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Haems are the cofactors of cytochromes and important catalysts of biological electron transfer. They are composed of a planar porphyrin structure with iron coordinated at the centre. It is known from spectroscopy that ferric low-spin haem has one unpaired electron at the iron, and that this spin is paired as the haem receives an electron upon reduction (I. Bertini, C. Luchinat, NMR of Paramagnetic Molecules in Biological Systems, Benjamin/Cummins Publ. Co., Menlo Park, CA, 1986, pp. 165-170; H.M. Goff, in: A.B.P. Lever, H.B. Gray (Eds.), Iron Porphyrins, Part I, Addison-Wesley Publ. Co., Reading, MA, 1983, pp. 237-281; G. Palmer, in: A.B.P. Lever, H.B. Gray (Eds.), Iron Porphyrins, Part II, Addison-Wesley Publ. Co., Reading, MA, 1983, pp. 43-88). Here we show by quantum chemical calculations on a haem a model that upon reduction the spin pairing at the iron is accompanied by effective delocalisation of electrons from the iron towards the periphery of the porphyrin ring, including its substituents. The change of charge of the iron atom is only approx. 0.1 electrons, despite the unit difference in formal oxidation state. Extensive charge delocalisation on reduction is important in order for the haem to be accommodated in the low dielectric of a protein, and may have impact on the distance dependence of the rates of electron transfer. The lost individuality of the electron added to the haem on reduction is another example of the importance of quantum mechanical effects in biological systems.  相似文献   
High-light treatments (1750–2000 mol photons m–2 · s–1) of leaves from a number of higher-plant species invariably resulted in quenching of the maximum 77K chlorophyll fluorescence at both 692 and 734 nm (F M, 692 and F M, 734). The response of instantaneous fluorescence at 692 nm (F O, 692) was complex. In leaves of some species F O, 692 increased dramatically in others it was quenched, and in others yet it showed no marked, consistent change. Regardless of the response of F O, 692 an apparently linear relationship was obtained between the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence (F V/F M, 692) and the photon yield of O2 evolution, indicating that photoinhibition affects these two variables to approximately the same extent. Treatment of leaves in a CO2–free gas stream containing 2% O2 and 98% N2 under weak light (100 mol · m–2 · s–1) resulted in a general and fully reversible quenching of 77K fluorescence at 692 and 734 nm. In this case both F O, 692 and F M, 692 were invariably quenched, indicating that the quenching was caused by an increased non-radiative energy dissipation in the pigment bed. We propose that high-light treatments can have at least two different, concurrent effects on 77K fluorescence in leaves. One results from damage to the photosystem II (PSII) reaction-center complex and leads to a rise in F O, 692; the other results from an increased non-radiative energy dissipation and leads to quenching of both F O, 692 and F M, 692 This general quenching had a much longer relaxation time than reported for pH-dependent quenching in algae and chloroplasts. Sun leaves, whose F V/F M, 692 ratios were little affected by high-light exposure in normal air, suffered pronounced photoinhibition when the exposure was made under conditions that prevent photosynthetic gas exchange (2% O2, 0% CO2). However, they were still less susceptible than shade leaves, indicating that the higher capacity for energy dissipation via photosynthesis is not the only cause of their lower susceptibility. The rate constant for recovery from photoinhibition was much higher in mature sun leaves than in mature shade leaves, indicating that differences in the capacity for continuous repair may in part account for the difference in their susceptibility to photoinhibition.Abbreviations and symbols kDa kilodalton - LHC-II light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex - PFD photon flux density (photon fluence rate) - PSI, PSII photosystem I, II - F O, F M, F V instantaneous, maximum, variable fluorescence emission - absorptance - a photon yield of O2 evolution (absorbed light) C.I.W.-D.P.B. Publication No. 925  相似文献   
