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The Kell gene frequencies, determined in Senegal are as follows: Our data enter the limits already known for black African populations.  相似文献   
Bartonella senegalensis sp. nov. strain OS02T is the type strain of B. senegalensis sp. nov., a new species within the genus Bartonella. This strain, whose genome is described here, was isolated in Senegal from the soft tick Ornithodoros sonrai, the vector of relapsing fever. B. senegalensis is an aerobic, rod-shaped, Gram-negative bacterium. Here we describe the features of this organism, together with the complete genome sequence and its annotation. The 1,966,996 bp-long genome contains 1,710 protein-coding and 46 RNA genes, including 6 rRNA genes.  相似文献   
Senegal has since 2003 used sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) for Intermittent Preventive Treatment (IPT) of malaria in risk groups. However, the large-scale IPT strategy may result in increasing drug resistance. Our study investigated the possible impact of SP-IPT given to infants and children on the prevalence of SP-resistant haplotypes in the Plasmodium falciparum genes Pfdhfr and Pfdhps, comparing sites with and without IPTi/c. P. falciparum positives samples (n = 352) were collected from children under 5 years of age during two cross-sectional surveys in 2010 and 2011 in three health districts (two on IPTi/c and one without IPTi/c intervention) located in the southern part of Senegal. The prevalence of SP-resistance-related haplotypes in Pfdhfr and Pfdhps was determined by nested PCR followed by sequence-specific oligonucleotide probe (SSOP)–ELISA. The prevalence of the Pfdhfr double mutant haplotypes (CNRN and CICN) was stable between years at < 10% in the control group (P = 0.69), while it rose significantly in the IPTi/c group from 2% in 2010 to 20% in 2011 (P = 0.008). The prevalence of the Pfdhfr triple mutant haplotype (CIRN) increased in both groups, but only significantly in the IPTi/c group from 41% to 65% in 2011 (P = 0.005). Conversely, the Pfdhps 437G mutation decreased in both groups from 44.6% to 28.6% (P = 0.07) and from 66.7% to 47.5% (P = 0.02) between 2010 and 2011 in the control and the IPTi/c groups, respectively. Combined with Pfdhfr, there was a weak trend for decreasing prevalence of quadruple mutants (triple Pfdhfr + Pfdhps 437G) in both groups (P = 0.15 and P = 0.34). During the two cross-sectional surveys, some significant changes were observed in the SP-resistance-related genes. However, since these changes were observed in the two groups, the IPTi/c strategy does only seem to have limited impact on resistance development and other factors as well. However, continuous monitoring will be needed, due to the up-scaling of the IPTi/c strategy in Senegal according to WHO recommendations.  相似文献   
Following an outbreak of Rift Valley fever (RVF) in south-eastern Mauritania during 1998, entomological investigations were conducted for 2 years in the affected parts of Senegal and Mauritania, spanning the Sénégal River basin. A total of 92 787 mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), belonging to 10 genera and 41 species, were captured in light traps. In Senegal, Culex poicilipes (41%) and Mansonia uniformis (39%) were the most abundant species caught, whereas Aedes vexans (77%) and Cx. poicilipes (15%) predominated in Mauritania. RVF virus was isolated from 63 pools of Cx. poicilipes: 36 from Senegal in 1998 and 27 from Mauritania in 1999. These results are the first field evidence of Cx. poicilipes naturally infected with RVFV, and the first isolations of this virus from mosquitoes in Mauritania - the main West African epidemic and epizootic area. Additional arbovirus isolates comprised 25 strains of Bagaza (BAG) from Aedes fowleri, Culex neavei and Cx. poicilipes; 67 Sanar (ArD 66707) from Cx. poicilipes; 51 Wesselsbron (WSL) from Ae. vexans and 30 strains of West Nile (WN) from Ma. uniformis, showing differential specific virus-vector associations in the circulation activity of these five arboviruses.  相似文献   
Age and growth of Rhizoprionodon acutus were estimated from vertebrae age bands. From December 2009 to November 2010, 423 R. acutus between 37 and 112 cm total length (LT) were sampled along the Senegalese coast. Marginal increment ratio was used to check annual band deposition. Three growth models were adjusted to the length at age and compared using Akaike's information criterion. The Gompertz growth model with estimated size at birth appeared to be the best and resulted in growth parameters of L = 139·55 (LT) and K = 0·17 year?1 for females and L = 126·52 (LT) and K = 0·18 year?1 for males. The largest female and male examined were 8 and 9 years old, but the majority was between 1 and 3 years old. Ages at maturity estimated were 5·8 and 4·8 years for females and males, respectively. These results suggest that R. acutus is a slow‐growing species, which render the species particularly vulnerable to heavy fishery exploitation. The growth parameters estimated in this study are crucial for stock assessments and for demographic analyses to evaluate the sustainability of commercial harvests.  相似文献   
