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Nuptial feeding by male bushcrickets: an indicator of male quality?   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Male bushcrickets transfer a spermatophore at mating that consistsof a sperm-containing ampulla and a product of the accessoryglands, the spermatophylax, that is consumed by the female duringinsemination. Male Requena verticalis produce functionally differentspermatophores depending on the availability of sexually receptivefemales. They will maintain high mating frequency by providinga gift sufficient to ensure sperm transfer, or will invest parentallyin females when their mating frequency is low. We examined therelationship between male quality and nuptial feeding underconditions where males invest in ejaculate protection or inparental investment. When investing in ejaculate protection,males reduced the quality of the spermatophylax meal by reducingboth the concentration of protein and the absolute amount ofprotein it contained. There was no relationship between malephenotype and gift size or quality. Moreover, we could findno evidence for the recently advanced hypothesis that femalescan exercise mate choice by interfering with insemination. However,when males were investing parentally, we found a positive associationbetween spermatophylax size and male size, but no relationshipbetween protein content and male size. Males with high levels offluctuating asymmetry invested more heavily in the nutritionalcontent of their spermatophylaxes than did symmetrical males.Thus, male quality does influence nuptial feeding, but in amanner predicted by a model of indirect fitness benefits frommate choice.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The male bushcricket, Requena verticalis , calls with a signal containing two predominant frequencies, 16 kHz and 28 kHz. A synthesized call, made from a template of the natural call, was played to females under conditions of a two-speaker trial on a flat arena. Orientation pathways to a speaker emitting only a 16 kHz signal were more circuitous than the pathways made by females orientating to a speaker emitting only a 28 kHz signal. Females preferred a signal with both carrier frequency peaks present within the song to a signal with only a 16 kHz or 28 kHz carrier frequency, when the signal containing a double peak was kept at equivalent absolute intensity to that with a single peak. Females chose signals containing a more powerful high frequency peak over a signal in which both peaks were balanced. For the higher peak, they were able to differentiate between frequencies with a separation of 8 kHz but not of 4 kHz. They were unable to differentiate between frequencies with a separation up to 8 kHz in the lower peak when one frequency was held at 16 kHz; however, when this frequency was held at 18 kHz, females were able to distinguish between frequencies with a difference of 4 kHz. ( N.B. 18 kHz is 2 kHz above the mean value for this frequency within the natural population.) We conclude that females are choosing males on the amount of power in the higher frequency range of their song and that this may be equivalent to a close calling male in the field.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Hoplorhynchus acanthatholius , n. sp. is described from Enallagma civile , the Civil Bluet damselfly. Trophozoites are solitary, lie in the mesenteron between the peritrophic membrane and the epithelium, and attain a maximum length of 850 μm. Epimerite ovoid to broadly ovoid; anterior margin bearing eight equidistant retroarcuate hooks; attached to protomerite by means of a vermicular stalk. Protomerite ovoid; deutomerite narrowly obvoid. Gametocysts spherical; diam 300 μm, sporulating by simple dehiscence in 48–72 h. Oocysts are characteristic of Menosporinae: smooth, biconical, crcscentic, uniform in size and shape. Steganorhynchus dunwoodyi , n. g., n. sp. is described from the damselfly Ischnura verticalis. The genus is characterized by an epimerite comprising an ovoid papilla enclosed in a retractable, globular sheath, borne on a long vermicular stalk. Trophozoites are solitary, lie in the mesenteron between the peritrophic membrane and epithelium, and attain a maximum length of 605 μm. Protomerite very broadly ovoid; deutomerite obvoid. Gametocysts spherical; diam 258 μm, sporulating by simple dehiscence in 48–72 h. Oocysts are characteristic of Menosporinae: smooth, biconical, crescentic, uniform in size and shape. The population dynamics of H. acanthatholius and S. dunwoodyi among damselfly populations in five Nebraska localities are presented.  相似文献   
This study examined the effects of female deprivation on the mating propensity and size selectivity of male Requena verticalis,an Australian katydid in which males provide a large spermatophylax to females during mating. Specifically, I tested the hypotheses that mating readiness would increase, while mate discrimination would decrease (i. e., females would be accepted independently of their size, an indicator of fecundity) as the period of female deprivation increased. Fieldcaught males were held in isolation for 1, 5, or 14 days in the laboratory and then presented with virgin females. As expected, males held for 5 and 14 days were more likely to mate than males held only a single day. However, in none of the treatments did males discriminate among females on the basis of size. These results are compared with those obtained in a similar study on a zaprochiline katydid.  相似文献   
The influence of diet on the courtship roles of male and female Requena verticaliswas investigated in the laboratory. The protein content of available food was found to affect the frequency of mating attempts. Pairs which were fed on a low-protein diet were involved in fewer mating attempts than pairs which were fed on a high-protein diet. Diet also influenced the relative frequencies of male and female rejections. Males rejected their virgin female partners more often than females rejected their male partners when the pairs were kept on a low-protein diet. The opposite was found when the female had mated once before. No difference in the frequency of male and female rejections was found when the pair was kept on a high-protein diet irrespective of the mating status of the female.  相似文献   
Abstract. Female nocturnal bushcrickets ( Requena verticalis: Listroscelidinae: Tettigoniidae: Orthoptera) orientate towards and approach a conspecific male by tracking the direction of its call. If a male stops calling during this approach, the female may remain faithful and continue on the same track or change direction and pursue another calling male. Factors that might influence this decision were examined experimentally. When presented with a male call in conjunction with a visual cue, females maintained orientation towards the visual cue following cessation of the call. Furthermore, when a visual cue was presented with an acoustic cue, females were more likely to be faithful, regardless of call intensity.  相似文献   
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