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The question of the age of «Hauts de Meuse coral rag is studied again using new faunas of brachiopods and ammonites collected above, below and inside the coral rag. Ammonites fauna of the well known «Calcaires de Creuë is revised. Results obtained agree closely.The «Hauts de Meuse coral rag grew up during Middle Oxfordian time; and extend part of the Plicatilis zone (Antecedens Subzone) and the whole Transversarium Zone up to the basis of the Bifurcatus Zone, for the first time identified in Lorraine. So it span a short depositional time, about 1 MY, with a high deposition rate, the thickness of the coral rag being more than 100 meters, reaching 150 meters in Saint-Mihiel area. Towards SE, on the other side of the Marne Gap, the sudden change into basinal facies go with a reducing of thickness and deposition rate.Upper Oxfordian deposits show a relative uniformity of facies and thickness. At the top of Middle Oxfordian limestones, the age of the discontinuity and the Sequanian renewal of deposition is basal Bifurcatus Zone. Erosional renewal and terrigeneous deposits are a wide spread event by the beginning of Upper Oxfordian.In the paleontological part, species upon which are based new ages and interpretations are only figured, except the species new or with new paleontological data, which are described. Type specimen of Perisphinctes mosensisBayle, from the «Calcaires de Creuë, is described and photographically figured for the first time.  相似文献   
During the late Palaeozoic ice age (LPIA), ice‐proximal marine regional communities record contrasting responses to climate change compared to ice‐distal communities. However, there is still much to be understood in distal regions in order to fully understand the palaeobiological consequences of the LPIA. Here, were analyse brachiopod and bivalve environmental preferences along the bathymetric gradient during a major glacial event and the subsequent non‐glacial interval in western Argentina. Median environmental breadths did not change with the reassembly of communities during the non‐glacial interval. Moreover, bivalves and brachiopod immigrants show similar environmental breadths although they tend to have immigrated from different palaeogeographical regions. These patterns reinforce the idea that the worldwide marine fauna was probably culled of stenotopic taxa during the LPIA. On the other hand, analysis of the preferred depths of survivors and immigrants sheds light on the substantial modification of the bathymetric diversity gradient. Among different possible explanations, the immigration of taxa with affinities for deep environments is the only one supported. In addition, results underscore the observation that the higher turnover in the offshore environment was probably driven by immigration rather than extinction. Finally, stability in environmental preferences at a regional scale is not mirrored by stability in survivors’ individual preferences, because survivors’ preferred depth is not correlated during the glacial and non‐glacial intervals. Moreover, the amount of change in survivors preferred depth is not related to their environmental breadth, nor to their occupancy. These patterns suggest: (1) instability in realized niches; and (2) individual responses of survivor genera.  相似文献   
New Lower Devonian brachiopod taxa of the family Reticulariidae (order Spiriferida) are described from northeastern Russia: Havlicekospirifer gen. nov. with the type species H. mirabilis sp. nov. (subfamily Reticulariinae) and Pavlovispirifer gen. nov. with the type species P. pelagicus sp. nov. (subfamily Rhenothyridinae).  相似文献   
Abstract:  Late Ordovician strophomenide brachiopods (superfamilies Strophomenoidea and Plectambonitoidea) from the upper Changwu Formation (mid Ashgill, late Katian) of Jianglütang, Chun'an County, western Zhejiang Province, consist of ten genera and 12 species. Five new species of three new genera are recognized: Chunanomena triporcata , Chunanomena sembellina , Cheramomena subsolana , Lateriseptomena modesta , and Lateriseptomena rugosa . The strophomenide brachiopods from the upper Katian strata described in this study and those from the border region of Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces reported in previous work contain 16 strophomenoid and 12 plectambonitoid genera, and most of the strophomenoids are endemic to South China. Numerical analysis of well-documented late Katian strophomenide brachiopod faunas indicates a strong provincialism, characterized by the highly distinct North American province (Laurentia), the South China-Kazakhstan province, and the Avalonia-Baltica province (Wales, Belgium and Sweden). Surprisingly, the Girvan district of Scotland, which was a peri-Laurentian terrane during the Ordovician, contains a late Katian brachiopod fauna that is more closely related to the contemporaneous brachiopods of Avalonia-Baltica than to those of North America.  相似文献   
The organophosphatic shell of siphonotretide brachiopods is stratiform with orthodoxly secreted primary and secondary layers. The dominant apatitic constituents of the secondary layer are prismatic laths and rods arranged in monolayers (occasionally in cross-bladed successions), normally recrystallized as platy laminae. Sporadically distributed, interlaminar, lenticular chambers, containing apatitic meshes of laths and aggregates of plates and spherulites, probably represent degraded, localized exudations of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) with dispersed apatite.
