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The reproductive activity and the physiological state of the calanoid copepods Calanus helgolandicus and Calanoides carinatus were investigated off the coast of NW Spain during autumn to evaluate the effect of short food resources on both populations. Phytoplankton biomass was low, and neither phytoplankton size distribution nor composition was suitable to support high reproductive rates. Accordingly, egg production rates (EPR) were much lower than maximum rates for both species, pointing to food limitation. The reproductive index (RI), which represents the proportion of females with mature gonads, was < 50% at each of the three zones into which the sampling area was divided (coast, shelf and ocean). Potential recruitment rates were very low except at some nearshore stations, where the highest concentrations of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), diatoms, dinoflagellates and large cells were found. EPR of C. helgolandicus and C. carinatus were correlated with phytoplankton biomass and unaffected by temperature. Phytoplankton carbon ingestion explained ca. 50% of the variability in EPR for both species. At most of the stations, herbivory was insufficient to cover the carbon requirements for reproduction and respiration, so females probably fed on heterotrophic prey to meet their demands. However, given the low fecundity observed, this omnivorous diet did not seem to be optimum for reproduction, and a severe food limitation is thus suggested. Furthermore, the high C/N values measured point to a notable lipid storage, but given the low EPR found, lipid reserves were probably invested into female maintenance rather than into gonad maturation. C. helgolandicus and C. carinatus populations did not mirror phytoplankton biomass distribution, but they correlated well when considering only copepodites V (CV). The CV could be preparing for the overwintering, storing lipid reserves to ensure a successful diapause, and they could also be advected by the poleward current detected during the study. Females showed a diel feeding rhythm, with highest ingestion rates during night. From our results, it follows that C. helgolandicus and C. carinatus females did not perform diel vertical migrations. We suggest that this behaviour is likely due to the food-limiting conditions, which make it more advantageous to remain at the surface during daytime.  相似文献   
Cortinarius sarcoflammeus is proposed as a new species belonging to subgenus Dermocybe, on the basis of its morphological, chemical and ecological characters. The strong red-orange colour of the context and stipe base, large spores, sphagnicolous habitat and high dermorubin content are characteristic for the new species. Holotypes of C. huronensis and C. huronensis var. olivaceus have been examined for comparison, and their differences discussed. Photographs and line drawings of C. sarcoflammeus are added. Received February 13, 2001 Accepted March 23, 2001  相似文献   
For the first time unequivocal fossil remains of a green toad (Bufo viridis s.l.) are described in the Iberian Peninsula. The fossils come from the Cueva Victoria site, a late Early Pleistocene (ca. 1.1–1.2 Ma) karstic filling in semi-arid southeastern Spain (Murcia region). By extension, other remains from two other Early Pleistocene Spanish localities, Barranco León D (ca. 1.3 Ma) and Almenara-Casablanca 3 (ca. 1.1 Ma), are cautiously attributed to the group B. viridis. The B. viridis group was previously reported with some uncertainty to the west of its current distribution area in Western Europe (Spain and France) in the Pliocene (Bufo cf. viridis) and less probably in the Early Miocene (Bufo aff. viridis). Since no osteological differences have been established between the recently described extant species of B. viridis s.l. (e.g. Bufo balearicus, Bufo siculus, Bufo boulengeri, B. viridis sensu stricto and Bufo variabilis) no precise palaeobiogeographical relationships can be drawn for the Spanish fossils. However, the occurrence of a third species of bufonid toad during the Pleistocene in the South of the Iberian Peninsula raises some interesting ecological questions in relation to the local disappearance of the green toad, which can be hypothetically linked to the intensification of the Pleistocene glacial/interglacial climate dynamic or to probable competition with another toad, Bufo calamita.  相似文献   
In the River Lobos-Ucero and its tributary the River Avión-Milanos (Duero basin, Old Castile, Central Spain), two limestone streams fed by aquifers, the population of brown trout, as compared with the populations of other European streams, shows a high growth rate, high condition coefficients, short life-span and early age at first maturity. Gonad cycle was also studied. Size distributions of unshed eggs exhibit a dynamic activity with a bi-modal distribution from June onwards, spawning occurred in the last days of November. Fecundity (F) can be predicted from trout length (L, mm) according to the equation: F= –646.47+5.6167 · L. Numbers and standing crop of trout range from 18 to 3903 ind. ha–1 and 3.6 to 452.9 Kg ha–1, reaching higher values in the sites close to the aquifers. Egg production had values of 22.4 and 18.0 eggs m–2 in the Rivers Ucero and Avión-Milanos respectively. Some factors suggested as regulators of these demographical characteristics are discussed in the light of recent literature.  相似文献   
