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Sulphate reduction in oxic and sub-oxic North-East Atlantic sediments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract Oxic and sub-oxic N.-E. Atlantic sediments were examined for sulphate-reducing activity. Oxygen and/or nitrate reduction are probably the dominant mineralisation processes in the abyssal plain sediment studied. A low rate of sulphate reduction (0.1 nmol SO2−4/ml/day) was recorded in the surface 5 cm of the continental slope sediment, together with the presence of a range of sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB). A higher activity of sulphate reduction (2.2 nmol SO2−4/ml/day) occurred in the continental shelf sediment which led to a small decrease in pore water sulphate and an increase in titration alkalinity. This sediment contained approx. 102–103 acetate, lactate and propionate oxidising SRB/ml. No low- M r organic acids were detected in these sediments. However, amendment with 75 μM acetate stimulated sulphate-reducing activity in the shelf sediment.  相似文献   
Overexploitation of marine communities can lead to modifications in the structure of the food web and can force organisms like elasmobranchs to change their feeding habits. To evaluate the impact that fisheries have on food webs and on the interactions between species, it is necessary to describe and quantify the diet of the species involved and follow it through time. This study compares the diet of five skate species using the data obtained from the by-catch of the Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi) fishery in north and central Patagonia, Argentina. Diet composition was assessed by analysing the digestive tract contents and trophic overlapping between species of the genus Bathyraja: Bathyraja albomaculata, Bathyraja brachyurops, Bathyraja macloviana, Bathyraja magellanica and Bathyraja multispinis. A total of 184 stomachs were analysed. The diets of B. albomaculata and B. macloviana mainly comprised annelids, whereas that of B. brachyurops primarily comprised fish, including hake heads discarded by the fishery. The diets of B. magellanica and B. multispinis were largely based on crustaceans. Despite the morphological similarities and their shared preference for benthic habitats, no complete diet overlaps were found between the different species. These results suggest that these skate species have undergone a process of diet specialisation. This is a common feeding strategy that occurs to successfully eliminate competition when resources are limited, which corresponds to the conditions found in an environment being affected by the pressures of overfishing.  相似文献   
In January 1998, Taiwan promulgated the Law of the Republic of China (ROC) on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone and the Law of the Republic of China on the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and the Continental Shelf, both of which came into force on January 21, 1998. On June 26, 1998, China adopted the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf, which is the most significant maritime legislation since its 1992 Law on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone. This article studies the recent maritime legislation developments in Mainland China and Taiwan, the differences and similarities between the two sets of laws, their implications for the Asia-Pacific region, and the potential challenges for the United States.  相似文献   
Benthic collections taken during a 34 month period from Little Egg Inlet, New Jersey were dominated by haustoriid amphipods and collections from a nearshore ridge/swale formation were dominated by ampharetid and capitellid polychaetes. Polychaetes were most abundant at the swale station where density was 2.4 to 17.5 times higher than at other stations. Changes in species composition and density were influenced by increases in the silt/clay component of the sediment which was influenced by depth, bottom topography, and exposure to currents.  相似文献   
Dirk Nolf 《Geobios》1978,11(4):517-559
The study of approximately twenty three thousand otoliths from Plio-Pleistocene sites in the harbour region of Antwerp, as well as a critical revision of already published material allowed us to identify a teleostean fauna with fourty seven species (including two subspecies and seven species in open nomenclature). Two of these, Ophidion springeri and Uranoscopus septentrionalis are new to science. The fauna is typical for coastal waters slightly warmer than those of the actual North Sea and caracterized by the predominance of Gadidae. Biostratigraphically this fauna is well individualized with respect to preceeding ones (only seven species in common with the Miocene fauna) and those following twenty-three species in common with the extant fauna). The following biostratigraphical subdivision has been recognized in the Upper Miocene and the Plio-Pleistocene of the Antwerp region: (1) an association with «genus? Macrouridarum labiatus, Trisopterus sculptus, Gadiculus benedeni and Trisopterus luscus spectabilis, in the Sands of Deurne (Upper Miocene); (2) an association with Gadiculus benedeni and Merlangius pseudaeglephinus, in the Formation of Kattendijk (Pliocene); (3) an association with Gadiculus verticalis and Merlangius pseudaeglefinus in the Formation of Lillo (Plio-Pleistocene); (4) an association with Gadus morhua and Merlangius pseudaeglefinus in the so called «Icenian deposits not present in Belgium but found in the Netherlands.  相似文献   
The chronostratigraphical ages of the 20 dinoflagellate cyst zones and one dinoflagellate cyst assemblage for the Middle Triassic (Ladinian) to the Jurassic-Cretaceous transition of the North West Shelf of Australia are comprehensively reviewed. Evidence from macro- and micropalaeontology, palynology and strontium isotopes made available after the establishment of these biozones in the 1980s has been used to reassess the ages of this important zonal scheme and to calibrate it to the international stratigraphical stages. The Shublikodinium Superzone is renamed herein as the Rhaetogonyaulax Superzone, and based on conodont evidence is determined to span the Ladinian to Early Sinemurian. This is significantly shorter in duration than was originally envisaged (Late Anisian to Late Pliensbachian). The Luehndea Assemblage is a low diversity dinoflagellate cyst association which marks a eustatic rise; it is subdivided into two subzones. It is of latest Pliensbachian to Early Toarcian age, based largely on palynological evidence. The Bajocian to earliest Oxfordian Pareodinia ceratophora Superzone represents the inception of a continuous Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinoflagellate cyst record in Australia. It comprises seven zones, which are considered to be slightly older than originally interpreted. The overlying Pyxidiella Superzone is characterised by diverse dinoflagellate cyst associations. It is Early Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian in age, and comprises three zones. The bases of the Wanaea spectabilis and Wanaea clathrata zones are reinterpreted as being slightly older than originally proposed. The superjacent Fromea cylindrica Superzone is Tithonian to earliest Valanginian and modified ages are indicated for four of the nine zones. This unit is dominated by endemic dinoflagellate cysts, reflecting a global trend towards provincialism at this time due to a regressive eustatic regime.  