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The guava weevil, Conotrachelus psidii, is a major pest of guava in Brazil and causes severe reduction in fruit quality. This weevil is difficult to control with insecticides because adults emerge over a long period, and larvae develop to the fourth-instar inside the fruit and move to the soil for pupation. We assessed the virulence of entomopathogenic nematodes to fourth-instar larvae in soil by comparing their susceptibility to nine species or strains: Heterorhabditis bacteriophora HP88, H. baujardi LPP7, and LPP1, H. indica Hom1, Steinernema carpocapsae All and Mexican, S. feltiae SN, S. glaseri NC, and S. riobrave 355. In petri dish assays with sterile sand at a concentration of 100 infective juveniles (IJs) of a given nematode species/strain, larval mortality ranged from 33.5 to 84.5%, with the heterorhabditids being the most virulent. In sand column assays with H. baujardi LPP7, H. indica Hom1, or S. riobrave 355 at concentrations of 100, 200, and 500 IJs, mortality was greater than the control only for H. baujardi (62.7%) and H. indica (68.3%) at the highest concentration. For H. baujardi LPP7 in a petri dish assay, the time required to kill 50 and 90% of the larvae (LT50 and LT90) for 100 IJs was 6.3 and 9.9 days, whereas the lethal concentration required to kill 50 and 90% of the larvae (LC50 and LC90) over 7 days was 52 and 122.2 IJs. In a greenhouse study with guava trees in 20-L pots, 10 weevil larvae per pot, and concentrations of 500, 1000 or 2000 IJs, H. baujardi LPP7 caused 30 and 58% mortality at the two highest concentrations. These results show that H. baujardi is virulent to fourth-instar larvae and has potential as a biological control agent in IPM programs.  相似文献   
为比较番石榴(Psidium guajava)不同品种果实的外观、营养价值和香气特征,采用国家标准方法,对5个番石榴品种(‘红宝石’、‘粉红蜜’、‘西瓜’、‘水蜜’、本地种)果实的外观和营养成分进行测定,采用顶空气质联用(HS-GC-MS)技术对5个品种果实的香气成分进行测定。结果表明,不同品种果实外观及营养成分差异明显。‘水蜜’的果形指数最低,果实扁圆形,种籽最少;大多数糖类物质(总糖、还原糖、蔗糖等)、糖酸比、总酚含量最高;果糖、VC和总黄酮含量位居第2;总酸、脂肪、粗纤维、灰分含量最低。主成分分析表明,‘水蜜’作为鲜食水果的食用品质最高。己醛和石竹烯是红肉型品种的特征风味物质,3-羟基-2-丁酮是白肉型品种的特征香气成分。  相似文献   
A general stochastic model is presented that simulates the time course of flowering of individual trees and populations, integrating the synchronization of flowering both between and within trees. Making some hypotheses, a simplified expression of the model, called the 'shoot' model, is proposed, in which the synchronization of flowering both between and within trees is characterized by specific parameters. Two derived models, the 'tree' model and the 'population' model, are presented. They neglect the asynchrony of flowering, respectively, within trees, and between and within trees. Models were fitted and tested using data on flowering of Psidium cattleianum observed at study sites at elevations of 200, 520 and 890 m in Reunion Island. The 'shoot' model fitted the data best and reproduced the strong irregularities in flowering shown by empirical data. The asynchrony of flowering in P. cattleianum was more pronounced within than between trees. Simulations showed that various flowering patterns can be reproduced by the 'shoot' model. The use of different levels of organization of the general model is discussed.  相似文献   
Botryosphaeriaceae species have a wide host range and a worldwide distribution. These fungal species can colonize several plant organs, such as the trunk, leaves and fruit. Some Botryosphaeriaceae species cause important diseases on persimmon, avocado and guava fruit. However, there is a lack of information regarding the mechanisms of penetration by Botryosphaeriaceae species on these tropical and subtropical fruits. This study aimed to better understand the mechanisms involved in fungal penetration, host specificity and aggressiveness of Botryosphaeria dothidea, Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae and Neofusicoccum parvum on avocado (Persea americana), guava (Psidium guajava) and persimmon (Diospyros kaki) fruit. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image analysis showed that in avocado fruit, the three studied Botryosphaeriaceae species penetrated through lenticels. In guava fruit, penetration through stomata was verified for Botryosphaeria dothidea and Neofusicoccum parvum. In persimmon fruit, an appressoria-like structure was observed for B. dothidea, which suggests direct penetration. Disease incidence in wounded fruit was 24% higher than in non-wounded fruit. Lpseudotheobromae and Nparvum showed differences in aggressiveness in guava fruit. The longest incubation period was observed for Nparvum inoculated on guava, with an average of 4.5 days, and the shortest incubation period was verified for Bdothidea inoculated on avocado, with an average of 2.8 days. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) did not differ between Botryosphaeriaceae species on avocado, whereas on guava and persimmon fruit, the AUDPC was lower for B. dothidea. The information regarding penetration mechanisms and aggressiveness is important to improve postharvest disease control strategies.  相似文献   
We investigated the therapeutic effects of an extract of Psidium guajava (guava) leaf on experimentally induced osteoarthritis in guinea pig. The left knee of 30 male guinea pigs was anesthetized and the cranial cruciate ligament was severed. The animals were followed for 8 weeks until osteoarthritis was confirmed by radiography and histopathology. Animals were divided randomly into five groups; group 1, the ligament was severed and untreated; group 2, the ligament was severed and treated with piascledine, an extract of soybean and avocado; group 3, the ligament was severed and treated with 200 mg/kg hydroethanolic extract of guava; group 4, the ligament was severed and treated with 400 mg/kg hydroethanolic extract of guava; and group 5, control animals without surgery or extracts. Radiological and histopathological evaluations after 8 weeks showed reduced severity of osteoarthritis in the piascledine treatment group compared to group 1. The guava extract also reduce the severity of osteoarthritis compared to controls. Histopathological examination of treatment and control groups showed that treatment the guava extract improved lesions significantly. Hydroethanolic extracts of guava leaf appears to prevent osteoarthritis by inhibition of free radical formation in the knee joint.  相似文献   
