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Hyperredundant limbs with a virtually unlimited number of degrees of freedom (DOFs) pose a challenge for both biological and computational systems of motor control. In the flexible arms of the octopus, simplification strategies have evolved to reduce the number of controlled DOFs [1], [2] and [3]. Motor control in the octopus nervous system is hierarchically organized [4] and [5]. A relatively small central brain integrates a huge amount of visual and tactile information from the large optic lobes and the peripheral nervous system of the arms [6], [7], [8] and [9] and issues commands to lower motor centers controlling the elaborated neuromuscular system of the arms. This unique organization raises new questions on the organization of the octopus brain and whether and how it represents the rich movement repertoire. We developed a method of brain microstimulation in freely behaving animals and stimulated the higher motor centers—the basal lobes—thus inducing discrete and complex sets of movements. As stimulation strength increased, complex movements were recruited from basic components shared by different types of movement. We found no stimulation site where movements of a single arm or body part could be elicited. Discrete and complex components have no central topographical organization but are distributed over wide regions.  相似文献   
Amblyopia is a cortically based visual disorder caused by disruption of vision during a critical early developmental period. It is often thought to be a largely intractable problem in adult patients because of a lack of neuronal plasticity after this critical period [1]; however, recent advances have suggested that plasticity is still present in the adult amblyopic visual cortex [2-6]. Here, we present data showing that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the visual cortex can temporarily improve contrast sensitivity in the amblyopic visual cortex. The results indicate continued plasticity of the amblyopic visual system in adulthood and open the way for a potential new therapeutic approach to the treatment of amblyopia.  相似文献   
Skilled object manipulation requires knowledge, or internal models, of object dynamics relating applied force to motion , and our ability to handle myriad objects indicates that the brain maintains multiple models . Recent behavioral studies have shown that once learned, an internal model of an object with novel dynamics can be rapidly recruited and derecruited as the object is grasped and released . We used event-related fMRI to investigate neural activity linked to grasping an object with recently learned dynamics in preparation for moving it after a delay. Subjects also performed two control tasks in which they either moved without the object in hand or applied isometric forces to the object. In all trials, subjects received a cue indicating which task to perform in response to a go signal delivered 5-10 s later. We examined BOLD responses during the interval between the cue and go and assessed the conjunction of the two contrasts formed by comparing the primary task to each control. The analysis revealed significant activity in the ipsilateral cerebellum and the contralateral and supplementary motor areas. We propose that these regions are involved in internal-model recruitment in preparation for movement execution.  相似文献   
Sleeping functional group drives coral-reef recovery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The world's coral reefs are in decline, with many exhibiting a phase shift from coral to macroalgal dominance . This change is often associated with habitat loss and overharvesting of herbivorous fishes, particularly parrotfishes and surgeonfishes . The challenge is to reverse this decline and enhance the resilience of coral-reef ecosystems . We demonstrate, by using a large-scale experimentally induced phase shift, that the rapid reversal from a macroalgal-dominated to a coral- and epilithic algal-dominated state was not a result of herbivory by parrotfishes or surgeonfishes. Surprisingly, phase-shift reversal was primarily driven by a single batfish species (Platax pinnatus), a fish previously regarded as an invertebrate feeder. The 43 herbivorous fishes in the local fauna played only a minor role, suggesting that biodiversity may not offer the protection we hoped for in complex ecosystems. Our findings highlight the dangers faced by coral reefs and other threatened complex ecosystems: Species or functional groups that prevent phase shifts may not be able to reverse phase shifts once they occur. Nevertheless, reversal is possible. The critical issue is to identify and protect those groups that underpin the resilience and regeneration of complex ecosystems.  相似文献   
