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脉叶罗汉松化学成分的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从脉叶罗汉松(Podocarpus neriifolius D.Don)的枝叶中分离到11种化合物,根据光谱数据和物理常数测定,分别鉴定为正三十四烷醇(1)、β-谷甾醇硬脂酸酯(2)、β-谷甾醇(3)、金松双黄酮(sciadopitysin,3)、罗汉松双黄酮 B(podocarpusflavone B,12)、罗波斯塔黄酮-7″-甲醚(robustaflavone-7″-methyl ether,13)罗汉松双黄酮 A(podocarpusflaveone A,14)、罗波斯塔黄酮(robustaflavone,15)、对羟基苯甲酸(p-hydroxyl-benzoic acid,16)、2″-O-鼠李糖扫帚黄甙(2″-O-rhamnosylscoparin,23)和2″-O-鼠李糖牡荆黄甙(2″-O-rhamnosylvitexin,24)。其中,化合物23和24为首次从罗汉松科分得的化合物,化合物8、13和15首次从该植物分离到。  相似文献   
Palynological studies on late Quaternary lake sediments from the region of the Amazon estuary, 100 km north-east of Belém, Pará State, Brazil, enable reconstruction of lowland Amazonian rain forest during the Late-glacial and Holocene periods. Late-glacial forests included populations of Podocarpus which suggests a distinct climatic cooling. Ilex was abundant in the early Holocene. Records of the mangrove taxon, Rhizophora, indicate rapid Atlantic sea-level rise in the beginning of the Holocene. High charcoal representation may reflect the first arrival of Amerindians in the Amazon coastal area, probably about 10 800 B.P.  相似文献   
该研究采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜,观察罗汉松雄球花、小孢子及其配子体发育过程的形态结构特征,以揭示罗汉松小孢子的发生和雄配子体的发育规律,为罗汉松的生殖和杂交组合提供胚胎学证据。结果发现:(1)罗汉松花芽于每年的7月开始分化,至次年5月花粉成熟散粉,雄球花由单生的卵圆形转为2~3个葇荑花序并生,小孢子叶螺旋状着生于圆柱状的花序轴上,每一小孢子叶远轴面基部并列着生2个小孢子囊。(2)小孢子囊壁发育过程中由外及里出现各由1层薄壁细胞组成的表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层,至散粉前,后两者基本被分解吸收。(3)同一小孢子囊内的造孢细胞发育在时间上存在差异,小孢子母细胞减数分裂后形成的四分体有四面体型和十字交叉型两种排列方式,成熟的雄配子体包括生殖细胞和粉管细胞,发育过程中出现的第一和第二原叶细胞大部分被分解消失。(4)电镜下罗汉松花粉粒为典型的松花型花粉,两侧各具1个气囊,远极面具一萌发沟,花粉粒表面具纹理或皱褶。  相似文献   
为了解竹柏(Podocarpus nagi)的光合特性,以3 a生全绿叶和花叶竹柏为材料,测定其光合色素含量和气体交换参数。结果表明,全绿叶竹柏叶片的叶绿素a、叶绿素b、类胡萝卜素、叶绿素a+b、叶绿素a/b和叶绿素a+b/类胡萝卜素均显著高于花叶竹柏;全绿叶竹柏叶片的初始量子效率、最大光合速率和暗呼吸速率均显著高于花叶,而光饱和点和光补偿点均显著低于花叶;全绿叶竹柏叶片的初始羧化效率、光合速率、CO2饱和点和光呼吸速率均高于花叶,而CO2补偿点低于花叶。2种颜色叶片的气孔导度、蒸腾速率和水分利用效率均随着光合有效辐射的增大而增大,且均表现为全绿叶花叶,而胞间CO2浓度则相反,表现为花叶全绿叶。因此,全绿叶竹柏利用弱光的能力强于花叶竹柏,而花叶竹柏利用强光的能力更强,在园林绿化配置中,可根据2种颜色叶片的光合特性合理配置。  相似文献   
Aim Cloud forests of northern Mesoamerica represent the northern and southern limit of the contact zone between species otherwise characteristic of North or South America. Several phylogeographic studies featuring temperate conifer species have improved our understanding of species responses to environmental changes. In contrast, conifer species that presumably colonized northern Mesoamerica from South America are far less studied. A phylogeographic study of Podocarpus matudae (Podocarpaceae) was conducted to identify any major evolutionary divergences or disjunctions across its range and to determine if its current distribution is associated with pre‐Quaternary climatic and/or long‐distance dispersal events. Location Northern Mesoamerica (Mexico and Guatemala). Methods Sixteen populations (157 individuals) of P. matudae were screened for variation at two plastid DNA markers. The intra‐specific phylogenetic relationships among haplotypes were reconstructed using Bayesian inference. Population genetic analyses were undertaken to gain insight into the evolutionary history of these populations. To test whether genetic divergence among populations occurred at different time‐scales plastid DNA sequence data and fossil‐ and coalescent‐based calibrations were integrated. Results The combination of plastid markers yielded 11 haplotypes. Differentiation among populations based on DNA variation (GST) (0.707, SE 0.0807) indicated a clear population structure in P. matudae. Differentiation for ordered alleles (NST) (0.811, SE 0.0732) was higher than that for GST, indicating phylogeographical structure in P. matudae. Most of the total variation (81.3%, P < 0.0001) was explained by differences among populations. The estimated divergence time between the unique haplotypes from a Guatemalan population and the two most common haplotypes from the Sierra Madre Oriental in Mexico was between 10 and 20 Ma, and further haplotype divergence in the poorly resolved clade of the Sierra Madre Oriental occurred between 3 and 0.5 Ma. Main conclusions Divergence estimations support the hypothesis that extant Podocarpus matudae populations are pre‐Quaternary relicts. This finding is consistent with fossil and pollen data that support a Miocene age for temperate floristic elements in Mesoamerican cloud forests, whereas further haplotype divergence within the Sierra Madre Oriental, Chiapas and Guatemala occurred more recently, coinciding with Pleistocene cloud forest refugia.  相似文献   
