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内蒙古高原四种针茅种群年龄与株丛结构的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用样带法调查了内蒙古高原4种针茅(StipaL.)的年龄结构,并将其年龄划分为5个阶段:幼苗、幼龄、成年、老龄前期和老龄期。结果表明:幼苗对种群年龄结构和动态有较大的影响,针茅幼苗的存活率通常很低,而成年株丛的存活率较高,株丛的实际寿命很长,老龄株丛在种群中占有较大的比例。4种针茅中大针茅(S.grandisP.Smirn.)和克氏针茅(S.kryloviiRoshev.)的幼苗比例较高,从贝加尔针茅(S.baicalensisRoshev.)群落到小针茅(S.klemenziiRoshev.)群落种群中幼龄和成年株丛比例呈下降的趋势,而老龄株丛比例呈增加的趋势;针茅属植物在株丛水平上的动态主要表现为株丛的破碎与枝条自疏过程,以及株丛生殖枝数量和营养枝生物量的波动,幂函数模型Y=aXb可以对株丛的枝条自疏过程进行定量描述  相似文献   
“雄茭”、灰茭形成规律的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
茭白栽培过程中,常会出现“雄茭”和灰茭分蘖。根据对茭白的形态学观察,认识到:“雄茭”分蘖的产生是分蘖期母茎中茭白黑粉菌菌丝未能入侵新生分蘖腋芽而导致的结果;灰茭分蘖是因其菌丝的潜育期比正常茭短,故在苗端的膨大部分较早地产生了不同程度的黑粉孢子堆。  相似文献   
The age status of four Stipa L. species, S. baicalensis Roshev., S. grandis P. Smim., S. krylovii Roshev., and S. klemenzii Roshev. in Inner Mongolia plateau was analyzed using a transect sampling method. The ontogeny of Stipa species was divided into five stages: the seedling, juvenile, reproductive, presenile, and senile. Dynamics of the population age speetra were determined mainly by the appearance of new individuals and their death rate. The survival rate of the seedlings was very low while that of file adults was high. The considerable longevity of bunch life allowed the old individuals to accumulate in the population. Both S. grandis and S. krylovii had higher proportion of seedlings than others. The proportion of the juveniles and the reproductives in the population decreased from S. baicalensis community to S. klemenzii community, but the old individuals including the preseniles and the seniles showed a reverse pattern. The aging process occurred in bunch level was characterized by the fragmentation of bunch and the within-bunch- self-thinning of the tillers. The process of within-bunch-self-thinning can be described by power equation Y: aXb. Meanwhile as a response to enviroument changes especially to the fluctuation of annual precipitation and its seasonal distribution both the numbers of reproductive shoots and vegetative shoot mass within a bunch were variable.  相似文献   
Seeds of triticale and barley were soaked in a range of dilutions of chlormequat. Germination was monitored and the growth of seedlings assessed for up to five weeks. Some concentrations of chlormequat produced seedlings with significantly more leaves on the main stem, more primary tillers, a greater leaf lamina area and a higher shoot dry weight. It is argued that these modifications could lead to an increased yield potential.  相似文献   
The effect of differing environmental conditions on competition for resources was investigated by a comparison of net photosynthetic rate (PN) and vegetative production of Indiangrass [Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash.] at two strip mine sites with differing reclamation histories, and a railroad prairie site where this species occurs naturally. The treatment for a competition experiment consisted of tying back all species of neighboring plants around a target plant, and measuring its PN and vegetative performance during the growing season. Environmental variables at each site were also measured during the growing season. Soil bulk density and pH were higher at the two mine sites than at the prairie site, and soil texture, nutrients, and water potential were different at each of the three sites. PN of target plants compared closely among the three sites, and were lowest for plants at the railroad prairie. The competition experiment indicated that lower canopy leaves were most affected by competition for photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) at all sites. Significant differences in PN of upper canopy leaves were found between treatment and control plants at one of the mine sites. This site had higher soil water potentials and higher soil levels of P and K than the other mine site or the railroad prairie. Target plants at the other mine site experienced a low competition for PAR, likely due to lower soil moisture availability and therefore lower aboveground productivity. The largest differences in PN and irradiances between upper and lower canopy leaves occurred in target plants with neighbors at the railroad prairie, likely due to inter-specific competition. Vegetative production of the target plants also reflected the environment at each site, but did not reflect PN differences between treatments. S. nutans is well adapted to the varying environment at these three sites, and aboveground competition for radiant energy was probably not as limiting for this C4 grass as belowground competition.  相似文献   
Large initial seed size frequently confers distinct advantages on cereal crops in terms of seedling vigor, hardiness, improved stand establishment, and higher productivity. This study was conducted to determine if these advantages inherent in the plants grown from large seeds persist when the crop is subjected to salinity stress. Two hard red spring wheat cultivars, Yecora Rojo and Anza were grown in greenhouse sand cultures from seed of two size classes that differed in weight by a factor of 2. The cultures were irrigated four times daily with complete nutrient solutions to which NaCl and CaCl2 (2:1 molar ratio) were added to achieve osmotic potentials of –0.05. –0.55, and –0.70 MPa with electrical conductivities of 1.8, 12.8, and 15.8 dS m-1, respectively. In response to both salinity and small initial seed size, the following plant characteristics decreased: leaf appearance rate, blade area, tillers per plant, spikelets per spike and seeds per spike. Plants grown from large seeds out-yielded those from small seeds by 8, 37, and 27% for Yecora Rojo and by 15, 30, and 23% for Anza at osmotic potentials of –0.05, –0.55 and –0.70 MPa, respectively. Compared to the corresponding nonsaline controls, the yield of Yecora Rojo grown at –0.55 MPa was 51% for the plants from large seed and 35% from the small seeds. For Anza salinized at –0.55 MPa, these values were 49 and 40%, respectively. Exploitation of the benefits derived from large initial seed size may be a cost-effective management strategy for improving wheat productivity in salt-affected areas.  相似文献   
In a field study of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae (F.) almost all apterous aphids were found to move from the natal ear before reproducing, and alatiform nymphs usually moved between ears during their development. Apterae were very mobile, with over 50% staying on one ear for less than 24 h. Movements did not appear to be a response to climatic conditions, predation or colony density.
Résumé Lors de l'étude de Sitobion avenae dans la nature, on a constaté que presque tous les individus aptères avaient quitté leur épi d'origine avant la reproduction, et que les larves de type ailé s'étaient déplacées généralement entre les épis pendant leur développement. Les aptères étaient très mobiles, la majorité restant moins de 24 h sur le même épi. Ces déplacements n'ont pas semblé dépendre des conditions climatiques, de la prédation ou de la densité des colonies.
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