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Zusammenfassung Das Epithel der Kopfanhänge von elf marinen und Süßwasserprosobranchiern besteht aus prismatischen bis kubischen Stützzellen mit meist dichtem Mikrovillussaum und z.T. Pigmentgranula sowie Sinneszellen, die fast immer in Form sekundärer Sinneszellen vorliegen; nur bei Patella coerulea kommen vermutlich auch primäre Sinneszellen vor. Ihr Zytoplasma ist apikal durch glattwandige E. R.-Zisternen, helle Bläschen und Mikrotubuli gekennzeichnet. Außerdem tragen diese Zellen Zilien und stehen basal mit Nervenendigungen in Kontakt, die sich in drei Gruppen einteilen lassen: 1. Vermutlich cholinerge Endigungen mit optisch leeren Bläschen (Ø 600–800 Å). 2. Endigungen mit dense core vesicles (Ø 1000–1100 Å). Die Annahme, daß diese Endigungen biogene Amine enthalten, wird durch fluoreszenzmikroskopische Befunde gestützt. 3. Endigungen mit großen (Ø 3000–4000 Å) neurosekretorischen Elementargranula.
Structure and innervation of the cephalic tentacles of Prosobranch molluscs
Summary The epithelium of the cephalic tentacles of eleven marine and freshwater prosobranch snails consists of villus bearing supporting cells, which partly contain pigment granules, and sensory cells, which occur in form of secondary sensory cells with the exception of Patella coerulea which presumably possesses primary sensory cells. These receptor cells are characterized as chemoreceptors by apical cilia, smooth surfaced E.R., microtubulues and empty vesicles. At their bases they are in close contact with nerve endings which can be classified in three groups: 1. presumably cholinergic endings with clear vesicles (Ø 600–800 Å). 2. endings with dense core vesicles (Ø 1000–1100 Å). The assumption that these endings contain biogenic amines is supported by positive fluorescence microscopical tests. 3. Endings with big (Ø 3000–4000 Å) neurosecretory elementary granules.
Herrn Prof. Dr. W. Bargmann danke ich für die Überlassung eines Arbeitsplatzes im Anatomischen Institut Kiel.  相似文献   
记述了浙江土鸥螺属1新种,即杭州土鸥螺Georissa hangzhounensis sp.nov.土鸥螺属的种类主要分布于东亚、南亚及太平洋沿岸和岛屿.我国主要分布于长江流域,浙江、江苏、安徽、江西、广西、湖南、湖北等省区.本文对新种的形态特征进行了详细描述,并与近似种进行了比较和讨论.  相似文献   
在整理贵州省贵阳地区陆生贝类标本时,经鉴定发现1新种,即奇异阿勇螺Arinia mirifica sp.nov..隶属于前鳃亚纲、中腹足目、环口螺科、阿勇螺属.对新种形态特征、栖息环境进行了记述,并对其近似种也进行了讨 论.  相似文献   
甘肃陆生贝类二新种(前鳃亚纲:中腹足目:环口螺科)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
1998年4-5月作者在甘肃省南部地区考察,获得陆生贝类标本一批,经鉴定发现2新种,即大河腹皱螺Gastroptychia dahensis sp.nov。和清河倍唇螺Diplommatina qinghensis sp.nov.,隶属于前鳃亚纲,中腹足目,环口螺科,腹皱螺属,倍唇螺属。文中对新种形态特征,栖息环境进行了记述,并与近似种作了比较。  相似文献   
西藏陆生贝类五新种记述(腹足纲:中腹足目,柄眼目)   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
作者于1980年在西藏东南部获得一批标本,经鉴定得5新种,即通麦扁双边凹螺Chamaly-caeus tangmaiensis sp.nov.,通麦沟螺Dioryx tangmaiensis sp.nov.,曲水肾螺Pupilla quxuensis sp.nov.,芒康艾纳螺Ena markamensis sp.nov.,下察隅卷轴螺Tortaxis xiazayuensis sp.nov.。对新种进行了详细的描述,并与近似种进行了比较。  相似文献   
贵州洞穴淡水、陆生贝类区系及新种记述   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
首次报道了贵州省安龙县、贵阳市、独山县、荔波县、安顺市、开阳县、息烽县、盘县、兴义市、大方县、普定县等39个洞穴内不同生境的淡水、陆生贝类,经鉴定得淡水、陆生螺类共计71种,分隶于15科,36属,其中淡水螺类3科4属5种;陆生螺类66种,12科32属;1新种,即荔波双边凹螺Chamalycaeus libonensis sp.nov.附有种类名录,栖息环境及地理分布,并对洞穴中的淡水、陆生贝类区系组成进行了讨论,对新种进行了详细的描述,与近似种进行了比较。  相似文献   
