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Summary One hundred and twenty-two varieties, lines and wild accessions of Lycopersicon were screened under three different regimes during the autumn/winter season of 1982–83 and 1983–84 for resistance to tomato leaf curl virus (TLCV). L. hirsutum f. glabratum (B6013) and L. hirsutum f. typicum (A1904) proved to be highly resistant to TLCV in all three environments. Various accessions of L. peruvianum were also highly resistant. L. pimpinellifolium (A1921) exhibited no TLCV symptoms within 90 days. Of the cultivated varieties, Acc 99 exhibited the minimim score for susceptibility; AC 142, Collection No. 2, Kalyanpur Angurlata and HS 101 had a low rating for virus incidence. The inheritance of resistance was studied in the interspecific crosses between a TLCV resistant line of L. pimpinellifolium (A1921) and five (HS 101, HS 102, HS 110, Pusa Ruby and Punjab Chhuhara) susceptible cultivars of L. esculentum. Parents, F1, F2 and backcross progenies were artificially inoculated with local strains of TLCV using vector the viruliferious whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Genn.). Data indicated that the resistance of L. pimpinellifolium (A 1921) is monogenic and incompletely dominant over susceptibility.  相似文献   
Summary In gene-for-gene systems, specificity of hostparasite interactions is most often estimated qualitatively using the symbols +, –, (i.e. susceptibility and/or resistance). In large sets (interaction patterns) it becomes impossible to analyze numerous data by mere comparison. This is overcome by application of cluster analysis. In our experiments the methods in question were used to estimate the data obtained in a study on interactions between more than 220 Lactuca sativa cultivars and 12 Bremia lactucae physiological races (isolates) of Czechoslovak origin. The matrix of similarity coefficients was analyzed by hierarchical clustering. Similarity and/or dissimilarity of host R-genotypes was graphically expressed using the method of two principal components. The results obtained are related to genetic constitution of race specific resistance of the host and the possibility of predicting effective resistance sources.  相似文献   
Twenty-four women completed a 20-week heavy-resistance weight training program for the lower extremity. Workouts were twice a week and consisted of warm-up exercises followed by three sets each of full squats, vertical leg presses, leg extensions, and leg curls. All exercises were performed to failure using 6-8 RM (repetition maximum). Weight training caused a significant increase in maximal isotonic strength (1 RM) for each exercise. After training, there was a decrease in body fat percentage (p less than 0.05), and an increase in lean body mass (p less than 0.05) with no overall change in thigh girth. Biopsies were obtained before and after training from the superficial portion of the vastus lateralis muscle. Sections were prepared for histological and histochemical examination. Six fiber types (I, IC, IIC, IIA, IIAB, and IIB) were distinguished following routine myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase histochemistry. Areas were determined for fiber types I, IIA, and IIAB + IIB. The heavy-resistance training resulted in significant hypertrophy of all three groups: I (15%), IIA (45%), and IIAB + IIB (57%). These data are similar to those in men and suggest considerable hypertrophy of all major fiber types is also possible in women if exercise intensity and duration are sufficient. In addition, the training resulted in a significant decrease in the percentage of IIB with a concomitant increase in IIA fibers, suggesting that strength training may lead to fiber conversions.  相似文献   
Summary Chemical protection plays a decisive role in the resistance of plants against pathogens and herbivores. The so-called secondary metabolites, which are a characteristic feature of plants, are especially important and can protect plants against a wide variety of microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi) and herbivores (arthropods, vertebrates). As is the situation with all defense systems of plants and animals, a few specialized pathogens have evolved in plants and have overcome the chemical defense barrier. Furthermore, they are often attracted by a given plant toxin. During domestication of our crop and food plants secondary metabolites have sometimes been eliminated. Taking lupins as an example, it is illustrated that quinolizidine alkaloids are important as chemical defense compounds and that the alkaloid-free varieties (sweet lupins), which have been selected by plant breeders, are highly susceptible to a wide range of herbivores to which the alkaloid-rich wild types were resistant. The potential of secondary metabolites for plant breeding and agriculture is discussed.  相似文献   
