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Micropithecus clarki, from Miocene sediments of Napak, Uganda, is the smallest known hominoid primate, living or fossil. In facial morphology it is very similar to extant gibbons. Dentally, it is most similar to the small apes from the Miocene of Kenya, Dendropithecus and Limnopithecus. All of the apes from the early Miocene of East Africa seem to represent a single phyletic group that could be easily derived from the Oligocene apes known from the Fayum of Egypt. Pliopithecus from the Miocene of Europe is more closely allied with the Oligocene radiation than with the later East African radiation.  相似文献   
The taxonomic affinities of the Eppelsheim femur, known as Paidopithex, have been unclear for more than a century. Over the years, due to similarities with Pliopithecus, some authors have considered it a large pliopithecid, while others refer to it as Dryopithecus. The issue could not be resolved, because no definitive Dryopithecus femora were available. With the discovery of the Dryopithecus laietanus skeleton from Can Llobateres (CLl 18800), it has become possible to test the attribution of the Eppelsheim femur to Dryopithecus on the basis of direct morphological and metrical comparisons. By means of allometric techniques, we show that the Eppelsheim and D. laietanus femora fit different hindlimb morphologies with regard to relative length and relative head/neck size, with Paidopithex significantly differing from Dryopithecus, but more closely resembling Pliopithecus. Paidopithex also differs from Dryopithecus in other important aspects, such as its lower neck/shaft angle, lack of elevation of the femoral head above the greater trochanter, more posteriorly oriented lesser trochanter, and proximal shaft diameter thicker anteroposteriorly than mediolaterally. In these features, Paidopithex most closely resembles Pliopithecus in spite of differences in body mass (ca. 22 kg vs. ca. 10 kg, respectively). These features suggest that Paidopithex used a primitive locomotor pattern associated with arboreal quadrupedalism, instead of the more derived pattern displayed by Dryopithecus. Currently available evidence confirms that the attribution of Paidopithex to Dryopithecus can be rejected. Paidopithex could be a large and otherwise unknown pliopithecid, but the possibility cannot be ruled out that it represents a third kind of catarrhine.  相似文献   
新疆准噶尔盆地北缘Pliopithecus的发现(英文)   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
1997和 1 998年的野外工作期间 ,在新疆准噶尔盆地北缘铁尔斯哈巴合中中新世哈拉玛盖组的底部第二砂层中发现了 4枚上猿牙齿。两枚显然是属于同一个体的左m2和m3发现于 980 1 7地点 ,地理坐标为 46°39.997′N ,88°30 .41 2′E。另一枚左下第一门齿和左上第四前臼齿产自该地点附近的同一砂层中。这是在中国境内、也是亚洲的第二个上猿化石地点。该 4枚牙齿中 ,下门齿可能与m2、m3属同一个种。m2刚开始经受磨蚀 ,m3则刚萌出齿槽。它们不同于所有已知种 (P .zhanxiangi、P .vindobonensis、P .antiquus、P .platyodon和P .priensis)的最明显的特征是在唇侧有一个很深的、间于下原尖和下次尖的漏斗状小坑。该坑由前次脊 (prehypocristid)、下次尖前方的斜脊的唇侧分支和沿下原尖唇侧壁向下延伸的一条脊所围成。此外 ,m3稍短于m2。在其他形态特征方面 ,新疆的种又以m2和m3尺寸较小、齿尖较低、齿脊较锐、近中凹和远中凹发育、釉面褶皱和唇侧齿带很发育而不同于我国宁夏同心的Pliopithecuszhanxiangi;以m2和m3的冠面较短宽且有很发育的上猿三角与P .vindobonensis区分 ;其m2和m3的尺寸明显大于P .antiquus。但在尺寸和其他形态上与P .platyodon很相似。铁尔斯哈巴合的m2、m3和下门齿应代表上猿属内的一个新?  相似文献   
The first known fossil ape from the early-middle Miocene of Fejej, Ethiopia, is described here. The specimen, FJ-18SB-68, is a partial ulna from a locality dated by 40Ar/39Ar and paleomagnetic methods to a minimum age of 16.18 MYA. Compared to a variety of extant and fossil ulnae, FJ-18SB-68 is most similar to Turkanapithecus, Proconsul, and Pliopithecus, and appears to have been an arboreal quadruped with substantial forearm rotational mobility. Among the extant ulnae, canonical variates analysis successfully discriminates platyrrhines from catarrhines and within the latter, cercopithecoids from hominoids. Basal catarrhines (e.g., Aegyptopithecus) are platyrrhine-like in their morphology. Two basic trends appear to evolve from this generalized template: one with less mobile and more habitually pronated forearms, as seen in living and fossil cercopithecoids (including Victoriapithecus and Paracolobus), and another with greater forearm rotational mobility in fossil and modern hominoids. Primitive Miocene apes, including Proconsul, Turkanapithecus, and FJ-18SB-68, share with extant hominoids a more laterally positioned and laterally facing radial notch and an incipient trochlear keel. This morphology, along with a large insertion area for m. brachialis, suggests a departure from the more habitually pronated hand posture of monkeys and may indicate greater climbing abilities in these arboreally quadrupedal apes. Later Miocene apes, such as Oreopithecus and Dryopithecus share additional morphological features with hominoids, indicating considerable suspensory and climbing capabilities. Am J Phys Anthropol 105:257–277, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
本文通过粗壮池猿头骨新材料的初步观察得出,它与欧洲上猿的头骨比较接近,而在某些特征上又与现生长臂猿相似。这与牙齿和颌骨研究的结果是一致的。本文还对亚洲第三纪长臂猿类与其他同时代长臂猿类的关系作了初步的探讨,并对池猿的系统关系作了论述。  相似文献   
Laccopithecus robustus is a siamang-sized fossil ape from the Miocene site of Lufeng, China. The species is known from a partial cranium, numerous mandibles, and scores of isolated teeth. This species shows striking dental similarities to Pliopithecus from the Miocene of Europe and a number of cranial similarities to extant gibbons. Laccopithecus differs from extant gibbons and resembles other fossil and extant apes in showing marked sexual dimorphism in the size and shape of the canines and anterior lower premolars. Evidence for sexual differences in either the size or shape of other teeth is less clear. There is some evidence for a sexual size dimorphism based on the variability of molar teeth.  相似文献   
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