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Cesium ions block potassium channels in biological membranes in a voltage dependent manner. For example, external cesium blocks inward current with little or no effect on outward current. Consequently, it produces a characteristic N-shaped current-voltage relationship. We have modeled this result by single file diffusion of ions in a narrow channel spanning the membrane with a special blocking site in the channel for cesium ions. The model enables us to make detailed comparisons of the effects of cesium on potassium channels in different types of biological membranes.  相似文献   
Model of ammonia volatilization from calcareous soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A quantitative model of ammonia volatilization from the calcareous soil uppermost 1-cm layer was developed and tested. The model accounts for the following processes: ammonium-ammonia equilibration in the soil solution, cation exchange between calcium and ammonium which results in ammonium distribution between soil liquid and solid phases, nitrification of dissolved ammonium, distribution of ammonia between liquid and gaseous phases and diffusion of gaseous ammonia in the soil air. The combined effect of various characteristics such as soil pH, cation exchange capacity, water capacity and nitrification rate on ammonia losses from various soil types have been studied. The model was validated against experimental results of ammonia losses from different soils for its use as a predicting tool. The model shows that most of ammonia losses can be explained by the interactive effect of high soil pH and low cation exchange capacity. Computations show increased ammonia volatilization with decreasing soil water capacity. Increasing fertilizer application rate has a small effect on percentage of ammonia losses. Increased nitrification rate and shorter “lag” period of nitrification reduce ammonia losses considerably. Good agreement was obtained between model calculations and experimental results of ammonia volatilization from 13 soils.  相似文献   
We hypothesized that manganese deficient animals fed high vs moderate levels of polyunsaturated fat would either manifest evidence of increased oxidative stress or would experience compensatory changes in antioxidant enzymes and/or shifts in manganese utilization that result in decreased endogenous gut manganese losses. Rats (females in Study 1, males in Study 2,n = 8/treatment) were fed diets that contained 5 or 20% corn oil by weight and either 0.01 or 1.5 μmol manganese/g diet. In study 2,54Mn complexed to albumin was injected into the portal vein to assess gut endogenous losses of manganese. The manganese deficient rats:
1.  Had 30–50% lower liver, tibia, kidney, spleen, and pancreas manganese concentrations than manganese adequate rats;
2.  Conserved manganese through ≈70-fold reductions in endogenous fecal losses of manganese;
3.  Had lower heart manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) activity; and
4.  Experienced only two minor compensatory changes in the activity of copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) and catalase.
Gut endogenous losses of manganese tended to account for a smaller proportion of absorbed manganese in rats fed high-fat diets; otherwise fat intake had few effects on tissue manganese concentrations.  相似文献   
小麦叶蜂危害的产量损失与防治指标研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
卢兆成  沈彩云 《昆虫知识》1994,31(4):206-207
当小麦叶蜂幼虫数量相等时,在较干旱的年份(1988)危害较重;而在气候较湿润的年份(1989)危害较轻。虫量与产量损失成正相关(r=0.9821**),其中以25头/m2幼虫危害的产量损失突增,达显著水平,可以认定为防治指标。  相似文献   
All individuals of all known populations of Banksia goodii were assessed for seed production. Small populations produced no or only a few seeds per unit canopy area. Effects of population size on seed production per unit area and seed production per plant were present over the whole range of population sizes, indicating that even in large populations seed production may still not be at its maximum. Resource differences could not explain this disproportionate decrease in seed production with decline in population size, because there were no differences in soil properties and understorey or overstorey cover between the small and large populations. Although plants in small and large populations were similar in size, seed production per plant was much lower in small populations. This was not because plants in small populations produced fewer cones but because the fraction of these cones that was fertile was much lower. Five of the nine smallest populations (<200 m2) produced no fertile cones over the last 10 years. The number of seeds per fertile cone did not depend on population size. The results are discussed in relation to pollination biology.  相似文献   
Roads and associated traffic have significant impacts on wildlife, from direct mortality caused by vehicle collisions to indirect effects when wildlife avoid roads, restricting access to important resources. Road mitigation measures such as constructing wildlife passages over or under the road with directional fencing have proven effective at reducing wildlife vehicle collisions while also enabling wildlife to safely cross the road. Highway mitigation projects are led by transportation agencies with a primary purpose of improving motorist safety. More recently, through the discipline of road ecology, considerations have included safe wildlife passage through transportation corridors. To prioritize road sections for mitigation, data sources include animal vehicle collision data collected by transportation agencies and connectivity models generated by wildlife professionals. We used a third data source, pronghorn observations collected by citizen scientists, and demonstrated its value to prioritize potential wildlife mitigation sites. Our results clearly demonstrate a misalignment of road mitigation sites using animal-vehicle collision data and those of rarer species of interest.  相似文献   