The maximum quantum yields (a,c) for CO2 uptake in low-oxygen atmospheres were determined for 11 species of C3 vascular plants of diverse taxa, habitat and life form using an Ulbricht-sphere leaf chamber. Comparisons were also made between tissues of varied age within species. The species examined were Psilotum nudum (L.) P. Beauv., Davallia bullata Wall. ex Hook., Cycas revoluta Thunb., Araucaria heterophylla (Salisb.) Franco, Picea abies (L.) Karst., Nerium oleander L., Ruellia humilis Nutt., Pilea microphylla (L.) Karst., Beaucarnea stricta Lem., Oplismenus hirtellus (L.) P. Beauv. and Poa annua L. Quantum yields were calculated from the initial slopes of the response of CO2 uptake to the quantity of photons absorbed in conditions of diffuse lighting. Regression analysis of variance of the initial slopes of the response of CO2 uptake to photon absorption failed to show any statistically significant differences between age classes within species or between the mature photosynthetic organs of different species. The constancy of a,c was apparent despite marked variation in the light-saturated rates of CO2 uptake within and between species. The mean a,c was 0.093±0.003 for 11 species. By contrast, surface absorptance varied markedly between species from 0.90 to 0.60, producing proportional variation in the quantum yield calculated on an incidentlight basis. The ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence emission at 695 nm for the same tissues also failed to show any statistically significant variation between species, with a mean of 0.838±0.008. Mean values of a,c reported here for C3 species, in the absence of photorespiration, are higher than reported in previous surveys of vascular plants, but consistent with recent estimates of the quantum yields of O2 evolution.Abbreviations and Symbols A rate of CO2 uptake per unit projected area (mol · m–2 · s–1) - Fm the maximum fluorescence emission at 695 nm in saturating excitation light when closure of PSII reaction centres is maximal (relative units) - Fo the ground fluorescence at 695 nm when all PSII reaction centres are assumed open (relative units) - Fv the difference between Fm and Fo - JQ rate of CO2 uptake by the sample (nmol · s–1) - JQ rate of photon absorption by the sample (nmol · s–1) - Q absorbed photon flux per unit of projected area (nmol · m–2 · s–1) - 1 the light absorptance of photosynthetic organs (dimensionless) - s1 and s'1 the total and projected surface areas of the photosynthetic organs examined (m2) - a,c and i,c the quantum yields for CO2 uptake on an absorbed- and incident-light basis, respectively (dimensionless) - a,o the quantum yield for O2 evolution on an absorbed-light basis (dimensionless) This work was supported by grant PI7179-BIO, FWF, Austria to H.B-N. and by a British Council travel award to S.P.L. This work was completed under the auspices of U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-76CH00016. We also thank Dr. K.J. Parkinson of PP Systems, Hitchin, UK for the loan of a prototype of a commercial integrating-sphere leaf chamber developed from our design.  相似文献   
There is a need for non-invasive monitoring of temporal and spatial variation in hydration and photosynthetic activity of red-listed poikilohydric autotrophs. Here, we simultaneously recorded kinetics in RGB-colors (photos), reflectance spectra, water content, maximal (FV/FM), and effective quantum yield of PSII (ΦPSII) during desiccation in foliose lichens differing in cortical characteristics and photobionts. The spectral absorbance peaks of chlorophyll a, phycocyanin, and phycoerythrin were clearly displayed at high hydration levels. Brightness and total RGB colors of the lichens strongly increased during desiccation. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) efficiently estimated hydration level and ΦPSII – a proxy for lichen photosynthesis – in all species, including threatened old forest lichens. Color and reflectance indices based on green wavelengths gave good estimates of water content in cephalo- and chlorolichens, but not in cyanolichens with a wider range of photosynthetic pigments. Due to species-specific characteristics, species-wise calibration is essential for non-invasive assessments of lichen functioning.  相似文献   
