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Dendrobatid frogs perform a unique mode of parental care, ranging from egg attendance and tadpole transport to tadpole feeding. It is hypothesized that a behaviour in which the egg attending parent remains with the cluch is the most primitive condition. In more advanced forms or parental care, the male is able to attend several clutches of eggs. Tadpole attendance and feeding, finally, started as deceit; the male induced the female to lay eggs into a bromeliad leaf axil already occupied by a larva. Costs and benefits of the different modes of parental care and possible alternative reproductive tactics are discussed.  相似文献   
Cells from the slime variant of Neurospora crassa were broken in isotonic conditions by use of triethanolamine buffer plus EDTA. After removal of large membranous structures by low-speed centrifugation, chitosomes and secretory vesicles were separated by means of gel filtration, precipitation of membranous contaminants with Concanavalin A, and centrifugation in sucrose or glycerol gradients. Polypeptidic composition of fractions enriched in secretory vesicles or chitosomes was found to be distinct. By these criteria we concluded that chitosomes and secretory vesicles represent different populations of microvesicles. Both microvesicular populations appeared free of endoplasmic reticulum and vacuolar contaminants as demonstrated by determination of appropriate enzymatic markers.Abbreviations ER Endoplasmic reticulum - UDP-GlcNAc uridine-5-diphosphate N-acetyl glucosamine - GlcNAc N-acetyl glucosamine - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - PMSF phenyl methyl sulfonyl fluoride - EDTA ethylene diamino tetraacetic acid Investigador Nacional de Mexico. On leave from the Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados (IPN), and the Universidad de Guanajuato, Gto., Mexico  相似文献   
Summary In saltwater-acclimated ducks with fully specialized supraorbital salt glands, intracarotid application of acetylcholine (5 nmoles/min/kg b.w.) or porcine vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (pVIP) (240 pmoles/min/kg b.w.) induced secretion from the salt glands at threshold conditions of secretory activity. pVIP-like immunoreactivity could be localized in fibers of the postganglionic secretory nerve ramifying throughout the glandular parenchyma. Both middle-sized arterioles and secretory tubules were innervated, and pVIP-immunoreactive varicose fibers formed peritubular baskets around the basal region of secretory tubules indicating direct innervation of the secretory tissue. pVIP-specific staining could be abolished by preabsorption of the antiserum with peptide extracts of salt-gland tissue. Synthetic pVIP and endogenous VIP from salt glands of the duck co-eluted on the HPLC system, suggesting structural similarity of the peptides. Membrane-binding studies with radioiodinated pVIP revealed the presence of high-affinity binding sites in salt-gland tissue. Affinities of unlabeled pVIP analogues to compete for these binding sites were as follows: pVIP > PHI > pVIP antagonist > secretin > pVIP (10–28) > chicken VIP (16–28). Peptide extracts of salt glands had affinities similar to pVIP. Binding sites could be localized mainly at the apical end of the radially arranged secretory tubules, as demonstrated by receptor autoradiography.It is concluded that, in addition to the classical parasympathetic transmitter acetycholine, VIP serves as neuromodulator/transmitter in cranial parasympathetic control of avian salt-gland secretion by acting on both the arteriolar network and the secretory tubules of the gland.  相似文献   
Stomatal sensing of the environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of environmental factors on stomatal behaviour are reviewed and the questions of whether photosynthesis and transpiration eontrol stomata or whether stomata themselves control the rates of these processes is addressed. Light affects stomata directly and indirectly. Light can act directly as an energy source resulting in ATP formation within guard cells via photophosphorylation, or as a stimulus as in the case of the blue light effects which cause guard cell H+ extrusion. Light also acts indirectly on stomata by affecting photosynthesis which influences the intercellular leaf CO2 concentration ( C i). Carbon dioxide concentrations in contact with the plasma membrane of the guard cell or within the guard cell acts directly on cell processes responsible for stomatal movements. The mechanism by which CO2 exerts its effect is not fully understood but, at least in part, it is concerned with changing the properties of guard cell plasma membranes which influence ion transport processes. The C i may remain fairly constant for much of the day for many species which is the result of parallel responses of stomata and photosynthesis to light. Leaf water potential also influences stomatal behaviour. Since leaf water potential is a resultant of water uptake and storage by the plant and transpirational water loss, any factor which affects these processes, such as soil water availability, temperature, atmospheric humidity and air movement, may indirectly affect stomata. Some of these factors, such as temperature and possibly humidity, may affect stomata directly. These direct and indirect effects of environmental factors interact to give a net opening response upon which is superimposed a direct effect of stomatal circadian rhythmic activity.  相似文献   
Summary The endocrine cells of the chicken proventriculus were investigated immunocytochemically, using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique on paraffin and semithin sections for light microscopy, and immunogold staining in osmium-fixed material for electron microscopy. The fixation procedure also allowed a detailed ultrastructural investigation. Twenty-three antisera were tested and 7 immunoreactive cell-types were identified: D-cells containing somatostatin-like peptide; EG-cells immunoreactive to anti-glucagon, anti-GLP1 and antineurotensin; NT-cells labelled only with anti-neurotensin; BN-cells containing bombesin-like material; ENK-cells showing met-enkephalin immunoreactivity; EC-cells reactive to anti-serotonin; and APP-cells positive to anti-avian pancreatic polypeptide. In addition, enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells, were also detected by electron microscopy. The presence of ENK-cells and the ultrastructure of these and NT-cells are described for the first time in chicken proventriculus, and glucagon, GLP1 and neurotensin are shown to be colocalized in the EG-cells.  相似文献   
