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Increased time-delay in the neuromuscular system caused by neurological disorders, concussions, or advancing age is an important factor contributing to balance loss (Chagdes et al., 2013, 2016a,b). We present the design and fabrication of an active balance board system that allows for a systematic study of stiffness and time-delay induced instabilities in standing posture. Although current commercial balance boards allow for variable stiffness, they do not allow for manipulation of time-delay. Having two controllable parameters can more accurately determine the cause of balance deficiencies, and allows us to induce instabilities even in healthy populations. An inverted pendulum model of human posture on such an active balance board predicts that reduced board rotational stiffness destabilizes upright posture through board tipping, and limit cycle oscillations about the upright position emerge as feedback time-delay is increased. We validate these two mechanisms of instability on the designed balance board, showing that rotational stiffness and board time-delay induced the predicted postural instabilities in healthy, young adults. Although current commercial balance boards utilize control of rotational stiffness, real-time control of both stiffness and time-delay on an active balance board is a novel and innovative manipulation to reveal balance deficiencies and potentially improve individualized balance training by targeting multiple dimensions contributing to standing balance.  相似文献   
目的:研究思维导图引导康复锻炼对胸腰椎肿瘤术后功能恢复的干预效果,为患者术后的康复提供指导。方法:选择我院2017年1月-2019年12月期间我院200例胸腰段肿瘤术后患者。按照随机数表法将其分为研究组与对照组。研究组采用思维导图引导康复锻炼措施,对照组采用常规术后康复锻炼措施。比较两组患者干预前后腰背部功能、日常生活活动能力、社会生活生存质量及康复质量的评分结果。结果:干预后研究组生活自理能力、疼痛情况、站立、坐位、步行、睡眠情况、社会生活的Oswestry功能障碍(ODI)指数明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。干预后研究组Barthel指数以及Fugl-Meyer评分明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。干预后研究组社会功能缺陷筛选量表(SDSS)评分与生存质量测定量表(QOLI)评分明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。干预后研究组患者的躯体症状、心理状态及康复状况评分明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:思维导图引导康复锻炼对胸腰椎肿瘤术后功能恢复有着较为理想的效果,值得临床推广运用。  相似文献   
摘要 目的:研究基于加速康复外科(ERAS)理念的早期康复训练联合八段锦前四式在乳腺癌改良根治术后患者中的应用效果。方法:选择2019年9月~2022年5月期间在湖南中医药大学第一附属医院行乳腺癌改良根治术的128例乳腺癌患者。按照随机数字表法将患者分为对照组(基于ERAS理念的早期康复训练,n=64)和研究组(对照组的基础上接受八段锦前四式干预,n=64)。对比两组抑郁自评量表(SDS)评分、健康调查简表(SF-36)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)评分、Constant-Murley肩关节功能评分、疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS)和肩关节活动度。结果:与对照组相比,研究组干预后SDS、SAS评分更低(P<0.05)。与对照组相比,研究组情感/生理职能、躯体疼痛、社会/生理功能、活力、总体/精神健康评分更高(P<0.05)。与对照组相比,研究组干预后VAS评分更低,Constant-Murley肩关节功能评分更高(P<0.05)。与对照组相比,研究组干预后前屈、后伸、外展关节活动度更大(P<0.05)。结论:基于ERAS的早期康复训练联合八段锦前四式应用于乳腺癌改良根治术后患者,可提高患者的生活质量,可能与缓解焦虑、抑郁情绪,减轻术后疼痛,促进肩关节功能恢复有关。  相似文献   
Slow walking speed and lack of balance control are common impairments post-stroke. While locomotor training often improves walking speed, its influence on dynamic balance is unclear. The goal of this study was to assess the influence of a locomotor training program on dynamic balance in individuals post-stroke during steady-state walking and determine if improvements in walking speed are associated with improved balance control. Kinematic and kinetic data were collected pre- and post-training from seventeen participants who completed a 12-week locomotor training program. Dynamic balance was quantified biomechanically (peak-to-peak range of frontal plane whole-body angular-momentum) and clinically (Berg-Balance-Scale and Dynamic-Gait-Index). To understand the underlying biomechanical mechanisms associated with changes in angular-momentum, foot placement and ground-reaction-forces were quantified. As a group, biomechanical assessments of dynamic balance did not reveal any improvements after locomotor training. However, improved dynamic balance post-training, observed in a sub-group of 10 participants (i.e., Responders), was associated with a narrowed paretic foot placement and higher paretic leg vertical ground-reaction-force impulse during late stance. Dynamic balance was not improved post-training in the remaining seven participants (i.e., Non-responders), who did not alter their foot placement and had an increased reliance on their nonparetic leg during weight-bearing. As a group, increased walking speed was not correlated with improved dynamic balance. However, a higher pre-training walking speed was associated with higher gains in dynamic balance post-training. These findings highlight the importance of the paretic leg weight bearing and mediolateral foot placement in improving frontal plane dynamic balance post-stroke.  相似文献   
