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Rickettsia parkeri, a member of the spotted fever group rickettsias, was first described in 1939 and was thought to be non‐pathogenic until recently, when it was found to cause a spotted fever‐like illness in humans and areas of necrosis (eschars) at the sites of tick bites. Accordingly, there is currently much interest in this emerging pathogen. In this study, all published articles concerning R. parkeri were reviewed and analyzed for evidence of relatedness among this agent and other spotted fever group (SFG) rickettsiae which also produce similar clinical syndromes and/or eschars, including R. conorii, R. africae, and R. sibirica. A synthesis of the historical (antigenic) and recent (molecular) data supporting a phylogenetic sub‐grouping of these SFG organisms is presented and comments are offered about the taxonomy of rickettsial organisms in general, and R. parkeri in particular.  相似文献   
Abstract Sera from patients suffering from Mediterranean spotted fever (i.e. an infection due to Rickettsia conorii ) were studied by immunoblot to investigate cross-reactivity. A prevalence of IgM antibodies to Proteus OX 19, Proteus 0X 2, to the Rickettsia typhus group, to Legionella pneumophila serovars 4 and 5, to L. bozemanii Wiga and to L. micdadei Tatlock was found. Western blot confirmed that the antibodies were directed against the lipopolysaccharide as demonstrated by proteinase K digestion of the antigens. Cross-adsorptions showed that there is a common cross-reacting epitope among L. bozemanii Wiga, R. typhi and Proteus OX 19 but cross-reacting antibodies to L. micdadei and OX 2 were distinct and independent. This IgM cross-reaction could lead to a misdiagnosis.  相似文献   
Rickettsia monacensis, a spotted fever group rickettsia, was isolated from Ixodes nipponensis ticks collected from live‐captured small mammals in South Jeolla province, Korea in 2006. Homogenates of tick tissues were inoculated into L929 and Vero cell monolayers using shell vial assays. After several passages, Giemsa staining revealed rickettsia‐like organisms in the inoculated Vero cells, but not the L929 cells. Sequencing analysis revealed that the ompA‐small part (25–614 bp region), ompA‐large part (2849–4455 bp region), nearly full‐length ompB (58–4889 bp region) and gltA (196–1236 bp region) of the isolates had similarities of 100%, 99.8%, 99.3% and 99.5%, respectively, to those of R. monacensis. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis showed that the isolate was grouped into the cluster in the same way as R. monacensis in the trees of all genes examined. These results strongly suggest that the isolate is closely related to R. monacensis. As far as is known, this is the first report of isolation of R. monacensis from ticks in Korea.  相似文献   
The proteome of Rickettsia felis, an obligate intracellular bacterium responsible for spotted fever, was analyzed using two complementary proteomic approaches: 2-DE coupled with MALDI-TOF, and SDS-PAGE with nanoLC-MS/MS. This strategy allowed identification of 165 proteins and helped to answer some questions raised by the genome sequence of this bacterium. We successfully identified potential virulence factors including two putative adhesins, four proteins of the type IV secretion system, four Sca autotransporters, four components of ABC transporters, some R. felis-specific proteins, and one antitoxin of the toxin-antitoxin system. Notably, the antitoxin was the first to be identified in intracellular bacteria. Only one protein containing rickettsia palindromic repeats was found, whereas none of the split genes, transposases, or tetratricopeptide/ankyrin repeats were detectably expressed. Comparison of the protein expression profiles of R. felis and 23 other bacterial species according to functional categories showed that intracellular bacteria express more proteins related to translation, especially ribosomal proteins. However, the remaining bacteria express more proteins related to energy production and carbohydrate/amino acid metabolism. In conclusion, this study reveals R. felis virulence factor expression and highlights the unique protein expression profile of intracellular bacteria.  相似文献   
Abstract The 16S rRNA gene sequences of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi and Rickettsia sibirica were determined by PCR and DNA sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that R. sibirica is positioned in a cluster of the genus Rickettsia with a similarity value of 98.1–99.6%, whereas R. tsutsugamushi is located apart from the cluster with a similarity value of 90.2–90.6%. This evidence suggests that R. tsutsugamushi should be excluded taxonomically from the genus Rickettsia . The phylogenetic classification of six antigenic variants in R. tsutsugamushi moderately reflected their antigenic relationship known in closely and distantly related strains.  相似文献   
