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ContextModerate-grained data may not always represent landscape structure in adequate detail which could cause misleading results. Certain metrics have been shown to be predictable with changes in scale; however, no studies have verified such predictions using independent fine-grained data.ObjectivesOur objective was to use independently derived land cover datasets to assess relationships between metrics based on fine- and moderate-grained data for a range of analysis extents. We focus on metrics that previous literature has shown to have predictable relationships across scales.MethodsThe study area was located in eastern Connecticut. We compared a 1 m land cover dataset to a 30 m resampled dataset, derived from the 1 m data, as well as two Landsat-based datasets. We examined 11 metrics which included cover areas and patch metrics. Metrics were analyzed using analysis extents ranging from 100 to 1400 m in radius.ResultsThe resampled data had very strong linear relationships to the 1 m data, from which it was derived, for all metrics regardless of the analysis extent size. Landsat-based data had strong correlations for most cover area metrics but had little or no correlation for patch metrics. Increasing analysis areas improved correlations.ConclusionsRelationships between coarse- and fine-grained data tend to be much weaker when comparing independent land cover datasets. Thus, trends across scales that are found by resampling land cover are likely to be unsuitable for predicting the effects of finer-scale elements in the landscape. Nevertheless, coarser data shows promise in predicting fine-grained for cover area metrics provided the analysis area used is sufficiently large.  相似文献   
Over 80% of the values of approximate digestibility (AD), efficiency of conversion of assimilated food to biomass (ECD) and efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI) calculated using energy terms are greater than the corresponding dry weight (DW) values, based on data for over 65 species (38 studies; number of comparative values: AD=139, ECD=128 and ECI=169). Largest positive differences (energy > DW values) are 30 (AD, ECD) and 24 (ECI) percentage points and largest negative differences (energy < DW values) are 9 (AD), 11 (ECD) and 8 (ECI) percentage points. These differences generally are least for ECI (71% of the differences fall between 0 and +5 percentage points), and AD (68%), followed by ECD (only 47% fall between 0 and +5), and they may vary with temperature, food and other factors. The differences tend to increase (esp. for ECD and ECI) when comparing later with earlier instars. Energy > DW efficiency values are commonly expected for AD because of the generally greater energy content of food than feces, and for ECD and ECI because of the generally greater energy content of insect biomass than ingested and assimilated food. Deviations from predicted differences in surveyed literature data are discussed in terms of possible methodological sources of error.
Résumé Plus de 80% des valeurs de la digestibilité approchée (AD), de l'efficacité de la conversion de la nourriture assimilée en biomasse (ECD) et de l'efficacité de la conversion de l'aliment ingéré (ECI), calculées en termes énergétiques, et obtenus à partir de données sur 65 espèces, sont supérieures aux valeurs des poids secs correspondants (DW): 38 études; valeurs comparatives: AD=139, ECD=128, ECI=169. Les plus importantes différences positive (énergie>valuers DW) sont de 30 (AD, ECD) et de 24 (ECI) centièmes (les différences négatives les plus fortes = 9 (AD), 11 (ECD) et 8 (ECI); ces différences sont moindres pour ECI (71% des différences tombent à 0 et +5 centièmes), et AD (68%), suivi de ECD (seulement 47% tombent entre 0 et +5). Ces différences peuvent varier avec la température, l'alimentation et d'autres facteurs; les différences tendent à croître (particulièrement pour ECD et ECI) quant on les compare plus tard avec des stades plus précoces. Energie > aux valeurs d'efficacité DW sont généralement attendues pour AD par suite du contenu énergétique supérieur de l'aliment à celui des excréments, et pour ECD et ECI par suite du contenu énergétique généralement plus élevé pour la biomasse de l'insecte que pour l'aliment ingéré et assimilé. Les écarts par rapport aux différences prédites dans les données de la littérature examinée sont analysées en considérant les sources possibles d'erreurs méthodologiques.
