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利用南京地区夏季炎热的自然条件,连续两年在高温季节(7—8月)进行实验。第一年(系列Ⅰ)的实验动物为四头装置瘤胃瘘管的空怀母水牛,研究高温初期(27.5~33.4℃)和持续高温期(28.0~35℃)对水牛瘤胃消化代谢的影响。第二年实验(系列Ⅱ)利用三头装置瘤胃瘘管的海仔母水牛重复高温(26~35.3℃)实验。 夏季高温期间,实验水牛的呼吸率、瘤胃温度和直肠温度升高,采食量减少,饮水量增加,瘤胃液流速减缓。高温初期出现瘤胃代谢升高[总挥发性脂肪酸(TVFA)和氨氮(NH_3-N)浓度及乙酸/丙酸(A/P)比率升高]。但在持续高温情况下,水牛的采食和瘤胃代谢均明显抑制。采取瘤胃内降温措施(投入冰袋)或冷水淋浴,均能迅速降低呼吸率、直肠和瘤胃温度,恢复采食和反刍,并缓解瘤胃代谢的抑制。提示动物机体参与调节瘤胃代谢的变化,并为改善水牛夏季的饲养管理提供生理学依据。  相似文献   
Abstract A most-probable-number technique was used to quantify the abundance of myxomycetes (myxogastrids) in soil samples taken from 23 'Sites of Special Scientific Interest' and one other site in the West of England. Associated organisms and soil conditions were also recorded. Sixteen of the 24 sites yielded myxomycete plasmodium-forming units (PFUs) in numbers averaging 230 cm−3 fresh soil. Where detectable in samples of grassland soil, the numbers ranged from 20–2750 cm−3, in woodland soil from 20–800 cm−3, and in sand dunes from 80–400 cm−3. Repeated sampling revealed changing numbers at single sites. The abundance of PFUs was correlated positively with numbers of soil amoebae, ciliates and nematodes, and with levels of magnesium and soil density, and negatively with organic matter content and levels of NH4-nitrogen and phosphate. Each PFU probably corresponded to one or several uninucleate cells in the soil rather than to a plasmodium.  相似文献   
以棉铃虫初孵幼虫为供试虫,用合成饲料和天然饲料两种饲毒法,CS3ab-1991(毒力效价Ha 15000IU/mg)为标准品对Bt 8010粉剂进行毒力测定,饲毒后的供试虫在30℃恒温下培育72小时,合成饲料饲毒法测定的CS3ab-1991 LC50=108.6±10.8μg/ml,Bt8010 LC50=197.1±15.6μg/ml,毒力效价8273.1±715.8Ha IU/mg,天然饲料饲毒法测定的CS3ab-1991 LC50=406.3±47.5μg/ml,Bt8010 LC50=705.0±86.8μg/ml,毒力效价8633.2±871.8Ha IU/mg。  相似文献   
Reduction in nutrient loss during dialysis cultivation of Escherichia coli on a glycerol medium was investigated. A dialysis reactor with an inner fermentation and an outer dialysis chamber was used. Aerobic condition was maintained by limiting the glycerol feed rate to an optimum value which was estimated from the oxygen requirements for glycerol oxidation and oxygen transfer capacity of the reactor. High reduction in nutrient loss was achieved by using water as the dialyzing fluid. However, osmotic movement of water from the dialysis to the fermentation chamber was observed, and the final cell concentration was low. With a nutrient-split feeding strategy (feeding glycerol directly to the fermentation chamber and dialyzing with salt solution), glycerol loss was small, there was no osmotic flux of water to the fermentation chamber, and the cell concentration was high. Both glycerol and salt loss could be avoided, and a cell concentration of 170 g/L was obtained when the dialysis process was substituted by addition of XAD adsorbents to the dialysis chamber. Application of this nutrient-split feeding strategy to cell cultivation in a stirred tank reactor, coupled with dialysis in external dialyzer modules, resulted in low cell concentrations. (c) 1993 Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
