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Four pigeons responded under a progressive-delay procedure. In a signaled-delay condition, a chained variable interval (VI) 30-s progressive time (PT) 4-s schedule was arranged; in an unsignaled-delay condition, a tandem VI 30-s PT 4-s schedule was arranged. Two pigeons experienced a signaled-unsignaled-signaled sequence; whereas, two pigeons experienced an unsignaled-signaled-unsignaled sequence. Effects of saline and d-amphetamine were determined under each condition. At intermediate doses (1.0 and 1.78 m/kg) delay functions were shallower, area under the curve was increased, and, when possible, break points were increased compared to saline; these effects were not systematically related to signaling conditions. These effects on control by delay often were accompanied by decreased response rates at 0 s. These results suggest that stimulus conditions associated with the delay may not play a crucial role in effects of d-amphetamine and other stimulants on behavior controlled by reinforcement delay.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of cue competition on timing in both overshadowing and blocking operant procedures with pigeons. A white center key delivered reward when pecked 30 s after a red or green sidekey was presented and 10 s after presentation of the alternate color on the other sidekey. In Experiment 1, key presentations were concurrent during training trials for overshadow-condition pigeons, while side key presentations were separated across training trials for control birds. In Experiment 2, half of the birds (Blocking group) were given pre-exposure trials to either the 10-s or 30-s sidekey condition. Both blocking-condition and control birds were then given trials of concurrent side key presentations. Peak time curves were compared between experimental and control conditions. The results showed blocking of timing accuracy of a long (30-s) stimulus by a short (10-s) stimulus, but no evidence for overshadowing of timing accuracy.  相似文献   
This study evaluated the effect of a signal on resistance to change using a multiple schedule of reinforcement. Experiment 1 presented pigeons with three schedules: a signaled delay to reinforcement schedule (a two-link chain schedule with a variable-interval 120-s initial link followed by a 5-s fixed-time schedule), an unsignaled delay schedule (a comparable two-link tandem schedule), and an immediate, zero-delay variable-interval 125-s schedule. Two separate disruption procedures assessed resistance to change: extinction and adding a variable-time 20-s schedule of reinforcement to the inter-component interval. Resistance to change tests were conducted twice, once with the signal stimulus (the terminal link of the chain schedule) present and once with it absent. Results from both disruption procedures showed that signal absence reduced resistance to change for the pre-signal stimulus. In probe choice tests subjects strongly preferred the signal stimulus over the unsignaled stimulus and exhibited no reliable preference when given a choice between the signal stimulus and immediate stimulus. Experiment 2 presented two equal signaled schedules where, during resistance to change tests, the signal remained for one schedule and was removed for the second. Resistance to change was consistently lower when the signal was absent.  相似文献   
The primary goal was to compare results from a free-operant procedure with pigeons [Machado, A., Guilhardi, P., 2000. Shifts in the psychometric function and their implications for models of timing. J. Exp. Anal. Behav. 74, 25-54, Experiment 2] with new results obtained with rats. The secondary goal was to compare the results of both experiments with dependent variables that were not used in the original publication. As in the original study with pigeons, rats were trained on a two-alternative free-operant psychophysical procedure in which left lever press responses were reinforced during the first and second quarters of a 60-s trial, and right lever press responses were reinforced during the third and fourth quarters of the trial. The quarters were reinforced according to four independent variable interval (VI) schedules of reinforcement. The VI duration was manipulated in each quarter, and shifts in the psychophysical functions that relate response rate with time since trial onset were measured. The results obtained with rats were consistent with those previously obtained with pigeons. In addition, results not originally reported were also consistent between rats and pigeons, and provided insights into the perception, memory, and decision processes in Scalar Expectancy Theory and Learning-to-Time Theory.  相似文献   
The peak interval (PI) procedure is commonly used to evaluate animals' ability to produce timed intervals. It consists of presenting fixed interval (FI) schedules in which some of the trials are replaced by extended non-reinforced trials. Responding will often resume (resurge) at the end of the non-reinforced trials unless precautions are taken to prevent it. Response resurgence was replicated in rats and pigeons. Variation of the durations of the FI and the non-reinforced probe trials showed it to be dependent on the time when reinforcement is expected. Timing of both the normal time to reinforcement, and the subsequent time to reinforcement during the probe trials followed Weber's law. A quantitative model of resurgence is described, suggesting how animals respond to the signaling properties of reinforcement omission. Model results were simulated using a stochastic binary counter.  相似文献   
