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Kudzu (Pueraria lobata (Willd) Ohwi.) is a vine which forms large, monospecific stands in disturbed areas of the southeastern United States. Kudzu also emits isoprene, a hydrocarbon which can significantly affect atmospheric chemistry including reactions leading to tropospheric ozone. We have studied physiological aspects of isoprene emission from kudzu so the ecological consequences of isoprene emission can be better understood. We examined: (a) the development of isoprene emission as leaves developed, (b) the interaction between photon flux density and temperature effects on isoprene emission, (c) isoprene emission during and after water stress, and (d) the induction of isoprene emission from leaves grown at low temperature by water stress or elevated temperature. Isoprene emission under standard conditions of 1000 mol photons·m-2·s-1 and 30°C developed only after the leaf had reached full expansion, and was not complete until up to two weeks past the point of full expansion of the leaf. The effect of temperature on isoprene emission was much greater than found for other species, with a 10°C increase in temperature causing a eight-fold increase in the rate of isoprene emission. Isoprene emission from kudzu was stimulated by increases in photon flux density up to 3000 mol photons·m-2·s-1. In contrast, photosynthesis of kudzu was saturated at less than 1000 mol·m-2·s-1 photon flux density and was reduced at high temperature, so that up to 20% of the carbon fixed in photosynthesis was reemitted as isoprene gas at 1000 mol photons·m-2·s-1 and 35°C. Withholding water caused photosynthesis to decline nearly to zero after several days but had a much smaller effect on isoprene emission. Following the relief of water stress, photosynthesis recovered to the prestress level but isoprene emission increased to about five times the prestress rate. At 1000 mol photons·m-2·s-1 and 35°C as much as 67% of the carbon fixed in photosynthesis was reemitted as isoprene eight days after water stress. Leaves grown at less than 20°C did not make isoprene until an inductive treatment was given. Inductive treatments included growth at 24°C, leaf temperature of 30°C for 5 h, or witholding water from plants. With the new information on temperature and water stress effects on isoprene emission, we speculate that isoprene emission may help plants cope with stressful conditions.  相似文献   
三裂叶野葛毛状根的诱导及其固体培养和液体培养   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
发根农杆菌(Agrobacterium rhizogenes)ATCC15834感染三裂叶野葛(Pueraria phaseoloides)叶片外植体20 d后产生毛状根,毛状根可直接从叶片外植体叶脉处或从叶脉处产生的愈伤组织上产生。感染35d后,约85%的叶片外植体产生毛状根。毛状根能在无外源生长调节剂的 MS固体和液体培养基上自主生长。PCR扩增结果表明,发根农杆菌Ri质粒的rolBrolC基因已在三裂叶野葛毛状根基因组中整合并得到表达。与固体培养的毛状根相比,在液体培养基中培养的毛状根不仅生长迅速,也不会形成愈伤组织。在无外源生长调节剂的液体MS培养基中培养15d的三裂叶野葛毛状根的鲜重、干重、可溶性总糖含量及细胞内活性氧(ROS)含量分别为固体培养毛状根的1.59倍、1.18倍、5.25倍和1.16倍。  相似文献   
本文利用群落结构的有关指数(物种数S、丰富度指数R、多样性指数H、H'、DDMc、均匀性指数J'、优势度指数d和优势集中性指数C)分析了葛藤节肢动物类群结构变化动态.结果表明,葛藤节肢动物类群丰富度和多样性一年中出现两个高峰,一个在五月下旬,一个在十一月上中旬,在第一个峰期,S,R,D,H',HDMc的值依次为38.00,6.0205,0.9056,4.0205,3.8560和0.7207,在第二个峰期,上述指数依次为34.00,6.6661,0.9245,4.2124,3.6779和0.7808;均匀性在一至四月变化较剧烈,最大值0.8899出现在1月中旬,最小值0.5765出现在二月下旬,其它时间较为平稳;优势集中性和优势度指数的变化趋势一致,其高峰值出现在二月下旬至三月上旬.分析表明,多样性和优势集中性变化趋势往往相反,即物种越丰富,多样性越大,相应的优势集中性就越小,反之就大;均匀性与多样性关系密切,即群落多样性较高时均匀度变化较为平稳,反之,就剧烈.  相似文献   
Selecting native species for restoration is often done without proper ecological background, particularly with regard to how native and invasive species interact. Here, we provide insights suggesting that such information may greatly enhance restoration success. The performance of the native vine, Pueraria lobata, and that of the invasive bitter vine, Mikania micrantha, were investigated in South China to test how priority effects (timing and rate of germination and seedling growth) and competition (phytochemical effects and competitive ability) impact invasive plant performance. We found that, in the absence of competition, the germination rate of M. micrantha, but not of P. lobata, was significantly affected by light availability. P. lobata seedlings also