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The components of biological membranes are present in a physical mixture. The nonrandom ways that the molecules of lipids and proteins mix together can strongly influence the association of proteins with each other, and the chemical reactions that occur in the membrane, or that are mediated by the membrane. A particular type of nonrandom mixing is the separation of compositionally distinct phases. Any such phase separation would result in preferential partition of some proteins and lipids between the coexisting phases, and thus would influence which proteins could be in contact, and whether a protein could find its target. Phase separation in a plasma membrane would also influence the binding of molecules from outside the cell to the membrane, including recognition proteins on viruses, bacteria, and other cells. The concept of these and other events associated with membrane phase separation are sometimes grouped together as the “raft model” of biological membranes. Several types of experiments are aimed at detecting and characterizing membrane phase separation. Visualizing phase separation has special value, both because the immiscibility is so decisively determined, and also because the type of phase can often be identified. The fluorescence microscope has proven uniquely useful for yielding images of separated phases, both in certain cell preparations, and especially in models of cell membranes. Here we discuss ways to prepare useful model membranes for image studies, and how to avoid some of the artifacts that can plague these studies.  相似文献   
The binding of the antimicrobial peptides temporins B and L to supported lipid bilayer (SLB) model membranes composed of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylglycerol (4:1, mol/mol) caused the formation of fibrillar protrusions, visible by fluorescent microscopy of both a fluorescent lipid analog and a labeled peptide. Multicolor imaging at low peptide-to-lipid ratios (P/L < approximately 1:5) revealed an initial in-plane segregation of membrane-bound peptide and partial exclusion of lipid from the peptide-enriched areas. Subsequently, at higher P/L numerous flexible lipid fibrils were seen growing from the areas enriched in lipid. The fibrils have diameters <250 nm and lengths of up to approximately 1 mm. Fibril formation reduces the in-plane heterogeneity and results in a relatively even redistribution of bound peptide over the planar bilayer and the fibrils. Physical properties of the lipid fibrils suggest that they have a tubular structure. Our data demonstrate that the peptide-lipid interactions alone can provide a driving force for the spontaneous membrane shape transformations leading to tubule outgrowth and elongation. Further experiments revealed the importance of positive curvature strain in the tubulation process as well as the sufficient positive charge on the peptide (>/=+2). The observed membrane transformations could provide a simplified in vitro model for morphogenesis of intracellular tubular structures and intercellular connections.  相似文献   
Temporins constitute a family of amphipathic α-helical antimicrobial peptides (AMP) and contain some of the shortest cytotoxic peptides, comprised of only 10-14 residues. General characteristics of temporins parallel those of other AMP, both in terms of structural features and biophysical properties relating to their interactions with membrane lipids, with selective lipid-binding properties believed to underlie the discrimination between target vs host cells. Lipid-binding properties also contribute to the cytotoxicity AMP, causing permeabilization of their target cell membranes. The latter functional property of AMP involves highly interdependent acidic phospholipid-induced conformational changes, aggregation, and formation of toxic oligomers in the membrane. These oligomers are subsequently converted to amyloid-type fibers, as demonstrated for e.g. temporins B and L in our laboratory, and more recently for dermaseptins by Auvynet et al. Amyloid state represents the generic minimum in the folding/aggregation free energy landscape, and for AMP its formation most likely serves to detoxify the peptides, in keeping with the current consensus on mature amyloid being inert and non-toxic. The above scenario is supported by sequence analyses of temporins as well as other amphipathic α-helical AMP belonging to diverse families. Accordingly, sequence comparison identifies ‘conformational switches’, domains with equal probabilities for adopting random coil, α-helical and β-sheet structures. These regions were further predicted also to aggregate and assemble into amyloid β-sheets. Taken together, the lipid-binding properties and structural characterization lend support to the notion that the mechanism of membrane permeabilization by temporins B and L and perhaps of most AMP could be very similar, if not identical, to that of the paradigm amyloid forming cytotoxic peptides, responsible for degenerative cell loss in e.g. prion, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, and type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   
