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Compared with angiosperms, bryophytes are seldom fed upon by insects, despite being commonly used for shelter. Bryophytes are assumed to be unpalatable, and three classes of mechanisms have been suggested as possible barriers to bryophagy: chemical defenses, low digestibility, and low nutrient content. However, very few studies have tested these hypotheses. The present study examines pre‐ and post‐ingestive defenses of mosses. The acceptability and quality of four species of moss –Bryum argenteum Hedw. (Bryales: Bryaceae), Climacium americanum Brid. (Leucodontales: Climaciaceae), Leucobryum glaucum (Hedw.) (Dicranales: Leucobryaceae), and Sphagnum warnstorfii Russ. (Sphagnales: Sphagnaceae) – were compared with two control diets using the generalist caterpillar, Trichoplusia ni Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Plusiinae). In no‐choice trials, caterpillars consumed much less of any of the mosses than lettuce or wheat germ. The only moss consumed in sufficient quantities to evaluate post‐ingestive responses was C. americanum. Digestibility, assimilation, and overall utilization efficiency of C. americanum did not differ from that of lettuce, although C. americanum and lettuce were both less digestible than artificial diet. Choice assays using leaf discs showed that ethanol extract of L. glaucum, the least consumed moss, was deterrent, implying that chemical defenses play a major role in deterring feeding on L. glaucum. This study suggested that pre‐ingestive mechanisms are more important than post‐ingestive mechanisms in discouraging herbivory on mosses, and offered evidence that mosses are not simply nutrient poor.  相似文献   
Capillary gas chromatography indicated the presence of (Z)-7-dodecenyl alcohol and (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate in the abdominal tip extracts of female Cornutiplusia circumflexa (L.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Plusiinae) moths. Gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry and dimethyl disulfide derivatization confirmed the structure of these two principal pheromone components. In a flight-tunnel bioassay, a 5:1 blend of alcohol and acetate elicited the complete courtship sequence by males. The response was comparable to that evoked by a live virgin female, but males spent significantly longer time at calling females than at the synthetic source. The 5:1 blend was also attractive to male C. circumflexa in the field, as indicated by catches in traps baited with this mixture. (Z)-7-dodecenyl alcohol alone was slightly attractive whereas (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate alone was completely inactive. C. circumflexa is the first reported Plusiinae species which utilizes (Z)-7-dodecenyl alcohol as the major pheromone component.  相似文献   
The electrical activity of single olfactory receptor neurons in male soybean looper (SBL) Pseudoplusia includens(Walker) and cabbage looper (CL) Trihoplusia ni(Hübner) moths was evaluated in response to stimulation with fixed amounts of the individual components of their respective pheromone blends. In common with earlier observations in the CL, there are at least two classes of morphologically distinct pheromone sensitive sensilla on the antenna of male SBL, each of which contains two olfactory receptor neurons. In both species, one class of sensilla contains an olfactory receptor neuron sensitive to (Z)-7-dodecen-1-ol acetate (Z-7, 12:AC), the major component in each insect's blend, and a companion receptor neuron which is sensitive to (Z)-7-dodecen-1-ol (Z7,12: OH). In both species the second class of sensilla contains an olfactory receptor neuron which is sensitive to one of the minor components of the pheromone blend. (Z)-5-dodecen-1-ol acetate (Z-5,12:AC) is an effective stimulus in SBL, whereas (Z)-7-tetradecen-1-ol acetate (Z-7,14:AC) is an effective stimulus in CL. However, these two stimulatory compounds have been identified only in the female CL gland; neither has been found in the SBL gland. Thus, in contrast to the CL, which has receptor neurons which are responsive exclusively to conspecific pheromone components, the SBL has a class of receptor neurons which is responsive to a minor component of another species' pheromone blend. Field-trapping assays in which Z-5,12:AC is added to the SBL blend suggest that this single CL component is a powerful inhibitor of male SBL behavioral responses to conspecific pheromone blends. The difference observed in the specificity of the receptor neurons in this second class of sensilla are thus believed to play an integral role in the isolation processes that are maintained between these two species and may well account for the observed behavioral differences in their responses to heterospecific pheromone blends.  相似文献   
本文在“金翅夜蛾亚科的数值分类研究”的基础上用主成分分析的结果对金翅夜蛾亚科分类的性状做进一步分析,说明各性状对分类的重要性和性状的变异方向,并对用协方差矩阵和相关矩阵进行的主成分分析结果进行比较,说明对本问题(分类指标全是定性指标)适宜用协方差矩阵做主成分分析。  相似文献   
Antisera were produced against nucleocapsids, NP-40 detergent soluble proteins, or polyhedral protein of the multiply embedded nuclear polyhedrosis virus (MNPV) of Autographa californica, nucleocapsids of Trichoplusia ni singly embedded virus (SNPV), and polyhedral protein of Lymantria dispar MNPV. Antigens consisting of nucleocapsids, NP-40 soluble proteins, and polyhedral protein were prepared from A. californica MNPV, T. ni MNPV, L. dispar MNPV, Rachiplusia ou MNPV, T. ni SNPV, and Pseudoplusia includens SNPV. Radial immunodiffusion patterns formed with Plusiinae nucleocapsid antigens and antiserum to nucleocapsids of A. californica MNPV or T. ni SNPV revealed a distinction between multiply and singly embedded viruses. The same alignment of Plusiinae viruses was observed in reactions between A. californica NP-40 soluble protein antiserum and the NP-40 soluble protein fractions from the Plusiinae NPVs. There were no reactions between the Plusiinae SNPV nucleocapsid antigens and the A. californica MNPV nucleocapsid antiserum. However, there were faint precipitin bands between MNPV nucleocapsid antigens and T. ni SNPV nucleocapsid antiserum. Each of the polyhedral protein fractions from the Plusiinae formed a single precipitin band with the antiserum to polyhedral protein of either A. californica or L. dispar. The precipitin bands formed with the A. californica antiserum by polyhedral proteins of T. ni SNPV, P. includens SNPV, and R. ou MNPV were confluent, and shared partial identity with those formed by A. californica MNPV and T. ni MNPV. All precipitin bands formed by Plusiinae polyhedral proteins against antiserum to L. dispar polyhedral protein were confluent, and shared partial identity with that formed by L. dispar polyhedral protein.  相似文献   
