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The macrofaunal distribution of the mid-Cretaceous El Abra Limestone reef core is quantified from two measured sections in Taninul Quarry, San Luis Potosi, central Mexico. The faunal structure is transitional between typical Lower Cretaceous reefs dominated by corals with low-density rudist bivalve packing; and densely-packed, rudist-dominated Upper Cretaceous reefs. The macrofauna is predominantly associations of unconnected individuals of caprinid rudists, with a low diversity of other shelly mollusks and corals. An examination of the alternation of paleocommunities defined by the dominant caprinid taxa reveals no pattern of biotic succession within the reef core. Large-scale sedimentologic features of mud and debris content, coupled with rudist growth type, suggest that paleocommunities may have been physically controlled.  相似文献   
Five sections of the Cardenas and Tabaco formations in east-central Mexico have been analyzed by means of bio-, Sr-isotope, and sequence stratigraphy, in order to evaluate their age as well as the timing of rudist decline.Ammonites [Pachydiscus (Pachydiscus) neubergicus (Hauer), Sphenodiscus pleurisepta (Conrad), Coahuilites sheltoni Böse] indicate an early Maastrichtian age for the topmost lower member of the Cardenas Formation and planktic foraminifera [e.g., Globotruncanita stuarti (de Lapparent), Archaeoglobigerina cretacea (d’Orbigny), Globotruncanella petaloidea (Gandolfi), Gansserina gansseri (Bolli), Globotruncana linneiana (d’Orbigny)] a late early Maastrichtian age for the middle member corresponding to the foraminiferal zones CF5 and CF6. Sr-isotope stratigraphic data yield an early late Maastrichtian age (66.93 Ma < 67.98 Ma < 68.96 Ma) for the last rudist assemblage in the topmost upper member of the Cardenas Formation, coinciding with the foraminiferal zone CF4.17 small-scale and 3 large-scale depositional cycles have been identified, which correspond to para- and depositional sequences. The progradational pattern of the large-scale cycles indicates an overall regression trend, which terminated in subaerial exposure of the area, indicated by paleosoils in the red beds of the Tabaco Formation. The correlation of the large-scale cycles with the global sea level charts indicate that eustatic sea level fall caused the regression and led to the exposure during the middle late Maastrichtian. This subaerial exposure resulted in the loss of habitat and thus the disappearance of rudists in east-central Mexico.  相似文献   
Transgressive sequences of Campanian-Maastrichtian Stages in Turkey generally begin with medium- to coarse-grained clastics and continue with shallow marine limestones, reefal limestones and then open marine rhythmic fine-grained clastics. These mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sequences are observed on three main platforms known as Rhodope-Pontide (RPP), Anatolide-Tauride (ATP) and Arabian (AP). New species of the rudist genera Gorjanovicia, Radiolites, Sauvagesia, Durania and Sabinia are observed on the RPP. Yvaniella and Ugarella are only found on this platform. Orbitoides gruenbachensis Papp is the most abundant species of benthic foraminifera on the RPP. Cideina soezerii (Sirel), Dizerina anatolica Meriç, Helicorbitoides boluensis Sirel, Ilgazina unilateralis Erdo?an, Nummofallotia kastamonica Özgen-Erdem, Selimina spinalis ?nan, Sirelina orduensis Meriç and ?nan, Smoutina cruysi Drooger are also observed on this platform. Rudist and benthic foraminifera on the ATP have both high diversity and abundance in comparison with RPP and AP faunas. Genus and species diversity of the rudist fauna is quite high: 17 genera and 36 species are described. New rudist genera such as Darendeella, Kurtinia and Balabania and many new species of Radiolitidae and Hippuritidae may be restricted to this platform. Characteristic larger benthic foraminifera contain 18 genera and 37 species. Among benthic foraminifera Loftusia ketini Meriç, L. turcica Meriç and Av?ar, Postomphalocyclus merici ?nan and Pseudoedomia hekimhanensis Görmü? are also likely restricted to this platform. Rudist diversity on the AP is poor. Four endemic genera (Vautrinia, Dictyoptychus, Paracaprinula and Hatayia) and two species (Hippurites syriaca Vautrin, Pironaea syriaca Vautrin) characterize the fauna on this platform. Loftusia diversity and abundance among the benthic foraminifera is quite high. Arnaudella grossouvreii Douvillé, Discyclina schlumbergeri Munier-Chalmas, Loftusia harrisoni Cox, L. elongata Cox, L. matsumaruii Meriç and Görmü? and Pseudorbitolina marthae Douvillé are only documented from southeastern Anatolia. Biogeographic distributions of rudist and benthic foraminifera show different faunal associations on the three main platforms (RPP, ATP and AP). Our data from both rudist and benthic foraminifera indicate that different faunal associations and existence of restricted genera and species may be associated with a deep marine barrier to circulation during the Campanian-Maastrichtian. Southern and northern branches of the Neotethyan Ocean are considered to be barriers in preventing migration of the species.  相似文献   