Von Hippel Lindau (VHL) is a hereditary multiple neoplasia syndrome. We report a case series of two siblings with Von Hippel Lindau (VHL) disease admitted to the rehabilitation department after surgical excision of Central Nervous System (CNS) haemangioblastomas. These clinical cases present rehabilitation challenges in VHL disease. We present a 39-year-old brother and his 45-year-old sister, with the diagnosis of incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI) associated with VHL syndrome lesions. The female patient was diagnosed with chronic motor incomplete cervical SCI and the male patient with acute motor incomplete thoracic SCI. Our target was to increase their functionality and improve their quality of life. Both underwent a comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation program. Programs were individualized as the female patient was admitted 15 years after her spinal cord surgical intervention, while the male patient’s admission was after 4 months of his surgery.  相似文献   
Loss of hand function and finger dexterity are main disabilities in the upper limb after stroke. An electromyography (EMG)-driven hand robot had been developed for post-stroke rehabilitation training. The effectiveness of the hand robot assisted whole upper limb training was investigated on persons with chronic stroke (n = 10) in this work. All subjects attended a 20-session training (3–5 times/week) by using the hand robot to practice object grasp/release and arm transportation tasks. Significant motor improvements were observed in the Fugl-Meyer hand/wrist and shoulder/elbow scores (p < 0.05), and also in the Action Research Arm Test and Wolf Motor Function Test (p < 0.05). Significant reduction in spasticity of the fingers as was measured by the Modified Ashworth Score (p < 0.05). The training improved the muscle co-ordination between the antagonist muscle pair (flexor digitorum (FD) and extensor digitorum (ED)), associated with a significant reduction in the ED EMG level (p < 0.05) and a significant decrease of ED and FD co-contraction during the training (p < 0.05); the excessive muscle activities in the biceps brachii were also reduced significantly after the training (p < 0.05).  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of patellar taping on muscle activation of the knee and hip muscles in women with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome during five proprioceptive exercises. Forty sedentary women with syndrome were randomly allocated in two groups: Patellar Taping (based in McConnell) and Placebo (vertical taping on patella without any stretching of lateral structures of the knee). Volunteers performed five proprioceptive exercises randomly: Swing apparatus, Mini-trampoline, Bosu balance ball, Anteroposterior sway on a rectangular board and Mediolateral sway on a rectangular board. All exercises were performed in one-leg stance position with injured knee at flexion of 30° during 15 s. Muscle activation was measured by surface electromyography across Vastus Medialis, Vastus Lateralis and Gluteus medius muscles. Maximal voluntary contraction was performed for both hip and knee muscles in order to normalize electromyography signal relative to maximum effort during the exercises. ANOVA results reported no significant interaction (P > 0.05) and no significant differences (P > 0.05) between groups and intervention effects in all exercise conditions. Significant differences (P < 0.01) were only reported between muscles, where hip presented higher activity than knee muscles. Patellar taping is not better than placebo for changes in the muscular activity of both hip and knee muscles during proprioceptive exercises. Trial registration number: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02322515.  相似文献   