Taxonomic identification and classifications of insect pest genera Chrysodeixis and Ctenoplusia of the subfamily Plusiinae is very compulsory due to their phytophagous nature and potential to damage the cash as well as cereal crops. Taxonomy plays a key role in proper not only in identification and classification of the pest but also in designing a successful managing strategy. In current study, specimens of Chrysodeixis and Ctenoplusia genera were collected from different geographical areas of south Punjab, Pakistan and their diagnostic features were examined following taxanomic keys. The data of temperature, relative humidity and rainfall were also recorded during the study period. Genitalia was extracted by dissecting of the abdomen and inspected under Stereo microscope. The results revealed two new species, Chryodeixis maxus and Ctenoplusia oleraceaus, from south Punjab region in addition to previously reported species: Chrysodeixis furihatai. Suitable management of the voracious insect pest at appropriate time may help in sustaining the agriculture in Pakistan.  相似文献   
Rachiplusia nu is a defoliator lepidopteran species considered a potential pest in soybean and other crops. Cypermethrin is the main insecticide used in Argentina. Worldwide trends in pest control promote the use of insecticides with high specificity like methoxyfenozide; however, their usage in South America is still incipient. The effectiveness of cypermethrin and methoxyfenozide was studied on fifth larval instar of R. nu under chronic exposure in laboratory conditions. Four dilutions (between 10% and 80%) of the maximum field recommended concentration for each insecticide were assessed. Methoxyfenozide caused 100% larval mortality in all tested concentrations, while at tested cypermethrin concentrations, larval mortalities were between 75% and 98%. Cypermethrin treatments showed higher mean survival time values than methoxyfenozide. Both insecticides inhibited larval growth according to weight loss assessment. Cypermethrin also inhibited diet consumption during the first 24-h exposure.  相似文献   
We examined the effect of Bt-cotton (Event 531) plants expressing the Bacillus thuringiensis δ-endotoxin CryIA(c) on two hymenopteran endoparasitoids, Cotesia marginiventris and Copidosoma floridanum. In the laboratory, parasitized and unparasitized Pseudoplusia includens larvae were reared on foliage from a conventional soybean cultivar (Pioneer 97B61), a conventional cotton cultivar (DPL 5415), or a Bt-cotton cultivar (NuCotn 33B). C. marginiventris developed significantly faster within P. includens larvae feeding on Pioneer 97B61 and DPL 5415 compared to those feeding on NuCotn 33B. C. marginiventris that developed inside P. includens larvae feeding on NuCotn 33B suffered reduced longevity, and females had fewer ova. NuCotn 33B also affected the growth and development of P. includens parasitized with C. floridanum and life history parameters of adult C. floridanum. Parasitized and unparasitized P. includens developed more slowly when they were fed NuCotn 33B and the prepupae weighed less. Survival of parasitized and unparasitized P. includens was lower when larvae were fed NuCotn 33B and some evidence points to higher susceptibility of parasitized caterpillars to intoxication by NuCotn 33B. Fewer C. floridanum adults emerged from hosts fed NuCotn 33B, but pupal weight and adult longevity were unaffected. Analysis comparing the two experiments conducted with C. floridanum suggests that older NuCotn 33B plants (90–120 days after planting) may affect parasitoid development and adult survival less than younger NuCotn 33B plants (60–90 days after planting). Feeding on NuCotn 33B by P. includens affected the survival and development of the two hymenopteran endoparasitoids studied here, and the degree of the effect was similar to that observed with natural resistance found in soybean plants. It remains to be determined if the effects demonstrated here are less than, equal to, or greater than the impact of conventional insecticide applications used in conventional, non-transgenic, cotton.  相似文献   
  1. The Plusiinae subfamily has many polyphagous species, many of which occur in South America. Chrysodeixis includens and Rachiplusia nu are two representatives that mainly occurs in soybeans, cotton, common beans, sunflower and alfalfa.
  2. A population genetic study of C. includens and R. nu collected in the Southern Cone of America was performed using a partial COI gene sequencing data and compared with specimens from other American countries.
  3. Six haplotypes were identified in C. includens populations of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, organized within a star-like haplotype network, with the most common haplotype identified as Chin_MC.
  4. R. nu populations are more diverse and stable in comparison to C. includens. Populations from Argentina and Uruguay had the highest haplotype diversity, sharing five haplotypes and putatively indicating haplotype exchange.
  5. Demographic change analysis suggested a recent population expansion of C. includens over the American continent.
  6. Some C. includens haplotypes were country-specific, suggesting population expansion in the countries where specimens were collected.
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