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以猪血清为材料,通过磷酸乙醇胺—琼脂糖亲和层析,Sepharose 4B柱层析和Sephacryl—S300凝胶过滤,获得了猪C—反应蛋白的结晶。猪C—反应蛋白可与肺炎球菌壁C多糖发生特异的沉淀反应,这种结合是依赖钙离子的。EDTA和一些磷脂代谢产物如磷酸胆碱,磷酸乙醇胺等,能抑制猪C—反应蛋白与C多糖的结合。在SDS—聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳及梯度聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳中,猪C—反应蛋白表现出与人C—反应蛋白相同的行为,亚基是一条分子量为23.5kD的肽链,全分子的表观分子量为150kD。猪C—反应蛋白与兔抗人C—反应的蛋白的抗血清能发生免疫交叉反应。  相似文献   
 本文通过研究提出了一种由大肠杆菌细胞中提取重组猪生长激素的方法。提取回收率为52.4%,纯度为94.1%,具有生物学活性。  相似文献   
A microtubule-associated protein (MAP) with a molecular mass of 72-kDa that was purified from porcine brain by using its property of heat stability in a low pH buffer was characterized. Low-angle rotary shadowing revealed that the 72-kDa protein was a rodlike protein approximately 55-75 nm long. The 72-kDa protein bound to microtubules polymerized from phosphocellulose column-purified tubulin (PC-tubulin) with taxol and promoted the polymerization of PC-tubulin in the absence of taxol. Microtubules polymerized by the 72-kDa protein showed a tendency to form bundles of several microtubules. Quick-freeze, deep-etch electron microscopy revealed that the 72-kDa protein formed short crossbridges between microtubules. We performed peptide mapping to analyze the relationship of the 72-kDa protein to other heat-stable MAPs, and the results showed some resemblance of the 72-kDa protein to MAP2. Cross-reactivity with a monoclonal anti-MAP2 antibody further suggested that the 72-kDa protein and MAP2 are immunologically related. To study the relationship between the 72-kDa protein and MAP2C, a smaller molecular form of MAP2 identified in juvenile rat brain, we prepared the 72-kDa protein from rat brain by the same method as that used for porcine brain. The fact that the 72-kDa protein from juvenile rat brain was also stained with our monoclonal anti-MAP2 antibody also suggested that the 72-kDa protein is an MAP2C homologue of the porcine brain.  相似文献   
Despite the powerful impact gene expression markers like the green fluorescent protein (GFP) or enhanced GFP (EGFP) exert on linking the expression of recombinant protein for selection of high producers in recent years, there is still a strong incentive to develop more economical and efficient methods for isolating mammalian cell clones secreting high levels of recombinant proteins. Here we present a new method based on the co-expression of EGFP that allows clonal selection in standard 96-well cell culture plates. The genes encoding the EGFP protein and the related protein are linked by an internal ribosome entry site and thus are transcribed into the same mRNA in an independent translation process. Since both proteins arise from a common mRNA, the EGFP expression level correlates with the expression level of the therapeutic protein in each clone. By expressing recombinant porcine β-defensin 1 in Marc 145 cells, we demonstrate the robustness and performance of this technique. The method can be served as an alternative to identify high-producer clones with various cell sorting methods.  相似文献   