performed better than those of M. micrantha during early growth phases. Under competition, negative phytochemical effects of P. lobata on M. micrantha were strong and we found M. micrantha to have lower performance when grown with P. lobata compared to when grown by itself. Relative interaction indexes indicated that, under interspecific competition, P. lobata negatively affected (i.e., inhibited) M. micrantha, whereas M. micrantha positively affected (i.e., facilitated) P. lobata. Higher photosynthetic efficiency and soil nutrient utilization put P. lobata at a further advantage over M. micrantha. Field trails corroborated these experimental findings, showing little recruitment of M. micrantha in previously invaded and cleared field plots that were sown with P. lobata. Thus, P. lobata is a promising candidate for ecological restoration and for reducing impacts of M. micrantha in China. This research illustrates that careful species selection may improve restoration outcomes, a finding that may also apply to other invaded ecosystems and species.  相似文献   
Nitrogen-15 foliar applications for the production of field-labeled plant tissues may achieve more effective labeling of plant shoot and root tissues and minimize directly labeling the soil N fraction as occurs when15 N is soil applied. Consequently, foliar-labeled plant tissues should be better suited for subsequent 15N mineralization studies. A field experiment was conducted to determine the effectiveness of 15N-labeling and the accumulation of 15N in various plant parts of two tropical legumes. Desmodium ovalifolium Guillemin and Perrottet and Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth., grown in 0.5 m2 microplots, were labeled with foliar-applied urea containing 99 atom% 15N. Plants in each microplot received a total of 0.1698 g 15N that was applied all at once or split equally into two, three or four applications. Legume shoots and roots and soil were destructively harvested and analyzed for total 15N content. Averaged over both legumes and foliar application rates, total plant (shoots, flowers, leaf litter, and roots) recovery was approximately 79% of the 15N applied. The soil contained 3% of the 15N applied, of which 2.5 and 0.5% were in the inorganic and organic fractions, respectively. Nitrogen-15 recovery in shoots (76%) was sixty-five fold greater than in roots (1%) and about nineteen fold greater than the sum of roots and soil (4.1%), a much greater percent recovery than observed in other foliar labeling studies. Averaged over all four foliar split-application rates, 15N recovery by Desmodium shoots was greater than Pueraria. Results demonstrate that 15N foliar application to legumes is an effective method for labeling, resulting in atom% excess 15N levels and 15N recoveries comparable to those reported with the more traditional soil-labeling approach. Another advantage of this method is a nondestructive, in situ labeling method that permits separation of shoot and root residual N contribution to subsequent crops in N tracer studies.  相似文献   
一种简便方法从野葛根中提取纯化葛根异黄酮   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用超声法70%乙醇为溶剂从野葛根中提取葛根异黄酮,将其以水为溶剂结合盐析法进行纯化,并且利用分光光度法和HPTLC法分别对超声提取物和纯化的葛根异黄酮产品中总黄酮和葛根素的含量进行了测定.结果表明以70%乙醇为溶剂超声萃取30 min提取葛根异黄酮和纯化葛根异黄酮产品的产率分别为17.8%和4.9%,异黄酮含量分别为42.55%和91.02%,葛根素含量分别为19.54%和67.15%.该方法从野葛根中提取纯化异黄酮具有省时、节约能源、操作方法简便和总异黄酮产品纯度高的优点.  相似文献   
Pueraria lobata (kudzu), a clonal, leguminous vine, is invading the southeastern United States at a rate of 50 000 ha per year. Genetic variability and clonal diversity were measured in 20 southeastern U.S. populations using 14 allozyme loci. Within its U.S. range, 92.9% of the loci were polymorphic and overall genetic diversity was 0.290. Such high levels of genetic diversity are consistent with its history of multiple introductions over an extended period of time. The average proportions of polymorphic loci and genetic diversity within populations were 55.7% (range = 28.6–85.7%) and 0.213 (range = 0.114–0.317), respectively. The proportion of total genetic diversity found among populations was similar to species