A macromorphological study is made on taxa of the genusOrnithogalum subg.Heliocharmos in North Africa, Spain, and France. The results obtained are consistent with data from cytogenetics, reproductive biology and strategies of reproduction. They allow the retention of two species:O. algeriense andO. umbellatum. A biogeographical and phylogenetic interpretation of the subgenus is proposed for the western Mediterranean. Theoretical views on phenetics are discussed.  相似文献   
The genetic structure of six populations of Iran (Turks, Kurds, Lurs, Zabolis, Baluchis and Zoroastrians) was examined using data on blood groups, serum proteins and cell enzymes. Our results show conclusively that there are genetic differences among the six populations and the analysis of superimposed R and S matrices defined by Harpending & Jenkins (1973) show that the dispersion of some of the alleles correspond to the dispersion of the populations. The FST estimates are not large enough to favour selection on any of the loci studied. The FIT and FIS estimates are positive and moderately high suggesting that the genetic differentiation to some extent is influenced by inbreeding.  相似文献   
3,4,5,6,7-Penta-O-acetyl-1,2-dideoxy-1-nitro-d-gluco-hept-1-enitol reacts with methyl acetoacetate in an unusual Michael reaction, giving the normal adduct (6), and a bicyclic derivative (9) that arises from quasi-dimerization of the former when a high concentration of the base is used. Acetylation of compound 9 gives the hydroxylamine O-acetate (10).From the reactions of 3,4,5,6,7-penta-O-acetyl-1,2-dideoxy-1-nitro-d-galacto-hept-1-enitol with ethyl and tert-butyl acetoacetate, the normal adducts (7 and 8) were isolated. The structures of compounds 6 to 10 were established on the basis of their spectral properties (u.v., i.r., mass, and 1H- and 13C-n.m.r.)  相似文献   
Summary The Upper Santonian to Lower CampanianLacazina Limestone consists of massive, often amalgamated beds of packstones and grainstones which were deposited in a shallow marine environment. The most abundant skeletal components are miliolid foraminifera, echinoderm, bivalve and bryozoan fragments, peloids and sparse red algae. Small, solitary corals only occur sporadically. Hermatypic corals, sponges and green algae are missing. The series which reaches thicknesses between 60 m and 160 m, was sampled at intervals of 0.5 m at five localities. The petrographic features throughout the series are mainly a product of changing depositional energy. The limestones are well cemented. Diagenesis is characterized by a transition from marine phreatic to burial cementation. Syntaxial and blocky calcite cements predominate over early acicular to bladed and microgranular cements. The faunal association within theLacazina Limestone exhibits features typical for temperate water i.e.foramol carbonates. On the other hand, oxygen (δ18O =-1.7 to −6.3 ‰ PDB) and carbon (δ13C to 3.0‰ PDB) isotope values of diagentically unaltered bivalve shells indicate warm surface waters corresponding better to the palaeogeographical situation of theLacazina Limestone. Nutrient-surplus is proposed as a limiting factor preventing the development of reefs and finally ofchlorozoan sediments. In the sense of sequence stratigraphy, theLacazina Limestone is interpreted to contain transgressive and highstand systems tracts. This interpretation fits well into theHaq-Vail-curve. The series shows no visible high-frequency cyclicity in the field. Several cycles were found by means of principle component analysis and spectral analysis. Their relationships to the Milankovitch spectrum are discussed. The ammonite fauna of the unit and of preceding sediments (late Coniacian to early Campanian) is described and some inoceramids are figured. They permit—for the first time—the exact dating of theLacazina Limestone in the Basco-Cantabrian Basin (BCB) and throw light on a prominent faunal change at the Coniacian/Santonian boundary. The Cenomanian to Coniacian ammonite faunas which were dominated by endemic Tethyan pseudoceratitic faunas are replaced by cosmopolitan species dominated by Madagascan elements. This drastic change permits speculations about the installation of a new oceanic current system in the Santonian.  相似文献   
A distribution of the epiphytic bryophyte and lichen vegetation of deciduous forests from the centre and north of the supramediterranean belt from the Spanish Iberian Peninsula was established using numerrical (PCA, CCA) and traditional floristic characteristics. Four groups have been established in relation to several syntaxa. Derived by numerical classification, possible successional trends between the groups with respect to changes in moisture, light and diameter of the trees are described. Nevertheless, patterns with succession in epiphytic communities are very complex to establish.  相似文献   
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