Madagascar's magnificent and environmentally threatened endemic radiation of the land-snail genus Tropidophora Troschel has recently been classified into three subgenera, 95 species and 142 varieties, based on often subtle conchological variation among small samples; it seems best to ignore temporarily this confusing plethora of names until true biological species and their relationships are better understood. The author's field work in 1990 succeeded in obtaining live Tropidophora from 40 populations distributed throughout the island. Allozyme analysis (108 snails, 15 loci, 117 alleles) yielded a cladogram suggesting nine genetically coherent taxa (T. taxa A-I), each represented in the collections by 1–10 populations. Comparisons among shells (total 1634) and penes (total 31 from 20 populations representing eight of the nine taxa) revealed: (1) two conchologically indistinguishable taxa (H and I) fixed for alternative alleles at 13 of 15 loci, with only a very subtle difference in penes, and with mosaic and overlapping geographical distributions in the Northeast; (2) two extremely polytypic taxa (C in the Southwest, F in the Southeast) with parallel trends toward depressed, broadly umbilicate, heavily sculptured shells with apertural lips widely reflected at the umbilicus at inland, more arid sites, resulting in sympatric convergence; (3) one southeastern taxon (G) in which the penis apparently doubles in length but the shell does not change 6.0 km to the northwest, but in which the shell shifts dramatically in sculpture, colour, and lip reflection 0.5 km to the westnorthwest; and (4) generally such extreme intra- and inter-population variation in shell and male-genital characters as to render many of them dubious at best for systematics. Thus the Madagascan Tropidophora present a fascinatingly complex problem in evolutionary morphology/ecology, the solution of which will require even more extensive collecting, followed by molecular comparisons or detailed anatomical comparisons, or both. The total number of biological species is still likely to be quite large, despite irrelevance of much of the current taxonomy, because many smaller species remain to be discovered.  相似文献   
Three species of Trivia were collected from subtidal habitats in the Cape of Good Hope Peninsula, South Africa. The morphology of T. ovulata (Lamarck, 1811), T. millardi (Cate, 1979) and T. verhoefi sp. nov. is described. Each species can be distinguished by a unique pattern of mande coloration, conchological characters of the fossula and shape of the radular teeth. The central nervous system was examined and found to be of the same configuration in die diree South African spe Trivia ovulata and T. verhoefi appear to be gonochoric while T. millardi is a protandric hermaphrodite. Trivia ovulata and T. millardi also differ in the position of the receptaculum seminis. Differences in internal morphology reported in previous work and the present study are discussed. The fact that the central nervous system of Trivia is euthyneurous is reconfirmed. Trivia ovulata and T. millardi were associated with colonial tunicates as previously recorded for other members of the genus.  相似文献   
笔者对我国已记载的倍唇螺属Diplommatina Benson,1849种类进行了厘订,并对馆藏的该属标本进行整理和鉴定,发现1新种,即兴义倍唇螺Diplommatina xingyinensis sp.nov.,新种隶属前鳃亚纲、中腹足目、环口螺科、倍唇螺属.对新种形态特征、栖息环境进行了记述,并对其近似种进行了讨论.  相似文献   
贵州环口螺科一新种(前鳃亚纲:中腹足目:环口螺科)   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
1998年7-8月作者在贵州南部地区考察,获得陆生贝类标本一批,经鉴定发现1新种,即茂兰腹皱螺Gastroptychia maolanensis sp.nov。隶属于前鳃亚纲,中腹足目,环口螺科,腹皱螺属。描述了新种形态特征,栖息环境,并对其近似种进行了讨论。  相似文献   
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