Summary During the Late Albian, Early and Middle Cenomanian in the NW part of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform (presentday Istria) specific depositional systems characterised by frequent lateral and vertical facies variations were established within a formerly homogeneous area, ranging from peritidal and barrier bars to the offshore-transition zone. In southern Istria this period is represented by the following succession: thin-bedded peritidal peloidal and stromatolitic limestones (Upper Albian); well-bedded foreshore to shoreface packstones/grainstones with synsedimentary dliding and slumping (Vraconian-lowermost Cenomanian); shoreface to off-shore storm-generated limestones (Lower Cenomanian); massive off-shore to shoreface carbonate sand bodies (Lower Cenomanian); prograding rudist bioclastic subaqueous dunes (Lower to Middle Cenomanian); rudist biostromes (Lower to Middle Cenomanian), and high-energy rudist and ostreid coquina beds within skeletal wackestones/packstones (Middle Cenomanian). Rapid changes of depositional systems near the Albian/Cenomanian transition in Istria are mainly the result of synsedimentary tectonics and the establishment of extensive rudist colonies producing enormous quantities of bioclastic material rather than the influence of eustatic changes. Tectonism is evidenced by the occurrence of sliding scars, slumps, small-scale synsedimentary faults and conspicuous bathymetric changes in formerly corresponding environments. Consequently, during the Early Cenomanian in the region of southern Istria, a deepening of the sedimentary environments occurred towards the SE, resulting in the establishment of a carbonate ramp system. Deeper parts of the ramp were below fair-weather wave base (FWWB), while the shallower parts were characterised by high-energy environments with extensive rudist colonies, and high organic production leading to the progradation of bioclastic subaqueous dunes. This resulted in numerous shallowing- and coarsening-upwards clinostratified sequences completely infilling formerly deeper environments, and the final re-establishment of the shallow-water environments over the entire area during the Middle Cenomanian.  相似文献   
Dr. Eric Fookes 《Facies》1995,33(1):129-149
Summary This study consists of a sedimentological and diagenetical analysis of reef facies from the Upper Kimmeridgian (sensu gallico). The investigated deposits are situated in eastern France, about fifty kilometres west of the city of Geneva (Switzerland). The reef complex is a fine example of vertical development and facies differentiation. It is subdivided into two distinct sequences by a perforated hardground horizon and sand shoals. The onset of the first reef sequence is characterized by a pioneer growth stage followed by up to 20 m of reef-core and-flank facies. Corals forming the reef-core are typically the ramose variety ofCalamophylliopsis flabellum. The second reef sequence has a reef-core with an average thickness of about 5 m. Corals, however, display much more varied morphologies, and in some areas massive rudist (Heterodiceras) build-ups occur. Development of the second reef sequence was seriously weakened by a storm which produced a 2 m thick accumulation of coral rubble. A shallowing-upwards trend gradually leads to the formation of beach deposits, followed by a newly detected black-pebble horizon. Diagenesis is an important aspect of the reef complex. Especially noteworthy is the dolomitization of certain horizons. At the base of the reef formation, the passage of the phreatic mixing zone provoked invasive dolomitization in large irregular patches (probably deposits richer in Mg-calcite). Some of the beds above the black-pebble horizon, in particular a deposit of accumulated microbial mats, are also dolomitized. In this case, dolomitization is stratiform and is interpreted as having precipitated under conditions of evaporative pumping. The sedimentary record clearly shows the imprint of eustasy. The reef complex was initiated during a transgressive cycle and the hardground found between the two reef sequences is interpreted as a maximum flooding surface (mfs). At the top of the sequence, the horizon overlain by the black-pebble conglomerate is believed to represent