相似文献   
Essential oils extracted from 17 higher plants belonging to different families were screened against Botryodiplodia theobromae and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing stem end rot disease and anthracnose disease in mango respectively. The essential oil of Eupatorium cannabinum was found to be fungitoxic in nature against both the mango-rotting fungi. Eupatorium oil was standardized through physico-chemical and fungitoxic properties. Gas Liquid Chromatography (GLC) analysis of the oil led to the identification of 16 components, which represented 77.97% of the oil. Germacrene D (16.11%) was found to be the major component. The oil showed a broad fungitoxic spectrum and was recorded to be more efficient than some synthetic fungicides. The oil also showed an inhibitory effect on pectinase and cellulase enzymes. The oil enhanced the shelf life of mango fruits by protecting from fungal rotting when tested as a fumigant. The LD50 of Eupatorium oil was found to be 22.01 ml/kg body weight on mammalian mice.  相似文献   
Four distinct phylogeographical patterns across Southeast Asia were observed for four species of seahorse (genus Hippocampus) with differing ecologies. For all species, genetic differentiation (based on cytochrome b sequence comparisons) was significantly associated with sample site (Phi(ST) = 0.190-0.810, P < 0.0001) and with geographical distance (Mantel's r = 0.37-0.59, P < 0.019). Geographic locations of genetic breaks were inconsistent across species in 7/10 comparisons, although some similarities across species were also observed. The two shallow-water species (Hippocampus barbouri and Hippocampus kuda) have colonized the Sunda Shelf to a lesser degree than the two deeper-water species (Hippocampus spinosissimus and Hippocampus trimaculatus). In all species the presence of geographically restricted haplotypes in the Philippines could indicate past population fragmentation and/or long-distance colonization. A nested clade analysis (NCA) revealed that long-distance colonization and/or fragmentation were likely the dominant forces that structure populations of the two shallow-water species, whereas range expansion and restricted dispersal with isolation by distance were proportionally more important in the history of the two deeper-water species. H. trimaculatus has the most widespread haplotypes [average clade distance (D(c)) of nonsingleton haplotypes = 1169 km], indicating potentially high dispersal capabilities, whereas H. barbouri has the least widespread haplotypes (average D(c) = 67 km) indicating potentially lower dispersal capabilities. Pleistocene separation of marine basins and postglacial flooding of the Sunda Shelf are extrinsic factors likely to have contributed to the phylogeographical structure observed, whereas differences among the species appear to reflect their individual ecologies.  相似文献   
Aim To test the potential of two contrasting biogeographical hypotheses (‘Indian/Pacific Ocean Basin’ vs. ‘Wallace's Line’) to explain the distribution of genetic diversity among populations of a marine fish in Southeast Asia. Location The marine waters of Asia and Southeast Asia: from India to Japan, and east to the Indonesian islands of Sulawesi and Flores. Methods We sequenced a 696 base pair fragment of cytochrome b DNA of 100 individuals of Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach 1814 (three‐spot seahorse), obtained from across its range. We tested our hypotheses using phylogenetic reconstructions and analyses of molecular variance. Results Significant genetic divergence was observed among the specimens. Two distinct lineages emerged that diverged by an average of 2.9%. The genetic split was geographically associated, but surprisingly it indicated a major east–west division similar to the terrestrial Wallace's Line (ΦST = 0.662, P < 0.001) rather than one consistent with an Indian‐Pacific ocean basin separation hypothesis (ΦST = 0.023, P = 0.153). Samples from east of Wallace's Line, when analysed separately, however, were consistent with an Indian/Pacific Ocean separation (ΦST = 0.461, P = 0.005). The degree of genetic and geographical structure within each lineage also varied. Lineage A, to the west, was evolutionarily shallow (star‐like), and the haplotypes it contained often occurred over a wide area. Lineage B to the east had greater genetic structure, and there was also some evidence of geographical localization of sublineages within B. Main conclusions Our results indicate that the genetic diversity of marine organisms in Southeast Asia may reflect a more complex history than the simple division between two major ocean basins that has been proposed by previous authors. In particular, the east–west genetic division observed here is novel among marine organisms examined to date. The high haplotype, but low nucleotide diversity to the west of Wallace's Line is consistent with post‐glacial colonization of the Sunda Shelf. Additional data are needed to test the generality of these patterns.  相似文献   
The sensitivity of nisin to proteolytical breakdown in intestinal environment was studied in an ex vivo model using jejunal chyme from fistulated dogs. Sixty six percentage of the added nisin retained induction activity after 30 min incubation in jejunal chyme, indicating that nisin has potential to be used as an inducing agent in in situ delivery systems of bioactive peptides and proteins by genetically modified bacteria in the intestine.  相似文献   
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