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The adaptive significance of avian egg shape in birds is poorly understood. The pyriform (pear‐like) shape of the Common Guillemot's Uria aalge egg has long been considered to be an adaptation to prevent eggs rolling off the bare cliff ledges on which this species breeds. Rolling was thought to be prevented either by the egg spinning like a top, which is not the case, or by rolling in an arc, which it does but with little influence on whether the egg will fall from a ledge. We therefore sought alternative explanations for the pyriform shape of the Common Guillemot's egg. This species breeds in extremely dense colonies, which makes their eggs vulnerable to mechanical damage from conspecifics, and to contamination by debris such as faeces and soil. We present evidence consistent with both these possible explanations. First, the pyriform shape of Common Guillemot eggs means that a higher proportion of the eggshell lies in contact with the substrate and this may minimize the effect of impacts. Resistance to impacts may be further enhanced because their eggshells are especially thick where they are in contact with the substrate. Secondly, Common Guillemot eggs are often heavily contaminated with faecal material and other debris during incubation. Most contamination is on the pointed end of the egg where it is in contact with the substrate; the pyriform shape thus keeps the blunt end of the egg, which has the highest porosity, relatively free of contamination, which in turn may facilitate both gas exchange during incubation and the hatching process, because the chick emerges from the blunt end of the egg.  相似文献   
Abstract: Murres (thick-billed [Uria lomvia] and common [U. aalge]) are legally hunted along the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Razorbills (Alca torda) are also incidentally taken. Only irregular estimates of the total murre harvest are available, so a tool to derive estimates of age- and species-specific harvest is required to effectively monitor the hunt and manage a sustainable harvest. We collected 293 murre and razorbill wings from hunters between 1999–2004, with the goal of identifying wing characteristics that could be used to discriminate age and species. We found that murres and razorbills could be reliably aged (first-yr vs. older) on the basis of molt limits of greater wing coverts. Using a discriminant function (DF) incorporating length of the first primary and second secondary feather, we classified 95–96% of common murres and 99–100% of thick-billed murres correctly to species. First-year thick-billed and common murres also differed in number of pale secondary coverts (median = 12 and 3, respectively), providing another species-specific trait. We developed a key to age and assign species based on these results. We assessed applicability and accuracy of the wing-key with novice observers, who differentiated between murre and razorbill wings using feather-pattern coloration with high accuracy (95 ± 9%) and were able to differentiate between the 2 murres species using 3 techniques: visual assessment of wing shape (83 ± 14% accuracy), the DF (94 ± 6%), and number of worn secondary coverts for first-year birds only (83 ± 5%). Experience increased success rates of aging and species classification using wing shape and number of worn secondary coverts but not using the DF. Despite differences in measurement accuracy and repeatability among observers, the DF proved to be robust. Our results will facilitate implementation of a species composition survey for the murre hunt and will improve identification rates of carcasses found during beached bird surveys in the Northwest Atlantic, aiding in monitoring of alcid populations vulnerable to anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   
Shifting prey availability can lead to altered species interactions, indicated by variation in the dietary niche breadth and position of species within an assemblage. On the Newfoundland coast, annual inshore spawning migration of the dominant forage fish, Capelin Mallotus villosus, provides an excellent opportunity to investigate the influence of varying prey availability on dietary niche breadth and position among species. During June–August 2017, we investigated species‐ and assemblage‐level dietary responses to shifting Capelin availability of three Capelin‐eating, sympatrically breeding auk species, the Atlantic Puffin Fratercula arctica, Razorbill Alca torda and Common Murre Uria aalge. The diet of Leach's Storm Petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa, which breed alongside the three auk species but are not known to rely on Capelin, was also examined to determine dietary shifts throughout breeding that were unrelated to Capelin availability. We quantified stable isotope ratios (δ15N, δ13C) in seabird blood components (plasma, cellular component) collected both before and after spawning Capelin arrived in the study area and compared isotopic niche breadth within a Bayesian framework. At the species level, auk trophic position increased and isotopic niche breadth narrowed after Capelin arrived, suggesting a more Capelin‐based diet. Simultaneously, trophic diversity of the auk assemblage, reflecting the extent of spacing among niches of species, decreased after spawning Capelin arrived inshore. Contrastingly, increased trophic position but broader isotopic niche breadth during higher relative to lower Capelin availability for Leach's Storm Petrel confirm that this species is probably not affected by the inshore arrival of Capelin, but instead that isotopic changes may be more related to a shift in breeding stage to chick‐rearing. Overall, our findings reiterate the importance of Capelin as a prey resource for breeding auks in coastal Newfoundland, but that the degree of reliance on Capelin varies among species, possibly allowing coexistence of these ecologically similar species. The findings highlight potential changing species interactions, such as increased competition, under declines in Capelin biomass.  相似文献   
Geographical variation in two related seabird species, the razorbill (Alca torda) and common guillemot (Uria aalge), was investigated using sequence analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control regions. We determined the nucleotide sequence of the variable 5' segment of the control region in razorbills and common guillemots from breeding colonies across the Atlantic Ocean. The ecology and life history characteristics of razorbill and common guillemot are in many respects similar. They are both considered highly philopatric and have largely overlapping distributions in temperate and subarctic regions of the North Atlantic, yet the species were found to differ widely in the extent and spatial distribution of mtDNA variation. Moreover, the differences in genetic differentiation and diversity were in the opposite direction to that expected from a consideration of traditional classifications and current population sizes. Indices of genetic diversity were highest in razorbill and varied among colonies, as did genotype frequencies, suggestive of restrictions to gene flow. The distribution of genetic variation suggests that razorbills originated from a refugial population in the south-western Atlantic Ocean through sequential founder events and subsequent expansion in the east and north. In common guillemots, genetic diversity was low and there was a lack of geographical structure, consistent with a recent population bottleneck, expansion and gene flow. We suggest that the reduced level of genetic diversity and differentiation in the common guillemot is caused by an inherent propensity for repeated population bottlenecks and concomitantly unstable population structure related to their specialized feeding ecology.  相似文献   
Information on seabird foraging behaviour outside the breeding season is currently limited. This knowledge gap is critical as this period is energetically demanding due to post‐fledging parental care, feather moult and changing environmental conditions. Based on species’ body size, post‐fledging parental strategy and primary moult schedule we tested predictions for key aspects of foraging behaviour (maximum dive depth (MDD), daily time submerged (DTS) and diurnal dive activity (DDA)) using dive depth data collected from three seabird species (common guillemot Uria aalge, razorbill Alca torda and Atlantic puffin Fratercula arctica) from the end of the breeding season (July) to mid‐winter (January). We found partial support for predictions associated with body size; guillemots had greater MDD than razorbills but MDD did not differ between razorbills and puffins, despite the former being 35% heavier. In accordance with sexual monomorphism in all three species, MDD did not differ overall between the sexes. However, in guillemots and razorbills there were sex‐specific differences, such that male guillemots made deeper dives than females, and males of both species had higher DTS. In contrast, there were no marked sex differences in dive behaviour of puffins in July and August in accordance with their lack of post‐fledging parental care and variable moult schedule. We found support for the prediction that diving effort would be greater in mid‐winter compared to the period after the breeding season. Despite reduced daylight in mid‐winter, this increase in DTS occurred predominantly during the day and only guillemots appeared to dive nocturnally to any great extent. In comparison to diving behaviour of these species recorded during the breeding season, MDD was shallower and DTS was greater during the non‐breeding period. Such differences in diving behaviour during the post‐breeding period are relevant when identifying potential energetic bottlenecks, known to be key drivers of seabird population dynamics.  相似文献   
Joris Everaert 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):220-230
Capsule Local factors can lead to strong variation in mortality rate and collision risk that obscures possible effects of turbine size in wind farms.

