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The effects of oryzalin, a dinitroaniline herbicide, on chromosome behavior and on cellular microtubules (MTs) were examined by light microscopy and immunogold staining, respectively, in endosperm cells from Haemanthus katherinae Bak. Brief treatments with 1.0·10-8 M oryzalin reduced markedly the migration rate of anaphase chromosomes and 1.0·10-7 M oryzalin stopped migration abruptly. Oryzalin (1.0·10-7 M) depolymerized MTs and prevented the polymerization of new MTs at all stages of the mitotic cycle. The chromosome condensation cycle was unaffected by oryzalin. Endothelial cells from the heart of Xenopus leavis showed no chromosomal or microtubular rearrangements after oryzalin treatment. The inhibition by oryzalin of the polymerization of tubulin isolated from cultured cells of Rosa sp. cv. Paul's scarlet was examined in vitro by turbidimetry, electron microscopy and polymer sedimentation analysis. Oryzalin inhibited the rapid phase of taxol-induced polymerization of rose MTs at 24°C with an apparent inhibition constant (K i ) of 2.59·106 M. Shorter and fewer MTs were formed with increasing oryzalin concentrations, and maximum inhibition of taxol-induced polymerization occurred at approx. 1:1 molar ratios of oryzalin and tubulin. Oryzalin partially depolymerized taxol-stabilized rose MTs. Ligand-binding experiments with [14C]oryzalin demonstrated the formation of a tubulin-oryzalin complex that was time- and pH-dependent. The tubulin-oryzalin interaction (24°C, pH 7.1) had an apparent affinity constant (K app) of 1.19·105 M-1. Oryzalin did not inhibit taxol-induced polymerization of bovinebrain MTs and no appreciable binding of oryzalin to brain tubulin or other proteins was detected. The results demonstrate pharmacological differences between plant and animal tubulins and indicate that the most sensitive mode of action of the dinitroaniline herbicides is the direct poisoning of MT dynamics in cells of higher plants.Abbreviations MT microtubule - SIB sucrose isolation buffer - TO tubulin-oryzalin complex  相似文献   
对中甸刺玫Rosa praelucens种子结构及其透水性,赤霉素处理对胚的影响,果壳、种皮、胚乳的粗提物活性进行研究。结果表明:(1) 中甸刺玫外种皮是由多层排列紧密的厚壁细胞组成,内种皮为坚硬致密的栅栏组织;(2) 种皮对种子的吸胀阻碍较大, 未处理的种子吸水率较低,吸水13 d后增加量为18.82%;(3) 果实结籽率为0.69%,多数果实中没有饱满的种子;(4) 赤霉素100 mg·kg-1预处理种子可加快胚的萌发速率;(5) 胚乳、种皮、果壳中存在内源抑制物。中甸刺玫种子的休眠是由其形态和生理特点引起的综合休眠。  相似文献   
为阐明气候变化背景下刺梨(Rosa roxburghii)在中国的潜在适生区分布,该研究基于刺梨的自然分布数据及当代(1960~1990)、未来(21世纪50年代及70年代)气候因子数据,采用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型模拟了当前和未来气候情景下刺梨在中国的潜在适生区,并确定影响其地理分布的主要气候因子.结果表明:(1)...  相似文献   
