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杨友桃  唐迎秋 《蛛形学报》1995,4(2):142-143
报道采自甘肃文县的东方法老蛛雌蛛,为该种雌蛛的首次记述。  相似文献   
High affinity melatonin-binding sites have been described, by means of autoradiography with 2-125I-melatonin as the ligand, in more than 60 brain areas of about 20 mammalian species, with dramatic variations in the nature and number of labelled structures among the different species studied. As melatonin is involved in the synchronization of biological rhythms, we have tried to correlate the brain areas containing melatonin-binding sites with some rhythmic functions typical of give species. Therefore, we have studied the location of melatonin-binding sites in the complete brain of five long-day breeders with hibernation cycles, viz. one insectivore and four rodents. With the exception of the suprachiasmatic nuclei and the pars tuberalis of the pituitary, both of which contain binding sites in all five species, few reactive structures are common, even among species from the same family, e.g. the edible dormouse and the garden dormouse.  相似文献   
东方蝾螈繁殖生态的研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
本文报道东方蝾螈(Cynops orientalis)的繁殖生态,内容有精巢分叶、精子形态、怀卵量、性征、性比、求偶、交配、纳精、产卵及孵化等,并对产卵场中性比的周年变化、精包形态、精子存活力及与蓝尾蝾螈的种间差异进行了观察和讨论。  相似文献   
分析了北京鹫峰山区侧柏、荆条枝条水及其潜在水分来源的氢氧同位素特征,运用IsoSource模型解析侧柏、荆条系统水分利用来源的季节变化及其对降雨事件的响应.结果表明:旱季初期(4月)研究区0~20 cm土层富集土壤水18O值,20 cm以下该值则随着土层深度增加逐渐减小,侧柏主要利用前2~3 d降雨补充的0~30 cm层土壤水;旱季末期(6月)侧柏和荆条分别利用当天雨水补充的0~10和10~30 cm层土壤水;雨季(7月)侧柏利用前期降水补给的0~40 cm层土壤水(59.3%)和近期降水(12.5%),荆条则利用近期降雨供给的0~30 cm层土壤水;侧柏的土壤水分来源逐月加深,至生长季末(11月)其主要利用60~80 cm层土壤水(前2~3 d降雨补给),而荆条枝条水δ18O值远离各水分来源δ18O值.两物种对水分的竞争压力小,适应本区域气候特征,尤其在应对特大暴雨等极端天气时,植物系统垂直分布的水分来源能够有效分流洪峰,减小暴雨瞬时破坏力.  相似文献   
Intensive weed control and plot preparation practices have become a critical and integral part of productive beech forest management in Turkey’s coastal Black Sea region (BSR). This study was conducted in an eastern beech forest of 100+ year old in the BSR to evaluate ecosystem effects of three different experimental Rhododendron ponticum understory control methods with a randomised block design, including manual grubbing, foliar and cut stump spraying with imazapyr (Arsenal) and foliar and cut stump spraying with triclopyr (Garlon). Untreated vegetation plots served as controls. Evaluation of these treatments included their effects on understory and forest floor biomass and nutrients (C, N, P, S, K, Ca and Mg) and effects on soils, including bulk density, pH, soil nutrients (C, N, P and S), exchangeable cations (K, Ca and Mg) and soil cation exchange capacity (CEC). Grubbing and imazapyr treatments had greatly reduced the amount of understory biomass 5 years after application (P = 0.002). Triclopyr treatment also had a major effect on understory vegetation control, but by 5 years later, about 10% of the rhododendron originally present on these plots had gradually re‐sprouted and partially covered the plots. Five years after woody vegetation control treatments, at the 0‐ to 20‐cm depth, treatments did not appear to affect soil bulk density, pH and CEC. For the upper 20‐cm soil depth, the exchangeable soil K concentration at the 10‐ to 20‐cm depth on triclopyr‐treated plots was 33% higher than on grubbing plots, and it was twice that of imazapyr