The interaction of glycerol concentrations of 0-10% and cooling rates from 1 to 1,500 degrees C/min with boar spermatozoa motility and acrosomal integrity (proportion of spermatozoa with normal apical ridge) was studied after thawing 0.5 ml straws at a constant rate. While increasing the glycerol concentration from 0 to 4% progressively improved motility, the percentage of spermatozoa with a normal apical ridge gradually decreased. The magnitudes of the respective changes depended on cooling rate. A peak value of 48.1% and rating 3.8 were obtained in semen protected with 4% glycerol, frozen at 30 degrees C/min. Increasing the glycerol levels above 6% resulted in a gradual decrease in motility. The proportion of spermatozoa with normal apical ridge was highest in semen protected with 0-1% glycerol after cooling at 30 degrees C/min (64.4% and 66.1%, respectively), but at these glycerol concentrations the percentage of motile spermatozoa was low. At the 30 degrees C/min cooling rate, the decline in the proportion of cells with normal apical ridge due to increasing the glycerol levels to 3 and 4% was relatively slow (57.3% and 49.4%, respectively). Cooling at 1 degrees C/min was detrimental to acrosomal integrity, which decreased with increasing glycerol concentration, in contrast to increasing motility, which even at its maximum, remained low. The direct plunging of straws into liquid nitrogen (1,500 degrees C/min) resulted in damaged acrosomes in all spermatozoa with the total loss of motility. Balancing motility and acrosomal integrity, freezing boar semen protected with 3% glycerol by cooling at 30 degrees C/min resulted in optimal survival for boar semen frozen in 0.5 ml French straws.  相似文献   
猪伪狂犬病是伪狂犬病毒(Pseudorabies virus,PRV)感染引起的一种烈性接触性传染病,其感染宿主会触发机体先天免疫应答,引起I型干扰素(Type I interferon,IFN-1)和炎性细胞因子等细胞因子的产生,为研究可诱导产生炎性细胞因子的含半胱氨酸的天冬氨酸蛋白水解酶(Cysteinyl aspartate specific proteinase 1,caspase-1)的基因敲除对PRV复制的影响,本试验利用近年来发展迅速的一项规律性短重复回文序列簇/Cas9核酸酶(Clustered regulatory interspaced short palindromic repeat/CRISPR associated system 9,CRISPR/Cas9)基因定点修饰技术构建猪肾上皮细胞(Porcine kidney epithelial cells,PK15)caspase-1基因稳定敲除细胞系,并通过T7核酸酶检测敲除效率;细胞毒性(Cell counting kit-8,CCK-8)试剂盒检测PK15敲除caspase-1增殖影响;采用流式细胞术检测PRV-GFP感染PK15以及PK15-caspase-1-/-的增殖差异;实时荧光定量PCR(Real-time quantitative PCR,RT-PCR)检测PRV-gB、TK及白细胞介素1β(Interleukin-1β,IL-1β)、IFN-β、干扰素刺激基因(Interferon-stimulated genes 20,ISG20)mRNA的表达;Western Blot检测PRV-gB蛋白表达;滴度测定检测子代病毒滴度。结果表明,2对特异性单链引导RNA(Single guide RNA,sgRNA)均能对caspase-1进行基因编辑,但经T7核酸酶酶切进行基因编辑效率分析结果表明sgRNA2的基因编辑效率较高;CCK-8试剂盒检测细胞活力结果表明caspase-1基因敲除对PK15以及PK15-caspase-1-/-细胞活力无影响(P>0.05);流式细胞仪检测结果表明PRV-GFP在PK15-caspase-1-/-中的增殖显著低于PK15细胞(P<0.05);定量RT-PCR结果表明PRV-gB、TK基因在PK15-caspase-1-/-的mRNA表达显著低于PK15细胞(gB:P<0.05,TK:P<0.05),而IFN-β、ISG20基因在PK15-caspase-1-/-的mRNA表达显著高于PK15细胞(gB:P<0.05,TK:P<0.05);Western Blot结果表明,PRV的gB蛋白在PK15-caspase-1-/-的表达显著低于PK15细胞(P<0.05);滴度测定结果表明,敲除caspase-1能够抑制PRV子代病毒的增殖。以上结果均表明caspase-1基因敲除可抑制PRV在PK15细胞中复制。  相似文献   
Crude porcine lipase was purified by continuous rotating annular size-exclusion chromatography. Sephadex G-75 was used as the size-exclusion packing material. Initial studies by this group on a similar unit have been reported [Genest et al. (1998) "Continuous purification of porcine lipase by rotating annular size-exclusion chromatography", Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 73, 215-230]. This article presents the results of optimization studies carried out on a modified unit. These modifications resulted in a better performance of the column and a higher throughput. Purification fold values of around 11 were achieved in most runs. The activity recovered was around 99% and the productivity was around 3 mg lipase/mg gel h.  相似文献   
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