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The adaptive radiation of modern New World monkeys unfolded as the major lineages diversified within different dietary-adaptive zones predicated upon a fundamentally frugivorous habit. The broad outlines of this pattern can be seen in the fossil record, beginning in the early Miocene. Cebids are obligate frugivorous predators. The smallest forms (Cebuella, Callithrix) are specialized exudativores, and the largest (cebines) are seasonally flexible omnivores, feeding particularly on insects (Saimiri) or "hard" foods, such as pith and palm nuts (Cebus), when resources are scarce. The smaller-bodied atelids (Callicebus, Aotus) may use insects or leaves opportunistically, but pitheciins (saki-uakaris) specialize on seeds as their major protein source. The larger atelines (Alouatta, Brachyteles) depend on leaves or on ripe fruit (Ateles). Locomotion, body size, and dietary adaptations are linked: claws and small body size opened the canopy-subcanopy niche to callitrichines; climbing and hanging, the fine-branch setting to the atelines; large size and strength, semiprehensile tails, and grasping thumbs, the extractive insectivory of Cebus; deliberate quadrupedalism, the energy-saving transport of folivorous Alouatta. Body size increases and decreases occurred often and in parallel within guilds and lineages. Conventional dietary categories, particularly frugivory, are inadequate for organizing the behavioral and anatomical evidence pertinent to evolutionary adaptation. Related models of morphological evolution based on feeding frequencies tend to obfuscate the selective importance of "critical functions," responses to the biomechanically challenging components of diet that may be determined by a numerically small, or seasonal, dietary fraction. For fossils, body size is an unreliable indicator of diet in the absence of detailed morphological information. More attention needs to be given to developing techniques for identifying and quantifying mechanically significant aspects of dental form, the physical properties of primate foods, their mode of access, and the cycles of availability and nutritional value.  相似文献   
We identified 11 polymorphic microsatellite markers for Alouatta caraya. Three markers were isolated from an enriched genomic library of A. caraya (AC14, AC17, AC45), five were previously described in Homo sapiens (TGMS1, TGMS2, D5S117, D8S165, D17S804), and three were identified for Lagothix lagotricha (1110, 1118, 157). Forty‐eight individuals from one Argentinean population were genotyped, yielding heterozygosity values between 0.146 and 0.792. These markers provide an exclusion power of 0.922 when neither parent is known (0.992 when one parent is known) and are suitable for parentage analysis, population genetics and phylogeographical studies of A. caraya, the southernmost primate in the New World.  相似文献   
Tale of tails: parallelism and prehensility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The occurrence of prehensile tails among only five platyrrhine genera--Cebus, Alouatta, Lagothrix, Ateles, and Brachyteles--might be interpreted as evidence that these are a closely related, possibly monophyletic group. In the absence of behavioral data, it is impossible to test whether all possess equivalent biological roles; such would lend credence to the idea that their tails evolved from an homologous, derived character complex. Contrariwise, the tendency for species of Cebus to have "averagely" proportioned or relatively short tails, in contrast to the relatively elongate tails of howlers and other atelines; osteological differences in caudal and sacral morphology; and a lack of ateline-like tail/neocortex correlates in Cebus, all imply that prehensility has evolved twice in parallel: once (homologously) in atelines and again in capuchins.  相似文献   
We investigated allometric relationships between vertebral centrum cranial surface areas and body weight and skeletal lumbar length in extant platyrrhine and cercopithecid species. Platyrrhines have smaller lumbar vertebral centra regarding the cranial surface area relative to their body weight than extant catarrhines. However, the stress to the spine of quadrupeds is not only influenced by the body weight but also its length, which contributes to the amount of bending moment. Our results indicated that platyrrhines and cercopithecids have similar lumbar vertebral centrum surface areas when they are scaled on the product of the body weight and skeletal lumbar length. Platyrrhines generally tend to have relatively short lumbar columns for a given body weight. As a result of this tendency, their vertebral centra appear relatively small if only body weight is taken into account. The centrum surface area is rather constant relative to the product of the body weight and skeletal lumbar length within platyrrhines or cercopithecids, despite the fact that skeletal lumbar length is in itself rather variable relative to body weight. This result indicates that the vertebral centrum articular area, the lumbar column length and the body weight