application plots. Imazapyr plots had almost 11 times more dead organic matter on the forest floor than there was on grubbing plots. Forest floor C concentrations on imazapyr plots were 26 and 14% greater than those on grubbing and triclopyr plots, respectively. Total ecosystem (forest floor + understory + soil exchangeable) Ca content was 50% higher on imazapyr plots than that on triclopyr plots, while the ecosystem K pool on imazapyr treatment plots was 27% lower than that on triclopyr plots. Herbicides can be used as an alternative for achieving some forest management objectives when other vegetation control methods are not feasible or economical. It is recommended that vegetation control not be used on steep slopes because of greater risk of soil erosion. There may be benefits in encouraging slash disposal by fire after imazapyr treatments, thus removing recalcitrant understory residues left on the forest floor and releasing the essential nutrients within them.  相似文献   
马履一  王希群 《生态科学》2006,25(5):385-389
研究林木个体之间的竞争是研究森林生态系统基础,林木竞争的研究方法主要有定性描述和定量分析两种方法并先后提出了20多种衡量竞争程度的竞争指数系统,但有关学者研究后认为,这些竞争指数都没有较好地解决了定量分析中树冠变化的问题。论文首次提出生长空间竞争指数(Growthspacecompetitionindex,GSCI),系树冠表面积与胸高断面积之比,由于树冠外围面积代表树冠接受光照最强的部分并且是决定生产效率的重要指标,因此在群体和群落的竞争中作为反映竞争参数,较好地解决了定量分析中树冠变化的问题,为树冠覆盖程度的无量纲度量。本文还在油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)、侧柏(Platycladus orientalis)林种内个体竞争中得到应用,与常用的简单竞争指数(Competition index,CI)和空间竞争指数(Growth space index,GSI)进行了对比研究。  相似文献   
采用组织学方法对东方铃蟾的消化道进行了研究。结果表明:肠分为十二指肠、空肠和大肠。消化道管壁由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜层构成。食道、胃和肠均为单层柱状上皮。胃和十二指肠的粘膜皱褶最丰富。食道腺为复泡状腺,胃腺属于单管状腺,肠的各段无多细胞腺体,但空肠和大肠有丰富的杯状细胞。肌层均为平滑肌,内层环肌较厚,外侧纵肌较薄,其中大肠的外侧纵肌最发达。  相似文献   
通过室内水培试验,研究了不同浓度Pb2+(0、0.25、0.50、1.00和2.00mmol·L-1)胁迫对东方香蒲根和叶中Pb含量、叶绿素含量、丙二醛(MDA)含量、抗氧化酶(SOD、CAT和POD)活性以及亚细胞结构的影响。结果显示:(1)随着外源Pb2+浓度的增加,Pb在香蒲根和叶中的积累量均显著高于对照,且Pb在根中的含量明显高于叶中,并与外源Pb2+浓度呈显著正相关关系。(2)香蒲叶片中的叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量随着外源Pb2+浓度的增加呈先升后降趋势,均在处理浓度为0.50mmol·L-1时达到峰值。(3)胁迫处理叶片的MDA含量与对照相比变化不显著,但根中MDA含量呈显著下降趋势。(4)叶片中SOD活性在1.00mmol·L-1 Pb2+处理时达到峰值,然后下降,但始终高于对照,CAT和POD活性则均低于对照组;根中SOD活性除1.00mmol·L-1 Pb2+处理组外均显著低于对照组,CAT和POD活性分别在0.25和0.50mmol·L-1 Pb2+处理时达到峰值,然后随处理Pb2+浓度升高而下降。(5)电镜观察发现,Pb2+胁迫使香蒲叶细胞中叶绿体被膜破裂,类囊体膨胀、破损;根和叶细胞中的线粒体被膜均破裂、内腔空泡化,细胞核核膜破损、核仁消失、染色质凝集。研究表明,Pb2+胁迫致使东方香蒲根、叶生理代谢失衡,亚细胞结构出现不可逆的损伤,这为从分子水平研究Pb2+作用的具体机理以及香蒲在重金属污染修复中的应用提供了依据。  相似文献   
对东方蝾螈Synops orientalis的肝脏进行了组织学观察.结果 如下:东方蝾螈肝脏分为5叶,每叶由许多肝小叶组成.中央静脉位于小叶中央,肝细胞排列成肝细胞索(肝板),以中央静脉为中心向周围呈放射状排列.肝细胞索或肝细胞团之间的间隙为形状不规则、大小不等的肝血窦,窦壁由一层内皮细胞构成,间有枯否氏细胞,其核为细长状,有数目不等突起.肝细胞间有狄氏间隙,肝细胞呈多边形,胞核为圆形或卵圆形.肝实质内有大量色素沉着.并将东方蝾螈肝脏和其他动物肝脏进行了比较.  相似文献   
不同育苗方式对移栽后侧柏和白榆幼苗根系生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同类型苗木,具有不同的根系结构特征,其根系结构也将影响林木的生长和恢复生态系统的稳定性。以侧柏和白榆为研究对象,对移栽18个月后的种基盘苗与营养钵苗根系的生长进行了调查。结果表明:侧柏种基盘苗的总根长和平均直径比营养钵苗分别增加了316.20 cm和0.05mm,白榆苗则分别增加了651.54 cm和0.88mm。侧柏和白榆种基盘苗的根系表面积比营养钵苗分别增加了40.05%和73.04%。侧柏种基盘苗的根系总体积与营养钵苗的差异不显著,而白榆种基盘苗的根系总体积则比营养钵苗增加了54.70%。侧柏和白榆营养钵苗的一级侧根数量大于种基盘苗,增幅分别为42.31%和30.65%。对于侧柏来说,营养钵苗的根尖总数比种基盘苗的增加324个,但白榆苗差异不显著。各种处理的幼苗总根长与根系表面积都有显著相关性,但与根体积不具有显著相关性。营养钵苗的根系平均直径和根尖数量具有相对独立性,而种基盘的根系平均直径与总根长以及根体积均表现为显著相关。种基盘苗能提高侧柏、白榆幼苗的根冠比,促进幼苗株高、地径和主根的生长。采用种基盘苗进行植被恢复,由于其具有较大的根表面积和根长度,林木便具有了较大的吸收水分和营养的能力,以及较高的固结表层土壤能力。  相似文献   
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