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The vast majority of perennial plants reproduce sexually and vegetatively at the same time. This may lead to important variation among clonal plant populations in their amount of genotypic diversity. In order to verify this assumption, we compare the clonal diversity of 10 natural populations of the aquatic clonal macrophyte Sparganium erectum in France. Diversity was quantified by DNA fingerprinting and allozyme electrophoresis for a sample of 10 shoots per population. Two DNA probes (CA)8 and (TAA)6 TA, were selected among 10 synthetic oligonucleotide probes containing simple repeat motifs. Both allozymes and DNA fingerprints revealed different amounts of diversity among populations. Five populations consist of a single genotype, whereas two populations were genetically highly diverse. In four of the monomorphic populations, absence of fingerprints diversity was combined with uniformly heterozygous allozyme loci, suggesting that each population was composed of a single clone. In the highly diverse populations, the level of clonal diversity combined with the allele segregation of the two allozyme loci Lap and Est suggests frequent seedling recruitment. The origin of new genotypes remains unclear but the absence of widespread genotypes together with the discrete distribution of Sparganium erectum populations implies that new genotypes are locally produced through sexual reproduction.  相似文献   
本文描述了辽宁抚顺始新统黑三棱属的一个种——抚顺黑三棱Sparganium fushunense,化石标本仅保存果枝部分。根据新标本头状聚花果显示的形态与结构特征,对该属的现生种和化石种做了详细的比较。  相似文献   
Sparganium fushunense Geng is described as new from the Jijuntun Formation (Middle to Late Eocene) of Fushun region in Liaoning Province, China. The preserved fertile branches bear fruiting heads. A morphological comparison of the fruit heads is made between the specimens studied here with those of the living species and other fossil species. The results show that the new species is distinguishable mainly by the shape of the tepals and the size of the fruits. Sparganium fushunense Geng, sp. nov. Head-bearing axis at least 14.5 cm long, about 1.0 mm wide, with longitudinal striae more or less parallel on its surface. Axes with 4~6 lateral fruit heads, interval between heads 0.5~2.0 cm. Fruiting head sessile, globose, about 5 mm in diameter, made up of tightly packed tepals and fruits radiating from a small receptacle. Tepals narrowly obovate, apically rounded, about 1.8 mm long, 0.2~0.7 mm wide. Fruits elliptic, sessile, with smooth surface, 1.16~1.25 mm long, at apex with a beak 1.5~2.0 mm long. Seed elliptic, long axis 0.48~0.75 mm long, short axis 0.23~0.45 mm long. Seed coat cells irregularly polygonal , 4.1~19 vn in diameter, with smaller ones in both the apical and basalparts,the larger ones in the middle part and a papillate process at the apex.  相似文献   
Pollen morphology of 8 species in genus Sparganium from China has been studied. All of them were examined under the light microscope and SEM. It may draw the following conclusions: The characteristics of pollen grains in genus Sparganium are very similar. They are spheroidal, subspheroidal or sometimes slightly angular in shape, 21.8–38.3μm in diameter, monoporate. Porus is slightly sunken, its margin distinct or indistinct, and some granules on the porus membrane. The thickness of exine is 1.7–2.6μ m. The sexine is about as thick as nexine, sometimes thinner than nexine. It is difficult to distinguish one another under the light microscope, but may be seperated under SEM on the basis of the shape or size of lumina and width or height of muff. In some species small excrescenses can be observed under SEM. Some taxonomists (Rendle, 1953) considered that Sparganium is closely related to Pandanus, but others (Hutchison 1934, Takhtajan 1969) to Typha. According to the data of pollen morphology, Sparganium is more close to Typhaceae than to Pandanaceae, thus we agree to put it into family Typhaceae.  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with the biomechanical properties of the emergent aquatic macrophyte, Sparganium erectum. We present observations of adjustments in the physical characteristics and biomechanical properties of S. erectum during the growing season (April-November) from the River Blackwater, UK. When a pulling device is attached to plant stems to measure their resistance to uprooting, individual plants show remarkable strength in their above- and below-ground biomass (median stem strength when stems break away from the underground biomass, 78 N, median rhizome strength, 39 N) and high resistance to uprooting (median uprooting resistance when entire plants uproot, 114 N). This provides the potential for the species to protect and reinforce the generally soft, silty sediments that it often retains and within which its rhizomes and roots develop in lower energy river environments. There is a propensity for plant stems to break before the plant is uprooted at the beginning and end of the growth season, but for the stems to have sufficient strength in mid season for plant uprooting to dominate. This ensures that rhizome and root systems remain relatively undisturbed at times when the silty sediments in which they grow are poorly protected by above-ground biomass. In contrast, rhizome strength remains comparatively invariant through the growing season, supporting the plant's potential to have a protective/reinforcing effect on fine sediments through the winter when above ground biomass is absent.  相似文献   