The pulsed field gradient (pfg)-NMR method for measurements of translational diffusion of molecules in macroscopically aligned lipid bilayers is described. This technique is proposed to have an appreciable potential for investigations in the field of lipid and membrane biology. Transport of molecules in the plane of the bilayer can be successfully studied, as well as lateral phase separation of lipids and their dynamics within the bilayer organizations. Lateral diffusion coefficients depend on lipid packing and acyl chain ordering and investigations of order parameters of perdeuterated acyl chains, using 2H NMR quadrupole splittings, are useful complements. In this review we summarize some of our recent achievements obtained on lipid membranes. In particular, bilayers exhibiting two-phase coexistence of liquid disordered (ld) and liquid ordered (lo) phases are considered in detail. Methods for obtaining good oriented lipid bilayers, necessary for the pfg-NMR method to be efficiently used, are also briefly described. Among our major results, besides determinations of ld and lo phases, belongs the finding that the lateral diffusion is the same for all components, independent of the molecular structure (including cholesterol (CHOL)), if they reside in the same domain or phase in the membrane. Furthermore, quite unexpectedly CHOL seems to partition into the ldand lo phases to roughly the same extent, indicating that CHOL has no strong preference for any of these phases, i.e. CHOL seems to have similar interactions with all of the lipids. We propose that the lateral phase separation in bilayers containing one high-Tm and one low-Tm lipid together with CHOL is driven by the increasing difficulty of incorporating an unsaturated or prenyl lipid into the highly ordered bilayer formed by a saturated lipid and CHOL, i.e. the phase transition is entropy driven to keep the disorder of the hydrocarbon chains of the unsaturated lipid.  相似文献   
Phase diagrams of 3-component lipid bilayer mixtures containing cholesterol reveal major differences among the different types of lipids. Here we report that mixtures of cholesterol together with POPC and a high-melting temperature PC or sphingomyelin show different phase behavior from similar mixtures that contain DOPC or di-phytanoyl-PC instead of POPC. In particular, only one region of macroscopic phase coexistence occurs with POPC, a region of coexisting liquid disordered and solid phases, {Lα + Lβ}. Fluorescence microscopy imaging is useful for these studies, but is subject to artifactual light-induced domain formation, as reported by Ayuyan and Cohen [A.G. Ayuyan, F.S. Cohen, Lipid peroxides promote large rafts: Effects of excitation of probes in fluorescence microscopy and electrochemical reactions during vesicle formation, Biophys. J. 91 (2006) 2172-2183.]. This artifact can be attenuated by decreased illumination and low dye concentration. The use of the free radical scavenger n-propyl gallate can reduce the artifact, but this molecule enters the bilayer and itself perturbs the phase behavior. We suggest that the light-induced domain separation artifact might actually arise from pre-existing lipid clusters that are induced to coalesce, and therefore indicates highly nonrandom mixing of the lipid components.  相似文献   
Anammox bacteria that are capable of anaerobically oxidizing ammonium (anammox) with nitrite to nitrogen gas produce unique membrane phospholipids that comprise hydrocarbon chains with three or five linearly condensed cyclobutane rings. To gain insight into the biophysical properties of these ‘ladderane’ lipids, we have isolated a ladderane phosphatidylcholine and a mixed ladderane phosphatidylethanolamine/phosphatidylglycerol lipid fraction and reconstituted these lipids in different membrane environments. Langmuir monolayer experiments demonstrated that the purified ladderane phospholipids form fluid films with a relatively high lipid packing density. Fluid-like behavior was also observed for ladderane lipids in bilayer systems as monitored by cryo-electron microscopy on large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) and epi-fluorescence microscopy on giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs). Analysis of the LUVs by fluorescence depolarization revealed a relatively high acyl chain ordering in the hydrophobic region of the ladderane phospholipids. Micropipette aspiration experiments were applied to study the mechanical properties of ladderane containing lipid bilayers and showed a relatively high apparent area compressibility modulus for ladderane containing GUVs, thereby confirming the fluid and acyl chain ordered characteristics of these lipids. The biophysical findings in this study support the previous postulation that dense membranes in anammox cells protect these microbes against the highly toxic and volatile anammox metabolites.  相似文献   
