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Summary Methods for calculating the probability of detecting a carrier of a recessive gene by utilizing matings among related individuals are presented for single and litter bearing species. The confidence level for detection of heterozygosity depends upon: (1) the genetic relationship between mates, (2) the number of mates per male and the number of offspring per mate, (3) whether an estimate of recessive gene frequency before selection is available and (4) the magnitude of that frequency. Methods of computing probability of heterozygosity vs homozygosity utilizing Bayes theorem also are presented. In the conventional progeny test method, a sire initially is assumed heterozygous before calculations are made, but no prior information concerning his probable genotype is utilized. In the method using Bayes theorem, prior sources of information from relatives or from estimates of population allele frequency are utilized. This method gives the exact probability that a sire is not a carrier, given prior information and that he produces all normal offspring. These methods could be used in any sexually reproducing species to identify not only detrimental genes but beneficial genes as well.  相似文献   
Summary For 25 Medicago sativa plants, measurements were made of in vitro pollen germination and growth and callus growth on mediums containing culture filtrate from two isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. medicaginis. In vivo resistance was determined by field inoculation with one isolate. There was no correlation between any in vitro measurement and in vivo resistance, and none of the in vitro measurements on control mediums were correlated. The only significant correlation for the same measurement between the two isolates was for pollen-tube length (r = 0.65). Percent of pollen germination was negatively correlated with callus growth for both isolates. Earlier work showed that callus growth in the presence of culture filtrate was linked to plant resistance, thus it appeared that percent pollen germination on culture filtrate had decreased for the more resistant plants. The haploid pollen may be used as a progeny test for identifying heterotic loci conferring resistance to Fusarium, but if the pollen of this plant species is used in direct selection by exposure to culture filtrate, the level of resistance to Fusarium may decrease.  相似文献   
Exposure to low temperatures reduces gamete viability and fecundity in females of insect species like Drosophila. Hence, adaptation to cold stress can in principle involve modifications in reproductive traits in females. Studies on resistance to cold stress have mostly addressed the evolution of adult survivorship post cold shock. Very few studies have addressed the evolution of reproductive traits in females in response to cold stress. We have successfully selected replicate populations of Drosophila melanogaster for resistance to cold shock. After 50 generations of selection, we investigated pre- and post-copulatory traits i.e. mating latency, copulation duration, mating frequency and progeny production in female flies exposed to cold shock or control conditions. Post cold shock, females from the selected populations were better at recovery in terms of mating latency, mating success, and progeny production relative to females from the control populations. Performance of the two types of females was not different under control conditions. These findings clearly indicate that adaptation to cold stress involves rapid modification of the reproductive traits.  相似文献   
Paspalum is an important genus of the family Gramineae that includes several valuable forage grasses. Many of the species are polyploid and either obligate or facultative apomicts. Cyto-embryological observations of several tetraploid genotypes of P. notatum were performed to determine their mode of reproduction. Afterwards, selfed progenies of the genotypes F131, Q3664 and Q4117 were analysed using RFLP and RAPD genetic fingerprints to identify maternal and non-maternal (aberrant) plants, and to establish the degree of apomictic reproduction. Five maize clones and six primers were used for detecting genetic deviations from the maternal profile. Maize clones umc379, umc384 and umc318 and primers OPG10 and OPI4 were the most informative for discriminating between maternal and aberrant individuals within the progenies of F131 and Q3664. The combined results of three RFLP clones or 4–6 RAPD primers were necessary to ascertain the mode of reproduction in plants F131 and Q3664. The results obtained with the RFLP and RAPD markers were in agreement with the cyto-embryological studies in ascertaining the mode and degree of apomictic reproduction. Plant F131 showed a completely sexual reproductive behaviour, Q3664 an elevated expression of sexuality, while Q4117 was highly apomictic. A fingerprint analysis of an outcrossing population, aimed at the identification of hybrid plants, was also performed. Maize clones um318 and umc379 and primers OPC2 and OPC9 were used. The presence of specific bands belonging to the male parent permitted a rapid and easy detection of hybrids. The methodology described here can be applied both for the characterisation of P. notatum populations and to identify hybrid progenies in Paspalum breeding programs. Received: 5 March 1997 / Accepted: 13 May 1997  相似文献   
Summary Reproductive success is divided into two phases: preemergent (the number of viable seeds that enter the ambient environment) and postemergent (the percentage of progeny that survive to reproduce). We studied preemergent reproductive success (PERS) in flowering plants by measuring the fruit/flower (Fr/Fl) ratio and the seed/ovule (S/O) ratio in a number of species of outcrossing and inbreeding plants, where PERS=the product of (Fr/Fl) and (S/O). In order to determine the influence of the ambient environment (including resource availability) we studied pairs of outcrossing and inbreeding species occurring in the same habitat. Among outcrossing species PERS averaged about 22%, whereas in inbreeding species the average was approximately 90%. The progeny/zygote (P/Z) ratio was studied in hand-pollinated populations in Epilobium angustifolium (a strongly outcrossing species) from populations in Oregon and Utah, by direct observation of embryogenesis at twoday intervals throughout the course of seed development. The P/Z ratio in both populations averaged near 30%, and the