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A native fungus, Plectosporium tabacinum (van Beyma) M. E. Palm, W. Gams et Nirenberg, has potential as a bioherbicide for the control of both herbicide-resistant and herbicide-susceptible false cleavers. Limited information is available on the infection process of P. tabacinum. P. tabacinum spore distribution pattern, germination, penetration, and colonization on false cleavers leaves were examined using confocal, light, and scanning electron microscopy. The results demonstrated that conidia were distributed over the entire surface of leaves and cotyledons. More than 90% of the conidia germinated on the leaf surface 6-8 h after inoculation. Penetration of the leaf epidermis by conidia started 8-10 h after inoculation. Histological observation showed that no appressoria were formed by P. tabacinum, but its hyphae produced appressed club-like structures that penetrated the cuticle and epidermal layers. No stomata or other natural openings were observed on the upper leaf surface of false cleavers seedlings. Penetration occurs directly on epidermal cells with more frequent intercellular penetrations. Hyphal penetration was visualized at a depth of 30 and 40 üm after 8 and 16 h of incubation, respectively. Secondary hyphae colonized mesophyll cells 16 h after inoculation. Even spore distribution, short spore germination time, club-like infection structure formation, direct penetration, quick colonization, and mucous secretion on false cleavers leaves may contribute to the kill of false cleavers by P. tabacinum. Slow spore germination and germ tube growth, low spore germination numbers, and no infection structure formation on Brassica napus leaves may be factors affecting the host selectivity of P. tabacinum.  相似文献   
Two fungal pathogens of the mantis shrimp (Oratosquilla oratoria) in Yamaguchi and Aichi Prefectures, Japan are described as the new species Plectosporium oratosquillae and Acremonium sp. (a member of the Emericellopsis marine clade). Both fungi infect the gills of the mantis shrimp, which become brown or black due to melanization. The former species is characterized by its slow growth on artificial seawater yeast extract peptone glucose (PYGS) agar, pale yellow to pale orange or grayish yellow colonies, short cylindrical solitary phialides with a wavy tip, and one-celled ellipsoidal conidia. Although lacking the two-celled conidia demonstrated by the type species Plectosporium tabacinum, the taxonomic placement of the new species was confirmed by DNA sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of ribosomal DNA (ITS1, 5.8S rDNA and ITS2). Acremonium sp., the other causal pathogen, differs from P. oratosquillae by its fast growth on PYGS agar, pale orange to salmon-colored colonies, long, slender conidiophores consisting of solitary phialides with tips lacking an undulate outline, and typically cylindrical conidia. Analysis of ITS and β-tubulin gene sequences placed this fungus within the phylogenetically distinct Emericellopsis (anam. Acremonium) marine clade. Various physiological characteristics of both pathogens were also investigated. This is the first report of a fungal infection found on the mantis shrimp in Japan.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet radiation (UV) can reduce the effectiveness of fungi used for biological control; therefore, this study examined the photostabilising effect of water- and oil-soluble UV protectants on conidium germination of Plectosporium alismatis and Colletotrichum orbiculare, pathogens with potential as biocontrol agents, and the ability of conidia of C. orbiculare to cause disease. Formulation in riboflavin (1%), proline (1%), propyl gallate (1%), melanin (0.1%) and ascorbic acid (5%) increased the germination of UVB-exposed conidia of P. alismatis to levels found in the dark control without causing a delay in germination. Formulation in (a) pyridoxin (5%), (b) an nC24 mineral oil (5%), and (c) ECCO 1422 (5% in the mineral oil) also resulted in germination similar to the control but germination was delayed. Protection was provided to conidia of C. orbiculare treated with 1% aqueous solutions of proline and folic acid in vitro. Formulation of conidia of C. orbiculare in a 5% aqueous emulsion of the mineral oil and aqueous solutions of melanin (0.01%), proline and tyrosine (both at 1%) significantly increased anthracnose development above control levels on leaf discs of Xanthium spinosum exposed to UVB dose of 16.7 kJ m-2. After exposure to natural sunlight at a UVB dose of 2.2 kJ m-2, anthracnose development was greater on leaf discs inoculated with conidia of C. orbiculare formulated in 1% aqueous solutions of ascorbic acid (1%), proline (1%), tyrosine (1%) and melanin (0.01%), or in 5% aqueous emulsions of a canola-derived oil and the mineral oil than by conidia formulated in water alone. Therefore, a range of compounds can provide conidia with protection from UVB. Of these, propyl gallate and oils similar to the mineral oil are likely to be cost effective. Such formulations can be combined with suitable application times to increase mycoherbisitat efficiency.  相似文献   
