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Young (21–26 years, n?=?20) and old (55–86 years, n?=?25) participants were tested for their ability to recognize raised letters (6-mm high, 1-mm relief) by touch. Spatial resolution thresholds were also measured with grating domes to derive an index of the degree of afferent innervation at the fingertip. Letter recognition in the young group was very consistent and highly accurate (mean, 86% correct), contrasting with the performance of the old group, which was more variable and comparatively low in accuracy (mean, 53% correct). In both groups, spatial resolution thresholds accounted for a substantial portion of the variance in the performance, suggesting a strong link between age-dependent variations in tactile innervation and recognition accuracy. The patterns of errors in the old group showed that an inability to encode internal elements specific to certain letters was at the source of most confusion among letters. Whether this inability reflected only deficient peripheral encoding mechanisms or some other alterations at the central level is discussed.  相似文献   
The subjective experience of tactile roughness was judged by subjects using the method of absolute magnitude estimation (AME). The stimuli were 11 grades of sandpaper having particle diameters ranging from 16 to 905 mum. All of the estimates resulted in power functions when assigned numbers were plotted as a function of particle diameter. It was determined that on the finger pad of the index finger and the thumb there was no difference between the active and passive modes of stimulation and that there was no difference in roughness estimates made on the finger and on the thumb. When the finger and thumb were stimulated simultaneously, higher numbers were assigned for a given stimulus indicating the presence of a form of spatial summation at these sites. The pleasantness of the tactile sensation, as assessed using AME, was inversely related to the roughness estimates. Furthermore, hydration of the stratum corneum with water and three concentrations of surfactant solutions reduced the sensation of roughness below that of normally hydrated skin.  相似文献   
The influence of heat- and cold-induced pain on tactile sensitivity, a "touch gate", was measured under conditions in which the location of the noxious stimuli was varied with respect to the tactile stimulus applied to the thenar eminence of humans. Vibrotactile thresholds were measured in the absence of pain and during administration of a painful stimulus, with the stimulus frequencies selected to activate independently the four psychophysical channels hypothesized to exist in human glabrous skin. Heat-induced pain produced by spatially co-localizing the noxious stimuli with the tactile stimuli was found, on average, to elevate threshold amplitude by 2.2 times (6.7 dB). Co-localized, cold-induced pain raised the average thresholds by about 1.5 times (3.6 dB). Heat-induced pain presented contralaterally produced no change in vibrotactile sensitivity indicating that the effect is probably not due to attentional mechanisms. Ipsilateral heat-induced pain caused an elevation in tactile thresholds even when the noxious and non-noxious stimuli were not co-localized, and the effect may seem to require that the painful stimulus be within the somatosensory region defined possibly in terms of dermatomal organization. Thus the effect is probably related to somatotopic organization and is not peripherally mediated. A brief discussion as to the possible locus of the touch gate within the nervous system is also given.  相似文献   
"Synthetic heat", also known as the heat grill illusion, occurs when contact with spatially adjacent warm and cold stimuli produce a sensation of "heat". This phenomenon has been explained as a painful perception that occurs when warm stimulation inhibits cold-sensitive neurons in the spinothalamic tract (STT), which in turn unmasks activity in the pain pathway caused by stimulation of C-polymodal nociceptors (CPNs). The "unmasking model" was tested in experiment 1 by combining warm (35-40°C) and cool ( &#83 27°C) stimuli that were too mild to stimulate CPNs. After discovering that these temperatures produced nonpainful heat, experiment 2 was designed to determine whether heat could be induced when near-threshold cooling was paired with mild warmth, and whether lowering the base temperature for cooling would increase the noxious (burning, stinging) components of heat for fixed cooling steps of 1-3°C. Cooling by just 1°C from a base temperature of 33°C led to reports of heat on more than 1/3 of trials, and cooling by just 3°C evoked heat on 75% of trials. Lowering the base temperature to 31 or 29°C increased reports of heat and burning but did not produce significant reports of pain. Perception of nonpainful heat at such mild temperatures indicates either that cold-sensitive nociceptors with thresholds very similar to cold fibers innervate hairy skin in humans, or that heat can result from integration of warm fiber and cold fiber activity, perhaps via convergence on nonspecific (e.g., WDR) neurons in the STT.  相似文献   