正常人各年龄组染色体着丝粒点(Cd)研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本文运用本室改良的Cd-NOR银染技术对80例4个年龄组的正常中国人的Cd变化进行了较系统的研究, 结果表明:(1)正常人随年龄增加,Cd消失的频率、Cd变异及Cd-NOR融合频率也相应增加,特别是Ⅲ、Ⅳ组(中、老年组)增加的频率尤为显著;(2)首次对Cd消失的过程提出了独特的观点,即Cd消失首先表现为Cd变小, 随着变小程度的加大,最终导致Cd消失;(3)在本研究中首次观察到单个Cd的现象,作者认为是细胞分裂中期染色体着丝一分为二的延迟现象。各年龄组间单Cd出现频率无统计学差异,同一年龄组中,2号染色体和1号染色体上单Cd出现频率显著高于理论值;(4)随年龄增高,Cd各项观察值的增高在男性与女性间未见明显的差异。 Abstract:The Cd variation of human chromosome in four groups of different age has been investigated.The result shows that the frequencies of Cd disappearing,size variation and Cd-NOR fusion increased with the age rising,especially in the group of aged people.We suggest that the variation of Cd shows the size changes first,and then disappears completely.We also observed some cells in which a few chromosomes shows only a single Cd in centromeric region.Cd variation in different age groups has no significant difference between the male and the female.  相似文献   
葡萄叶片光合速率与量子效率日变化的研究及利用   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
A two-frequency oscillator model for the primary photochemical reaction bacteriorhodopsin batho-bacteriorhodopsin (K610) is proposed. According to this model two conformational changes in the reaction are considered to take place: the first one is a distortion of the retinal in the bacteriorhodopsin active site and the second one is a conformational transition of the bacterioopsin, affecting the native structure hydrogen bonds. On the basis of this model the temperature dependences of the rate constants for normal and deuterated reactants are calculated in good agreement with the available experimental data. The relations of the reaction considered to the primary photochemical reaction of vision are discussed.  相似文献   
We propose that the unique temperature dependence of the Chance-De Vault cytochrome oxidation reaction in Chromatium is not due to a transition from low-temperature nuclear tunnelling to a high-temperature activated electron transfer (ET), but rather originates from two parallel ET processes from two distinct low-potential cytochromes to the bacteriochlorophyll dimer cation. These involve a slow activationless process, which dominates at low temperatures (T 120 K) and an activated process, which is practically exclusive at high temperatures. This conjecture provides plausible nuclear and electronic coupling terms and structural data for the two cytochrome oxidation reactions.  相似文献   
The development of vaccines against malaria and serodiagnostic tests for detecting recent exposure requires tools for antigen discovery and suitable animal models. The protein microarray is a high‐throughput, sample sparing technique, with applications in infectious disease research, clinical diagnostics, epidemiology, and vaccine development. We recently demonstrated Qdot‐based indirect immunofluorescence together with portable optical imager ArrayCAM using single isotype detection could replicate data using the conventional laser confocal scanner system. We developed a multiplexing protocol for simultaneous detection of IgG, IgA, and IgM and compared samples from a controlled human malaria infection model with those from controlled malaria infections of Aotus nancymaae, a widely used non‐human primate model of human malaria. IgG profiles showed the highest concordance in number of reactive antigens; thus, of the 139 antigens recognized by human IgG antibody, 111 were also recognized by Aotus monkeys. Interestingly, IgA profiles were largely non‐overlapping. Finally, on the path toward wider deployment of the portable platform, we show excellent correlations between array data obtained in five independent laboratories around the United States using the multiplexing protocol (R2: 0.60–0.92). This study supports the use of this platform for wider deployment, particularly in endemic areas where such a tool will have the greatest impact on global human health.  相似文献   
作为镰刀属真菌的次级代谢产物,玉米赤霉烯酮(zearalenone,ZEN)具有强烈的生殖毒性和免疫毒性,严重威胁动物和人类健康。本研究通过采用羧基修饰的CdSe水溶性量子点(quantum dots,QDs)标记ZEN单克隆抗体,并基于CdSe阳离子交换信号增强原理,建立了ZEN新型荧光免疫检测方法(CdSe QDs-FLISA),检测下限(IC10)和半数抑制率(IC50)分别为0.006 ng/mL和0.17 ng/mL,检测区间(IC20–IC80)为0.01–0.45 ng/mL。与ZEN的结构类似物(α-zearalanol、zearalanone、α-zearalenol、β-zearalenol and β-zearalanol)交叉反应性依次为22.3%、13.1%、6.2%、1.6%和3.9%,与农产品中其他真菌毒素如黄曲霉毒素B1(AFB1)、赭曲霉毒素A(OTA)、呕吐毒素(DON)和伏马毒素B1(FB1)几乎不存在交叉反应。该方法...  相似文献   
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