This paper reports on changes induced by the introduction of cattle in a grassland that had remained ungrazed for 9 yr, in comparison with two adjacent grasslands: one that remained enclosed and one that has been continuously subject to grazing. Basal cover was measured on 25 interception lines, each 1 m long, three times during one year. The variables studied were: total cover, cover of grasses and dicots, cover of creeping grasses, floristic composition, and dissimilarity among sites. At the first sampling, 2 yr after cattle re-introduction, the newly grazed site was more similar to the ungrazed than to the grazed site. The newly grazed site had very low cover of dicots; the species of dicots present were different from those found in the continuously grazed area. Creeping grasses had higher cover in the newly grazed site than in the other sites, and continued to increase. At the last sampling, one year later, the newly grazed site had become more similar to the contiuously grazed site. Only after 5 yr of cattle grazing the exotic dicots that were dominant in the continuously grazed site, were recorded in the re-opened site. The absence of propagules of these species or the absence of safe sites may account for this delayed invasion.  相似文献   
  • 1 Substantial intraspecific variation exists in Salix viminalis resistance to the gall midge Dasineura marginemtorquens. Earlier work has found this variation to have a large genetic component. Willow clones are stable in their resistances between midge generations and different nutrient levels in both field and laboratory culture.
  • 2 This study reports the results of laboratory experiments on female oviposition choice and larval survival on potted plants from clones that are very different in resistance as determined in field studies.
  • 3 In choice experiments using pairs of plants, the average female midge did not prefer susceptible willow clones over resistant ones for oviposition. In about one third of the replicates, midges actually laid more eggs on the resistant clone. Further work is necessary to examine the nature of variation among midges in discrimination of these plant types.
  • 4 Resistance is manifested as great differences in larval survival. Six days after oviposition survival was 92% on susceptible plants but only 6% on resistant ones. Galls developed on all of the susceptible plants, while in 73% of the resistant plants galls were not even initiated.
  • 5 The plant traits causing resistance are enigmatic. Larval behaviour suggests that resistant plants interfere with feeding behaviour. On resistant plants, most larvae wander for more than 24 h without initiating any galls before dying. On susceptible plants many first instar larvae begin feeding and initiate galls within this period.
Summary A gene conferring high-level resistance to tylosin in Streptomyces lividans and Streptomyces griseofuscus was cloned from a tylosin-producing strain of Streptomyces fradiae. The tylosin-resistance (Tylr) gene (tlrA) was isolated on five overlapping DNA fragments which contained a common 2.6 Kb KpnI fragment. The KpnI fragment contained all of the information required for the expression of the Tylr phenotype in S. lividans and S. griseofuscus. Southern hybridization indicated that the sequence conferring tylosin resistance was present on the same 5 kb SalI fragment in genomic DNA from S. fradiae and several tylosin-sensitive (Tyls) mutants. The cloned tlrA gene failed to restore tylosin resistance in two Tyls mutants derived by protoplast formation and regeneration, and it restored partial resistance in a Tyls mutant obtained by N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) mutagenesis. The tlrA gene conferred resistance to tylosin, carbomycin, niddamycin, vernamycin-B and, to some degree, lincomycin in S. griseofuscus, but it had no effect on sensitivity to streptomycin or spectinomycin, suggesting that the cloned gene is an MLS (macrolide, lincosamide, streptogramin-B)-resistance gene. Twenty-eight kb of S. fradiae DNA surrounding the tlrA gene was isolated from a genomic library in bacteriophage Charon 4. Introduction of these DNA sequence into S. fradiae mutants blocked at different steps in tylosin biosynthesis failed to restore tylosin production, suggesting that the cloned Tylr gene is not closely linked to tylosin biosynthetic genes.  相似文献   
