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Feigning death in the Central American cichlid Parachromis friedrichsthalii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Feigning death, a hunting strategy in which a healthy individual acts as if it was dead to trick prey into its reach, is reported for a population of the Central American cichlid Parachromis friedrichsthalii . Possible mechanisms leading to the evolution of such a behaviour are discussed.  相似文献   
Percolation of rainfall through woodwaste piles leaches natural chemicals from the wood residuals that can have adverse impacts on the environment. A study was conducted on a woodwaste storage site, adjacent to the Lower Fraser River, near Mission, BC, Canada. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of constructed wetland for treatment of this woodwaste leachate. The leachate was characterized by high oxygen demand, tannin and lignin, and volatile fatty acids (VFAs), but low pH and nutrients. Diluted leachate passed through six pilot-scale wetland cells, four planted with cattail (Typha latifolia) and two unplanted controls, with a hydraulic retention time of 7 days and an average depth of 40 cm. Nutrient addition and pH adjustments were made to improve contaminant removal. Reductions in contaminants were consistently achieved, with average removals for BOD, COD, VFAs and tannin and lignin of 60, 50, 69 and 42%, respectively. Climatic conditions had an impact on the performance of the constructed wetland. Further operation of the system will help to elucidate the seasonal fluctuations. Aging of the constructed wetland system increased the treatment performance.  相似文献   
The Orlando Easterly Wetland (OEW), located near Christmas, Florida, USA, is among the longer-lived treatment wetlands in the United States. It was established in the late 1980s to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations from tertiary treated wastewater bound for the St. Johns River. A goal of 0.07 mg/l total phosphorus concentration has been set by the regulating agency (St. Johns River Water Management District). In order to understand and define the operating conditions for which this target could be met, a systematic study of historic phosphorus uptake was performed using a traditional first-order model. Phosphorus uptake performance is shown to correlate well with hydraulic performance for two parallel upstream cells. The first-order model is enhanced with predictive capabilities that acknowledge the correlation between the phosphorus uptake rate constant and the hydraulic loading rate observed in the system. Inherent limitations with the first-order modeling approach are addressed and uncertainty in model performance is used to bound predictions.  相似文献   
The application of culture-dependent studies to quantify Fe-metabolizing microorganisms from the environment is a necessity, as there are so far no universal functional marker genes for application in culture-independent studies. Media composition can vary between studies, therefore, we determined the effects of three different growth media on the quantification (MPNs) and identity (via cloning and sequencing of dominant DGGE bands) of nitrate-reducing Fe(II)-oxidizers and lactate- or acetate-oxidizing Fe(III)-reducers from a lacustrine sediment: low sulphate freshwater medium (FWM), sterile filtered bicarbonate-buffered lake water (BLW) and a mixture of both (MIX). We consistently found fewer cells in the BLW than in the FWM and the MIX. The DGGE banding patterns of the microbial communities enriched in different media types clustered together according to the e? donor and acceptor couples and not according to the medium used. Thus, although the medium composition significantly influenced the quantification and thereby conclusions on the abundance and potential significance of the targeted group within the ecosystem, biodiversity assessments through enrichment cultures were less influenced by the medium, but instead were affected by the type and concentration of the e? donor/acceptor.  相似文献   
Wastewater treatment facility is vital for sustainable urban development. In the course of removing contaminants and discharging ready-for-reuse water, wastewater treatment consumes resources and triggers environmental emission during its lifetime. A comprehensive framework to analyze the embodied ecological elements as natural resources and environmental emissions of wastewater treatment is presented in this work. The systems method as a combination of process and input–output analyses is applied and a set of indicators are accordingly devised. Two representative ecological elements, i.e., greenhouse gases emissions and solar emergy of alternative wastewater treatment systems, i.e., a traditional activated sludge wastewater treatment plant and a constructed wetland have been taken into consideration. For each ecological element, five indicators have been calculated and compared to assess the impact on climate change and resources utilizing style of the case systems. The framework raised in this paper is fully supportive for optimal decision-making among different wastewater treatment technologies, and could be transplanted to be applied to systems ecological accounting for other production systems.  相似文献   
Among the materials excavated by the 1975 joint USSR–USA team in Siberia are two burials from Shaman's Cape, Olkhon Island, Lake Baikal. One is a middle-aged male of the Serovo culture, 6,000 B.C. , and the other is a young male of the Glaskovo culture of 2,000 B.C. This later burial displays an unusual pathology affecting the nose and post-cranial regions of the pelvic girdle and lower limbs. Osteon analysis confirms the determination of age at death and illustrates the difference between normal and pathological bone. Numerous cultural materials were associated with these burials, including harpoon heads, knives, a compound fishhook and a pestle with the Serovo man, and nephrite ornaments with the Glaskovo man. The skulls, though far apart in time, are pronouncedly Mongoloid and alike in their low cranial vaults. A low, broad and inclined ascending ramus resembles Chukchi, Eskimos and Aleuts. These two specimens document the Mongoloid character of the early inhabitants of Lake Baikal.  相似文献   
The dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) cycle in a softwater lake was studied using natural variations of the stable isotopes of carbon,12C and13C. During summer stratification there was a progressive decrease in epilimnion DIC concentration with a concomitant increase in 13CDIC), due to preferential uptake of12C by phytoplankton and a change in the dominant CO2 source from inflow andin situ oxidation to invasion from the atmosphere. There was an increase in hypolimnion DIC concentration throughout summer with a concomitant general decrease in 13CDIC from oxidation of the isotopically light particulate organic carbon that sank down through the thermocline from the epilimnion.Mass balance calculations of DI12C and DI13C in the epilimnion for the summer (June 23–September 25) yield a mean rate of net conversion of DIC to organic carbon (Corg) of 430 ± 150 moles d-1 (6.5 ± 1.8 m moles m-2 d-1. Net CO2 invasion from the atmosphere was 420 ± 120 moles d-1 (6.2 ± 1.8 m moles m-2 d-1) with an exchange coefficient of 0.6 ± 0.3m d-1. These results imply that at least for the summer months the phytoplankton obtained about 90% of their carbon from atmosphere CO2. About 50% of CO2 invasion and conversion to Corg for the summer occurred during a two week interval in mid-summer.DIC concentration increased in the hypolimnion at a rate of 350 ± 70 moles DIC d-1 during summer stratification. The amount of DIC added to the hypolimnion was equivalent to 75 ± 20% of net conversion of DIC to Corg in the euphotic zone over spring and summer implying rapid degradation of POC in the hypolimnion. The 13C of DIC added to the deep water (-22.) was too heavy to have been derived from oxidation of particulate organic carbon alone. About 20% of the added DIC must have diffused from hypolimnetic sediments where relatively heavy CO2 (-7) was produced by a combination of POC oxidation and as a by-product of methanogenesis.  相似文献   
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