为了观察刺梨果实的果刺细胞学发育过程,该研究以刺梨‘贵农5号''的cDNA为模板,通过RACE克隆获得刺梨中与拟南芥表皮毛形成GL2的同源基因RrGL2,并对该基因进行生物信息学分析和表达分析。结果表明:(1)刺结构在花芽形成早期基部内的细胞首先不断分裂,向外继续发育,中部的细胞变细、变长形成“针”状结构,顶部的细胞逐渐木质化使刺变硬,形成果刺。(2)通过RACE扩增得到RrGL2的cDNA全长2 292 bp,编码763 aa氨基酸。(3)RrGL2具有Homeodomain同源结构域和StAR磷脂酰胆碱转移蛋白的结构域,RrGL2与其他物种编码的GL2氨基酸同源性高度相似,并且系谱树分析揭示刺梨RrGL2和野草莓的GL2密切相关。(4)qRT-PCR分析表明,RrGL2在茎和果实中的表达水平高于其他组织,在花后7周果刺中的表达最高,是3周和5周果刺中的7.87倍和2.10倍。综上结果发现RrGL2的功能与果刺的形成发育密切相关,该研究为刺梨中刺形成的分子机制和育种提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
本文对‘香槟’月季(80sachinensis‘Xiangbin’)的组织培养技术和诱导试管开花进行了研究。结果表明:以茎段为外植体能诱导获得无菌苗,适宜的启动培养基为MS+6-BA1.0mg-L-1+IBA0.1mg·L-1,幼芽继代增殖的最佳培养基是MS+6.BA1.0mg·L-1。+IBA0.1~0.2mg·L-1,诱导生根的适宜培养基为1/2MS+NAA0.3mg·L-1,生根率达80.0%。诱导试管开花的适宜培养基为MS+6.BA0.5mg·L-1+NAA0.1mg·L-1最适宜的诱导试管开花的蔗糖含量是30g·L-1;在三角瓶中培养,试管花可以正常开放,在培养瓶中培养花芽不能正常开放;MS培养基中增加2倍磷的含量,可以提高花芽诱导率,为25.O%;诱导试管开花的最适培养条件为温度21℃,光照强度80~100μmol·m-2.s-1,光照时间16h—d-1。  相似文献   
A structural study of the water-soluble dextran made by Leuconostoc mesenteroides strain C (NRRL B-1298) was conducted by enzymic degradation and subsequent 13C-NMR analysis of the native dextran and its limit dextrins. The α-l,2-debranching enzyme removed almost all of the branched D-glucose residues, and gave a limit dextrin having a much longer sequence of the internal chain length (degree of linearity: n = 24.5 compared with the value of n = 3.3 for the native dextran). The degree of hydrolysis with debranching enzyme corresponded to the content of α-1,2-linkages determined by chemical methods, which suggested that most of the α-l,2-linkages in the dextran B-1298 constituted branch points of a single D-glucose residue. A synergistic increase of susceptibility of the dextran B-1299 was observed by simultaneous use of debranching enzyme and endodex-tranase. 13C-NMR spectral analysis indicated the similarity of structure of dextran B-1298 to that of B-1396, rather than that of B-1299. Occurrence of α-l,3-linkages in the limit dextrin was supported by a newly visualized chemical shift at 83.7 ppm.  相似文献   
月季F1代群体表型性状变异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以月季(Rosa spp.)品种‘云蒸霞蔚’和‘太阳城’正交获得的184株F1代群体为研究对象,采用方差分析、变异系数、遗传分析、相关性分析对花部形态性状以及叶片形态性状进行测定分析。结果表明:该杂交群体表型变异丰富,变异系数在7.33%~68.08%,其中花瓣数量在群体中的变异程度最高;杂交后代各个性状上均发生分离变异,出现不同于亲本的表现型,且离散程度较高。表型性状的遗传特点与关联分析,为挖掘控制表型性状的优良基因及辅助选择育种提供参考。  相似文献   
以‘窄叶藤本月季花’( Rosa chinensis ‘Zhaiye Tengben Yuejihua’)ב月月粉’( R. chinensis ‘Old Blush’)杂交群体为材料, 分析其花瓣数量的分离特点, 对单瓣花与重瓣花的花芽分化过程进行观察, 并对花瓣、雄蕊及瓣化雄蕊进行表皮细胞超微结构的观察.结果显示...  相似文献   
金樱子多糖的分离纯化及组成分析   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
对金樱子多糖的分离纯化方法作了探讨,筛选出较佳的工艺条件,通过紫外分光光度法,红外光谱以及气相色谱法分别对金樱子多糖纯品LP2的纯度,分子构型,单糖组成进行了分析;并通过了DEAE-纤维素(氯型)柱层析得一葡聚糖。  相似文献   
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