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Summary In male rats a large number of the postganglionic neurons which innervate the pelvic organs are located in the major pelvic ganglion. In the present study we have identified the location within this ganglion of neurons which project to either of three pelvic organs, the penis, colon or urinary bladder. Two fluorescent retrogradely-transported dyes, Fast Blue and Fluoro-Gold, were used. For most animals one dye was injected into the cavernous space of the penis, the wall of the distal colon or the wall of the urinary bladder. In a small number of animals two organs were injected, each with a different dye. One to six weeks after injection the major pelvic ganglia were fixed in buffered formaldehyde. The distribution of fluorescent dye-labelled cells was observed in whole mounts of complete ganglia and, in most cases, also in small accessory ganglia located between the ureter and the prostate. The studies showed a unique pattern of distribution for each organ-specific group of neurons. Most of the colon neurons are located in the major pelvic ganglion near the entrance of the pelvic nerve, whereas almost all of the penis neurons are near or within the penile nerve. Bladder neurons are relatively evenly distributed throughout the ganglion. These results demonstrate a distinct topographical organization of organ-specific neurons of the major pelvic ganglion of the male rat, a phenomenon which has also been observed in other peripheral ganglia.  相似文献   
Summary Retinopetal neurons were visualised in the telencephalon and diencephalon of an air-breathing teleost fish, Channa punctata, following administration of cobaltous lysine to the optic nerve. The labelled perikarya (n=45–50) were always located on the side contralateral to the optic nerve that had received the neuronal tracer. The rostral-most back-filled cell bodies were located in the nucleus olfactoretinalis at the junction between the olfactory bulb and the telencephalon. In the area ventralis telencephali, two groups of telencephaloretinopetal neurons were identified near the ventral margin of the telencephalon. The rostral hypothalamus exhibited retrogradely labelled cells in three discrete areas of the lateral preoptic area, which was bordered medially by the nucleus praeopticus periventricularis and nucleus praeopticus, and laterally by the lateral forebrain bundle. In addition to a dorsal and a ventral group, a third population of neurons was located ventral to the lateral forebrain bundle adjacent to the optic tract. The dorsal group of neurons exhibited extensive collaterals; a few extended laterally towards the lateral forebrain bundle, whereas others ran into the dorsocentral area of the area dorsalis telencephali. A few processes extended via the anterior commissure into the telencephalon ipsilateral to the optic nerve that had been exposed to cobaltous lysine. However, the ventral cell group did not possess collaterals. In the diencephalon, retinopetal cells were visualised in the nucleus opticus dorsolateralis located in the pretectal area; these were the largest retinopetal perikarya of the brain. The caudal-most nucleus that possessed labelled somata was the retinothalamic nucleus; it contained the largest number of retinopetal cells. The limited number of widely distributed neurons in the forebrain, some with extensive collaterals, might participate in functional integration of different brain areas involved in feeding, which in this species is influenced largely by taste, not solely by vision.  相似文献   
Acetyl-coenzyme A: choline O-acetyltransferase (EC (ChAT) enzyme activity was measured in the nucleus basalis and other microscopically identified brain areas at various times after unilateral cortical lesions were made in the rat. Initially, a significant decrease in ChAT activity was detected in the nucleus basalis ipsilateral to the lesion. However, after 120 days ChAT activity had apparently recovered, as levels of the enzyme at that time were not significantly different from control values. No changes in ChAT activity could be detected in any of the other brain areas similarly studied. The significance of these findings and their relationship to the morphological changes seen in neurones of the nucleus basalis after cortical lesions are discussed.  相似文献   
The small intestine of the pig has been investigated for its topographical distribution of enteric neurons projecting to the cranial mesenteric ganglion, by using Fast Blue or Fluorogold as a retrogradely transported neuronal tracer. Contrary to the situation in small laboratory animals such as rat and guinea-pig, the intestinofugally projecting neurons in the porcine small intestine were not restricted to the myenteric plexus, but were observed in greater numbers in ganglia of the outer submucous plexus. The inner submucous plexus was devoid of labelled neurons. Retrogradely labelled neurons were mostly found, either singly or in small aggregates, in ganglia located within a narrow border on either side of the mesenteric attachment. For both nerve networks, their number increased from duodenum to ileum. All the retrogradely labelled neurons exhibited a multidendritic uniaxonal appearance. Some of them displayed type-III morphology and stained for serotonin. This study indicates that, in the pig, not only the myenteric plexus but also one submucous nerve network is involved in the afferent component of intestino-sympathico-intestinal reflex pathways. The finding that some of the morphologically defined type-III neurons participate in these reflexes is in accord with the earlier proposal that type-III neurons are supposed to fulfill an interneuronal role, whether intra- or extramurally.  相似文献   
