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中国过去40年城镇化发展迅速,从数字指标上看,不仅走过了一条迅速提升工业化水平的道路,也走过了一条快速城镇化道路。然而,中国城镇化发展重"量"而轻"质",偏重于城镇数量增多和城镇化速度的提升,而对城镇化的质量和效益的提升、人民生活水平和文明程度的共同提高、资源生态环境的保护、城镇就业、第三产业发展等城镇化的本质问题关注不够。2015年,联合国通过的2030年全球可持续发展目标(SDGs)明确要求建设包容、安全、有抵御灾害能力和可持续的城市和人类住区,中国新型城镇化应以可持续发展目标为导向,如何将SDGs的具体要求用于中国新型城镇化的发展显得尤为重要。为此需要构建城市可持续发展水平评估机制,测评中国城市可持续发展目标实施状况;通过推进城市绿色创新实践,拓宽中国城市可持续发展目标践行路径。  相似文献   
海洋可持续发展目标与海洋和滨海生态系统管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苑晶晶  吕永龙  贺桂珍 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8139-8147
海洋和海岸带可以为人类提供多种生态系统服务,保护与持续利用海洋资源以促进海洋和海岸带可持续发展已被正式纳入联合国可持续发展目标。实施海洋可持续发展目标面临几大挑战,包括如何减小陆基人类活动的影响、加强海岸带的综合管理、提高海洋资源效率、适应气候变化和提高沿海居民的人类福祉等。为应对这些挑战,需要将海洋和海岸带融合为一个大型生态系统,利用基于生态系统的管理方法,综合考虑各个部门和多种胁迫因素的累积影响,通过建立综合的海洋观测体系,合理划分海洋功能区,按照海洋环境承载力限制陆基人类活动,合理配置并有效利用海洋资源,提升海洋和海岸带生态系统的整体服务功能,从而进一步推进实施海洋可持续发展目标。  相似文献   
鲢快速逃逸游泳行为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
{{@ convertAbstractHtml(article.abstractinfoCn, "cn")}}    相似文献   
陈曦  王泺 《生物多样性》2021,29(2):247-258
生物多样性国际发展援助是在全球范围达成《生物多样性公约》(Convention on Biological Diversity,CBD)目标和联合国可持续发展目标(Sustainable Development Goals,SDGs)的主要途径,也是中国在全球范围践行习近平生态文明思想、参与国际环境治理、维护中国海外发...  相似文献   
The load (force/cross-section) determines the response of muscle power output, force and speed of contraction). The force is the product of the mass by the acceleration, thus the same force is generated by an infinite number of mass and acceleration couples and each one of these couples displays different physical and biological effects. Therefore, the load must be defined both by the mass and by the acceleration. Early muscle investigators were well aware of this situation as it is indicated by the work of Hill on the flexion of the arm against the “heavy fly-wheel”. By making use of a model of sarcomere contraction we show here that the acceleration of the load is the first determinant of the time course of the process of generation of the isometric tension. We also propose that, in order to reproduce the rapid release, it is not necessary to invoke the presence of a distinct elastic element in the contractile machinery. It is sufficient to assume that the stiffness of the same machinery increases with the contractile force.  相似文献   
The cantilever sensor, which acts as a transducer of reactions between model bacterial cell wall matrix immobilized on its surface and antibiotic drugs in solution, has shown considerable potential in biochemical sensing applications with unprecedented sensitivity and specificity1-5. The drug-target interactions generate surface stress, causing the cantilever to bend, and the signal can be analyzed optically when it is illuminated by a laser. The change in surface stress measured with nano-scale precision allows disruptions of the biomechanics of model bacterial cell wall targets to be tracked in real time. Despite offering considerable advantages, multiple cantilever sensor arrays have never been applied in quantifying drug-target binding interactions.Here, we report on the use of silicon multiple cantilever arrays coated with alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers mimicking bacterial cell wall matrix to quantitatively study antibiotic binding interactions. To understand the impact of vancomycin on the mechanics of bacterial cell wall structures1,6,7. We developed a new model1 which proposes that cantilever bending can be described by two independent factors; i) namely a chemical factor, which is given by a classical Langmuir adsorption isotherm, from which we calculate the thermodynamic equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) and ii) a geometrical factor, essentially a measure of how bacterial peptide receptors are distributed on the cantilever surface. The surface distribution of peptide receptors (p) is used to investigate the dependence of geometry and ligand loading. It is shown that a threshold value of p ~10% is critical to sensing applications. Below which there is no detectable bending signal while above this value, the bending signal increases almost linearly, revealing that stress is a product of a local chemical binding factor and a geometrical factor combined by the mechanical connectivity of reacted regions and provides a new paradigm for design of powerful agents to combat superbug infections.  相似文献   
The study of pediatric head injury relies heavily on the use of finite element models and child anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs). However, these tools, in the context of pediatric head injury, have yet to be validated due to a paucity of pediatric head response data. The goal of this study is to investigate the response and injury tolerance of the pediatric head to impact.Twelve pediatric heads were impacted in a series of drop tests. The heads were dropped onto five impact locations (forehead, occiput, vertex and right and left parietal) from drop heights of 15 and 30 cm. The head could freely fall without rotation onto a flat 19 mm thick platen. The impact force was measured using a 3-axis piezoelectric load cell attached to the platen.Age and drop height were found to be significant factors in the impact response of the pediatric head. The head acceleration (14%–15 cm; 103–30 cm), Head Injury Criterion (HIC) (253%–15 cm; 154%–30 cm) and impact stiffness (5800%–15 cm; 3755%–30 cm) when averaged across all impact locations increased with age from 33 weeks gestation to 16 years, while the pulse duration (66%–15 cm; 53%–30 cm) decreased with age. Increases in head acceleration, HIC and impact stiffness were also observed with increased drop height, while pulse duration decreased with increased drop height.One important observation was that three of the four cadaveric heads between the ages of 5-months and 22-months sustained fractures from the 15 cm and 30 cm drop heights. The 5-month-old sustained a right parietal linear fracture while the 11- and 22-month-old sustained diastatic linear fractures.  相似文献   
