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The silicified Wenlockian (Silurian) bivalve fauna from MÖllbos, Gotland, is part of a life assemblage. The vast number of shells show unusual phenomena, e.g. shell repair, pearl and tumour formation, etc. A number of shells contain epibionts and bored, round holes. Presumptive predators of the bivalve community are discussed. Size-frequency distribution of the two most abundant species possibly reflects age classes. The fauna, comprising eleven species, is dominated by deposit-feeders (90 %). They exhibit niche diversification, including at least three different feeding levels within the sediment.  相似文献   
A late Wenlock flora from Co. Tipperary, Ireland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An assemblage of macroplants preserved as highly coalified compressions which lack anatomy is described from a Wenlock locality in County Tipperary, Ireland. Most of the fertile specimens are assigned to Cooksonia Lang. The taxonomic status of this genus is discussed. Some poorly preserved palynomorphs, including miospores, acritarchs, chitinozoans and a variety of tubes, have been isolated from associated sediments, but the age of the flora is based on graptolites. Sedimentological and palaeontological studies of the region are summarized. They provide little direct evidence for the habitats of the plants which are considered to have been terrestrial. The relevance of this flora to the current debate on the colonization of the land is evaluated and it is concluded that these plants provide the earliest record of erect fertile land plants of possible pteridophyte affinity.  相似文献   
Palynomorph assemblages have been recovered from deposits believed to straddle the Ordovician/Silurian boundary, from the upper member of the Salar del Rincón Formation, in the Puna region of north-west Argentina. The palynomorph assemblages are dominated by terrestrial cryptospores, but also contain marine elements (acritarchs, prasinophycean algae and chitinozoans). The cryptospore assemblages are similar in composition to those described from coeval deposits worldwide, suggesting that the producers were cosmopolitan and tolerated a wide range of climatic conditions. They are correlated with the Imperfectotriletes spp. Interval Biozone (sub-biozone α) of the Imperfectotriletes spp.- Laevolancis divellomedia Assemblage Biozone, indicating a Hirnantian (latest Ordovician) age. Acritarchs include late Ordovician species such as Eupoikilosusa striata and Villosacapsula cf. setosapellicula , that coexist with the Llandovery species Dactylofusa estillis. Based on lithological and palynological evidence, an early Llandovery, or a late Hirnantian (post-glacial) age is proposed for the basal part of the upper member of the Salar del Rincón Formation.  相似文献   
Jisuo Jin 《Palaeontology》2003,46(5):885-902
Eocoelia akimiskii sp. nov. from the Lower Silurian (upper Telychian) Attawapiskat Formation of Akimiski Island, James Bay, Nunavut, is the first and oldest Eocoelia to be described from the Hudson Bay Basin, one of three largest inland basins of North America. The new species lacks dental plates, dental cavities, and marginal deflection or lip, which indicates a post-Aeronian form of the well-known Eocoelia lineage. In rib numbers, Eocoelia akimiskii falls between E. curtisi and E. sulcata , being closer to E. sulcata . In rib strength, however, the new species is more closely allied to E. curtisi . Although Eocoelia is currently assigned to the Rhynchonellida because of its lack of spiralia, several features (particularly the lack of a septalium, the presence of a unique notothyrial platform and cardinal process, and dense, free-hanging fibrous growth frills) of the genus and other leptocoeliids are distinctly atypical of the rhynchonellides. The new species occurs in an inter-reef, shelly packstone facies within the Attawapiskat Formation, which is characterized by coral-stromatoporoid reefs with abundant, diverse, reef-dwelling brachiopods and other shelly organisms. The close association of Eocoelia akimiskii with the Attawapiskat reefs supports a shallow subtidal (BA2) setting generally assigned to the Eocoelia Community. The reefs themselves, however, host an extremely abundant brachiopod fauna dominated by Pentameroides , Trimerella , Septatrypa , and Gypidula . Four species of Clorinda are also common elements of the reef-dwelling brachiopods. This demonstrates that the concept of the classic Early Silurian level-bottom brachiopod communities cannot be directly applied to reef-dwelling brachiopod communities.  相似文献   