the new sequence boundary SB140. Other significant features identified from the St. Germain-de-Joux deposits include the discovery of a new foraminifera,Troglotella incrustans, which is only marginally covered here but is the topic of another paper (Wernli & Fookes, 1992); the subdivision of the first coralligenous level defined byPelletier (1953) into two reef sequences; and a proposition to redefine the ‘Calcaires de la Semine’ (Bernier, 1984). The investigations carried out in the past on the Kimmeridgian deposits in the area of St. Germain-de-Joux were mostly based on stratigraphy and palaeontology. These reefs are among the finest known in the Jura Mountains, but no thorough study had been made on their sedimentological aspects. The aim of this study is to fill this void and also to clarify the more confusing aspects of local stratigraphy (paper based onFookes, 1991).  相似文献   
Bilal Sar? 《Geobios》2009,42(3):359
The Upper Cretaceous (Middle Cenomanian-Coniacian) successions of the Bey Da?lar? Carbonate Platform (Western Taurides, SW Turkey) are represented by rudist-bearing shallow-water limestones. Four rudist lithosomes are distinguished for the first time from the Eastern, Northern and Southern Areas of the Bey Da?lar? Autochthon. The oldest rudist assemblages dominated by caprinids are observed in the Eastern (Katran Da?) Area (caprinid lithosomes) and suggest a Middle-Late Cenomanian age. The uppermost part of the platform carbonates in the Northern Area is characterized by an association of hippuritid and radiolitid rudist bivalves dominated by Vaccinites praegiganteus (Toucas) (hippuritid lithosomes). The rudist fauna indicates the Late Turonian age, which is confirmed by the previously obtained 87Sr/86Sr values of well-preserved low-Mg calcite of Vaccinites praegiganteus (Toucas) shells. The rudist associations of the Southern (Susuzda?) Area are represented by two rudist formations. The lower lithosomes are mainly made up of hippuritids and radiolitids (hippuritid-radiolitid lithosomes). The stratigraphical distributions of the species of the assemblage indicate a Santonian-Early Campanian age. The rudist associations of the upper lithosomes are dominated by species of Joufia and Gorjanovicia (Joufia-Gorjanovicia lithosomes), which suggest a Late Campanian-Maastrichtian age. Identification of the rudist lithosomes yields information on the palaeobiogeographic distribution of the rudist species in the eastern Mediterranean region and also on the biostratigraphic frame of the Upper Cretaceous successions of the Bey Da?lar? Carbonate Platform.  相似文献   
The antillocaprinid rudist bivalve Antillosarcolites Chubb is revised based on abundant specimens from the Campanian of Jamaica. Two genera are recognised: Antillosarcolites, type species Antillosarcolites macgillavryi Chubb, and Parantillosarcolites nov. gen., type species Parantillosarcolites lenticularis nov. gen., nov. sp. These two genera are characterised by distinct myocardinal arrangements and differ by the nature of the fill of the sockets for the myophores and additional toothlet. This revision indicates that the Antillocaprinidae were already highly diverse in the middle Campanian.  相似文献   
Summary At Collades de Bastus, Catalonian Pyrences, a Santonian mixed siliciclastic-carbonate succession indicates two proximal-distal gradients, and records two styles of stratigraphical development upon relative sea-level change. The succession consists of four small-scale sequences (5.1 to 5.4) within the highstand systems tract of the. “Valicarca-5” depositional sequence of Simo (1993), and is topped by a drowning sequence (small-scale sequence 5.5). The investigated succession (Collades Member) accumulated near the margin of the south-Pyrenean shelf, shortly before development of the south-vergent Boixols thrust system. Deposition of the Collades Member commenced with moderate sea-level rise accompanied by increased siliciclastic input. In the larger, eastern outcrop sector the Collades Member consists of a succession of neritic marls with four intercalated intervals each deposited from a carbonate shelf. Each carbonate interval consists of stacked upward-shoaling cycles interpreted as parasequences. From bottom to top, most parasequences consist of a coral-sponge-rudist bioconstruction, a rudist biostrome, and bioclastic limestones. Depositional sequences 5.1 to 5.4 developed by overstep of shelf carbonates with neritic marls, corresponding to the transgressive systems tract (TST) and to part of the highstand systems tract(HST) The carbonate facies tract of the HST consists of stacked parasequences that become thinner up-section and record a westward component of progradation. Each highstand carbonate