Sphingomyelin from biological membranes forms segregated domains with cholesterol in fluid bilayers. However, a synthetic form of sphingomyelin with an oleoyl chain linked to sphingosine is not incorporated into cholesterol-rich domains. We have studied the properties of mixtures of oleoyl-sphingomyelin and cholesterol as well as mixtures of oleoyl-sphingomyelin with 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine by DSC and NMR. Cholesterol has a high miscibility with oleoyl-sphingomyelin and it does not separate in crystalline form until the mol fraction of cholesterol reaches a value above 0.6. A large fraction of the cholesterol crystals that are formed are in the monohydrate form. Furthermore, these crystals rehydrate relatively rapidly compared with pure cholesterol crystals in the absence of phospholipid. The environment of the carbonyl group of the phospholipid indicates that it is similar to other forms of sphingomyelin with saturated acyl chains. Also similar to other forms of sphingomyelin, the quaternary ammonium group of oleoyl-sphingomyelin is more rigid than that of phosphatidylcholines, as indicated by the strong resonance observed with cross-polarization/magic angle spinning. Additionally, oleoyl-sphingomyelin produces a larger alteration than egg sphingomyelin of the phase transition of 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine. These studies indicate that oleoyl-sphingomyelin, unlike saturated forms of sphingomyelin, does not form segregated domains with cholesterol because of its greater miscibility with phosphatidylcholine.  相似文献   
Ceramide: From lateral segregation to mechanical stress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ceramide is a sphingolipid present in eukaryotic cells that laterally segregates into solid domains in model lipid membranes. Imaging has provided a wealth of structural information useful to understand some of the physical properties of these domains. In biological membranes, ceramide is formed on one of the membrane leaflets by enzymatic cleavage of sphyngomyelin. Ceramide, with a smaller head size than its parent compound sphyngomyelin, induces an asymmetric membrane tension and segregates into highly ordered domains that have a much high shear viscosity than that of the surrounding lipids. These physical properties, together with the rapid transmembrane flip-flop of the locally produced ceramide, trigger a sequence of membrane perturbations that could explain the molecular mechanism by which ceramide mediates different cell responses. In this review we will try to establish a connection between the physical membrane transformations in model systems known to occur upon ceramide formation and some physiologically relevant process in which ceramide is known to participate.  相似文献   
This study uses low-angle (LAXS) and wide-angle (WAXS) X-ray synchrotron scattering, volume measurements and thin layer chromatography to determine the structure and interactions of SOPC, SOPC/cholesterol mixtures, SOPC/peptide and SOPC/cholesterol/peptide mixtures. N-acetyl-LWYIK-amide (LWYIK) represents the naturally-occurring CRAC motif segment in the pretransmembrane region of the gp41 protein of HIV-1, and N-acetyl-IWYIK-amide (IWYIK), an unnatural isomer, is used as a control. Both peptides thin the SOPC bilayer by ∼ 3 Å, and cause the area/unit cell (peptide + SOPC) to increase by ∼ 9 Å2 from the area/lipid of SOPC at 30 °C (67.0 ± 0.9 Å2). Model fitting suggests that LWYIK's average position is slightly closer to the bilayer center than IWYIK's, and both peptides are just inside of the phosphate headgroup. Both peptides increase the wide-angle spacing d of SOPC without cholesterol, whereas with 50% cholesterol LWYIK increases d but IWYIK decreases d. TLC shows that LWYIK is more hydrophobic than IWYIK; this difference persists in peptide/SOPC 1:9 mole ratio mixtures. Both peptides counteract the chain ordering effect of cholesterol to roughly the same degree, and both decrease KC, the bending modulus, thus increasing the SOPC membrane fluidity. Both peptides nucleate crystals of cholesterol, but the LWYIK-induced crystals are weaker and dissolve more easily.  相似文献   
针对目前心电监护设备微型化、实时性、高采样率、存储量大等实际需求,采用了一种基于最新的SOPC(System On a Programmable Chip)技术的心电检测系统的设计。将DSP和MCU的功能集成在一块FPGA上,在FPGA内部实现多路心电信号的并行处理,由SD卡记录较长时间的连续心电信号,并实现心电信号的实时分析和心律失常的预警等扩展功能。  相似文献   
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