with equivalent life history characters (GST = 0.199). No regional patterns of variation were seen. The number of putative genotypes in each population ranged from 2 to 26. Mean genotypic diversity was 0.694, ranging from 0.223 to 0.955. Such high levels of genotypic diversity indicate that local sites are often colonized by several propagules (most likely seeds) and/or that sexual reproduction occurs within populations after establishment. An excess of heterozygosity was observed in populations with few unique genets, implying that selection for highly heterozygous individuals may occur in populations of P. lobata.  相似文献   
Isoflavonoids, the functional molecules of Fabaceae, are under clinical trials against cancer, osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. In this study, the efficacy of different plant growth regulators was evaluated for optimizing the production of isoflavonoids in Pueraria tuberosa. The cultures were maintained in Murashige and Skoog’s medium containing 0.1 mg l−1 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T) and 0.1 mg l−1 kinetin. The addition of 5.0 mg l−1 N6-(2-Isopentenyl) adenine (2iP) resulted in about ∼32-folds increase in production of isoflavonoids, while about ∼23-folds increase was recorded in the absence of kinetin in the maintenance medium. A maximum yield of isoflavonoids (∼80 mg l−1; 82-folds increase) was obtained in cultures grown at 0.1 mg l−1 morphactin and 5.0 mg l−1 of 2iP. However, 2,4,5-T in combination with 2iP was ineffective for their production. Among different plant growth regulators tested, maximum yields of puerarin, genistin, daidzein and genistein were 17.4, 15.9, 69.0 and 0.04 mg l−1, respectively. The study suggested that the presence of two cytokinins or 2iP with morphactin in the culture medium markedly enhanced the production of isoflavonoids in P. tuberosa.  相似文献   
A gall midge that induces thick lenticular galls on leaflets of Pueraria species (Fabaceae) in Japan, mainland China, Taiwan and South Korea is described as Pitydiplosis puerariae sp. nov. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Tanaostigmodes puerariae (Hymenoptera: Tanaostigmatidae), described earlier from mainland China as an inducer of the lenticular gall, is regarded to be an inquiline. Pitydiplosis puerariae is distinguishable from the only known congener, the Nearctic Pitydiplosis packardi, by the male genitalia with entire aedeagus and with hypoproct that is as long as cerci and bilobed with a U‐shaped emargination. DNA sequencing data indicate the existence of three genetically different intraspecific groups: (i) “YNT‐montana group” induces galls on Pueraria montana on the Yaeyama Islands, Japan and in northern Taiwan; (ii) “CT‐montana group” on P. montana in central Taiwan; (iii) and “JCK‐lobata group” on Pueraria lobata in mainland China, South Korea and Japan north of Okinoerabu Island. A possible diversification scenario of the three groups is hypothesized based on DNA sequencing data and geohistorical information. A distribution gap of the gall midge on five islands between Tokunoshima and Ishigaki Islands, Japan was confirmed by intensive field surveys. Ecological traits and adult behavior of Pity. puerariae are also described. Its possibility as a potential biological control agent against P. lobata seems counter‐indicated.  相似文献   
野葛叶片和茎段高频再生体系的建立   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
探讨几种因子对野葛叶片和茎段高频再生体系建立的影响。采用植物组织培养、正交实验和单因子实验的方法。野葛叶片和茎段的最佳消毒方式为70%酒精处理30 s后再用0.1%HgCl2处理15 min;野葛叶片愈伤组织诱导的最佳培养基为MS+NAA 1.0 mg·L-1+2,4-D 2 mg·L-1,野葛茎段愈伤组织诱导的最佳培养基为MS+NAA 0.5 mg·L-1+6-BA 1.0 mg·L-1+2,4-D 2 mg·L-1;暗培养更有利于野葛愈伤组织的诱导;野葛叶片和茎段愈伤组织诱导的最佳蔗糖浓度均为30 g·L-1;野葛叶片愈伤组织的最佳出芽培养基为MS+NAA 1.0 mg·L-1+6-BA 3.0 mg·L-1,而野葛茎段愈伤组织的最佳出芽培养基为MS+ NAA 0.5 mg·L-1+KT 2 mg·L-1;光照培养更有利于野葛叶片和茎段愈伤组织芽的再分化;野葛叶片愈伤组织再生芽生根的最佳培养基为MS+NAA 0.5 mg·L-1+PP333 0.5 mg·L-1,而野葛茎段愈伤组织再生芽生根的最佳培养基为MS+NAA 0.5 mg·L-1+PP333 3.0 mg·L-1;野葛叶片和茎段愈伤组织再生芽生根的最佳蔗糖浓度均为30 g·L-1;叶片再生苗移栽的最佳PP333浓度为1.0 mg·L-1,茎段再生苗移栽的最佳PP333浓度为3.0 mg·L-1;叶片和茎段再生苗的最佳移栽基质均为蛭石:珍珠岩(2:1)。  相似文献   
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