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《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(5):318-324
The pattern of ovulation in mammals is generally considered to be either spontaneous or induced by coitus. The present study aimed to assess the pattern of ovulation in the southern African spiny mice (Acomys spinosissimus). Females were divided into three treatments differing in the degree of contact with a male. Control females had no contact with males, separated females had only chemical, auditory and visual contact with a male as the sexes were separated with wire mesh and paired females had full contact with a vasectomized male and copulations were possible. Each treatment consisted of seven females and the ovarian mass, the number of primary, secondary/tertiary and Graafian follicles as well as presence of corpora lutea were compared between the three treatments. Faecal progestagen metabolite (FPM) concentrations were analyzed for every second day throughout the experiment and they were used to determine luteal phases and oestrous cycles. Corpora lutea were found in both the control and the paired treatment indicating that ovulation also occurred in the absence of coitus. There was also no effect of treatment on ovarian mass or follicle numbers. In contrast, only females in the separated and paired treatments exhibited luteal phases and oestrous cycles. Especially at the beginning of the experiment, FPM concentrations were higher in those two groups than the control. The results indicate that A. spinosissimus appears to ovulate spontaneously, although physical as well as olfactory male cues appear to be of great importance to enhance reproductive efforts of females.  相似文献   
Although donkey breeding has gained new interest in the past two decades, knowledge about donkey reproduction is still scarce, particularly on jenny pregnancy. The aim of this study was to describe the ultrasonographic and endocrine profiles of the physiological pregnancy in the jenny. The study was performed on 12 pregnancies of 7 Amiata donkeys from Day 10 after ovulation to delivery. Because three pregnancies, respectively at weeks 42, 44, and 45, were considered pathologic and treated pharmacologically, data collected from 2 weeks before diagnosis to the end of pregnancy were removed from the analysis. Average length of the normal pregnancies was 353.4 ± 13.0 days (range, 339–370 days). Timing, dimensions, and development during the first phases of embryonic growth, evaluated using transrectal ultrasound, were similar to that previously described in jennies and mares: first detection of embryonic vesicle was at 11.8 ± 1.3 days of gestation and diameter was 6.5 ± 1.9 mm, loss of spherical shape occurred at 18.5 ± 1.4 days, and embryo and heart beat were first seen at 22.0 ± 1.1 and 25 ± 1.1 days, respectively. The intrauterine growth in the second half of pregnancy, evaluated using the transrectal and transabdominal approach, also showed strong positive correlations, similar to that reported for the mare. The trends of the combined thickness of the utero-placental unit and the echogenicity of the amniotic and allantoic fluids are examples. The diameters (mm) of fetal chest, eye orbit, and aorta increased throughout pregnancy and were 40.6 ± 2.9, 8.7 ± 1.5, and 3.5 ± 0.7, respectively, at week 13, and 190.9 ± 12.0, 21.4 ± 1.5, and 30.6 ± 1.8 at the last evaluation before parturition. In contrast, heart rate decreased as pregnancy progressed. Regression analyses between these parameters and day of gestation were statistically significant (P < 0.001). All fetuses consistently showed some intrauterine activity. Maternal plasma progestagens and estrone sulfate concentrations followed a pattern similar to that seen in mares, although the prepartal progestagen peak was lower in jennies. This study provides a range of ultrasonographic and endocrine values for normal pregnancy in jennies.  相似文献   
Synopsis The ovaries of four pre-spawning white sturgeon females were sampled and their oocytes incubated in the presence of eight gonadotropin preparations, 21 steroids, a prostaglandin and a catacholamine. Among the gonadotropin preparations, acetone dried pituitary gland powder from white sturgeon, common carp and chum salmon (in decreasing order of potency) were capable of inducing oocyte maturation (germinal vesicle breakdown — GVBD), while human chorionic gonadotropin, pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin, equine luteinizing hormone, bullfrog gonadotropin, and a stellate sturgeon pituitary chromatographic fraction capable of inducing testosterone production in white sturgeon testicular tissue failed to elicit any oocyte maturation response. The progesterone derivatives were the most potent steroid inducers of GVBD, followed closely by several corticosteroids. In vitro incubation of white sturgeon oocytes, in the presence of a suitable steroid (progesterone), can be used as a diagnostic tool in screening out unresponsive females for induced spawning work. The two remaining compounds, prostaglandin F2a and epinephrine, failed to cause ovulation in progesterone-matured white sturgeon oocytes.  相似文献   
