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The social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum is a promising host for the expression of recombinant proteins requiring post-translational modifications. Limited maximal cell densities and slow growth rates, however, disfavor its application. Little attention has been paid to improve its cultivation. Here, some strategies are described, which allow the attainment of higher cell densities. This can be achieved by cultivation on an improved synthetic medium as well as in immobilized form. Two promising inorganic porous supports are presented—broken pumice and a ceramic catalyst carrier. Cell densities up to 4.5×107 ml−1 are obtained during suspension cultivation on the improved synthetic medium. This is about three times as much as can be expected for cultivations on conventional complex media. Cells in the pores of broken pumice and a ceramic support reach up to 15–20 times higher local cell densities compared with cells growing on conventional axenic media in suspension. Thus, the cell density of 3.5×108 ml−1 in the ceramic carrier (CeramTec®) is the highest cell density for D. discoideum observed so far in cultivation systems. The immobilized cell density could be maintained for a long period of time by either repeated medium replacement or continuous cultivation. To minimize the external volume of the medium a trickle bed reactor was operated continuously.  相似文献   
Ksudach Volcano, southern Kamchatka Peninsula, erupted in 1907 and impacted over 2000 km2 of forests with air-fall pumice deposits. We identified three impact zones. In Zone I, deposits deeper than 100 cm destroyed all vegetation. Two early successional stages occur, a lichen-dominated desert and isolated patches of a pioneer herb stage. Zone II is defined by pumice deposits 30 to 100 cm deep. Deposits of 70 to 100 cm destroyed all vegetation, but left scattered snags. Here primary succession dominates recovery, but its rate varies. Isolated trees survived in deposits of 30 to 70 cm and primary and secondary successional stages form a complex mosaic termed an intermediate succession. In Zone II, the primary stages found in Zone I are joined by a dwarf shrub-herb stage and a secondary birch forest stage. Zone III occurs where thinner deposits permitted some vegetation to survive in all locations. Secondary succession dominates in deposits of 10 to 30 cm. Trees suffered damage, but survived deposits of 20 to 30 cm, while other vegetation layers were eliminated. Deposits of 10 to 20 cm eliminated mosses and lichens and but only reduced the number of dwarf shrubs and herbs. Deposits of less than 10 cm damaged herb, moss and lichen layers but did not eliminate any species. All sampled vegetation remains in a pre-climax state, having yet to recover fully from earlier eruptions. Reconstructed vegetation maps for before 1907 and for ca. 1925 are compared to the map of vegetation in 1994. Based on degree of soil formation, vegetation recovery and colonization rates at different pumice depths, and the current vegetation, we estimate that full recovery of the soil-vegetation system will take more than 2000 years.  相似文献   
Abstract. An intense lateral blast devastated Mount St. Helens in 1980, but forest understory species survived in some north‐slope ‘refugia’. We explored the effects of refugia on colonization of barren pumice in 1997 and 1998, 18 yr after the eruption. The seed rain of 23 colonizers came mostly from populations that had previously established in refugia. Parachutists had small, vagile seeds, parasailors had winged seeds, and tumblers were blown along the ground. The latter two groups are heavier and dispersed more slowly, but are more likely to survive. The proportion of the vegetation represented by wind‐dispersed species increased with distance from refugia. Parachutist's density declined with time and proximity to refugia. As vegetation adjacent to refugia developed, populations of parasailors and tumblers expanded, foreshadowing their dominance in more remote pumice. Refugia played a critical role in determining the rate and course of succession by providing fertile islands that permitted pioneers and dry meadow species to establish near barren pumice. Species that survived in refugia played a negligible role in colonization. This study showed that when refugia contrast sharply with new substrates, they accelerate recovery by facilitating the invasion of pioneer species.  相似文献   
Abstract. Primary succession on Mount St. Helens, Washington State, USA, was studied using long-term observational and experimental methods. Distance from potential colonists is a major factor that impedes early primary succession. Sites near undisturbed vegetation remain low in plant cover, but species richness is comparable to intact vegetation. Sites over 500 m from sources of potential colonists have as many species, but mean species richness is much lower than in undisturbed plots. Cover is barely measurable after 11 growing seasons. Highly vagrant species of Asteraceae and Epilobium dominate isolated sites. Sites contiguous to undisturbed communities are dominated by large-seeded species. For a new surface to offer suitable conditions to invading plants, weathering, erosion and nutrient inputs must first occur. The earliest colonists are usually confined to specific microsites that offer some physical protection and enhanced resources. Primary succession on Mount St. Helens has been very slow because most habitats are isolated and physically stressful. Well-dispersed species lack the ability to establish until physical processes ameliorate the site. Species capable of establishment lack suitable dispersal abilities. Subsequently, facilitation may occur, for example through symbiotic nitrogen fixation, but these effects are thus far of only local importance. Lupinus lepidus usually facilitates colonization of other species only after it dies, leaving behind enriched soil lacking any competitors. Experiments and fine-scale observations suggest that successional sequences on Mount St. Helens are not mechanistically necessary. Rather, they result from local circumstances, landscape effects and chance.  相似文献   
Abstract. A quantitative study of relationships between forest pattern and environment in the central North Island, New Zealand, is based on forest composition data from ca. 2000 existing plots distributed throughout the forests of the region. Estimates of mean annual temperature, rainfall, and solar radiation are derived for each plot from mathematical surfaces fitted to climate station data. Estimates of the depth of the last major rhyolitic eruption, (Taupo Pumice, ca. 130 AD) are derived from isopach maps. A classification procedure is used to identify broad compositional groups. Generalised linear models are used to examine relationships between major species and climatic and other physical factors. Significant relationships are identified between the distributions of both plot groups and species, and climate, vulcanism, topography and drainage. Among these factors, temperature and/or solar radiation are indicated as major determinants of the regional forest pattern, with rainfall, topography, and drainage acting at a secondary level. The role of the Taupo Pumice eruption is more difficult to interpret, and its effects seem to have been greatly influenced by topography. Deep extensive deposits of tephra on flat-to-rolling sites close to the eruption centre have probably favoured the current dominance of these sites by more rapidly dispersing conifers. In contrast, on adjacent steep sites where forest destruction was likely to be less severe, slow-dispersing Nothofagus species are largely dominant. Further work is needed to understand the factors favouring conifer dominance of the central basins and the degree to which Nothofagus species might expand their range in the future.  相似文献   
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