Aims The impact of bird collisions was studied at eight land-based wind farm sites with a total of 66 small to large turbines in order to assess the mortality rate and collision risk.

Methods Searches for collision fatalities were performed under all turbines with a minimum search interval of 14 days. Mortality rate was calculated with corrections for available search area, scavenging and search efficiency. Flight movements of birds crossing five of the wind farm sites were recorded during a minimum of four days per site. Actual collision risk was then calculated as the number of collision fatalities relative to the average surveyed flight intensity.

Results Mortality rate was 21 birds per turbine per year on average. Most fatalities were local common species (e.g. gulls) but rarer species were also found (e.g. terns, raptors and waders). Collision risk of gulls was 0.05% and 0.08% on average for birds, respectively, flying at turbine and rotor height through the wind farms (0.09% and 0.14% maximum). Large gulls had a significant higher collision risk than small gulls at rotor height. Mortality rate and collision risk were not significantly related to turbine size. The results were integrated in a widely used collision risk model to obtain information of micro-avoidance, i.e. the proportion of birds that fly through the wind farm but avoid passing through the rotor swept area of the turbines. For gulls, this micro-avoidance was 96.1% and 96.3% on average for birds, respectively, flying at turbine and rotor height through the wind farms.

Conclusion The results indicate that local factors can lead to strong variation in mortality rate and collision risk that obscures possible effects of turbine size in wind farms. However, large turbines have more installed capacity (MW), so repowering wind farms with larger but fewer wind turbines, could reduce total mortality at certain locations.  相似文献   
Estimating the age of birds by counting the number of cell layers within the circumferential lamellae of the bone cortex gave promising results in some species (e.g., fulmar Fulmarus glacialis; shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis) but was not confirmed for others (e.g., Canada goose Branta canadensis; sandhill crane Grus canadensis). Moreover, different results were received for different bones from the same individual and the factors influencing these results have not been identified. We have evaluated the ageing method for a non-migratory population of razorbills (Alca torda) from Baltic Sea colonies by examining humeri from 38 razorbills recorded dead on the Polish coastal zone of the Baltic Sea. Only humeri of 19 birds showed clearly defined borders between the osteonal matrix and the endosteal bone. Razorbills were divided into three age categories by bill ornament (juveniles, immature, adults) and showed a trend towards a gradual loss of cell layers in the endosteal bone with increasing age, where median values totalled 8.5, 7 and 6 layers respectively. Our results indicate that counting the number of cell layers within the circumferential lamellae of the bone cortex is not a reliable methodology for ageing razorbills.  相似文献   
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