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The separation of peptides and proteins by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with cyanopropylsilyl and large-pore propylsilyl supports, together with aqueous trifluoroacetic acid/acetonitrile gradients, was studied. Operating parameters (trifluoroacetic acid concentration, flow rate, and gradient slope) were evaluated using different enzymatic digests of horse cytochrome c and bovine serum albumin. Peptides ranging in size from five amino acids to 68 kDa could be separated on the propylsilyl column in a single chromatographic run. The cyanopropylsilyl column is suitable as a supplement to the use of the large-pore column for medium size (5-20 amino acids) peptides. The chromatographic supports and conditions presented here offer a simple, sensitive, and rapid separation system for a wide size range of peptides and proteins. They extend the versatility of separation methodology for these molecules.  相似文献   
Expression of alternatively spliced mRNA variants at specific stages of development or in specific cells and tissues contributes to the functional diversity of the human genome. Aberrations in alternative splicing were found as a cause or a contributing factor to the development, progression, or maintenance of numerous diseases. The use of antisense oligonucleotides (ON) to modify aberrant expression patterns of alternatively spliced mRNAs is a novel means of potentially controlling such diseases. Oligonucleotides can be designed to repair genetic mutations, to modify genomic sequences in order to compensate for gene deletions, or to modify RNA processing in order to improve the effects of the underlying gene mutation. Steric block ON approach have proven to be effective in experimental model for various diseases. Here, we describe our experience in investigating two strategies for ON delivery: ON conjugation with basic peptides and lipid-based particulate system (lipoplex). Basic peptides or Cell Penetrating Peptides (CPP) such as the TAT-derived peptide appear to circumvent many problems associated with ON and drug delivery. This strategy may represent the next paradigm in our ability to modulate cell function and offers a unique avenue for the treatment of disease. Lipoplexes result from the intimate interaction of ON with cationic lipids leading to ON carrying particles able to be taken up by cells and to release ON in the cytoplasm. We have used as an experimental model the correction of a splicing alteration of the mutated β-globin intron causing thalassemia. Data on cell penetration and efficacy of correction of specific steric block ON delivered either by basic peptides or lipoplex are described. A comparison of the properties of both delivery systems is made respective to the use of this new class of therapeutic molecules.  相似文献   
The injection of α-MSH or of one of its analogues ([Nle4-D.Phe7] α-MSH4–10) reduced, in vivo, the release of two cytokines (IL-1α and TNFα) involved in inflammation. The inflammatory state was induced in BALB/c mice by intraperitoneal injection of a sublethal dose of lipopolysaccharides (LPS). The assay of these cytokines by ELISA showed a reduction of 20% with α-MSH and between 30 and 60% with the α-MSH analogue. The α-MSH or the analogue was administered in one of two ways: intravenously or subcutaneously. The most efficient method seemed to be the subcutaneous one because it improved the activity 10,000 times more than the intravenous method. Moreover, the analogue induced a regression of mortality in the animals treated by the intravenous method. Our results show that α-MSH and one of its analogues inhibit IL-1α and TNFα, and can be used as anti-inflammatory molecules.  相似文献   
The frog skin host-defense peptide tigerinin-1R (RVCSAIPLPICH.NH2) is insulinotropic both in vitro and in vivo. This study investigates the effects on insulin release and cytotoxicity of changes in cationicity and hydrophobicity produced by selected substitutions of amino acids by l-arginine, l-lysine and l-tryptophan. The [A5W], [L8W] and [I10W] analogs produced a significant (P < 0.01) increase in the rate of insulin release from BRIN-BD11 rat clonal β cells at concentration of 0.01 nM compared with 0.1 nM for tigerinin-1R. The increase in the rate of insulin release produced by a 3 μM concentration of the [S4R], [H12K], and [I10W] analogs from both BRIN-BD11 cells and mouse islets was significantly greater (P < 0.05) than that produced by tigerinin-1R. No peptide stimulated the release of lactate dehydrogenase at concentrations up to 3 μM indicating that plasma membrane integrity had been preserved. [A5W] tigerinin-1R was the only analog tested that showed cytotoxic activity against human erythrocytes (LC50 = 265 ± 16 μM) and inhibited growth of Escherichia coli (MIC = 500 μM) and Staphylococcus aureus (MIC = 250 μM). The circular dichroism spectra of tigerinin-1R and [A5W] tigerinin-1R indicate that the peptides adopt a mixture of β-sheet, random coil and reverse β-turn conformations in 50% trifluoroethanol/water and methanol/water. Administration of [S4R] tigerinin-1R (75 nmol/kg body weight) to high-fat fed mice with insulin resistance significantly (P < 0.05) enhanced insulin release and improved glucose tolerance over a 60 min period following an intraperitoneal glucose load. The study supports the claim that tigerinin-1R shows potential for development into novel therapeutic agents for treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   
The epitopes of the major soybean allergen, Gly m Bd 30K, recognized by mouse monoclonal antibodies H6 and F5 were investigated by using synthetic peptides bound to pins. The epitopes are shown to be localized in peptide 31QGGCGRGWAFSATGAI-EA48 for H6, and in 115 DKVTIDGYETLIMSDEST132 for F5.  相似文献   
Strategies for signal amplification in nucleic acid detection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Many aspects of molecular genetics necessitate the detection of nucleic acid sequences. Current approaches involving target amplification (in situ PCR, Primed in situ Labeling, Self-Sustained Sequence Replication, Strand Displacement Amplification), probe amplification (Ligase Chain Reaction, Padlock Probes, Rolling Circle Amplification) and signal amplification (Tyramide Signal Amplification, Branched DNA Amplification) are summarized in the present review, together with their advantages and limitations.  相似文献   
Nox4-derived ROS is increased in response to hyperglycemia and is required for IGF-I-stimulated Src activation. This study was undertaken to determine the mechanism by which Nox4 mediates sustained Src activation. IGF-I stimulated sustained Src activation, which occurred primarily on the SHPS-1 scaffold protein. In vitro oxidation experiments indicated that Nox4-derived ROS was able to oxidize Src when they are in close proximity, and Src oxidation leads to its activation. Therefore we hypothesized that Nox4 recruitment to the plasma membrane scaffold SHPS-1 allowed localized ROS generation to mediate sustained Src oxidation and activation. To determine the mechanism of Nox4 recruitment, we analyzed the role of Grb2, a component of the SHPS-1 signaling complex. We determined that Nox4 Tyr-491 was phosphorylated after IGF-I stimulation and was responsible for Nox4 binding to the SH2 domain of Grb2. Overexpression of a Nox4 mutant, Y491F, prevented Nox4/Grb2 association. Importantly, it also prevented Nox4 recruitment to SHPS-1. The role of Grb2 was confirmed using a Pyk2 Y881F mutant, which blocked Grb2 recruitment to SHPS-1. Cells expressing this mutant had impaired Nox4 recruitment to SHPS-1. IGF-I-stimulated downstream signaling and biological actions were also significantly impaired in Nox4 Y491F-overexpressing cells. Disruption of Nox4 recruitment to SHPS-1 in aorta from diabetic mice inhibited IGF-I-stimulated Src oxidation and activation as well as cell proliferation. These findings provide insight into the mechanism by which localized Nox4-derived ROS regulates the sustained activity of a tyrosine kinase that is critical for mediating signal transduction and biological actions.  相似文献   
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