Specimens of the hard tick Amblyomma triste were found infected with Rickettsia parkeri in an area of Argentina (General Lavalle, Buenos Aires Province) where cases of human illness attributed to this microorganism have been reported. Molecular detection of R. parkeri was based on polymerase chain reactions that amplify a ca. 400-bp fragment of the 23S-5S intergenic spacer and a ca. 500-bp fragment of the gene encoding a 190-kDa outer membrane protein. Three (6.97%) of 43 A. triste ticks were determined to be positive for R. parkeri. These results provide strong evidence that A. triste is the vector of R. parkeri in the study area. The findings of this work have epidemiological relevance because human parasitism by A. triste ticks has been frequently recorded in some riparian areas of Argentina and Uruguay and new cases of R. parkeri rickettsiosis might arise in the South American localities where humans are exposed to the bites of this tick species.  相似文献   
Abstract  Investigations on trombiculid mites and isolation of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi therefrom were carried out in Feixian County, Shandong Province. A total of 11 762 trombiculid mites, consisting of 5 species from two genera, were collected from 352 rodents (including 247 Apodemus agrarius , 80 Cricetulus triton , 23 Rattus noruegicus , 2 Crocidura suaveolens ), and Walchia pacifica was the most predominant (36.73%), followed by Leptotrombididium linhuaikonense (24.04%), L. scutellare (21.65%), L. palpale (13. 57%), and L. taishanium (3. 96%). L. scutellare was found from September to December with a remarkable peak in November, whereas L. palpale occurred from October to April (the second year) with peak in December. L. linhuaikonense was found from May to November, with peak in August. W. pacifica appeared from April to December with peak in July. R. tsutsugamushi was isolated from L. scutellare, L. palpale, L. linhuaikonense and W. pacifica . The main serotypes of R. tsutsugamushi isolated from the chigger mites were of the Gilliam type, but Karp type also existed in L. linhuaikonense . These results indicate that the surveyed area has a high probability of occurrence of tsutsugamushi disease, and L. scutellare, L. palpale, L. linhuaikonense and W. pacifica may serve as the vectors in this area. It is suggested that L. scutellare is the most important vector which has caused the endemic of this disease in Feixian County.  相似文献   
【目的】检测 Q 型烟粉虱 Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)体内 Rickettsia 的感染情况,研究分析Rickettsia 共生菌经烟粉虱传入豇豆植物后的分布、转移效率等。【方法】以 Q 型烟粉虱为实验材料,利用常规 PCR 及荧光原位杂交技术(FISH),检测了烟粉虱体内 Rickettsia 的感染率,以及 Rickettsia 传入豇豆植物体内后的存留情况。【结果】 Q 型烟粉虱可以通过取食将 Rickettsia 传至豇豆植株内;接虫数量与 Rickettsia传入效率及其在取食部位相邻的下部叶片中检测到的起始时间呈负相关;Rickettsia 经烟粉虱取食传入豇豆叶片后,集中分布在叶片的韧皮部筛管中;基于16S rRNA 的系统发育分析结果表明,Q 型烟粉虱体内的Rickettsia 与经取食传入豇豆叶片的 Rickettsia 高度同源。【结论】 Rickettsia 可以通过烟粉虱的取食传入植物体内,并且可以在相邻叶片之间转移传播,Rickettsia 在由寄主昆虫向植株传播过程中高度保守。  相似文献   
The 3,438-nucleotide (nt) sequence containing a 3,054-nt open reading frame of the gene (rps120) encoding an antigenic, intracytoplasmic, spotted fever group-specific and heat-stable 120-kilodalton protein (PS120) of Rickettsia japonica was determined. The nt and deduced 1,018 amino-acid (aa) sequences were compared to those of R. conorii since only those of this species had been determined among SFG rickettsiae. The homologies of these sequences between R. japonica and R. conorii were considerably high at 97 and 95%, respectively. These high homologies were comparable to those of beta-peptides encoded by the ompB genes among SFG rickettsiae. It was also found that the genome of R. prowazekii contained a nt sequence with 68% homology to that of the rps120 gene of R. japonica.  相似文献   
Bemisia tabaci, an invasive pest that causes crop damage worldwide, is a highly differentiated species complex, divided into biotypes that have mainly been defined based on mitochondrial DNA sequences. Although endosymbionts can potentially induce population differentiation, specialization and indirect selection on mtDNA, studies have largely ignored these influential passengers in B. tabaci, despite as many as seven bacterial endosymbionts have been identified. Here, we investigate the composition of the whole bacterial community in worldwide populations of B. tabaci, together with host genetic differentiation, focusing on the invasive B and Q biotypes. Among 653 individuals studied, more than 95% of them harbour at least one secondary endosymbiont, and multiple infections are very common. In addition, sequence analyses reveal a very high diversity of facultative endosymbionts in B. tabaci, with some bacterial genus being represented by more than one strain. In the B and Q biotypes, nine different strains of bacteria have been identified. The mtDNA‐based phylogeny of B. tabaci also reveals a very high nucleotide diversity that partitions the two ITS clades (B and Q) into six CO1 genetic groups. Each genetic group is in linkage disequilibrium with a specific combination of endosymbionts. All together, our results demonstrate the rapid dynamics of the bacterial endosymbiont–host associations at a small evolutionary scale, questioning the role of endosymbiotic communities in the evolution of the Bemisia tabaci species complex and strengthening the need to develop a metacommunity theory of inherited endosymbionts.  相似文献   
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