A batch study on the removal of As(III) and As(V) ions from contaminated water by biosorption using powdered Psidium guajava (Guava) leaf as biosorbent was carried out in the present work. FT-IR (Fourier transform infrared) and SEM (scanning electron microscopy) were used to characterize the surface of the biosorbent. The effect of sorption parameters such as pH, temperature (T c), adsorbent dose (D c), and contact time (t c) were studied. At optimum treatment conditions, the maximum uptake of 1.06 mg of As(III) per gram and 2.39 mg of As(V) per gram onto the surface of biosorbent were obtained. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models were examined for sorption equilibrium at various temperatures. The sorption isotherm was favorable with the Freundlich model with the experimental data. Furthermore, higher uptake kinetics was tested for the pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order models. The pseudo-second-order model appeared to be the more suitable model to describe arsenic biosorption. ΔG 0 values were negative at all temperatures, confirming the feasible and spontaneous nature of the biosorption process. Solvent desorption studies help in understanding the mechanism of the adsorption process and also to check the stability of the loaded/spent adsorbents. HCl was found to show maximum effectiveness in the desorption of both As(III) and As(V) with the comparison of other solvents.  相似文献   
We studied the seasonal changes in water relations, chlorophyll a fluorescence, and leaf saccharide contents of the tropical flood-tolerant trees Acosmium nitens, Campsiandra laurifolia, Eschweilera tenuifolia, Symmeria paniculata, and Psidium ovatifolium. Xylem water potential increased with flooding to a larger extent than leaf sap osmotic potential in all the species, and soluble sugars contributed up to 66 % of osmotic potential at maximum flooding. Starch was accumulated in leaves. Maximum quantum yield of photosystem 2 decreased in emerged leaves, values being always higher than 0.76. Daily maximum net photosynthetic rate and leaf conductance decreased in all the species. This reduction was associated in all the species but S. paniculata with the absence of a compensatory increase in non-photochemical quenching.This research was financially supported by CONICIT grant S1-96001345. E. Rengifo was funded by a CONICIT scholarship.  相似文献   
We compared early plant succession in four abandoned pastures of differing age since abandonment and a nearby secondary forest site in northwestern Ecuador. Two “Open” pastures had no tree canopy covering, and two “Guava” pastures had a well-developed canopy cover of Psidium guajava. No site had been seeded with pasture grasses. All pastures were compared in a chronological sequence; two were monitored for 18 months. Species richness was consistently higher in Guava sites than in Open sites and it continued to increase over time, whereas it remained static in Open sites. Species richness was highest in secondary forest. Recruitment of tree saplings in Guava sites was lower than in secondary forest; however, it was nearly absent in Open sites. The seed bank contained predominantly herbaceous species at all sites, and was highly dissimilar to aboveground vegetation. Dominance-diversity curves for Guava sites showed a more equitable distribution of species that increased over time. In contrast, dominance-diversity curves for Open sites were static and indicated dominance by a few aggressive species. Soil characteristics among sites were variable; however, a principal components analysis on soils isolated the older Open site from all others. The older Open site had the lowest species richness and was dominated by Baccharis trinervis, an aggressive shrub species. The site appears to be in a state of arrested succession and some form of restorative intervention may be necessary to initiate succession toward a forested condition. Succession in Guava sites appears headed toward secondary forest, whereas it does not in Open sites.  相似文献   
Climate change may facilitate alien species invasion into new areas, particularly for species from warm native ranges introduced into areas currently marginal for temperature. Although conclusions from modelling approaches and experimental studies are generally similar, combining the two approaches has rarely occurred. The aim of this study was to validate species distribution models by conducting field trials in sites of differing suitability as predicted by the models, thus increasing confidence in their ability to assess invasion risk. Three recently naturalized alien plants in New Zealand were used as study species (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana, Psidium guajava and Schefflera actinophylla): they originate from warm native ranges, are woody bird‐dispersed species and of concern as potential weeds. Seedlings were grown in six sites across the country, differing both in climate and suitability (as predicted by the species distribution models). Seedling growth and survival were recorded over two summers and one or two winter seasons, and temperature and precipitation were monitored hourly at each site. Additionally, alien seedling performances were compared to those of closely related native species (Rhopalostylis sapida, Lophomyrtus bullata and Schefflera digitata). Furthermore, half of the seedlings were sprayed with pesticide, to investigate whether enemy release may influence performance. The results showed large differences in growth and survival of the alien species among the six sites. In the more suitable sites, performance was frequently higher compared to the native species. Leaf damage from invertebrate herbivory was low for both alien and native seedlings, with little evidence that the alien species should have an advantage over the native species because of enemy release. Correlations between performance in the field and predicted suitability of species distribution models were generally high. The projected increase in minimum temperature and reduced frosts with climate change may provide more suitable habitats and enable the spread of these species.  相似文献   
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