A growing concern for the high consumption of antibiotics in aquaculture has initiated a search for alternative methods of disease control. Improved resistance against infectious diseases can be achieved by the use of probiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms supplemented in food or feed which give beneficial effects on the intestinal microbial balance. In the present study a dry feed containing lactic acid bacteria (Carnobacterium divergens) isolated from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)intestines was given to cod fry. After three weeks of feeding the fry was exposed to a virulent strain of Vibrio anguillarum. The death rate was recorded during further three weeks of feeding with lactic acid bacteria supplemented feed. A certain improvement of disease resistance was obtained, and at the end of the experiment lactic acid bacteria dominated the intestinal flora in surviving fish given feed supplemented with lactic acid bacteria. No obvious growth inhibition of V. anguillarum was observed in an in vitro mixed culture of this bacterium and the C. divergens isolated from cod intestines. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Summary The adventitial cells surrounding the spermatheca of the reproductive system of Sonorella santaritana (Mollusca: Gastropoda) appear to have an unusual system of vesicles. Electron micrographs of the membranes forming these vesicles show that they have multiple openings to the cell's exterior and that each opening has a pore complex. In addition, secondary vesicles appear to be generated by the primary vesicles. Evidence is presented suggesting that these vesicles represent a previously unreported membrane transport system.Southwestern Medical School and Veterous Administration Hospital Dallas, Texas, USA  相似文献   
蛹虫草饲料添加剂包括蛹虫草子实体、蛹虫草培养残基、蛹虫草及其培养残基提取物、蛹虫草菌固液发酵产物、微生物发酵蛹虫草残基等产品.蛹虫草饲料添加剂含有粗蛋白、粗脂肪、氨基酸等营养成分,以及虫草素、腺苷、多糖等活性成分,在畜禽、反刍动物、水产品等动物养殖中的应用均获得较好的效果.对蛹虫草子实体、蛹虫草培养残基、蛹虫草及其培养...  相似文献   
以玉米秸秆为原料,以麸皮和异Vc钠生产废液(WEP)为辅料进行生物蛋白饲料固态发酵研究.通过菌种配伍试验,确定了混菌发酵菌种为白地霉、产朊假丝酵母和枯草芽孢杆菌.在此基础上通过单因素优化试验确定了秸秆蛋白饲料的最优发酵条件:以玉米秸秆(5 g)和麸皮(1 g)为基料,4%WEP营养液,固液比1:4(g/mL),初始pH值4.5;以麸皮浸汁作种子培养液,种龄24 h,各菌接种比例为产朊假丝酵母∶白地霉∶枯草芽孢杆菌=3:1:1,接种量2 mL;28℃、静置发酵2 d,在此条件下,秸秆饲料中真蛋白含量为6.21%,比对照提高了23.95%.该研究为秸秆和异Vc钠生产废液的高质化利用提供了新的思路和途径.  相似文献   
乳酸菌是发酵糖类物质的主要终产物为乳酸的细菌总称。常见的乳酸菌包括乳杆菌属(Lactobacillus)、片球菌属(Pediococcus)、明串珠菌属(Leuconostoc)、乳球菌属(Lactococcus)、链球菌属(Streptococcus)和双歧杆菌属(Bifdobacterium)等少数属的种类。许多乳酸菌属于人和动物胃肠道、泌尿生殖道、母乳、口腔等的正常菌群,能产生多种生物活性物质,具有调节肠道菌群平衡、增强机体免疫力、促进机体生长等益生功能,因而乳酸菌具有重要的应用价值。文本综述了乳酸菌在畜禽养殖饲料添加剂、青贮饲料发酵、水产养殖及植物病害防治等领域的应用研究进展,尤其在“饲料禁抗、养殖减抗、产品无抗”的养殖背景下,乳酸菌制剂是替代抗生素的最佳选择。同时也总结了乳酸菌在奶制品、肉制品加工以及植物基饮料、低糖食品和饮料发酵等方面的开发潜力,展望了乳酸菌研究与应用的发展趋势。  相似文献   
A total of 92 samples — 23 winter wheat, 12 summer barley, 5 oats and 52 mixed feed — were collected from a state factory in Kaunas, Lithuania and were analysed for the presence of trichothecenes, zearalenone (ZEN) and ochratoxin A (OA) using gas chromatography with electron capture detection and immunoaffinity column/high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence and UV detections. Deoxynivalenol (DON), nivalenol (NIV), T-2 toxin and HT-2 toxin were detected at concentrations above 10 μg/kg in 68%, 48%, 38% and 8% of cereal samples, respectively, and in 98%, 88%, 12% and 8% of samples of mixed feed for swine and poultry. More than 10 μg/kg of zearalenone and ochratoxin A were found in 58% and 92% of the mixed feed samples, respectively. The highest concentrations of all analysed trichothecenes in Lithuanian mixed feed and cereal grains, with an exception of T-2 toxin in one oat lot and one sample of mixed feed and OA in two mixed feed samples, were lower than those reported as Lithuanian advisory or tolerance limits.  相似文献   
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