The human visual system uses texture information to automatically, or pre-attentively, segregate parts of the visual scene. We investigate the neural substrate underlying human texture processing using a computational model that consists of a hierarchy of bi-directionally linked model areas. The model builds upon two key hypotheses, namely that (i) texture segregation is based on boundary detection--rather than clustering of homogeneous items--and (ii) texture boundaries are detected mainly on the basis of a large scenic context that is analyzed by higher cortical areas within the ventral visual pathway, such as area V4. Here, we focus on the interpretation of key results from psychophysical studies on human texture segmentation. In psychophysical studies, texture patterns were varied along several feature dimensions to systematically characterize human performance. We use simulations to demonstrate that the activation patterns of our model directly correlate with the psychophysical results. This allows us to identify the putative neural mechanisms and cortical key areas which underlie human behavior. In particular, we investigate (i) the effects of varying texture density on target saliency, and the impact of (ii) element alignment and (iii) orientation noise on the detectability of a pop-out bar. As a result, we demonstrate that the dependency of target saliency on texture density is linked to a putative receptive field organization of orientation-selective neurons in V4. The effect of texture element alignment is related to grouping mechanisms in early visual areas. Finally, the modulation of cell activity by feedback activation from higher model areas, interacting with mechanisms of intra-areal center-surround competition, is shown to result in the specific suppression of noise-related cell activities and to improve the overall model capabilities in texture segmentation. In particular, feedback interaction is crucial to raise the model performance to the level of human observers.  相似文献   
This paper compared two general methods for assessing critical fusion frequency in hens (gallus gallus domesticus). The first method was a conditional discrimination procedure with the stimuli presented successively. The second was a two-alternative forced-choice procedure with the stimuli presented simultaneously. It was found that both methods of stimulus presentation gave comparable results suggesting that either method is useful when investigating psychophysics in animals. The results also show that hens’ critical fusion frequency is considerably higher than that of humans which may account for hens’ inability to recognise images presented on standard computer or television monitors.  相似文献   
We trained bats to detect intertarget jitter, i.e., relative motion between two virtual (electronically synthesized) targets. Both targets were themselves moving with respect to nearby objects (e.g., the microphone and speaker used to create the virtual targets) so that the only reliable cue available to the bats was variation in intertarget spacing. Given a target at 80 cm and another at 95, 110 or 125 cm, the threshold for intertarget jitter (ITJ) of the two bats tested was <10 μs, corresponding to <1.7 mm of range. When, for one bat, we increased the range instability of the targets by adding varying amounts of random range shift to the target complex (while preserving the correct intertarget spacing), ITJ threshold worsened. When we presented three targets, one of which was jittering, the bat's threshold improved to 0.9 μs (equivalent to 0.16 mm). If no second target was presented, i.e., if the task was to detect jitter added to a single moving target, then bats' jitter threshold was very high (>200 μs). Eptesicus fuscus appears to be very good at detecting changes in intertarget spacing, which might prove valuable for detecting targets moving relative to the background or for constructing a spatial image of a complex environment. Accepted: 7 April 1997  相似文献   
Sensitivity of the fingers of the two hands to faint tactile stimuli were tested in eight healthy subjects with a von Frey hair in a forced choice point localization test. Frequencies of correct responses were higher on the left than on the right hand, consistent with a right hemispheric advantage for spatial processing. Within the hands, stimulations of the ring fingers resulted in the highest percentage of correct localizations and stimulations of the thumbs in the fewest correct responses. This superiority of the ring fingers is probably related to a higher point pressure sensitivity and does not reflect the relative size of the representational area of the different fingers in the somatosensory cortex. Mislocalizations, i.e., stimuli that were not correctly attributed to the stimulation site, were located in the vicinity of the stimulation site within the finger as well as across fingers. The distribution of mislocalization across fingers deviates from a distribution expected by chance, showing a higher frequency of mislocalizations to the neighboring fingers than to more distant fingers. This observation in humans matches well with electrophysiological evidence from animal studies that some primary somatosensory cortex neurons have receptive fields that are not restricted to a single digit, but rather cover neighboring digits.  相似文献   
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