Summary To investigate the relation of ovarian morphology to increased body weight gain during administration of melengestrol acetate (17-acetoxy-6-methyl-16-methylenepregna-4,6-diene-3,20-dione, or MGA, a progestagen), ovaries of 100 Holstein dairy heifers were examined for characteristics of follicular maturation, signs of lipid secretion, and the presence of steroid-producing-type cell organelles. The heifers were fed either a normal or a high-protein level ration with or without 0.30–0.45 mg daily of MGA from 2.5 months of age to the age of first estrus or to breeding age (120 cm withers height). The high-level ration effect was not consistently mediated by the special development of ovarian structures. MGA effect, like the weight-gain effect, was consistently evident after the time of first estrus. MGA suppressed estrus and ovulation, and resulted in the presence in the ovary, after regression of corpora lutea, of an increased number of large follicles. The largest follicles corresponding in structure to developing proestrous, mature estrous, or early atretic follicles contained hypertrophied theca interna cells showing lipid secretion signs and ultrastructural characteristics of steroid synthesis. The majority of the largest follicles, however, were atretic or late atretic and did not contain steroid-type cells. The development of replacement follicles was evident in ovaries with late atretic largest follicles. The weight-gain effect of MGA may therefore be associated with a steroidogenic, probably estrogenic, effect in the cow.Dedicated to Prof. W. Bargmann of Kiel.This investigation was supported by scholarships of the Ministère Français des Affaires Étrangères and the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung to Dr. J. Priedkalns.Drs. R. G. Zimbelman and L.S. Goyings of the Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan, and Drs. D.E. Pritchard, R.W. Purchas, H.A. Tucker, H.D. Hafs, and L.J. Boyd of the Department of Dairy Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, designed and conducted a study on the effects of melengestrol acetate on Holstein heifers and provided ovaries for this investigation. The author wishes to thank Dr. J. W. Lauderdale of the Upjohn Company for aid in statistical analyses; the Department of Veterinary Anatomy, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, and the Laboratoire d'Histologie de l'École Nationale Vétérinaire de Lyon, for assistance in the processing of the ovarian tissues for electron microscopic examination; and the Laboratoire d'Histophysiologie du Collège de France, Paris, for providing facilities for a part of the histochemical study of the ovaries.A brief report of this investigation has been presented to the Société des Sciences Vétérinaires de Lyon (Priedkalns, 1971).  相似文献   
Fecal reproductive progestagen monitoring in the mountain gazelle (Gazella gazella) provided a non-invasive method for tracking reproductive cycling, estimating age of sexual maturity and diagnosing pregnancy in this species of gazelle. Fresh fecal samples were collected from eight female mountain gazelle (Gazella gazella) for a period of two months. Two of the animals were pregnant while the other six were not. Using the progestagen profile the luteal phase, interluteal (follicular) phase and estrous cycle in adult female gazelles were determined to be 12.5 ± 1.2, 5.9 ± 0.59 and 18.8 ± 0.98 days respectively. Significant inter-animal differences in fecal progestagen concentration were observed in both the luteal and follicular phases. Significant differences were observed in the levels of fecal progestagen between cycling females and females in late pregnancy. Low concentrations of fecal progestagen in females aged less than 18 months old indicated that sexual maturity in captivity is not attained before that age.  相似文献   
The effect of 11-ketoandrostenedione (OA) on plasma concentrations of sexual steroids and spermatogenesis of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) implanted with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) was investigated. Males were treated with saline (control) or with GnRHa implants (50 mug kg(-1)) in the presence or absence of OA (2 or 7 mg kg(-1)) during twenty eight days. Treatment with GnRHa alone slightly stimulated spermatogenesis and milt production with respect to controls, and this was associated with a transient elevation of plasma 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) at day seven and an increase of 5beta-reduced metabolite(s) of 17,20beta-dihydroxy-pregn-4-en-3-one (17,20betaP) at day twenty eight. However, treatment with GnRHa+OA increased plasma concentrations of 11-KT and free+sulphated 5beta-reduced metabolites of 17,20betaP at days seven, fourteen and twenty one. After twenty eight days, the testis of GnRHa+OA-treated fish showed a lower number of spermatogonia B and spermatocytes I, and a higher number of spermatids, than fish treated with GnRHa alone. In addition, the motility of spermatozoa produced by GnRHa+OA males was enhanced by 2-fold with respect to controls or GnRHa males. These results suggest that treatment of Senegalese sole with GnRHa+OA stimulates spermatogenesis resulting in more motile sperm. Such effects could be mediated by an increased synthesis of 11-KT and/or 17,20betaP in the testis but further studies will be required to elucidate the specific mechanism involved.  相似文献   
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