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我们比较了芦 (Emberizaschoeniclus)两个亚种组 ,即北部的薄喙亚种组和南部的厚喙亚种组的 10个种群中的文化、遗传和形态变异。使用了四个不同的变异标记物 ,其中两个用来测量文化分化 ,一个用来测量遗传分化 ,即微卫星等位基因的频次 ,一个用来测量种群的形态分化 ,即喙的高度。将遗传分化作为进化时间的尺度 ,我们计算了亚种组间和组内分化指标与所估计的进化率之间的相关性 ,发现只有文化定量指标和遗传分化与种群的形态分化相关 ,而两个文化分化指标之间没有关系 ,文化分化与遗传分化之间也没有关系。使用文化 -定量分化指标 ,发现亚种组间的文化进化率高于亚种内的文化进化率 ,提示鸣唱在防止杂交方面只有微弱的、也许是次要的作用。鸣唱定量特征的变异与微卫星频次相同 ,实际上在自然界中更可能是遗传决定的 ,这可以解释由于分析两个文化变异指标所得出的结果的不一致性。鸣唱的声学特性可能由于栖息地的差异或形态上的限制而发生了演变 ,而文化传播单位 (Meme)的特性可能由于学习鸣唱和文化传播而受到了影响  相似文献   
Vegetation is a major environmental factor influencing habitat selection in bird species. High resolution mapping of vegetation cover is essential to model the distribution of populations and improve the management of breeding habitats. However, the task is challenging for grassland birds because microhabitat variations relevant at the territory scale cannot be measured continuously over large areas to delineate areas of higher suitability. Remote sensing may help to circumvent this problem. We addressed this issue by using SPOT 5 imagery and phytosociological data. We mapped grassland vegetation in a floodplain using two methods. We (i) mapped the continuous Ellenberg index of moisture and (ii) identified 5 vegetation classes distributed across the wetness gradient. These two methods produced consistent output maps, but they also provided complementary results. Ellenberg index is a valuable proxy for soil moisture while the class approach provided more information about vegetation structure, and possibly trophic resources. In spite of the apparent uniformity of meadows, our data show that birds do not settle randomly along the moisture and vegetation gradients. Overall birds tend to avoid the driest vegetation classes, i.e. the highest grounds. Thus, vegetation maps based on remote sensing could be valuable tools to study habitat selection and niche partition in grassland bird communities. It is also a valuable tool for conservation and habitat management.  相似文献   
Capsule Woodland birds were significantly less likely to occur in gardens in years of high beechmast crop.

Aim To test the hypothesis that woodland species that feed on beechmast will have significantly lower occurrence rates at garden feeders in mast years.

Methods Weekly winter occurrence rates at garden feeders between 1970/71 and 1999/2000 for 40 species were analysed in relation to annual beechmast abundance, classified into low, medium and high years. A repeated-measures logistic regression model was used to assess whether beechmast abundance explained further significant variation additional to underlying seasonal and annual trends.

Results Seven species that commonly feed on beechmast showed significantly lower occurrence in gardens in years of highest beechmast abundance: Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major, Woodpigeon Columba palumbus, Great Tit Parus major, Coal Tit Periparus ater, Nuthatch Sitta europaea, Jay Garrulus glandarius and Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs. Blackbird Turdus merula and Siskin Carduelis spinus, which showed similar significant patterns, are likely to take beechmast as elements of their diet. Pied Wagtail Motacilla alba was the only insectivorous species to show significant effects, but occurrence was lowest in years of intermediate beechmast abundance. For the latter species, this may have been due to confounding effects of temperature, but there were no such confounding effects of either temperature, or the number of bird feeders provided in gardens, for the other nine species.