Aims: To assess the phenotypic, symbiotic and genotypic diversity scope of Mesorhizobium spp. strains associated with Acacia seyal (Del.) isolated from different agro‐ecological zones in Senegal, and uses of susceptible microbial inoculum in a reafforestation process. Methods and Results: A polyphasic approach including phenotypic and genotypic techniques was used to study the diversity and their relationships with other biovars and species of rhizobia. The geographical origins of the strains have limited effect on their phylogenetic and phenotypic classification. Nodulation tests indicated promiscuity of the strains studied, because they were capable of nodulating six woody legume species (Acacia auriculiformis, Acacia senegal, A. seyal, Acacia tortilis ssp. raddiana, Leucaena leucocephala and Prosopis juliflora). Sequencing and phylogenetic analyses of nodA, nodC and nifH genes pointed out that in contrast to nodA gene, the phylogenies of nodC and nifH genes were not consistent with that of 16S rRNA, indicating that these genes of the A. seyal‐nodulating rhizobia might have different origins. Microbial inoculation on nonsterile soil had significant effect on the nodules number and the growth of the seedlings, indicating that these strains of rhizobia might be used as inoculum. Conclusions: The results indicated that A. seyal is a nonselective host that can establish effective symbiosis with Mesorhizobium spp. strains from diverse genomic backgrounds and that the selected A. seyal‐nodulating rhizobia could enhance plant growth. Significance and Impact of the Study: These results showed the important role that A. seyal could play in the improvement of reafforestation process as a promiscuous host, which can establish effective symbiosis with rhizobia from diverse genomic backgrounds.  相似文献   
Indigenous fruit tree species such as tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) in African sub‐Saharan traditionally act to build resilience into the farming system in terms of food security, income generation and ecosystem stability. Therefore, increasing our knowledge on their ecology and distribution is a priority. Tamarind is mainly grown for the fruits but is also a valuable timber species. The fruit pulp has a high content of vitamin B and is eaten fresh or made into jam, chutney, juice or sweets. Flowers, leaves and seeds are also edible and used in a variety of dishes. The main objective of this study is to evaluate actual density of tamarind in Senegal and the climate change effects on its distribution for better conservation strategies. Tamarind's distribution and density around villages were recorded and modelled in different agro‐ecological zones in Senegal using transect method and under current and future climates. Distribution under two future climate scenarios were modelled using four climate models and three time slices (2020, 2050 and 2080). Results show a decreasing gradient in tree density (from 7 to 1 trees km?2) from the Sudano agro‐ecological zone (in the south) to the Sahel (in the north). Future climate predictions show that although tamarind distribution will increase in the north‐west and south of the country in 2020; by 2050, the area identified as suitable for its growth will be greatly reduced. Areas in the north‐west basin appear to be an important refugia for the species under future climate conditions. However, density around villages in this area was found to be relatively low indicating that this could lead to problems of poor connectivity and inbreeding depression. This region should therefore be highlighted as important conservative management and protection strategies of tamarind in this region.  相似文献   
The bryophyte flora of the Sahelian region of sub-Saharan Africa is characterized by a low species richness, but is also extremely poorly documented. We present here the results of a floristic survey in Kedougou (eastern Senegal), which yielded 22 species. Two liverworts and 15 moss species are new to the country, so that the bryophyte flora of Senegal now includes a total of 4 liverwort and 34 moss species. An identification key is provided for Fissidens, which, with eight species, is the richest moss genus of the country.  相似文献   
The Dindifelou fall, located in south‐eastern Senegal, receives its water from discharging springs located in Dande plate‐land. These waters form, at the foot of the cliff, a pond that drains into the Thiokoye, a tributary of the Gambia River. The water quality of the pond and the stream is very good based on physicochemical analyses. Around the pond region, a microclimate characterized by a higher humidity and a lower temperature compared with the surrounding area is present. Diatoms study is carried out in different habitat types associated with this fall. The samples were taken by scraping the surface of rocks and rinsing fern leaves with sparkling water. Dande plate‐land is made of Upper Proterozoic sandstones whose gravity accumulations litter the bottom of the pond and the stream. This study allowed us to inventory 61 species and varieties of diatoms belonging to 28 genera. The most represented genera are Achnanthidium (ten species), Eunotia and Pinnularia (eight species each). Twelve species and varieties are reported for the first time in Senegambia including five of the genera Achnanthidium. The microflora is dominated by Achnantidium minutissimum and Achnanthidium catenatum, followed by Ulnaria ulna and various species of the genera Eunotia and Brachysira. Aerial habitats are more diversified here than the epilithic samples.  相似文献   
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