developing embryos showed a surprising array of abnormalities that resulted in embryo death. During early development >95% of the ovules had normally developing globular embryos, but beginning with differentiation (cotyledon formation) about 70% of the original globular embryos aborted during the course of embryogenesis and seed development. The clustering of developmental lethals during peroids of major differentiation events parallels the animal model of development. We found little evidence that PERS was limited by the ambient environment (including resource availability), pollination, or factors associated with the inbreeding habit. Instead, PERS was found to be inextricably linked to outcrossing plants, whose breeding systems promote genetic variability. The high incidence of developmental lethals in E. angustifolium and the resulting low P/Z ratio (ca. 30%) is attributed to genetic load (any lethal mutation or allelic combination) possibly working in combination with developmental selection (interovarian competition among genetically diverse embryos). Examples of maternally controlled, fixed patterns of ovule abortion with respect to position or number are discussed. However, we found no need to employ female choice as a hypothesis to explain our results for the extensive, seemingly random patterns of embryo abortion in E. angustifolium and other outcrossing species. A more parsimonious, mechanistic explanation based on genetic load-developmental selection is sufficient to account for the differential survivorship of embryos. Likewise, the traditional concept of a positive growth regulator feedback system based on the number of surviving ovules in an ovary can account for subsequent fruit survivorship.  相似文献   
An example of the evolution of the interacting behaviours of parents and progeny is studied using iterative equations linking the frequencies of the gametes produced by the progeny to the frequencies of the gametes in the parental generation. This population genetics approach shows that a model in which both behaviours are determined by a single locus can lead to a stable equilibrium in which the two behaviours continue to segregate. A model in which the behaviours are determined by genes at two separate loci leads eventually to fixation of the alleles at both loci but this can take many generations of selection. Models of the type described in this paper will be needed to understand the evolution of complex behaviour when genomic or experimental information is available about the genetic determinants of behaviour and the selective values of different genomes.  相似文献   
Gametophytic apomixis is an asexual mode of reproduction by seeds. This trait is present in several plant families and is strongly associated with polyploidy. Paspalum rufum is a forage grass with sexual self-incompatible diploids (2n = 2x = 20) and aposporous-apomictic pseudogamous tetraploids (2n = 4x = 40). In previous work embryological observations of the diploid genotype Q3754 showed 8.8–26.8% of the ovaries having one meiotic plus an aposporous-like embryo sac, suggesting some capability for apomictic reproduction. The objective of this work was to characterize progenies derived from Q3754 to determine if aposporous sacs were functional and generated progenies via apomixis at the diploid level. Re-examination of Q3754 ovaries showed that 12.5% of them contained one sexual plus an aposporous sac confirming previous results. Progeny tests were carried out on two experimental families (H1 and S1) employing heterozygous RAPD marker loci. Family H1 was obtained crossing Q3754 with a natural diploid genotype (Q3861) and S1 derived from the induced self-pollination of Q3754. Genetic analysis of H1 showed that all individuals derived from sexual reproduction. However, 5 out of 95 plants from S1 showed the same heterozygous state as the mother plant for 14 RAPD loci suggesting a clonal origin. Further experiments, designed to test the functionality of aposporous sacs by flow cytometric analyses, were carried out on a third family (M1) obtained by crossing Q3754 with the tetraploid plant Q3785. Histograms of 20 M1 plants showed 15 diploids (75%), 4 triploids (20%) and 1 tetraploid (5%). Triploids and the tetraploid may have originated from functional aposporous embryo sacs. Likewise, the reconstruction of the developmental route of 40 individual seeds demonstrated that 11 of them (27.5%) derived from fertilized aposporic sacs. The results presented in this work indicate that gametophytic apomixis is effectively expressed at the diploid level in Paspalum rufum and could be the foundation of a recurrent auto-polyploidization process in the species.  相似文献   
在爪蟾受精卵第一次有丝分裂中期进行静液压处理,抑制细胞质分裂从而得到四倍体。实验中获得三只存活了三年以上的四倍体雌性爪蟾。其中一只雌性与二倍体雄性爪蟾作人工催青得到受精卵。现已产卵三批,发育的胚胎400余,经检查子代染色体为三倍体。  相似文献   
四个籼稻(Oryza sativa L.)品种幼苗经1℃黑暗或光照250 μm ol·m - 2·s- 1处理后,抗冷的“桂山矮选3”比不抗冷的“青华6 号”幼苗存活率高,其子代是以“桂山矮选3”为母本的比“青华6 号”为母本的存活率较高。抽穗期剑叶经光照低温处理12、24 和36 h 后,光合作用是“桂山矮选3”和以“桂山矮选3”为母本的子代比“青华6 号”和以“青华6 号”为母本的子代下降较少。呼吸作用是前者比后者在处理12 h 时有明显升高现象。荧光参数Fv/Fo和Fv/Fm比值在处理24 h 时前者比后者下降明显,但在常温下恢复则是前者比后者明显较快。自然低温(寒露风)对叶绿素荧光的影响亦有相似的规律。对水稻后代的抗冷性倾向于母本进行了讨论  相似文献   
To understand the underlying trans-generational phase accumulation, a classical morphometric characteristic, the F/C ratio (F, hind femur length; C, maximum head width), of adult desert locusts (Schistocerca gregaria) was monitored over eight consecutive generations. Adult F/C ratios, which are larger in solitarious locusts than in gregarious ones, were negatively correlated to the darkness of body color at hatching. Two successive generations were required for a complete shift from the gregarious (crowd-reared) to the solitarious (isolated-reared) phase and vice versa in the laboratory. That is (1) female adults needed to be exposed to crowded (or isolated) conditions so that their hatchlings would become large (or small) and dark (or green) in color, and (2) the hatchlings then needed to be exposed to crowded (or isolated) conditions for their entire nymphal stage. Solitarious locusts exhibited extra molting that influenced the F/C ratio in the adult stage, but did not exert significant influences on the trans-generational changes in this trait because the incidence was low. The incidence of extra molting was negatively correlated with nymphal survival rates. The morphometric trans-generational changes may be explained without assuming any accumulating internal factor.  相似文献   
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