胰腺是一个重要的内外分泌混合腺, 胰腺发生损伤后能够再生。为了探讨胰腺活体细胞世系追踪的方法和胰腺损伤后再生细胞的来源,分别通过胰腺伤口涂抹并胰内注射、尾静脉注射及腹腔注射三种方法, 利用假型反转录病毒对成体小鼠大部分切除后胰腺的细胞进行世系追踪。结果发现在活体条件下, 与尾静脉注射及腹腔注射法相比, 胰腺伤口涂抹并胰腺内注射反转录病毒的方法能够更有效的标记胰腺细胞; 而且, 通过对标记细胞的世系追踪研究证明, 在胰腺损伤后, 胰腺腺泡细胞能够接受损伤信号刺激发生再生。为今后进一步利用反转录假病毒对活体胰腺进行细胞命运追踪研究奠定基础, 为利用反转录病毒载体进行胰腺疾病的基因治疗提供线索。  相似文献   
Cre/LoxP‐mediated recombination allows for conditional gene activation or inactivation. When combined with an independent lineage‐tracing reporter allele, this technique traces the lineage of presumptive genetically modified Cre‐expressing cells. Several studies have suggested that floxed alleles have differential sensitivities to Cre‐mediated recombination, which raises concerns regarding utilization of Cre‐reporters to monitor recombination of other floxed loci of interest. Here, we directly investigate the recombination correlation, at cellular resolution, between several floxed alleles induced by Cre‐expressing mouse lines. The recombination correlation between different reporter alleles varied greatly in otherwise genetically identical cell types. The chromosomal location of floxed alleles, distance between LoxP sites, sequences flanking the LoxP sites, and the level of Cre activity per cell all likely contribute to observed variations in recombination correlation. These findings directly demonstrate that, due to non‐parallel recombination events, commonly available Cre reporter mice cannot be reliably utilized, in all cases, to trace cells that have DNA recombination in independent‐target floxed alleles, and that careful validation of recombination correlations are required for proper interpretation of studies designed to trace the lineage of genetically modified populations, especially in mosaic situations. genesis 51:436–442. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
《Developmental cell》2021,56(24):3309-3320.e5
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The small GTPase Rab6 regulates retrograde membrane traffic from endosomes to the Golgi apparatus and from the Golgi to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). We examined the role of a Rab6-binding protein, TMF/ARA160 (TATA element modulatory factor/androgen receptor-coactivator of 160 kDa), in this process. High-resolution immunofluorescence imaging revealed that TMF signal surrounded Rab6-positive Golgi structures and immunoelectron microscopy revealed that TMF is concentrated at the budding structures localized at the tips of cisternae. The knockdown of either TMF or Rab6 by RNA interference blocked retrograde transport of endocytosed Shiga toxin from early/recycling endosomes to the trans-Golgi network, causing missorting of the toxin to late endosomes/lysosomes. However, the TMF knockdown caused Rab6-dependent displacement of N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-2 (GalNAc-T2), but not beta1,4-galactosyltransferase (GalT), from the Golgi. Analyses using chimeric proteins, in which the cytoplasmic regions of GalNAc-T2 and GalT were exchanged, revealed that the cytoplasmic region of GalNAc-T2 plays a crucial role in its TMF-dependent Golgi retention. These observations suggest critical roles for TMF in two Rab6-dependent retrograde transport processes: one from endosomes to the Golgi and the other from the Golgi to the ER.  相似文献   
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Elucidating the chromatin dynamics that orchestrate embryogenesis is a fundamental question in developmental biology. Here, we exploit position effects on expression as an indicator of chromatin activity and infer the chromatin activity landscape in every lineaged cell during Caenorhabditis elegans early embryogenesis. Systems‐level analyses reveal that chromatin activity distinguishes cellular states and correlates with fate patterning in the early embryos. As cell lineage unfolds, chromatin activity diversifies in a lineage‐dependent manner, with switch‐like changes accompanying anterior–posterior fate asymmetry and characteristic landscapes being established in different cell lineages. Upon tissue differentiation, cellular chromatin from distinct lineages converges according to tissue types but retains stable memories of lineage history, contributing to intra‐tissue cell heterogeneity. However, the chromatin landscapes of cells organized in a left–right symmetric pattern are predetermined to be analogous in early progenitors so as to pre‐set equivalent states. Finally, genome‐wide analysis identifies many regions exhibiting concordant chromatin activity changes that mediate the co‐regulation of functionally related genes during differentiation. Collectively, our study reveals the developmental and genomic dynamics of chromatin activity at the single‐cell level.  相似文献   
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