After years of efforts to avoid or reduce the impact of infrastructure projects on nature, the principle of ecological compensation has been incorporated in Dutch governmental policy. Ecological compensation aims to recover those ecological functions and natural values that still remain affected after maximum effort has been made to reduce the impact of the intervention (mitigation). The accepted aim of current policy is thus no-net-loss of area and quality by means of mitigative and compensatory measures. As part of the planning process for construction of a stretch of road in The Netherlands, viz., the A50 road link in the province of North Brabant, a Nature Compensation Plan (NCP) was required to be drawn up. This work has recently been completed by the Regional Directorate of Public Works and Water Management, the initiator of the intervention. The NCP, initially presented as a Draft Plan, was drawn up by the Regional Directorate using a preliminary method designed by the Centre of Environmental Science of Leiden University for deriving compensatory measures. After an opportunity for public comment, the Draft Plan was revised to form a Final NCP. This article describes, firstly, the preliminary method for deriving ecological compensatory measures. The method starts by quantifying the effects of habitat loss, habitat disturbance (by changes in noise emissions, in the water table and in outdoor recreational patterns), barrier action and fauna casualties. Following mitigation of impacts on nature, compensation for non-mitigable effects focuses successively on area size, derived from the impacts on breeding birds, and on area quality, derived from the habitat requirements of the vegetation and fauna groups affected by the road. Guidelines for identifying appropriate locations for compensation are also formulated. Secondly, the compensation method is applied to calculate the mitigative and compensatory measures for the A50 trajectory between Eindhoven and Oss. Thirdly, two comparisons are made: the Draft NCP is compared with the results of the preliminary method, and the Draft and the Final NCP are compared with one another in order to identify the role of the interest groups that played a major role in commenting on the Draft Plan. Finally, realization of the compensatory measures and development of the preliminary method itself are discussed. On the basis of the experience with the A50 case study, a more robust compensation method for road projects is to be developed.  相似文献   
A simple three-enzyme treatment of collagenase, dispase and hyaluronidase on finely minced chick oviduct yields clumps of 50-150 cells. These cells attach to collagen-treated dishes and survive in culture for at least 2 weeks without subculturing. Oviduct cell cultures can also be induced to grow. Estradiol or epidermal growth factor (EGF) induce a 40% increase in cells in 4 days when cultures are grown in serum levels that do not support growth. Serum from estrogen-stimulated chicks promotes rapid cellular proliferation (doubling times of 1-2 days). Sera from estrogen withdrawn chicks, laying hen or horse do not support as rapid proliferation. The oviduct growth-promoting factors in serum from estrogen-stimulated chicks are not steroids or fibroblast growth factors (FGF). Removal of steroids from these sera by charcoal treatment or delipidization does not decrease the rate of growth. The addition of 1-100 nM estradiol does not increase a serum's ability to promote growth. Purified FGF or platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) do not induce oviduct proliferation. These results were reproduced in oviduct cell cultures started from estrogen-stimulated and withdrawn chicks as well as laying hens. Thus the factors in serum from estrogen-stimulated chicks that promote rapid oviduct growth are induced by estrogen treatments in vivo, but do not seem to be only steroids.  相似文献   
S. S. Malhi  M. Nyborg 《Plant and Soil》1984,77(2-3):193-206
Incubation and field experiments were conducted on the influence of thiourea in inhibiting nitrification of urea N, and subsequently on reducing over-winter losses of fallapplied N. Under incubation, most of the added urea placed in bands was nitritified within five or six weeks. However, thiourea when pelleted with urea (21 urea to thiourea by weight) reduced the amount of nitrification to less than one-half during the same period.In two uncropped field experiments in an early dry fall, the application of pelleted urea+thiourea (21) in bands resulted in almost complete inhibition of nitrification of urea for four weeks. In two other uncropped field experiments begun in June with the same fertilizer in bands, half or less of applied N appeared as nitrate after eight weeks. In 10 cropped field experiments with 56 kg N ha–1, urea+thiourea placed in bands depressed nitrification of fall-applied urea over the winter. By early May, the urea mixed into the soil in the previous fall was nearly all nitrified, while only one-half of the banded urea+thiourea was nitrified. The loss of mineral N by early May was 38% with urea mixed into the soil, but only 18% with bands of urea+thiourea.The 10 sites were cropped to spring barley. The increase in yield of grain or the increase in %N uptake from fertilier N was approximately only one-half as much with fall-applied urea mixed into the soil as compared to spring-applied urea added in the same way. Specifically, fall-applied mixed urea produced 930 kg ha–1 less grain yield and 32% less N uptake from fertilizer N than did mixed urea in spring. On fall-application there was some benefit from banding of urea or with mixing urea+thiourea pellets into the soil, but the banding of urea+thiourea pellets gave more benefit. Among the fall applications, banded urea+thiourea pellets produced 670 kg ha–1 more grain yield and 26% more N uptake in grain from fertilizer N than did urea mixed into the soil.  相似文献   
β-Lactamase II has two metal-binding sites. The electronic spectra of Cd(II)- and Co(II)-substituted β-lactamase II have been investigated. It is suggested that a thiol ligand is involved in metal binding at the first site. The stoichiometric dissociation constants for Co(II) binding to β-lactamase II were estimated to be 0.13 and 2.66 mM (pH 6.0, 4°C, 1 M NaCl) by equilibrium dialysis. Competition between Zn(II) and Co(II) for the first metal binding site suggests a value of 0.7 μM (pH 6.0, 30°C, 1 M NaCl) for the dissociation constant o Zn(II).The electronic spectra of the Co(II) enzyme lead to the suggestion that the coordination geometries around the metal ions in the first and second sites are related to those of a distorted tetrahedron and octahedron, respectively.  相似文献   
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