东北黑三棱属新植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于丹 《植物研究》1992,12(3):255-261
本文发表了中国东北黑三棱属三新种及我国三新记录种, 三新种为东北黑三棱Sparganium manshuricum D.Yu;周氏黑三棱的Sparganium choui D.yu和抱茎黑三棱Sparganium amplexicaulium D.Yu。我国三新记录种为塔果三棱(新拟)Sparganium polyedrum Asch.et Gr.;旋序黑三棱(新拟)Sparganium glehnii Meinsh, 和日本黑三棱(新拟)Sparganium japonicum Roth.  相似文献   
The emergent macrophyte species Sparganium erectum occurs commonly at the margins of low- to medium- energy river systems across the northern temperate zone. It is considered as an invasive species along low-energy water courses in many parts of the US and Australia. The life-cycle and biomechanical properties of this species make it very well adapted to such environments, allowing rapid growth and sediment trapping, such that encroachment into the channel occurs as the growing season progresses. The widespread growth of species such as S. erectum is therefore of particular concern, when considering the flood risk potential of many rivers. As such, the conditions required for survival or uprooting and scouring of this plant are of interest, as are the times of the year and processes by which these plants spread to increase the size of current stands, and to form new stands. It is known that S. erectum reproduces by several vegetative methods including rhizome growth, dispersal of detached rhizomes, and relocation of entire plants. However, the mechanisms and flow conditions necessary for uprooting or scouring of entire plants, and the separation of fragments of this species, at different times of the year, are largely unknown. The aim of this paper is to model the uprooting resistance of S. erectum plants as reported by Liffen et al. (in press), and to investigate the manner by which this species is adapted to proliferate in low-energy, low-gradient streams. The results presented here show that Monte Carlo simulations using the RipRoot root-reinforcement model can be used to accurately model plant pullout forces, rhizome interconnectivity and length changes for S. erectum plants throughout the growing season. Analysis presented here also suggests that plant uprooting forces are several orders of magnitude larger than potential drag forces that could act on the S. erectum plants at the River Blackwater site modeled, and even at sites with much higher channel slopes. This result suggests that the ability of these plants to thrive in low-energy rivers, but not in higher-energy river environments, is less related to driving forces causing drag on the plants, and more related to the energy conditions controlling erosion and deposition of the fine substrate materials these plants thrive in. The critical shear stress of the fine within-vegetation material was shown here to only be exceeded by the average boundary shear stress within the vegetation, during winter months when above-ground biomass and thus Manning's n values were at their lowest. For example, during March and April average boundary shear stress was predicted to exceed critical boundary shear stress for 6% of the time. Erodibility measurements from jet-tests conducted at the River Blackwater fieldsite suggested that this excess in boundary shear stress could result in potential vertical scour of up to 0.09 m in both March and April. During the majority of the growing season sediment trapping rather than erosion dominated, with enough deposition occurring over the summer to protect all but the shallowest, weakest and least interconnected rhizomes and plants from being scoured in the winter months. The balance between erosion and deposition within stands of S. erectum in these low-energy environments therefore allows for the maintenance of established stands of vegetation, whilst still allowing for scouring of weaker S. erectum plants that can establish previously un-colonized channel margins further downstream.  相似文献   
James J. King 《Hydrobiologia》1996,340(1-3):197-203
In 1990, the Central Fisheries Board initiated research on how drainage maintenance practices and strategies might be modified to enhance the salmonid carrying capacity of the affected water while maintaining an acceptable degree of conveyance. Much of the maintenance requirement was caused by dense in-channel weed beds impeding discharge and facilitating siltation. The impact of various maintenance regimes on the aquatic flora was examined in the course of pilot studies on channels of base width 3–9 m. The findings from one of these, the R. Tullamore Silver which chokes annually with Sparganium erectum L., are presented. Overdigging the centre of the channel and placement of spoil at the margins confined S. erectum to a narrow marginal zone and facilitated development of a submerged, open-water flora.  相似文献   
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