When attention is directed to a region of space, visual resolution at that location flexibly adapts, becoming sharper to resolve fine-scale details or coarser to reflect large-scale texture and surface properties [1]. By what mechanism does attention improve spatial resolution? An improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the attended location contributes [2], because of retinotopically specific signal gain [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9] and [10]. Additionally, attention could sharpen position tuning at the neural population level, so that adjacent objects activate more distinct regions of the visual cortex. A dual mechanism involving both signal gain and sharpened position tuning would be highly efficient at improving visual resolution, but there is no direct evidence that attention can narrow the position tuning of population responses. Here, we compared the spatial spread of the fMRI BOLD response for attended versus ignored stimuli. The activity produced by adjacent stimuli overlapped less when subjects were attending at their locations versus attending elsewhere, despite a stronger peak response with attention. Our results show that even as early as primary visual cortex (V1), spatially directed attention narrows the tuning of population-coded position representations.  相似文献   
Somatic and motor components of action simulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seminal studies in monkeys report that the viewing of actions performed by other individuals activates frontal and parietal cortical areas typically involved in action planning and execution. That mirroring actions might rely on both motor and somatosensory components is suggested by reports that action observation and execution increase neural activity in motor and in somatosensory areas. This occurs not only during observation of naturalistic movements but also during the viewing of biomechanically impossible movements that tap the afferent component of action, possibly by eliciting strong somatic feelings in the onlooker. Although somatosensory feedback is inherently linked to action execution, information on the possible causative role of frontal and parietal cortices in simulating motor and sensory action components is lacking. By combining low-frequency repetitive and single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation, we found that virtual lesions of ventral premotor cortex (vPMc) and primary somatosensory cortex (S1) suppressed mirror motor facilitation contingent upon observation of possible and impossible movements, respectively. In contrast, virtual lesions of primary motor cortex did not influence mirror motor facilitation. The reported double dissociation suggests that vPMc and S1 play an active, differential role in simulating efferent and afferent components of observed actions.  相似文献   
In our daily life, we continuously monitor others' behaviors and interpret them in terms of goals, intentions, and reasons. Despite their central importance for predicting and interpreting each other's actions, the functional mechanisms and neural circuits involved in action understanding remain highly controversial. Two alternative accounts have been advanced. Simulation theory assumes that we understand actions by simulating the observed behavior through a direct matching process that activates the mirror-neuron circuit. The alternative interpretive account assumes that action understanding is based on specialized inferential processes activating brain areas with no mirror properties. Although both approaches recognize the central role of contextual information in specifying action intentions, their respective accounts of this process differ in significant respects. Here, we investigated the role of context in action understanding by using functional brain imaging while participants observed an unusual action in implausible versus plausible contexts. We show that brain areas that are part of a network involved in inferential interpretive processes of rationalization and mentalization but that lack mirror properties are more active when the action occurs in an implausible context. However, no differential activation was found in the mirror network. Our findings support the assumption that action understanding in novel situations is primarily mediated by an inferential interpretive system rather than the mirror system.  相似文献   
In temporal ventriloquism, auditory events can illusorily attract perceived timing of a visual onset [1-3]. We investigated whether timing of a static sound can also influence spatio-temporal processing of visual apparent motion, induced here by visual bars alternating between opposite hemifields. Perceived direction typically depends on the relative interval in timing between visual left-right and right-left flashes (e.g., rightwards motion dominating when left-to-right interflash intervals are shortest [4]). In our new multisensory condition, interflash intervals were equal, but auditory beeps could slightly lag the right flash, yet slightly lead the left flash, or vice versa. This auditory timing strongly influenced perceived visual motion direction, despite providing no spatial auditory motion signal whatsoever. Moreover, prolonged adaptation to such auditorily driven apparent motion produced a robust visual motion aftereffect in the opposite direction, when measured in subsequent silence. Control experiments argued against accounts in terms of possible auditory grouping, or possible attention capture. We suggest that the motion arises because the sounds change perceived visual timing, as we separately confirmed. Our results provide a new demonstration of multisensory influences on sensory-specific perception [5], with timing of a static sound influencing spatio-temporal processing of visual motion direction.  相似文献   
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