Summary The giant mucous cells in the skin of the terrestrial banana slug Ariolimax columbianus secret intact granules containing mucins. Electron microscopy, after ultrarapid freezing and freeze-substitution in osmium, shows that the secreted granules are bounded by two distinct membranes, presumably derived from the Golgi apparatus and the plasmalemma. Relatively stable, intact granules can be obtained in great quantity in our in vitro system. Rapid lysis of the granules was induced by adenosine triphosphate. At much higher concentrations, adenosine diphosphate and 5-adenylimido-diphosphate also caused lysis. Other nucleotides and related compounds, as well as 1,4,5-inositol triphosphate and molluscan neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, had no effect on the granules. The stability of secreted granules varied with the ionic composition of the isosmotic medium in which they were suspended. When the predominant cation in the medium was potassium, and calcium was also present, granules lysed if exposed to shear stress (stirring of the suspension). This did not occur if sodium was the major cation present. None of the other ions in the suspension media had detectable effects on the stability of the granules.  相似文献   
Summary Secretory vesicles involved in cell wall synthesis (wall vesicles) and the Golgi apparatus have been compared in conventionally fixed and freeze substituted hyphae of the oomycete fungusSaprolegnia ferax. Wall vesicles freeze substituted in various fluids range from spherical to tubular and contain an intensely staining, phosphorous rich matrix. In contrast diverse conventional fixations cause artefactual constrictions in most tubular vesicles and loss of their intensely staining contents. These data are interpreted to show the existence of an intravesicular skeletal system, with cellular regulation, to determine vesicle morphology and intravesicular synthesis of a hypothetical phosphorylated glycolipid cell wall precursor. Whilst freeze substitution gives superior preservation of wall vesicle morphology, it does not demonstrate any preferential association between wall vesicles and microtubules thus suggesting that microtubules are only indirectly involved in wall vesicle transport. Freeze substitution is superior to conventional fixation for analysis of the Golgi apparatus because it uniquely reveals both differentiation of a specific single cisterna in each Golgi body and greater differences in membrane thicknesses throughout the endomembrane system.  相似文献   
Summary Effects of osmotic conditions on secretion of milk serum were examined using standard transmission electron microscopy. Rat mammary glands were infused with hyper-, iso-, and hypo-osmotic solutions. The intramammary infusion of these agents elicited distinct and repeatable morphological responses from lactating epithelial cells. The response to hyperosmolarity was an increase in compound exocytotic figures and an increase in secretory vesicle size (¯x=1.65 m in diameter). Glands infused with hypo-osmolar solutions exhibited the opposite response; reduction in compound exocytotic figures and reduced vesicle size (¯x=0.34 n in diameter). The response to iso-osmotic solutions was indistinguishable from untreated control tissue. The ratio of vesicular projections to depressions (vesicle membrane/plasma membrane interactions) could be experimentally altered through the intramammary infusion of solutions with different osmotic potentials. These observations support the suggestion that osmotic conditions may influence exocytosis of milk serum.  相似文献   
Summary The ultrastructure of the somatotrophs of the caudal pituitary of the domestic fowl was studied quantitatively. Two age groups of male chickens were compared: 4–6 weeks and 24–30 weeks post-hatching. With age, somatotrophs decreased from about 40% to about 30% of the pituitary cell population. Their volume density decreased similarly. Mean volume of a somatotroph was the same in young and adult animals. Because the granule volume density of the somatotrophs was unchanged, but the somatotroph volume density of the gland declined, the granule volume density of the caudal pituitary gland dropped in parallel with that of the somatotrophs. Thus the volume of the gland comprised of somatotroph granules fell about 32%: from 6.57% to 4.45%. This lowered pool of stored hormone may be linked to the lowered circulating levels of growth hormone found in older animals by other investigators.The granule volume density of the somatotrophs was unchanged but the numerical density approximately doubled; thus the mean granule size decreased by 47% with age. The relationship of the size reduction of the granules to the lowered plasma growth hormone levels is not understood at present.Supported in part by Hatch and State funds from the New Jersey State Agricultural Experimental Station and NSF grants PCM 8,0227,27 and PCM 8,302197.  相似文献   
Summary Complex carbohydrates in secretory granules and at the apical cell surface of mouse gastric mucoid cells were studied during embryogenesis and in the early postnatal period by various cytochemical methods; the periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate (PA-TCH-SP) and tannic acid-uranyl acetate (TA-UA) procedures made neutral mucosubstances (NMS) visible, whereas the hexose residues of glycoconjugates were identified using WGA-, RCA II- and ConA-ferritin. The glycocalyx was stained with ruthenium red (RR). During differentiation of the embryonic mucoid cells the number of secretory granules increased in parallel to the increase in their carbohydrate component. NMS-stainable parts in secretory granules also had binding sites for the conjugates RCA II- and WGA-ferritin, but the binding of ConA could not be identified. The increasing quantity of NMS in secretory granules was correlated with the increased amount of PA-TCH-SP and TA-UA positive substances in the apical glycocalyx only in 14- and 18-day-old embryos. The observed uniform affinity for RR and lectin conjugates in all analysed developmental stages remains to be explained.  相似文献   
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