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Seston size distribution was determined with a Coulter Counter to investigate seston interaction and its effects on phytoplankton production. Spatial distribution patterns of the non-productive component of the seston were as complex as those commonly associated with algae. Seston might interact influencing production by changes in optical depth, abrasive actions and nutrient adsorption.  相似文献   
武汉东湖颗粒悬浮物的结构与元素组成   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
谢平 《水生生物学报》1996,20(3):197-205
本研究于1989-1990对武汉东湖营养水平不同的二个湖区的颗粒悬浮物的干物质结构和元素组成进行了分析。综合平均值表明,浮游动物的现存量约为浮游植物的1/4,浮游动物群落以小型的原生动物和轮虫占优势。从年平均值来看,浮游生物的干重占颗粒悬浮物干物质的2.5-7.6%,浮游生物碳量占颗粒悬浮物碳量的4.0-9.8%;颗粒悬浮物的碳/氮比与一般浮游植物的比值相似,但明显大于多数浮游动物;颗粒悬浮物的碳与干物重之比约为一般浮游生物的3/4;颗粒悬浮物的灰分含量约为45%,显着高于除硅藻以外的其它浮游生物。从数量上来看,有机碎屑是东湖生态系统颗粒悬浮物最重要的组成部分,而活体浮游生物只占颗粒悬浮物很小的一部分(<10%);这意味着在东湖来自以浮游植物为核心的食物网的有机碎屑的形成速率显着大于有机碎屑的矿化速率。    相似文献   
Feeding processes and energetic balance of zebra mussels were both related to the quantity and quality of natural seston. Filtration rate and pseudofeces production increased while clearance rate remained constant with increasing seston concentration. Ingestion rate, assimilation efficiency, and assimilation rate all increased with increasing food quality, measured as the ratio of organic to inorganic material in the seston. Respiration rate did not change with either food quantity or quality. As a result, scope for growth declined with decreasing food quality, and fell below 0 cal mg−1 h−1 at an organic:inorganic ratio of 0.5. The association between feeding processes and food quality appears related to a breakdown in the ability of zebra mussels to selectively ingest high-quality organic particles when the organic content of the seston is low. Ingestion, assimilation efficiency, assimilation rate and scope for growth were all higher when seston was amended with an addition of a natural assemblage of algae. Food quality may be a better indicator of environmental conditions suitable for growth than food quantity. These results suggest that the conditions of high suspended inorganic sediment concentrations in large turbid rivers represent a difficult growth environment for the zebra mussel. Received: 12 May 1997 / Accepted: 7 July 1998  相似文献   
Despite it being a component of the seston we know very little about fluvial (waterborne) pollen and spore (palynomorph) transport. This paper presents the results of a monitoring programme conducted over two years and at a catchment scale in South West England. A hierarchical monitoring network was established with flood peak samples taken at 9 sub-catchments, intra-hydrograph samples taken in two sub-catchments and time-integrated sampling undertaken at one location. In addition sampling was undertaken of probable palynomorph sources such as channel bed and bank sediments, and the airborne pollen flux was monitored using modified Tauber traps. The results support previous research in illustrating how the vast majority of fluvial pollen and spores are transported during floods (91%) and that the main control on waterborne palynomorph assemblages is the catchment vegetation and its spatial distribution but with a long-distance (extra-catchment) component. However, strong seasonal effects are also shown, and the importance of distinctive sources such as the riparian input, bed re-suspension and overland flow into drains and tributaries is revealed. Fine sediment in river pools appears to act as a selective store of damaged cereal type pollen grains derived from arable fields. Although pollen does form part of composite particles the data presented here suggest that the majority of the pollen is transported as single grains. Fluvial palynomorph loading is strongly dependant upon discharge and so concentrations in laminated or varved sediments could be regarded as a proxy for flood magnitude. Handling editor: J. Saros  相似文献   
Specific growth rates (based on biomass increment in unit time) of Daphnia fed natural reservoir seston from a eutrophic Siberian reservoir were studied during four vegetation seasons in a laboratory flow-through system. Concentrations of particulate C, N, and P in reservoir seston <115 μm were comparatively high, 1.9, 0.2, and 0.05 mg l−1, respectively; maximum C:P ratio was 259 mol:mol. According to conventional thresholds, concentrations of elements and their stoichiometry did not limit the growth rate of Daphnia. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in seston significantly effected the growth rates at concentrations up to ∼13 μg l−1 (regression ANOVAR F-test value was 7.91), but not above this concentration. Thus, we consider this concentration of EPA in seston <115 μm to be the limiting concentration of EPA for the growth of Daphnia (longispina group), i.e., below this concentration EPA was the best single predictor of the growth of Daphnia.  相似文献   