interval is overlain by a stack of carbonate parasequences that become thicker up-section and, down depositional dip, by neritic marls. Together, the upward-thickening parasequence stack and the laterally adjacent overlying succession of neritic marls comprise the TST and part of the HST of the successive sequence. The sequence boundary is the level of maximum shoaling within each carbonate shelf interval. The uppermost sequence 5.5 is a drowning sequence (cf. Simo 1993). In the western outcrop sector, the Collades Member consists of hummocky cross-laminated to bioturbated sandy calcarenites, of neritic marls and of relatively thin intervals of coral-sponge-rudist limestones. Sequence development may have started with deposition of sharp-based bedsets of sandy calcarenites that both eastward and up-section become thinner and grade into neritic marls. Together, the succession of sandy calcarenites and neritic marls may comprise the TST and, possibly, part of the HST. In the HST neritic marls and, locally, coral-sponge-rudist bioconstructions accumulated. Deposition of some calcarenite bedsets seems to have started near or closely after maximum progradation of each carbonate shelf in the eastern part of outcrop. The stratigraphic architecture of the Collades Member indicates, for the eastern outcrop sector, an east-west proximal-distal gradient, whereas the western sector records a west-east gradient. The opposite gradients result from outcrop intersection subparallel to oblique to general northward depositional dip, across two distinct shelf depositional systems.  相似文献   
The Upper Cretaceous succession in the Madenli area (western Central Taurides, Southern Turkey) consists of platform carbonate rocks deposited in entirely peritidal environments, which are sensitive to sea level changes driven by global eustasy, but also strongly affected by local and regional tectonics. It includes economically important bauxite deposits. Previous works suggest different ages for bauxite formation ranging from the Albian to the Santonian. Benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and facies analysis of the Madenli and Doğankuzu outcrop sections allow for a more precise dating of the platform emersion periods. The footwall limestones of the bauxite deposits consist of well-bedded limestones (Unit-1), which contain a benthic foraminiferal assemblage (BFA) including mainly Biconcava bentori and Pastrikella biplana, Chrysalidina gradata (BFA I), assigned to the middle-upper Cenomanian. In the Madenli section, the first bauxite deposit occurs in the upper part of Unit-1 as a layer interbedded with pinkish sparitic and dolomitic beds (subunit-1a) deposited in supratidal environment. Subunit-1a is stratigraphically equivalent to the Doğankuzu and Mortaş bauxite deposits considered as karst-related, unconformity-type deposits. The hanging-wall limestones of the bauxite are represented by the massive limestones (Unit-2) starting locally with either the upper Cenomanian characterized mainly by the presence of Pseudolituonella reicheli or upper Campanian comprising mainly Murciella cuvillieri and Moncharmontia apenninica (BFA II). There is no field evidence of a discontinuity surface at the contact between the lower part of Unit-2, including BFA I, and the upper part of Unit-2, including BFA II. This contact is defined as a paraconformity indicating a stratigraphic gap from the Turonian to the early Campanian. The top of Unit-2 is truncated by another discontinuity surface associated with a minor bauxite deposit. The overlying Unit-3 is characterized by well-bedded, rudist-bearing limestones topped by laminated and dolomitized limestones organized in shallowing upward cycles. It is assigned to the upper Maastrichtian based on the presence of Rhapydionina liburnica (BFA III) and rudist assemblage. A third emersion period of the platform corresponds to the early Maastrichtian.  相似文献   
Sacit Özer 《Geobios》2005,38(2):235
Two new species of canaliculate rudist genus Dictyoptychus Douvillé: Dictyoptychus quadrizonalis n. sp. and Dictyoptychus vanensis n. sp., are described from the Maastrichtian limestone block of the ophiolitic unit of the Geva?-Van area, southeastern Turkey. The new species are mainly characterized by the complex structure of the canal layer of the lower valve, and also they seem to be most primitive species of Dictyoptychus and transitional between Dictyoptychus Douvillé and its presumed ancestor, Eodictyoptychus Skelton and El-Asa'ad. Many specimens of the Dictyoptychus paronai (Kühn), allows us to first determination of the upper valve shape and to study also of the lower valve canal layer.  相似文献   
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