are strongly correlated with each other and that such relationships are similar between platyrrhines and cercopithecids. These relationships were observed using both the zygapophyseal and rib definitions of the lumbar vertebrae. However, they were more clearly observed when the zygapophyseal definition was adopted. It appeared that lumbar vertebrae of Proconsul nyanzae (KNM−MW 13142) had distinctively smaller surface areas relative to its body weight and lumbar length than for platyrrhines and cercopithecids, differing from extant hominoids, which have comparatively larger lumbar vertebrae. In the case of Morotopithecus, the lumbar vertebral surface area seems to be as large as in extant platyrrhines and cercopithecids if it had a reduced number of lumbar vertebrae. It is uncertain whether its lumbar vertebral surface area was as large as in extant hominoids. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
The forelimbs of 12 genera of New World monkeys, two genera of Old World monkeys, and a gibbon were dissected. Of the 54 muscles examined, 19 exhibited significant intergeneric variation. We present arguments for which morphologies are primitive and which are derived within platyrrhines and within anthropoids. We conclude that the forelimbs of Cebus apella and Callicebus moloch represent good models of the ancestral anthropoid morphology. Thus among living anthropoids they are most appropriate for comparisons with early fossil anthropoids. They are also useful for determining whether myological anomalies of human aneuploids are atavistic. Wagner tree analyses were conducted to assess the value of these myological characters in phylogenetic studies of platyrrhines. In most respects the Wagner trees were consonant with phylogenies previously proposed, although some hypothesized trees are less parsimonious than others in explaining our data. There is an unexpected number of derived features shared by Aotus and the Atelines. There are marked dissimilarities in forelimb musculature between Aotus and Callicebus.  相似文献   
Allometric relationships between incisor size and body size were determined for 26 species of New World primates. While previous studies have suggested that the incisors of Old World primates, and anthropoids in general, scale isometrically with body size, the data presented here indicate a negative allometric relationship between incisor size and body size among New World species. This negative allometry was exhibited by platyrrhines when either upper or lower incisor row length was regressed against body weight, and when either least-squares or bivariate principal axis equations were used. When upper incisor length was plotted against skull length, negative allometry could be sustained using both statistical techniques only when the full sample of 26 species was plotted. The choice of variables to represent incisor size and body size, and the choice of a statistical technique to effect the allometric equation, had a more pronounced impact on the location of individual species with regard to lines of best fit. Platyrrhines as a group have smaller incisors relative to body size than do catarrhines, regardless of diet. Among New World primates, small incisors represent a plausible primitive condition; species with relatively large incisors manifest a phyletic change associated with a dietary shift to foods that require increased incisal preparation. The opposite trend characterizes Old World primates. In spite of the taxonomic differences in relative incisor size between platyrrhine and catarrhine primates, inferences about diet derived from an allometric equation for all anthropoids should prove reliable as long as the species with unknown diet does not lie at the upper end of the body size range for platyrrhines or catarrhines.  相似文献   
The relationship between body size and feeding ecology is well established for primates. It is argued that the evolutionary history of modern New World monkeys and, in particular, the path to attainment of current body size is significant in understanding the similarities and differences between dietary strategies and other ecological parameters of similar-sized monkeys. Current interpretations of New World monkey evolutionary relationships are reviewed. Based on a synthesis of available body weights and the assumption that the earliest New World monkeys weighed close to 1 kg, similar to modern Aotus and Callicebus, predicted patterns of body size change in each lineage are given. Restrictions on directions of body size change in primates are discussed, and it is shown that "Stanley's Rule" offers a good explanation for differing body size ranges in New and Old World anthropoids. Predicted ecological correlates to body size drawn from the mammalian literature are offered and tested using data on New World monkeys, which show some concurrence and several interesting departures from predicted patterns. Sexual dimorphism in body weight of New World monkey species is reviewed, based on the new summary of body weight data given.  相似文献   
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