For decades, palynologists working in tropical South America are using the genus Podocarpus as a climate indicator although without referring to any modern data concerning its distribution and limiting factors. With the aim to characterize the modern and past distribution of the southern conifer Podocarpus in Brazil and to obtain new information on the distribution of the Atlantic rainforest during the Quaternary, we examined herbarium data to locate the populations of three Brazilian endemic Podocarpus species: P. sellowii, P. lambertii , and P. brasiliensis , and extracted DNA from fresh leaves from 26 populations. Our conclusions are drawn in the light of the combination of these three disciplines: botany, palynology, and genetics. We find that the modern distribution of endemic Podocarpus populations shows that they are widely dispersed in eastern Brazil, from north to south and reveals that the expansion of Podocarpus recorded in single Amazonian pollen records may have come from either western or eastern populations. Genetic analysis enabled us to delimit regional expansion: between 5° and 15° S grouping northern and central populations of P. sellowii expanded c . 16,000 years ago; between 15° and 23° S populations of either P. lambertii or sellowii expanded at different times since at least the last glaciation; and between 23° and 30° S, P. lambertii appeared during the recent expansion of the Araucaria forest. The combination of botany, pollen, and molecular analysis proved to be a rapid tool for inferring distribution borders for sparse populations and their regional evolution within tropical ecosystems. Today the refugia of rainforest communities we identified are crucial hotspots to allow the Atlantic forest to survive under unfavourable climatic conditions and, as such, offer the only possible opportunity for this type of forest to expand in the event of a future climate change.  相似文献   
浙江箬寮山百日青的群落生态学特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过样方调查,应用物种辛富度,物种多样性指数和物种均匀度等数据对分布在浙江松阳箬寮山地百日青(Podocorpus neriifolius)分布区物种多样性进行了研究。结果表明,箬寮山地植物种类丰富,共有维管束植物52科95属148种。科属组成多样,区系成分复杂,热带分布有49属,占总属数的52.12%,多于温带性质的属。木本植物的物种丰富度和物种多样性指数明显大于草本植物,乔木层植物Simpson指数、Shannon—Wiener指数和Pielou均匀度指数分别为6.7751、3.1593和0.6418;灌木层的分别为11.6826、3.8044和0.6781;草本层的分别为4.5537、1.7418和0.5378。灌木层-乔木层-草本层的物种多样性依次递减。根据分布生境、群落结构和种类组成,可将该山地百日青分布的群落分为三个类型,即甜槠木荷林、木荷红楠林和猴头杜鹃林。  相似文献   
STOFFBERG, E., 1991. Morphological and ontogenetic studies on southern African podocarps. Shoot apex morphology and ovuliferous cone initiation. Four species of Podocarpus indigenous to southern Africa were investigated. The morphology of the primordium of the female cone is compared with that of the shoot apex. Rhythmic growth occurs in Podocarpus. The external morphology of bud scales protecting dormant shoot apices is described and illustrated. Female strobili of the three species of section Podocarpus studied are initiated in the axils of euphylls during the spring growth flush as laterally flattened triangular structures. The axillary position of a female cone indicates that it is a modified shoot. The first two cone bracts (prophylls) are formed approximately at right angles to the subtending bract (one or both are fertile), while the 3rd and 4th bracts originate on the anterior and posterior sides of the strobilus respectively. Two to four bracts per cone are formed, not in pairs–the phyllotaxis is spiral. In P.falcatus primordia of female strobili and vegetative branches could be distinguished only after emergence of the seed scale complex. Based on cell differentiation, well-defined cytological zones can be distinguished in the shoot apex and it is classified as being of the Abies-Cryptomeria-lype. Meristematic zones of cone primordia and vegetative branches are basically similar, although the former are less well defined. No gradual transition from a vegetative to a reproductive apex could be identified and it would seem that the fate of axillary buds are determined at the time of their origination or even before.  相似文献   
Symbiotic nitrogen fixation of rhizobia and leguminous plants is considered as the most important biologic nitrogen fixation system on earth. Symbiotic nodulation of gymnosperm Podocarpus macro-phyllus and rhizobia has never been reported. In this study, 11 endophytic bacteria strains were isolated from root nodules of P. macrophyllus and its variation P. macrophyllus var. maki. The plant infection tests on these strains indicated that the isolated strains could be nodulated on P. macrophyllus plants, and weak nitrogenase activity of nodules was found in acetylene reduction method. According to the physiological and biochemical characteristics of the 11 strains, GXLO 02 was selected as the representative strain. 16S rDNA full-length sequence analysis of GXLO 02 confirmed that the representative strain GXLO 02 belongs to Rhizobium sp.  相似文献   
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