For a long time, the evolutionary series of a idoraptids-dimorphograptids-monograptids has been generally recognized by graptolite researchers. In the past years, the akidograptids were found to appear in the Lower Silurian Parakidograptus acuminatus Zone, while the dimorphograptids in the P. acuminatus and Orthograpius vesiculosus Zones, but the monograptids appeared as late as in the O. vesiculosus zone; this evolutionary series can be easily accepted by other people. Chen Xu and Lin Yao-kun (1978) pu...  相似文献   
内蒙古达茂旗巴特敖包地区包尔汉图剖面牙形刺生物地层   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
内蒙古达茂旗(达尔罕茂明安联合旗)巴特敖包地区志留纪、泥盆纪碳酸岩相地层发育,本区珊瑚、腕足类、层孔虫等底栖大化石的研究工作已有一定基础。但志留纪、泥盆纪地层在时代确定和对比上还存在很多问题,必须用主导化石门类牙形刺加以解决。研究表明:包尔汉图剖面的顶部属泥盆系无疑,应归入阿鲁共组,而不是西别河组;巴特敖包地区的海侵,始于罗德洛统卢德福德阶(Ludfordian)早期。本剖面没有发现文洛克世和罗德洛世早期的海相沉积。本文描写了一个志留纪牙形刺新种:Ozarkodina uncrispa sp.nov.。  相似文献   
标本采自湖南省永顺县万民乡志留系下部Llandovery统Telychian阶秀山组上部,几乎全部为Coronocephalus gaoluoensis Wu,其中有20多块头、胸、尾相连的完整标本。研究发现,Coronocephalus gaoluoensis Wu具有十分特殊的头部构造,其面线前支横切头鞍前叶中前部...  相似文献   
Cornulites sp. and Fistulipora przhidolensis formed a symbiotic association in the Pridoli (latest Silurian) of Saaremaa Island, Estonia. This Cornulites sp.–F. przhidolensis association is the youngest example of cornulitid–bryozoan symbiosis. Symbiosis is indicated by intergrowth of both organisms. The cornulitids are completely embedded within the cystoporate bryozoan colony, leaving only their apertures free on the growth surface of bryozoan. In terms of food competition, this association could have been slightly harmful to F. przhidolensis as Cornulites sp. may have been a kleptoparasite. There may have been a small escalation in the evolution of the endobiotic life mode of cornulitids as the number of such associations increased from the Ordovician to Silurian. It is likely that Palaeozoic bryozoan symbiosis reached its maximum in the Late Ordovician. Most of the symbiotic bryozoans in the Palaeozoic are trepostomes, and the diversity of symbiotic associations was also greatest among trepostomes.  相似文献   
Olev Vinn  Mark A. Wilson 《Ichnos》2013,20(3):166-171
The distribution of Osprioneides is more environmentally limited than that of Trypanites in the Silurian of Baltica. Osprioneides probably occurred only in large hard substrates of relatively deepwater muddy bottom open shelf environments. Osprioneides were relatively rare, occurring in 4.7% of all stromatoporoid specimens in that environment, in contrast to small Trypanites-Palaeosabella borings, which occur in 88.4% of stromatoporoids and 88.9% of heliolitid corals. Osprioneides is reported only from the lower Sheinwoodian stromatoporoids of the exposed Silurian of Saaremaa (Wenlock to Pridoli). Osprioneides borings probably played a minor role in the general bioerosion in the Silurian of Baltica.  相似文献   
The wide, trans-oceanic geographical distribution of myodocope ostracods during the Silurian (especially during the Ludlow and Pridoli epochs), and their widespread preservation in rocks of that age, permits the establishment of a transcontinental biostratigraphy of comparable resolution to coeval graptolite/chitinozoan/conodont biozones. Seven myodocope biozones, extending from the Homerian Stage, upper Wenlock Series Cyrtograptus lundgreni graptolite biozone to the middle part of the Ludfordian Stage of the Ludlow Series, enable a time-resolution for each biozone of circa 1 million years. These biozones can provide high-resolution correlation across Europe into Arctic Russia and Central Asia. There is also the potential for a myodocope biostratigraphy applicable from the uppermost Silurian (Pridoli) to the Carboniferous.  相似文献   
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