The fungus Plectosporium tabacinum has been evaluated as a bioherbicide for control of false cleavers ( Galium spurium ), but the limiting factors and optimal conditions for successful control using this pathogen are not known. False cleavers mortality and dry weight reductions caused by P. tabacinum were assessed under single or combined factors, including pathogen inoculum concentration, plant growth stage, dew period (duration, frequency, and timing), and dew period temperature. The minimum inoculum concentration required to kill false cleavers seedlings was 1 ×10 7 conidia mL -1 at an application rate of 150 mL m -2 . False cleavers seedlings in the cotyledon or 1-whorl growth stage were the most susceptible. Increasing inoculum concentration increased weed control efficacy on older false cleavers seedlings. When an adequate dew period was provided, 100% mortality and dry weight reduction occurred. The minimum dew period to achieve 100% mortality was 16 h. Delaying the initiation of the dew period by 24 h significantly reduced disease development. Short, repetitive dew periods only improved false cleavers control to a limited extend and the length of initial dew is a critical factor influencing false cleavers mortality due to P. tabacinum . The optimal dew period temperature for disease development was above 15°C.  相似文献   
The fungal deuteromycetes Phialophora gregata and Plectosporium tabacinum are associated with soybean plants. P. gregata causes brown stem rot (BSR) of soybean, whereas P. tabacinum is a frequent cohabitant of soybean stems. The role of P. tabacinum in soybean growth and in the development of BSR is not known. Traditional methods of isolating and differentiating these two fungi require up to 3 weeks to complete. In order to effectively study the interactions among P. gregata, P. tabacinum , and the soybean plant, we developed specific primers for P. tabacinum based on its rDNA internal transcribed spacer sequences. In combination with specific primers developed previously for P. gregata , the specific primer pairs were used successfully in polymerase chain reactions to detect the targeted fungi in both artificially inoculated and naturally infected soybean plants. Using this technique, we examined 130 soybean plants collected from natural field environments for the presence or absence of P. gregata and P. tabacinum . Statistical analyses of the results showed that the frequency of co-occurrence of P. gregata and P. tabacinum in soybean plants was significantly less than expected if the two fungi would occur independently, suggesting that one of the fungi may be inhibitory to the other fungus.  相似文献   
The occurrence of endophytic fungi in fennel, lettuce, chicory, and celery crops was investigated in southern Italy. A total of 186 symptomless plants was randomly collected and sampled at the stage of commercial ripeness. Fungal species of Acremonium, Alternaria, Fusarium, and Plectosporium were detected in all four crops; Plectosporium tabacinum was the most common in all crop species and surveyed sites. The effect of eight endophytic isolates (five belonging to Plectosporium tabacinum and three to three species of Acremonium) inoculated on lettuce plants grown in gnotobiosis was assessed by recording plant height, root length and dry weight, collar diameter, root necrosis, and leaf yellowing. P. tabacinum and three species of Acremonium, inoculated on gnotobiotically grown lettuce plants, showed pathogenic activity that varied with the fungal isolate. Lettuce plants inoculated with the isolates Ak of Acremonium kiliense, Ac of Acremonium cucurbitacearum, and P35 of P. tabacinum showed an increased root growth, compared to the non-inoculated control. The high frequency of P. tabacinum isolation recorded in lettuce plants collected in Bari and Metaponto, and in fennel plants from Foggia agricultural districts, suggests a relationship not only between a crop species and P. tabacinum, but also between the occurrence of the endophyte and the crop rotation history of the soil.  相似文献   