The shells of Helmersenia and Gorchakovia are perforated by canals with external depressions (antechambers) that possibly contained chitinous tubercles in vivo . The immature shell of Siphonotreta and most other siphonotretids is similarly perforated and pitted; but the mature part bears recumbent, rheomorphic, hollow spines that grew forward out of pits. Internally, spines pierce the shell as independent structures to terminate as pillars in GAGs chambers. Spines and pillars were probably secreted by collectives of specialized cells (acanthoblasts) within the mantle.
The shell of the oldest siphonotretide, Schizambon , is imperforate but the ventral valve has a pedicle foramen that lies forward of the posterior margin of the juvenile valve. This relationship characterizes all siphonotretides, suggesting that the pedicle, in vivo , originated within the ventral outer epithelium and not from the posterior body wall as in lingulides.  相似文献   

A detailed study of over 2500 host brachiopods, from the Middle Devonian Hamilton Group of New York State, revealed distinct patterns of epibiont encrustation, that provide insight into taphonomy and paleoautecology of the host brachiopod shells and depositional environments. The concavo‐convex orthid, Tropidoleptus carinatus (Conrad), as well as strophomenid, and smooth athyrid brachiopods are among the most heavily encrusted. However, terebratulids of nearly identical size and shape are relatively clean of epibionts. This selective distribution strongly suggests that epibionts were discouraged from settling on punctate brachiopods. Brachiopods with small spines and frills were also nearly clean of epibionts, possibly because of entrapment of a mud layer, which made the outer layer of the host inhospitable for larval settling. Concavo‐convex taxa reveal high percent coverage and diversity of epibionts on the convex valve, which probably rested on the substrate during the life of brachiopod. This pattern is observed even on brachiopods that were buried with the convex valve downward. This implies complex post‐mortem histories involving multiple episodes of reorientation and colonization.  相似文献   
Terebratuloid brachiopods from two localities in the eastern Great Basin, Nevada, USA, include the new taxa Cryptacanthia savagei sp. nov., Fletcherithyris infrequens sp. nov., Cryptonella simplex sp. nov., and Albelenina alvarezi gen. et sp. nov. The faunas are considered to be mid Desmoinesian (late Moscovian) in age. The brachiopods were found associated in clusters, and many of the specimens are well preserved. Records of Pennsylvanian terebratuloid brachiopods are uncommon, and these faunas have enabled an understanding of internal features previously unknown or poorly understood. Systematic analyses of the faunas have generated some new concepts on the ontogeny and evolution of the loop in Late Palaeozoic terebratuloids. From ontogenetic analyses, it is inferred that the stage of loop development may be the most important aspect in taxonomic classification. Analyses of loop evolution suggest the possibility of a transition from a teloform stage to long-flanged deltiform and deltiform stages. These transitions may be possible through reduction in length of the descending lamellae of the crura by resorption of calcium carbonate or posteroventral folding of flanges. Subsequently, these changes in loop morphology are retained by paedomorphosis within long-term evolutionary processes.  相似文献   
Brachiopods from the Devonian of northeastern Russia are described: Eoprokopia gen. nov., with the type species E. aequalis sp. nov. (subfamily Prokopiinae, order Orthida); Davoustia settedabanica sp. nov. and D. verkhojanica sp. nov. (family Anopliidae, order Chonetida); and Alkhovikovia gen. nov. with the type species A. libera sp. nov. and A. importuna sp. nov. and Tikhyspirifer gen. nov. with the type species T. globosus sp. nov. (subfamily Rhynchospiriferinae, order Spiriferida).  相似文献   
Four new ambocoeliid species, Ambocoelia ectypa sp. nov., Echinocoelia tikhiensis sp. nov., Emanuella takwanensis (Kayser), and Ladjia sita sp. nov., from the Givetian of the southern Verkhoyansk Region are described (northeastern Russia).  相似文献   
Explaining the origin and maintenance of biodiversity is critical for understanding the potential consequences of present-day environmental change on ecological communities, as well as the evolutionary history of ecosystems in the Earth's past. Much effort in theoretical ecology has focused on identifying mechanisms that promote stable coexistence of species at equilibrium. However, in a consumer-resource model of competition along an environmental gradient, high-diversity assemblages have the potential to persist in non-equilibrium states for millions of generations with very little species loss. Species' populations in such competitively accommodated communities show slow drift; if disrupted, they rapidly reorganize into alternative persistent states. Fossil examples of prolonged ecological stability lasting 1-5 Myr punctuated by rapid reorganization (e.g. brachiopods from the Permian Reef of west Texas) suggest that some palaeocommunities represent a record of periodically disrupted transient states rather than stable equilibria. The similarity between the theoretical results reported here and palaeontological data suggests that the maintenance of high-diversity communities, both in the past and present, may reflect long-duration, non-equilibrium transient dynamics. If so, this has implications for the response of such communities to present-day environmental change, as well as for the evolution of lineages in such systems.  相似文献   
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