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The synthesis and characterization of rare-earth (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu and Y) thiocyanate adducts with tripiperidinophosphine oxide (tpppO) with general formula (RE)(SCN)3(tpppO)3 are reported. Conductance measurements in acetonitrile indicate the non-electrolytic nature of the complexes. Infrared absorption spectra evidence that the SCN ion coordinates through the nitrogen atom (isothiocyanate form) and that tpppO coordinates through the phosphoryl oxygen. X-ray powder patterns suggest the existence of three different crystal forms: (1) La; (2) an isomorphous series including Ce, Nd and Pr; and (3) another isomorphous series, including Sm, Gd, Eu, Ho, Er, Tb, Lu and Y. The visible spectra of the Nd adduct and the calculated parameters β = 0.98, b1/2 = 0.072 and δ = 1.06 indicate that the metal-ligand bonds are essentially electrostactic. The emission spectra of the Eu compound showed 5D0 → 7FJ bands (J = 0, 1, 2), suggesting a C3v symmetry for the coordination polyhedron. The lifetime of the 5D0 state is 1.28 ms. The emission spectra of the Tb complex presented 5D4 → 7FJ bands (J = 4, 5, 6) and the Dy complex showed the 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 band. The structure of the Pr complex showed that the coordination polyhedron is a trigonal antiprism, with the isothiocyanate anions in one base and three tpppO ligands in the other. Thermal analyses (TG-DTG) were carried out for the Ce, Nd and Gd adducts. Mass losses start between 250 and 334 °C. The final residues at 1300 °C are the corresponding phosphates.  相似文献   
大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanolenca)显带染色体的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大熊猫系我国特产的世界珍稀动物,素有“活化石”和“国宝”之称。限于材料来源,虽有核型的少数报道(邓承宗等,1980;陈文元等,1984;Newnham et al.,1966),但研究尚不够深入。1980年,Wurster-Hill和Bush首先报道了大熊猫()的显带核型,并与杂交熊等比较,探讨了大熊猫的分类地位。本文对四只大熊猫的G带、C带核型和Ag-NORs作了分析,绘制了G带核型模式图,并提出了某些商榷的意见。  相似文献   
All individuals of all known populations of Banksia goodii were assessed for seed production. Small populations produced no or only a few seeds per unit canopy area. Effects of population size on seed production per unit area and seed production per plant were present over the whole range of population sizes, indicating that even in large populations seed production may still not be at its maximum. Resource differences could not explain this disproportionate decrease in seed production with decline in population size, because there were no differences in soil properties and understorey or overstorey cover between the small and large populations. Although plants in small and large populations were similar in size, seed production per plant was much lower in small populations. This was not because plants in small populations produced fewer cones but because the fraction of these cones that was fertile was much lower. Five of the nine smallest populations (<200 m2) produced no fertile cones over the last 10 years. The number of seeds per fertile cone did not depend on population size. The results are discussed in relation to pollination biology.  相似文献   
氯化镧对玉米根切段钾离子外渗影响的动力学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了氯化镧对玉米(Zea mays L.)“京早8号”根切段细胞膜透性及质子分泌的影响,并用动力学方法研究了钾离子外渗过程的变化。氯化镧处理可降低外渗液的电导率及K~ 和糖的外渗量,使质子分泌活动增强。用动力学方法分析玉米根切段K~ 外渗过程的结果表明:(1)应用于K~ 吸收研究的数学模型也能适应于K~ 外渗的研究;(2)在LaCl_3和(或)CaCl_2存在的条件下,最大吸收速度(V_(max))升高,而米氏常数(K_m)没有变化;(3)在LaCl_3和(或)CaCl_2存在的条件下,K~ 外渗量降低是由于最大吸收速度(V_(max))升高所致。  相似文献   
Most biominerals appear to be composites of organic material and mineral. Whether biosilica is such a composite is unresolved because of a lack of evidence for such organic components. We present evidence that organic material exists within diatom biosilica and can be extracted using HF/NH4F solutions from frustules isolated from Cyclotella meneghiniana Kütz and diatomaceous earth. To eliminate organic casing on the silicified frustules as a source of organic materials, the casing was removed by oxidation of frustules with NaOCl before extraction. The removal of the casing was confirmed in that oxidized frustules no longer displayed the ability to be