Changes in the near-bottom abundance of zooplankton on scales of centimeters to meters and hours to seasons are of great importance to corals and other benthic zooplanktivores. Our objective was to characterize such spatio-temporal changes over several coral reefs in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Using arrays of underwater pumps, we found a substantial depletion of zooplankton near the bottom. Vertical gradients in zooplankton abundance were steeper during the night than day, mostly due to a greater nocturnal increase in zooplankton biomass higher in the water column. On average, the layer <1 m above bottom (mab) was depleted by 2.6±2.2 mg m–3 (46±35%) and 1.4±1.4 mg m–3 (37±43%) during night and day, respectively. A long time series of bi-weekly samples at 0.5 mab, lasting 1.5 years, indicated a doubling of the biomass during the night with no apparent seasonality. The diel change was due to an increase in the abundance of only large (>200 m) zooplankters around dusk and their disappearance in the morning. Diurnal predation by zooplanktivorous fish, sediment resuspension by benthivorous fish and zooplankton behavior appear to control the dynamics of suspended particles over the reef, creating sharp vertical gradients and a remarkable diel cycle in the ratio between nutritious plankton and inorganic particles.  相似文献   
The abundance patterns of four species of net-spinning caddisflies (Trichoptera : Hydropsychidae) were studied in a Montana (U.S.A.) lake outlet stream. Total Hydropsychidae reached very high densities (X > 1400 / 0.2 m2) near the lake outfall but declined precipitously downstream. Abundance patterns generally agree with a published model of filter-feeder / seston interactions in lake outlets. Larval densities were greater on moss-covered substrates and one species occupied habitats of lower water velocity compared to other species. Seston concentrations increased downstream contrary to expectation. Nutrient quality of seston may be important in predicting abundance of stream filter-feeders.  相似文献   
We studied fatty acid (FA) composition in samples from bodies and intestinal contents of the littoral amphipod Gammarus lacustris Sars, from the Bugach freshwater reservoir. Simultaneously, samples of seston and bottom sediments were also collected from the reservoir during early August. There were no differences in FA composition of gut contents, seston and sediments of pebbly bottom. Seston was the main food source of Gammarus but some FAs Gammarus got from sediments. The FA composition of G. lacustris and seston from the Bugach freshwater reservoir were compared with those of the animals from the saltwater Lake Shira (Siberia). While FA composition of the two Gammarus populations differed significantly, those of seston were practically similar: the composition of long-chain unsaturated fatty acids, 20:53, 22:63 and 20:46, were significantly higher in animals from saline Shira Lake, whereas 16:1 and 16:0 were higher in the freshwater populations of amphipods from the Bugach freshwater reservoir. Taking into account the relevant literature data, we hypothesise that this difference in C16 acid might be a distinguishing characteristic of FA composition of freshwater and saltwater crustaceans.  相似文献   
Research into spatial and temporal variation in seston transport was carried out during the year 2000 on three reaches on the longitudinal profile of the karstic cascading system of the Plitvice Lakes in Croatia. The three investigated reaches were (i) a channel over a barrier with low gradient; (ii) flow through a deep lake; and (iii) a channel with cascades and a steep gradient. The aim of the study was to establish the influence of physiographical and hydrological differences of these reaches on the quality and quantity of seston transport and food resources in the seston. To calculate the seston transport, we measured: total suspended matter (TSM), particulate inorganic matter (PIM), particulate organic matter (POM), chlorophyll-a (chl-a), heterotrophic bacteria and discharge. The PIM contribution from TSM ranged between 60 and 90%, while the percentage of POM in TSM was the highest in summer and ranged from 33 to 46%. POM and discharge were significantly negatively correlated (r = −0.43, P < 0.05). For the transport of TSM, PIM, POM and chlorophyll-a statistically significant differences between the three reaches were established. In a principal component analysis, 86% of the variance was explained by the first two factors. The first factor corresponded well with net transport of TSM, PIM, POM and chl-a and distinguished investigated reaches in two groups: the 1st group with increasing (reaches with low gradient and with high gradient), and the 2nd group with decreasing net seston transport (reach with flow through a deep lake). The second factor corresponded strongly with discharge and distinguished investigated reaches according to their temporal variability. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   
本文报道了武汉市汉阳县沉湖泛区1983年5至9月浮游物(eston)的现存量与化学组成的动态,并根据该泛区的生态特征,分别对枯水期、灌江期和丰水期浮游物的干重(DW)、无灰干重(AFDW)、灰分重(Ash)、碳(C)和氮(N)量的变动特性进行了比较研究,而且还在此基础上,进一步探讨了评价浮游物营养质量的指标。沉湖泛区1983年5至9月浮游物干重为5.24mg/L,其中无灰干重为2.55mg/L,灰分重为2.69mg/L,它们均以灌江初期为高;碳、氮量分别为0.830和0.193mg/L,前者高峰出现在丰水后期,后者出现在灌江初期;浮游物干重、无灰干重、灰分重、碳和氮量均以灌江结束期为最低。浮游物的无灰干重、灰分重、碳和氮量分别占干重的51.60、47.50、18.30和3.90%;碳和氮量分别占无灰干重的36.40和7.70%。沉湖泛区浮游物的无灰干重/灰分重平均为1.24,碳/氮平均为4.74。这两个参数可分别作为评价沉湖泛区浮游物营养质量的指标。沉湖泛区浮游物干重、无灰干重、碳和氮量间,浮游物无灰干重与其灰分重、碳、氮量间,浮游物碳、氮量间均存在着极显著的相关关系,表明它们之间相应的动态是一致的。    相似文献   
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