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The western white butterfly, Pontia occidentalis, has distinctly different wing phenotypes during spring and summer generations as a result of phenotypic plasticity (seasonal polyphenism). We experimentally generated different seasonal phenotypes in the lab by altering photoperiodic conditions during rearing, and released the resulting butterflies in the field. Mark-recapture studies were then used to estimate the effects of the polyphenism on activity patterns and adult survival in both late-spring (one study) and summer (two studies) conditions. There were no significant effects of rearing treatment on temporal patterns of behavioral activity during either the late-spring or the summer field studies. Recapture probabilities were consistently higher for males than females in all three field studies; in the summer 1992 study, recapture probabilities were higher for long-day (LD) than for short-day (SD) treatment groups. During the late-spring 1992 study, there were no significant differences between LD and SD treatment groups for survival probabilities. In the two summer studies, there were significant effects of photoperiodic treatment on survival probabilities; in the summer 1992 study, LD individuals consistently had higher survival probabilities than SD individuals; in the summer 1991 study, there was a significant interaction between treatment and time period on survival probabilities, such that survival probabilities were higher for LD than for SD individuals in two of four time periods. The consistent differences in survival probabilities between treatment groups in the summer 1992 study can be accounted for by the differences in wing traits between the treatment groups. Micrometeorological data from the study site showed that midday ambient temperatures averaged ~3°C hotter during the 1992 than the 1991 summer study and that ambient conditions during the late-spring 1992 study were relatively warm and sunny for the season. These results document the varying relationships between phenotype and fitness in the temporally fluctuating environments experienced by this population.  相似文献   
中国云粉蝶属分类研究(鳞翅目,粉蝶科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统地整理了中国云粉蝶属Pontia Fabricius,1807的全部种类,共3种12亚种,包括2新亚种:云粉蝶且末亚种Pontia edusa qiemoensis ssp.nov.、云粉蝶黑龙江亚种Pontia edusa heilongjiangensis ssp.nov.和2个中国新纪录亚种:箭纹云粉蝶卡洛亚种Pontia callidice kalora(Moore,1865)、绿云粉蝶青藏亚种Pontia chloridice alpina(Ver-ity,[1911]).阐述了各亚种的主要识别特征及其地理分布,提供了分种检索表及全部种类的雄、雌性外生殖器特征图,并附所有中国亚种的成虫彩色照片.模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   
J. Forsberg 《Oecologia》1987,72(1):52-57
Summary Females of the butterflies Pieris napi and Pontia daplidice discriminate against large hostplant individuals, usually preferring low rosettes or seedlings, when hostplants are abundant. In this paper the larval mobility between young hostplant, and differences in survival and growth rate on low versus tall conspecific hostplants were studied in these two species in Sweden. The results suggest that the largest effect of plant size is that small plants support faster growth than bigger ones. This seems to be due to differences in microclimate conditions, not an effect of different suitability as food. Thus, on the assumption that there are no systematic differences in larval death rate, which is supported by the results in this study, preference for small hostplants should be advantagous, leading to higher survival during development, and higher probability for an additional brood per year.  相似文献   
Wing melanin pattern varies seasonally among generations in many populations of the butterfly Pontia occidentalis, leading to distinctly different wing phenotypes during spring and summer generations. Estimates of directional selection on wing pattern can therefore quantify the imperfection of this phenotypically plastic (polyphenic) response in generating “optimal” phenotypes for each seasonal generation. Mark-release-recapture (MRR) studies were used to estimate directional selection on six wing traits in a natural population of P. occidentalis during both spring and summer weather conditions. Estimated survival and recapture probabilities varied substantially among the four MRR studies. When differences between males and females were detected, the survival and recapture probabilities were higher for males than for females. Estimated selection coefficients suggested that the direction of selection on one wing trait important for thermoregulation, melanin on the base of the dorsal hindwings (trait hb), fluctuated seasonally; there was evidence of directional selection for increased hb in the spring studies and for decreased hb in the summer studies. Such fluctuating seasonal selection on hb implies that the seasonal polyphenic response may not be sufficient to eliminate selection on this trait; the slope of the reaction-norm mapping hb onto seasonal environmental cues is too shallow, resulting in further selection on the reaction norm. Adaptive evolution of the reaction norm may be constrained by phenotypic and genetic correlations with other wing traits that experience different patterns of selection and by variable weather conditions within seasons and among years.  相似文献   
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