well as individual organisms fulfill both genetic and economic functions. However, since species are often distributed geographically across multiple ecosystems or environments, it is evident that species as wholes, except where coterminous with the local populations of which they are composed, cannot be said to play unitary ecological roles. Aspects of the economic activity of organisms thus may not be admitted as elements in species recognition. Those who study the behavior of mammals in their natural habitats must therefore focus upon behaviors which preserve the genetic integrity of species if they wish to contribute to the systematic question of species identification. «Isolation» concepts of species are not served by data of this kind, since they emphasize interspecies discontinuities; the «recognition» concept of species, however, specifically focuses upon behaviors of this kind as they contribute to the «Specific-Mate Recognition System». Among primates such behaviors are likely to involve signalling of various kinds; where this is visual it is reasonable to expect to find morphological or chromatic correlates; where such cues are auditory or, to a lesser extent, olfactory, it is less probable that such correlates will be found to exist.  相似文献   
Abstract. Small-scale species frequency and cumulative species frequency were studied in four plots in limestone grassland of the Veronica spicata-Avenula pratensis association on Stora Alvaret on the Baltic island of Öland, Sweden. Species mobility was expressed as increase in cumulative species frequency in 20 subplots of 100 cm2. Observed cumulative frequencies from 1985–1989 in all four plots, and from 1985–1995 in one plot were compared with values following from two null models, a ‘minimal mobility’ model and a random mobility model. In ca. 50 % of the cases the observed cumulative frequency was not significantly different from the random expectation. However, in many such cases the mean annual frequency was either very high or very low. Three ways of calculating the mobility rate are presented though only one is used: (observed cumulative frequency -lowest annual frequency) / expected cumulative frequency. Values × 100 range from 0 to 100. There were slight differences between the four plots which were interpreted in terms of differences in grazing intensity and soil depth. It is stressed that the idea of the Carousel model has never been meant to suggest that all species would show random mobility, which we now quantify, but that species differ in their mobility rate and that the mean rate is much higher than generally realized.  相似文献   
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