Transitory tasks, such as gait termination, involve interactions between neural and biomechanical factors that challenge postural stability and head stabilization patterns in older adults. The aim of the study was to compare upper body patterns of acceleration during planned gait termination at different speeds between young and older women. Ten young and 10 older women were asked to carry out three gait termination trials at slow, comfortable and fast speed. A stereophotogrammetric system and a 15-body segments model were used to calculate antero-posterior whole-body Center of Mass (AP CoM) speed and to reconstruct the centroids of head, trunk and pelvis segments. RMS of three-dimensional linear accelerations were calculated for each segment and the transmission of acceleration between two segments was expressed as a percentage difference. Older women reported lower AP CoM speed and acceleration RMS of the three upper body segments than young women across the three speed conditions. A lower pelvis-to-trunk attenuation of accelerations in the transverse plane was observed in older compared to young women, and mainly in the medio-lateral direction. As possible explanations, older women may not need to reduce acceleration as young women because of their lower progression speed and the subsequent acceleration at upper body levels. On the other hand, older women may prioritize a decrease in the whole body progression speed at expense of the involvement of upper body segments. This limits the attenuation of the accelerations, particularly in the transverse plane, implying an increased dynamic unbalance in performing this transitory task.  相似文献   
We tested the utility of acoustic tri-axial acceleration transmitters in combination with ethogram and respirometry studies to quantify the activity patterns and field metabolic rates of free-swimming bonefish (Albula vulpes) in the coastal waters of Eleuthera, The Bahamas. Bonefish were found to exhibit relatively low activity levels in the field with no evidence of diel patterns or inter-sexual variation. Low activity levels reported by the accelerometers reflected low swimming speeds and intermittent swimming behaviours (i.e., swim-then-drift) that maximized energy efficiency. Such behaviours were also observed when conducting ethograms on bonefish held in a large field mesocosm. Laboratory derived standard metabolic rates and maximum metabolic rates during recovery from exercise were combined with acceleration transmitter calibrations to determine that individual bonefish typically operate at between 40 and 60% of their estimated metabolic scope in the field. However, occasionally acceleration values in the field were indicative of high intensity bursting activity that exhausted the majority of their estimated metabolic scope (0.7% of all field observations exceed 90% of estimated metabolic scope). Data gathered in this study provide a critical starting point for the development of a bioenergetics model for bonefish which will ultimately lend clues into how fish make a living in tropical tidal flats environments. Given that this paper is one of the first to use transmitters rather than archival loggers to collect data on tri-axial acceleration on fish, we also discuss the opportunities and limitations of using this new technology for marine fisheries research.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to establish the internal consistency and test–retest reliability of the electromyographic and accelerometric data sampled from the prime movers of the dominant arm during an antigravity, within-arm’s length stand-reaching task without trunk restraint. Ten healthy young adults participated in two experimental sessions, approximately 7–10 days apart. During each session, subjects performed 15 trials of both a flexion- and an abduction-reaching task. Surface EMG and acceleration using wireless sensors were sampled from the anterior and middle deltoid. Reliability was established using Cronbach’s alpha, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC 2, k) and standard error of measurements (SEM) for electromyographic reaction time, burst duration and normalized amplitude along with peak acceleration. Results indicated high degrees of inter-trial and test–retest reliability for flexion (Cronbach’s α range = 0.92–0.99; ICC range = 0.82–0.92) as well as abduction (Cronbach’s α range = 0.94–0.99; ICC range = 0.81–0.94) reaching. The SEM associated with response variables for flexion and abduction ranged from 1.55–3.26% and 3.33–3.95% of means, respectively. Findings from this study revealed that electromyographic and accelerometric data collected from prime movers of the arm during the relatively functional stand-reaching task were highly reproducible. Given its high reliability and portability, the proposed test could have applications in clinical and laboratory settings to quantify upper limb function.  相似文献   
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