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Classification of wetlands is extremely problematical, definition of the term wetland being a difficult and controversial starting point. Although considerable effort has gone into the development of national and regional wetland classifications, the only attempt at establishing a global system has been under the auspices of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance. In view of the fact that the Ramsar Convention has 70 Contracting Parties world-wide, it is suggested that the Convention's definition and classification system should be adopted generally for international purposes. Much of the world has been covered by preliminary wetland inventories, but there is an urgent need to extend coverage to those areas not yet included. It is essential that all inventory projects give adequate attention to meeting the real information needs of agencies and individuals which have an impact on the conservation and wise use of wetlands. Attention should also be given to providing for wide dissemination and regular updating of information and establishment of procedures for monitoring ecological change at the sites identified.  相似文献   
Conserving biological diversity requires a major effort in conducting survey and inventories, establishing priorities, selecting protected areas, managing resources and monitoring the effects of management. Systematics has an important contribution to make to each of these five major activities. Further, the new Convention on Biological Diversity requires systematics information to support action under virtually all of its substantive conservation and sustainable use articles. It seems apparent that large reference collections contribute directly to development, and development assistance agencies should recognize that investing in maintaining these collections is a legitimate form of development assistance.  相似文献   
“2020年后全球生物多样性框架”是当前《生物多样性公约》谈判的焦点议题之一。本文阐述了框架制定的背景, 介绍了“2020年后全球生物多样性框架”不限成员名额工作组(Open Ended Working Group, OEWG),的谈判过程, 综合分析了缔约方在各有关磋商进程中的观点, 以及目前缔约方对框架各个要素的共识和分歧, 评估了框架的制定进展, 并就框架的设计提出四点展望: (1)阐明转型变革的具体实施路径; (2)平衡反映公约三大目标; (3)加强与其他全球治理进程的协同; (4)强化框架对全球及缔约方履约进展的评估和审查。最后提出对我国的建议: (1)及时更新国家生物多样性战略与行动计划(National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans, NBSAP); (2)加强国内生物多样性工作的协调; (3)继续加强生态环境执法和责任机制。为缔约方更好参与框架制定进程, 深入了解框架及其磋商进展提供参考, 并为下一步框架制定提供参考。  相似文献   
This article discusses the issue of treaty regimes in parallel to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in respect of peaceful settlement of disputes concerning the interpretation or application of the Convention. The duality in relevancy of such disputes to two treaties at the same time would have begged the question about which treaty should be applied to settle them, but UNCLOS has a clear, conflict-of-law style rules in place to address the question. Article 281(1) is one such rule, and, with its exclusionary effect, stands out as a super provision of the Convention.  相似文献   
This article discusses the Chinese legal framework in relation to ship recycling and suggests that the various legislation, standards, and opinions provide disorderly and nosystematic regulation. A uniform law specifically regulating the ship-recycling industry should be adopted by China, with a single competent authority empowered to supervise ship-recycling activities, that will effectively implement the 2009 Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships.  相似文献   
In March 1995, Canadian fisheries authorities boarded and arrested the Spanish fishing vessel, Estai, outside the Canadian 200‐mile zone on the Grand Banks, an event that served to focus world attention on a dispute that had its origins in the failure of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to implement an effective conservation and management regime for fish stocks on the high seas, particularly with respect to fish stocks that straddle coastal states’ exclusive economic zones. This article examines the origins of the dispute, including the allegations relating to overfishing of North Atlantic Fisheries Organization‐recommended quotas, the background to the vessel's arrest, and the subsequent confrontation that occurred, both at diplomatic levels and on the high seas, between Canada and the European Union. An analysis is made of the case in international law for Canada's extension of jurisdiction beyond 200 miles pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act. Finally, the article examines the implications of the recently concluded Agreement on the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks for disputes of the kind that arose in the present case.  相似文献   
This article explores the connection between obligations to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under the climate change regime and obligations to protect the marine environment under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Within the context of the state of the science on the links between climate change and the marine environment, the article considers whether the emission of greenhouse gases as a result of human activity constitutes a violation of various obligations under the UNCLOS. Having identified a number of possible violations, the article proceeds to consider the application of the binding dispute settlement process under the UNCLOS and the possibility of a successful claim.  相似文献   