Susceptible houseflies, Musca domestica, were released at a waste disposal site to control insecticide resistance in a field housefly population. In the first experiment, a total of 163,000 pupae of the susceptible Takatsuki strain were released in October–November 1977. LD50 values to fenitrothion and diazinon decreased to about one-sixth in April 1978, five months after the releases, of those before the releases. For the second experiment, a susceptible colony was derived by cross and backcross between a white-eyed substrain of the Takatsuki and a field colony. This susceptible colony consisted of whiteeyed flies with low activity and normal-eyed flies bearing no or one white eye gene. The results of large cage experiments suggested that the normal-eyed males of the susceptible colony had half the mating competitiveness of wild males. Approximately 31,000–46,000 susceptible pupae were used in each of five releases from October to November 1980. The population number of each sex, estimated by a mark-release-recapture method, increased from 12,000 in late September to 35,000–43,000 in middle November and then decreased to 5,000–8,000 in early December. The frequency of field-collected males bearing one white eye gene and those bearing one male determining factor, which were characteristics of the susceptible colony released, increased gradually during the period of releases. The susceptibility of the field population to fenitrothion and diazinon was examined five times in the period from September to December 1980. With time, the dosage-mortality regression gradually shifted towards that of the susceptible colony after starting the releases. LD50 values to fenitrothion and diazinon decreased to about one-sixth and one-fifth, respectively, in June 1981, six months after the second series of susceptible fly releases, of those before the releases. Ratios of the wild flies to the released fiies were estimated to be between 4.7∶1 and 9.8∶1 in males and between 3.0∶1 and 3.9∶1 in females by taking the quality of the released colony and the population parameters of the field houseflies into consideration. Under several assumptions, the manner of resistant phenotype reduction was discussed, based on the dosage-mortality regressions and the ratios of released flies. These results showed that the releases of susceptible flies were successful in suppression of insecticide resistance in the field housefly population.  相似文献   
Toxoplasma gondii: decreased resistance to intracellular bacteria in mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of sublethal inocula of Toxoplasma gondii on the course of listeriosis and salmonellosis in mice was investigated. Intravenous injection of T. gondii 24 hr after inoculation of Listeria monocytogenes increased mortality from 16% (L. monocytogenes alone) to 68% (L. monocytogenes + T. gondii) (P less than 0.001). Multiplication of L. monocytogenes in spleens also was increased significantly in mice given T. gondii. By 3 days after infection, mice that had received T. gondii and L. monocytogenes had approximately 10 times the number of L. monocytogenes per spleen compared to mice receiving L. monocytogenes alone. Similarly, mortality and the number of bacteria in spleens were increased in mice injected with Salmonella typhimurium and then inoculated with T. gondii. An in vitro assay of macrophage listeriacidal activity was used to investigate the mechanism of this decreased resistance. Peritoneal macrophages from mice injected with T. gondii were less bactericidal than macrophages from uninfected mice. Delayed hypersensitivity responses to L. monocytogenes antigen were markedly suppressed in mice injected with T. gondii. T. gondii infection appears to suppress both macrophage and T-lymphocyte function and may result in decreased resistance to infections caused by intracellular bacteria.  相似文献   
Summary Genetic variability for virulence of the bacterial blight pathogen [Xanthomonas campestris pv malvacearum (Smith) Dye] on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) has been shown by the identification of 19 races of the pathogen based on disease reactions of a set of ten host differentials. This study was conducted to determine the inheritance of host resistance to three recently identified isolates of X. campestris pv malvacearum, which are virulent on the entire set of differentials. True leaves of Tamcot CAMD-E, LEBOCAS-3-80, Stoneville 825, and their f1, F2, and backcross progenies were wound-inoculated in the field with separate bacterial suspensions of the virulent HV3, HV7, and Sudan isolates of the pathogen. LEBOCAS-3-80 was replaced with S295, a new immune cultivar, for a greenhouse study in which both cotyledons and true leaves were inoculated. Disease reactions were rated on a scale of 1–10, and genetic models were proposed utilizing generation means analysis. Dominance, when significant, was in the direction of resistance in all but one cross-isolate combination. Digenic interaction components indicated a duplicate type. Narrow-sense heritability for resistance ranged from 0.59 to 0.68; therefore, primarily additive-genetic variability among the selected cutlivars was detected, indicating that breeding for improved resistance to these isolates is a practical goal.Contribution of the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences and the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   
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