stained with ruthenium red and fluorescamine. Frustules examined with EDXA showed an emission peak from sulfur before treatment but no peak following treatment, indicating that oxidation removed organic sulfur. The organic material obtained from extracts of fresh frustules contained both soluble and insoluble components. Only soluble material was evident in extracts from diatomaceous earth. The soluble material appears to contain glycoproteins with relatively high levels of serine and glycine. The soluble proteins from fresh frustules also appear to be phosphorylated. Indirect evidence is presented that suggests the soluble proteins may contain regions of primary structure enriched in anionic amino acids. The soluble extracts differ from general cell contents when the two fractions are compared, suggesting that frustules contain specialized organic material. The identification of silica-specific organic material suggests that mineralization in diatoms may be in part matrix-mediated.  相似文献   
Synopsis The ecological and evolutionary forces maintaining genetic polymorphism within populations is of continuing interest to evolutionary biologists. Male pygmy swordtails,Xiphophorus pygmaeus, are polymorphic at a Y-linked locus controlling body color. Fish with the + and cp alleles have blue bodies; those with the con allele have bright gold bodies. Male and female fish were tested in the laboratory to determine if there were any preferences for association with groups of male fish based on color. Single test fish were presented with two groups of males of different phenotypes, and times in which the test fish spent in proximity to each group were recorded. Males of different phenotypes showed no differences in preference, nor did phenotype of the males in the groups affect the behavior of the test fish. Females also showed no preference for males of a particular phenotype. Finally, female test fish showed no preference for groups containing a male with the rare phenotype compared to a group containing all males of the same phenotype.  相似文献   
Data on 31 genetic systems were obtained for 421 individuals belonging to the Arara, Araweté, Mundurucu, and Jamamadi tribes of northern Brazil. The Jamamadi depart farthest, and the Mundurucu least, from South American Indian averages. These data are analyzed together with those of 24 other Amazonian groups. Genetic distances and corresponding dendrograms indicate a cluster of 14 related tribes living north of the Amazon river. These genetic results show only a modest correlation with linguistic and geographic relationships among these groups.  相似文献   
To study the effects of rare earth exposure on human telomerase and apoptosis of mononuclear cells from human peripheral blood (PBMNCs). The blood contents of 15 rare earth elements, including La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, and Y, were measured by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Telomeric repeat amplification protocol assay and flow cytometer analysis were carried out to analyze the telomerase activity and apoptosis of PBMNCs, respectively. The total content of rare earth elements in the blood showed significant differences between the exposed group and the control group. The rare earth exposure increased the telomerase activity and the percentages of cells in the S-phase and the G2/M phase in PBMNCs, but it had no effect on the apoptotic rate of PBMNCs. Under the exposure to lower concentrations of rare earth elements, the telomerase activity of PBMNCs in the exposed group was higher than that of the control group, and there was no effect on the apoptotic rate of PBMNCs, but promoted the diploid DNA replication and increased the percentages of G2/M- and S-phase cells.  相似文献   
经调查,广东南岭国家级自然保护区共有珍稀濒危植物46种,隶属于29科39属,其中属于国家重点一级保护的有5种,二级保护的有29种.建议将19种列入国家保护名录,20种列入省级保护名录,其中包括广东新分布6种,粤北及南岭特有种9种.分析了广东南岭珍稀濒危植物面临的主要威胁是人为破坏,并针对所受威胁提出了相应的保护措施.  相似文献   
稀土元素在生物领域内的研究,可以分为两个方面:稀土的生物效应和稀土在其它研究中的应用.稀土元素的生物效应,主要集中在动物和医学领域.由于稀土元素的离子半径及化学性质和钙离子很相似,因此在研究稀土的生物效应时,对稀土离子与钙离子的关系颇为重视.稀土作为一种特殊的研究工具,在许多生物学研究领域中,克服了一些因其它方法的局限而不能得到的结果或简化了其中的过程.  相似文献   
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