Solar radiation, particularly its UV wavelengths, greatly influences conidium survival and this study looked at the impact of radiation and its interactions with temperature on Plectosporium alismatis and Colletotrichum orbiculare, two fungi that are potential mycoherbistats. UV radiation, rather than temperature, was found to be the primary cause of conidium mortality; however, there were interactions between these factors leading to the enhancement of the lethal effects of UVB on conidium germination at high temperatures. C. orbiculare was more sensitive than P. alismatis with conidium germination being halved by UVB doses of 1.47 and 13.1 kJ m-2, respectively, for the two pathogens. Conidium mortality was dose-dependent and for P. alismatis exposed to a dose of 3.7 kJ m-2 reciprocity was observed. However, for C. orbiculare equivalent doses were not reciprocal as higher doses for short periods were more lethal than lower doses of longer duration. Low UVB doses only caused delays in conidium germination, whereas higher doses killed conidia and caused delays in the germination of any survivors. Radiation also affected appressorium formation. Appressorium formation was stimulated by UVA and was dose dependent with P. alismatis requiring a higher dose than C. orbiculare to initiate formation. Microcycle conidiation by P. alismatis was observed following exposure to sunlight. This knowledge of how conidia of these potential mycoherbistats react to climate suggests that rapid conidium germination and appressorium formation could be achieved by manipulation of the time at which they are applied in the field. Conidia could be applied so that they receive sufficient UVA to stimulate appressorium formation but without receiving a dose that would significantly affect conidium germination. However, for this, additional protection from UVB may be needed.  相似文献   
The effect of nutritional conditions on spore qualities was investigated in order to select which propagules, conidia or chlamydospores, would be most suitable for mycoherbicide development. Plectosporium alismatis was grown in a liquid basal medium supplemented with glucose and a mineral nitrogen source (sodium nitrate) or an organic nitrogen source (casamino acids). Conidial and chlamydospore yields, germination rate and shelf-life were compared. Two growth models were developed: on one hand, sodium nitrate added as the sole nitrogen source was partially utilised (8%), resulting in poor growth (1.77±0.02 mg mL?1; 6±1.7×105 conidia mL?1). Under these conditions, P. alismatis produced dense, melanised-like aggregates that contained chlamydospores (12.4±0.7×104 chlamydospores mL?1). Germination rates of chlamydospores and conidia produced under these conditions was high (80%). Twenty percent of chlamydospores were able to germinate after 4 months storage at 25°C, while survival of conidia declined rapidly (<2%). When casamino acids were added to the liquid medium as the sole nitrogen source, P. alismatis produced sparser pellets resulting in high dry weights (5.37±0.09 mg mL?1 and high conidia numbers (9.6±1.5×106 conidia mL?1), while no chlamydospore were observed. The germination rate of conidia produced in casamino acids was low (33±13%) after 8 h incubation and microcycle conidiation occurred. Five percent of these conidia germinated after 4 months storage. These data indicate that chlamydospores may be suitable for mycoherbicide development, provided further optimisation of yields is achieved.  相似文献   
The effect of culture age on yields, desiccation tolerance and resistance to ultraviolet radiation of Plectosporium alismatis, a potential mycoherbistat of aquatic weeds in Australian rice fields, was studied. P. alismatis was grown in a liquid basal medium supplemented with malt extract and sodium nitrate and harvested after 7, 14 or 21 days incubation. Although chlamydospore yields harvested from 14-day-old liquid cultures were significantly higher (29.2×105 chlamydospores mL?1) than chlamydospore yields harvested from 7-day-old liquid cultures (1.07×105 chlamydospores mL?1) or from 21-day-old liquid cultures, the germination of freshly-harvested chlamydospores from 7-day-old cultures (72.7%) was significantly reduced when propagules were grown for 14 days (55.3%). When exposed to UV-radiation, conidia and chlamydospores harvested from 14-day-old cultures germinated at a lower rate (<20%) than conidia and chlamydospores harvested from 7-day-old cultures (>40%). When conidia and chlamydospores were dried and subsequently exposed to UV, less than 30% of propagules harvested from 7-day-old cultures germinated, whereas less than 10% of propagules harvested from 14-day-old cultures germinated. A three-way analysis of variance including culture age, UV exposure and type of propagules confirmed that the culture age had more impact on the germination of fresh or dry propagules (P=0.00001 and P=0.0004, respectively) than the type of propagules considered (P=0.5). These results demonstrate that the culture age impacts significantly propagule yields and germination of P. alismatis conidia and chlamydospores, particularly after stress caused by dehydration and/or exposure to UV-B radiation.  相似文献   
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