Kinesthetic illusions by visual stimulation (KiNVIS) enhances corticomotor excitability and activates motor association areas. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of KiNVIS induction on muscular output function after short-term immobilization. Thirty subjects were assigned to 3 groups: an immobilization group, with the left hand immobilized for 12 h (immobilization period); an illusion group, with the left hand immobilized and additionally subjected to KiNVIS of the immobilized part during the immobilization period; and a control group with no manipulation. The maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), fluctuation of force (force fluctuation) during a force modulation task, and twitch force were measured both before (pre-test) and after (post-test) the immobilization period. Data were analyzed by performing two-way (TIME × GROUP) repeated measures ANOVA. The MVC decreased in the immobilization group only (pre-test; 37.8 ± 6.1 N, post-test; 32.8 ± 6.9 N, p < 0.0005) after the immobilization period. The force fluctuation increased only in the immobilization group (pre-test; 2.19 ± 0.54%, post-test; 2.78 ± 0.87%, p = 0.007) after the immobilization period. These results demonstrate that induction of KiNVIS prevents negative effect on MVC and force fluctuation after 12 h of immobilization.  相似文献   
BackgroundThis is the first study that presents electromyographic measurements prior to the development of lower back pain in young elite golfers.Study designProspective longitudinal cohort study.MethodsThirty-three injury free elite golfers were included. Muscle activity from latissimus dorsi, rectus abdominis, external oblique and erector spinae muscles were recorded during 10 drive golf swings. Lower back pain, training and performance were monitored over a six-month period. Muscle activation comparisons were made between the baseline results of those who went on to develop lower back pain versus those who did not go on to develop lower back pain.ResultsAfter the six-month monitoring period 17 participants developed lower back pain. The group that developed lower back pain had increased dominant rectus abdominis and dominant latissimus dorsi activation at various time points throughout the swing.DiscussionThe increased dominant rectus abdominis and dominant latissimus dorsi during the golf swing is linked with developing lower back pain. Training strategies aimed at reducing these muscles activation during the swing may reduce the incidence of lower back pain in young elite male golfers.  相似文献   
Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is the most common joint replacement in the United States. Range of motion (ROM) monitoring includes idealized clinic measures (e.g. goniometry during passive ROM) that may not accurately represent knee function. Accordingly, a novel, portable, inertial measurement unit (IMU) based ROM measurement method was developed, validated, and implemented. Knee flexion was computed via relative motion between two IMUs and validated via optical motion capture (p > 0.05). Prospective analyses of 10 healthy individuals (5M, 50 ± 19 years) and 20 patients undergoing TKA (3 lost to follow up, 10M, 65 ± 6 years) were completed. Controls wore IMUs for 1-week. Patients wore IMUs for 1-week pre-TKA, 6-weeks immediately post-TKA, and 1-week at 1-year post-TKA. Flexion was computed continuously each day (8–12 h). Metrics included daily maximum flexion and flexion during stance/swing phases of gait. Maximum flexion was equal between cohorts at all time points. Contrastingly, patient stance and swing flexion were reduced pre-TKA, yet improved post-TKA. Specifically, patient stance and swing flexion were reduced below control/pre-TKA values during post-TKA week 1. Stance flexion exceeded pre-TKA and equaled control levels after week 2. However, swing flexion only exceeded pre-TKA and equaled control levels at 1-year post-TKA. This novel method improves upon the accuracy/portability of current methods (e.g. goniometry). Interestingly, surgery did not impact maximum ROM, yet improved the ability to flex during gait allowing more efficient and safe ambulation. This is the first study continuously monitoring long-term flexion before/after TKA. The results offer richer information than clinical measures about expected TKA rehabilitation.  相似文献   
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