Lake Bogoria, in the Rift Valley of Kenya is an extreme saline lake (conductivity 40–80 mS cm–1, alkalinity 1500 m equ l–1). It is hydrologically more stable than the other, endorheic lakes in Kenya, because it is deep – maximum depth at present just over 10 m in an area of 3000 ha – and so does not have periods when it is dry. It is ecologically simple, with only one species dominating the phytoplankton – the cyanobacterium `spirulina', Arthrospira fusiformis. Its biomass and productivity were very high – biomass between 38 and 365 g l–1 chlorophyll `a' and 3.4–21 × 103 coils ml–1 and net production between 0.24 and 1 gm C m3 h, the latter in a narrow zone of less than a metre. There were no macro-zooplankton in the plankton and the only grazer of A. fusiformis was the lesser flamingo, Phoeniconaias minor,which occurred irregularly in very high concentrations (in excess of 1 × 106). Detritivory in the benthos was effected by a single chironomid species, Paratendipes sp., at a maximum density of 4 × 104 m–2. The mean daily emergence of adult chironomids was estimated to be 1 × 103 m–2, the maximum 3. There was no littoral plant community within the lake but 44 dicotyledonous and 31 monocotyledonous plant species in the drawn-down zone and adjacent to it. A diverse draw-down terrestrial invertebrate fauna, only superficially described here, processed the flamingo feathers and carcasses, with other detritus such as chironomid pupal exuviae and decaying A. fusiformis scum. About 50 bird species depended upon the chironomids, either as they emerged through the water column as flying adults or later on the shoreline as floating pupal exuvia and dead adults. The lake has high conservation value because of three bird species in particular – lesser flamingo, Cape teal and black-necked grebe. The former provides real economic value in a region otherwise impoverished, because of the spectacle of tens of thousands of flamingos set against the landscape of hot springs and fumaroles at the lake edge, which draws 15000 visitors per annum. P. minor has experienced three periods during the past ten years when major mortalities have occurred, the last of which killed 700 birds day–1. This could have involved as many as 200000 birds (about 1/5th of the maximum population at this lake) if mortality was at a constant rate for the nine months it was observed. Causes of mortality have been suggested as avian tuberculosis, poisoning from cyanobacterial toxins or from heavy metal contamination at Lake Nakuru, but it is still not yet clear what contribution each makes to the problem.  相似文献   
生物多样性的几个问题(续)   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
从生物多样性的现状、存在的问题及应采取的措施等三个方面比较全面地叙述了我国生物多样性的情况。“生物安全”是《生物多样性公约《签订后每次缔约国会议都要讨论的中心议题之一。为之本文也用一定的篇幅作了较详细的介绍。  相似文献   
The detection, attribution and prediction of global and large scale regional change are goals for the Global Observing Systems of the United Nations. Coastal areas are particularly sensitive to global change, but there is a variety of limitations to universal coverage of observations. The coastal module of the Global Terrestrial Observing System (C-GTOS) considers sentinel ecosystems to address these goals for the terrestrial, wetland and freshwater ecosystems of the coast. Sentinel ecosystems for observing systems are a limited number of well understood systems that have substantial datasets and are observed in a sustained fashion, forming an early warning and core system for broader regional and global change. A necessary step in the development of C-GTOS is the examination of current definitions of coastal areas by anticipated users and information providers, and identification of potential coastal networks and sites. We applied the sentinel system framework to the selection of C-GTOS observation sites from several international programs using various global delineations of coastal areas. Delineations were based on the most common definitions of the coast adopted by potential C-GTOS users and information providers, and included mapped areas of various distance from the coastline, coastal areas of low elevation, and a seaward boundary matching the Economic Exclusive Zone (EEZ). Decreases in the number of sites within each international program occurred with each definition marking area closer to the coastline. The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands demonstrates the greatest percentage of coastal sites by any definition. The process of choosing specific sentinel sites for C-GTOS continues from this initial screening, and is the next step towards the development of an in situ site network supporting the observation of global and large scale change. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   
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