The study was carried out in two (A and B) citrus groves to clarify the spatial distribution patterns of eggs and larvae, and to analyse the mortality process of eggs. From the analysis by using the mean density and the mean crowding, it was clarified that the distributions of eggs were contagious and that larvae were more contagiously distributed than eggs. The τ and z indices showed that the operation of egg mortality was inversely density-dependent in both groves, and that the degree of inverse density-dependence was greater in A than in B grove. The spatial correlations between the emergence holes and the eggs or larvae in each tree, which were analysed by using ω index, showed that the distributions were more overlapping between the emergence holes and the larvae than the eggs. As the result of dividing trees into several groups according to the number of emergence holes, it was clarified that the survival rates of eggs were positively correlated with the number of emergence holes. In conclusion, inversely density-dependent mortality process was considered to be caused by lower mortality rates of eggs in the trees with more emergence holes. Especially in A grove, because the trees with more emergence holes were larger in diameter and more egg oviposition, the inversely density-dependent mortality process was considered to be detected more conspicuously than in B grove.  相似文献   
The European Common Agricultural Policy still follows its primary goals, i.e. quality food at affordable prices and a decent standard of living for farmers, fifty years after its adoption. Moreover, this policy adapts to the changing needs of society and the new challenges, mostly preservation of the environment, nature and biodiversity in rural areas. Although the Common Agricultural Policy receives the largest share of European budget, the funds are decreasing over time, especially direct payments, which aim to provide basic income support to farmers in the European Union. On the other hand, agri-environmental payments are gaining importance. Policy decision-makers should be interested in the question of impacts of growing eco-conditionality of agricultural spending. New insights would help them to be successful in achieving the goals of sustainable agriculture. The purpose of this paper is to estimate the impacts of production support payments and rural development payments on the quality of groundwater. We use the small EU country Slovenia as an example. The baseline indicators are the level of nitrates and pesticides in groundwater, while the impacts were estimated using spatial error model. The results show that direct payments, coupled subsidies and investment grants raise the level of pesticides in groundwater, but do not have any statistically significant impact on the level of nitrates in groundwater. Furthermore, we did not find any statistically significant effects of agri-environmental payments on decrease of groundwater pollution with nitrates. However, our findings revealed that agri-environmental payments are effective in reducing pesticides in groundwater, although only to a limited extent. These results imply a problem of insufficient targeting of agri-environmental measures on the one hand, and suggest that greening of direct payments is necessary and entirely justified.  相似文献   
Surveys were conducted in four Chardonnay vineyards for 3 to 6 years and one Shiraz vineyard for 3 years to determine the yearly percentage of grapevines affected by Australian grapevine yellows disease (AGYd), restricted growth disease (RGd) and late season leaf curl disease (LSLCd). In each of the Chardonnay vineyards in each year, all three diseases were characterised by remission of disease in some grapevines, recurrence of disease in other grapevines and new observations of disease in previously unaffected grapevines. The pattern of temporal incidence of each disease was different between vineyards for the survey period. Although Koch's postulates have not been fulfilled, phytoplasmas are considered to be the most likely cause of AGYd. While some grapevines exhibited a combination of AGYd and RGd or AGYd and LSLCd, both RGd and LSLCd can occur independently of AGYd. Statistical analyses using log-linear models also indicated that RGd and LSLCd were not always associated with AGYd. Thus, it is possible that phytoplasmas are not the cause of RGd or LSLCd and their association is coincidental. Expression of AGYd in Shiraz grapevines occurred later in the season compared to Chardonnay. Very little recurrence of AGYd was observed in the Shiraz grapevines indicating that the variety Shiraz responds differently to phytoplasma infections, assuming that AGYd in Shiraz is a phytoplasma caused disease. RGd and LSLCd were not observed on any grapevines in the Shiraz vineyard.  相似文献   
Degradation of 3-chlorobiphenyl by in vivo constructed hybrid pseudomonads   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Abstract 3-Chlorobiphenyl-degrading bacteria were obtained from the mating between Pseudomonas putida strain BN10 and Pseudomonas sp. strain B13. Strains such as BN210 resulted from the transfer of the genes coding the enzyme sequence for the degradation of chlorocatechols from B13 into BN10, whereas B13 derivatives such as B131 have acquired the biphenyl degradation sequence from BN10. During growth of the hybrid strains on 3-chlorobiphenyl 90% chloride was released. Activities of phenylcatechol 2,3-dioxygenase, benzoate dioxygenase, catechol 1,2-dioxygenase, chloromuconate cyloisomerase and 4-carboxymethyl-enebut-2-en-4-olide hydrolase were found in 3-chlorobiphenyl-grown cells. The hybrid strains were found to convert some congeners of the Aroclor 1221 mixture such as mono- and dichloro-substituted biphenyls.  相似文献   
黑河林区驼鹿冬季食性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1987—1988年在黑龙江省黑河林区,应用粪便显微组织学分析技术,结合野外啃食调查,对驼鹿冬季食物组成、食物选择性和利用率进行了研究。结果表明,冬季驼鹿共采食31种(属)植物,其中柳、榛、桦、红松、杨和紫椴是主要的冬季食物(19.9%、18.0%、16.7%、14.9%、7.3%和6.7%)。驼鹿对杨、柳、红松和紫椴有正选择性,对榛、桦和毛赤杨有负选择性。选择性的强弱顺序为:杨>柳>红松>紫椴>榛>桦>毛赤杨。驼鹿对柳的选用率最高(32.1%),对桦的利用率最低(12.1%)。  相似文献   
  • 1 Three aspects of prey utilization are documented in a guild of spider-hunting pompilid wasps at a Breckland heath site: female phenology, size, and microhabitat utilization.
  • 2 Twenty-four species were present at the site, 59% of the British fauna. Ten species individually represented more than 1% of the guild.
  • 3 Pompilid abundance peaked in early July and mid-late August. Anoplius viaticus had a different life-history from other common guild members, making its inclusion in the guild questionable.
  • 4 Most species represented by large samples occurred in all microhabitats and time intervals, and all species overlapped in size with all other species except A. viaticus. Arachnospila anceps was numerically dominant in all microhabitats and most time intervals.
  • 5 Mean pair-wise overlaps in phenology and microhabitat utilization were significantly lower than predicted by null models, consistent with the idea that interspecific competition has been important in determining guild structure.
  • 6 Female size is highly correlated with prey size, but the distribution of mean female sizes did not generally differ from null expectations.
  • 7 Interpretation of comparisons with null models is problematic, particularly because it is difficult to quantify evolutionary ‘favourability’ of different resource states. Null models are currently of limited use because the patterns expected to result from key processes such as competition are uncertain in multi-dimensional systems.
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