Conclusion Use of artificial food sources by birds in gardens is influenced by resources in the surrounding countryside, suggesting that food provided in gardens may play a significant part in the population dynamics of these species, that population monitoring without consideration of the garden habitat may be deficient, and that volunteer-based garden bird recording may provide data that can be used as an indicator of changes in the wider countryside.  相似文献   
The physiological responses to hypoxic stress were studied in the common reed, Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel. Growth, leaf gas exchange, water (and ion) relations and osmotic adjustment were determined in hydroponically grown plants exposed to 10, 20 and 30 days of oxygen deficiency. The highest growth of reed seedlings was found in normoxic (aerobic) conditions. Treatment effects on biomass production were relatively consistent within each harvest. Leaf water potential and osmotic potential declined significantly as hypoxia periods increased. However, leaf turgor pressure showed a consistent pattern of increase, suggesting that reed plants adjusted their water status by osmotic adjustment in response to root hypoxia. After 20 and 30 days in the low oxygen treatment, net CO2 assimilation and stomatal conductance were positively associated and the former variable also had a strong positive relationship with transpiration. Short-term hypoxic stress had a slight effect on the ionic status (K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+) of reed plants. In contrast, soluble sugar concentrations increased more under hypoxic conditions as compared to normoxia. These findings indicate that hypoxia slightly affected the physiological behavior of reed plants.  相似文献   
Invasive plants that most threaten biodiversity are those that rapidly form a monospecific stand, like the clonal grass, Phalaris arundinacea. Understanding complex and potentially interacting factors that are common in urban and agricultural landscapes and underlie rapid invasions requires an experimental, factorial approach. We tested the effects of flooding and nutrient and sediment additions (3 × 3 × 3 = 27 treatments, plus a control with no additions) on invasion of Phalaris into mesocosms containing wet prairie vegetation. We discovered a three-step invasion and degradation process: (1) initially, resident native species declined with prolonged flooding and sediment additions, and (2) prolonged flooding, sedimentation, and nutrients accelerated Phalaris aboveground growth; biomass rose to 430 times that of the control within just two growing seasons. The dramatic expansion of Phalaris in the second year resulted in the formation of monospecific stands in over one-third of the treatments, as (3) native species continued their decline in year 2. Disturbances acted alone and in combination to make the resident wetland community more invasible and Phalaris more aggressive, leading to monospecific stands. Yet, Phalaris did not always “win”: under the least disturbed conditions, the resident plant canopy remained dense and vigorous and Phalaris remained small. When anthropogenic disturbances coincide with increases in the gross supply of resources, more tolerant, fast-growing, and morphologically plastic plants like Phalaris can invade very rapidly. The fluctuating resource hypothesis should thus be refined to consider the role of interacting disturbances in facilitating invasions.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is the development of a methodology for assessing the iron removal efficiency of passive mine water treatment settling lagoons and reed beds. Previous work in the design and sizing of coal mine drainage lagoons and wetlands has focussed on the use of standard hydraulic residence times or using the 10 g m−2 d−1 metric, these criteria have been applied without regard to the fundamental physical and chemical processes controlling iron removal in the system, namely the pH dependent rates of Fe(II) oxidation and physical settling of the particulate Fe(III). In this study field water quality data have been collected from lagoons and reed beds. These data are examined alongside data from the UK Coal Authority database and combined with simple mathematical formulations to provide a framework through which to understand passive treatment schemes from a process-orientated perspective. It is demonstrated that for the sites studied reed beds are more efficient for iron removal. This paper recommends that judgements of iron removal performance should be based on a derived treatment efficiency index (?) and that the modelling approach espoused in this paper should be used when designing passive mine water treatment schemes.  相似文献   
In this study, we used a two-dimensional (2D) mechanistic mathematical model in order to evaluate the relative contribution of different microbial reactions to organic matter removal (in terms of COD) in horizontal subsurface-flow constructed wetlands that treated urban wastewater. We also used the model to analyse the effect of increasing or decreasing the organic loading rate (changing the hydraulic loading rate (HLR) at a constant influent organic matter concentration, or changing the organic matter concentration at a constant HLR) on both the removal efficiency and the relative importance of the microbial reactions. The model is based on the code RetrasoCodeBright, which we modified to include the main microbial processes related to organic matter and nitrogen transformations in the wetlands: hydrolysis, aerobic respiration, nitrification, denitrification, sulphate reduction and methanogenesis. The model was calibrated and validated with data from two wetlands (each with a surface area of 55 m2) located in a pilot plant near Barcelona (Spain). According to the simulations, anaerobic processes (methanogenesis and sulphate reduction) are more widespread in the wetlands and contribute to a higher COD removal rate (60–70%) than anoxic (denitrification) and aerobic reactions do. These model results are confirmed by experimental observations. In all the cases tested, the reaction that most contributed to COD removal was methanogenesis (33–52%). According to our simulations, decreasing the HLR (for example, from 40 to 25 mm/d) while maintaining a constant COD influent concentration has a clear positive impact on COD removal efficiency (which increases from 65% to 89%). Changing influent COD concentration (for example, from 290 to 190 mg/L) while maintaining a constant HLR has a smaller impact, causing efficiency to increase from 79% to 84%. Changes in influent COD concentration (at a constant HLR) affect the relative contribution of the microbial reactions to organic matter removal. However, this trend is not seen when the HLR changes and the COD influent concentration remains constant.  相似文献   
The Michaelis-Menten kinetics of blood-brain barrier transport of fourteen amino acids was investigated with a tissue-sampling, single-injection technique in the anesthetized rat. Tracer quantities of 14C-labelled amino acids and 3H2O, used as a freely diffusible internal reference, were mixed in 0.2 ml of buffered Ringer's solution and injected rapidly into a common carotid artery. Circulation was terminated by decapitation at 15 s following injection. A brain uptake index (Ib) was determined from the ratio of 14C dpm in the brain tissue and the injection mixture divided by the same ratio for the 3H2O reference. Brain clearance of tracer concentration of amino acid was saturable when various concentrations of unlabeled amino acid were added to the injection solution. Double reciprocal plots of the saturation data yielded Km (mM) values that ranged from a low of 0.09 mM for arginine to a high of 0.75 mM for cycloleucine. Transport V values were determined from the relationship P = VKm where P is the blood-brain barrier permeability constant (ml/g per min): P was calculated from the Ib for each amino acid based on a cerebral blood flow of 0.56 ml/g per min and a fractional extraction of 0.75 for the 3H2O reference 15 s following carotid injection. The V values ranged from a low of 6.2 nmol/g per min for lysine to a high of 64 nmol/g per min for l-DOPA. Efflux of the tracer amino acid during the 15-s period after injection was assumed to be slow, since the rate constant of cycloleucine from brain to blood was low, 0.11 min?1.  相似文献   
To gain insight into the function of AOB and MOB during different social interaction and in different vole species,the behaviors and neural activation of the olfactory bulbs in social interactions of mandarin voles Microtus mandarinus and reed voles Microtus fortis were compared in the present research.Mandarin voles spent significantly more time attacking and sniffing their opponents and sniffing sawdust than reed voles.During same sex encounters,mandarin voles attacked their opponents for a significantly ...  相似文献   
Eleven microsatellite markers were obtained from reed parrotbill, Paradoxornis heudei, using the fast isolation by AFLP of sequences containing repeats (FIASCO) method as part of an effort to compare levels of genetic diversity in different populations of China. Polymorphism levels ranged form 5 to 11 alleles (mean = 9.27) using 32 reed parrotbills, with the observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.037 to 0.80. Six loci were significant deviated from HWE and nine loci showed linkage equilibrium. The utility of these loci on two other Passeriformes species, vinous-throated parrotbill (P. webbianus) and oriental great reed warbler (Acrocephalus orientalis), were also tested.  相似文献   
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