Two experiments tested the assumption of Urcuioli's (2008) theory of pigeons’ equivalence-class formation that consistent non-reinforcement of certain stimulus combinations in successive matching juxtaposed with consistent reinforcement of other combinations generates stimulus classes containing the elements of the reinforced combinations. In Experiment 1, pigeons were concurrently trained on symbolic (AB) and two identity (AA and BB) successive tasks in which half of all identity trials ended in non-reinforcement but all AB trials were reinforced, contingent upon either responding or not responding to the comparisons. Subsequent symmetry (BA) probe trials showed evidence of symmetry in one of four pigeons. In Experiment 2, pigeons learned three pair-comparison tasks in which left versus right spatial choices were reinforced after the various sample-comparison combinations comprising AB, AA, and BB conditional discriminations. Non-differentially reinforced BA probe trials following acquisition showed some indication of symmetrical choice responding. The overall results contradict the theoretical predictions derived from Urcuioli (2008) and those from Experiment 2 challenge other stimulus-class analyses as well.  相似文献   
In the time-left procedure, a task used to study prospective timing, animals choose between two stimuli that signal different delays to reinforcement. Trials begin with one stimulus signaling C seconds to reinforcement and, at different moments since its onset, another stimulus, signaling S seconds to reinforcement, with C > S, is introduced. Optimal performance consists in choosing the stimulus signaling the shorter time to reinforcement. Animals have been found to perform in this optimal way. However, this procedure is complex and variables other than time may be responsible for the results. In two experiments with pigeons we sought to improve the time-left procedure to better isolate the effect of time in the animals’ behavior. We attempted to control for two confounding variables, the asymmetry in the time markers from training to testing and the cost of switching between the two response alternatives. We conclude that in the time-left task pigeons seem indeed to regulate their behavior based on time because, with our improved procedure, they still chose the stimulus associated with the shorter time to food. However, our version of the procedure created new interpretative difficulties, strengthening the idea that the time-left procedure may be too complex to study timing.  相似文献   
Rhythmic grouping and discrimination is fundamental to music. When compared to the perception of pitch, rhythmic abilities in animals have received scant attention until recently. In this experiment, four pigeons were tested with three types of auditory rhythmic discriminations to investigate their processing of this aspect of sound and music. Two experiments examined a meter discrimination in which successively presented idiophonic sounds were repeated in meters of different lengths in a go/no-go discrimination task. With difficulty, the birds eventually learned to discriminate between 8/4 and 3/4 meters constructed from cymbal and tom drum sounds at 180 beats per minute. This discrimination subsequently transferred to faster tempos, but not to different drum sounds or their combination. Experiment 3 tested rhythmic and arrhythmic patterns of sounds. After 40 sessions of training, these same pigeons showed no discrimination. Experiment 4 tested repetitions of a piano sound at fast and slow tempos. This discrimination was readily learned and showed transfer to novel tempos. The pattern of results suggests that pigeons can time periodic auditory events, but their capacity to understand generalized rhythmic groupings appears limited.  相似文献   
Pigeons were trained in a new procedure to test for visual binding errors between the dimensions of color and shape. In Experiment 1, pigeons learned to discriminate a target compound from 15 non-target compounds (constructed from four colors and shapes) by choosing one of two hoppers in a two-hopper choice task. The similarity of the target to non-target stimuli influenced choice responding. In Experiment 2, pigeons learned to detect a target compound when presented with a non-target compound within the same trial under conditions of simultaneity and sequentiality. Non-target trials were arranged to allow for the testing of binding errors (i.e., false identifications of the target on certain non-target trials). Transient evidence for binding errors in two of the birds occurred at the start of two-item training, but decreased with training. The experiments represent an important step toward developing a framework for the evaluation of visual feature binding in nonhumans.  相似文献   
The traditional molecular view of behavior explains extinction as the dissipation or inhibition of strength, formerly built up by contiguous reinforcement. In obstinate opposition to this explanation was the partial-reinforcement extinction effect: a partially reinforced response extinguishes more slowly than a continuously reinforced response. It suggests instead that extinction is discrimination. Four pigeons were exposed to daily sessions in which a variable period of food delivery, produced by pecking on a variable-interval schedule, was followed by extinction. The rate of food delivery was varied over a wide range across conditions. Varying the amount of food per delivery inversely with rate of delivery kept response rate from varying excessively. The results confirmed and extended the partial-reinforcement effect; persistence of pecking and time to extinction were inversely related to rate of obtaining food. The results support the molar view of extinction, not as loss of strength of a particular discrete response, but as a transition from one allocation of time among activities to another. Although molecular theories dismiss discrimination due to repeated training and extinction as an impurity or complication, repeated cycles of availability and privation are probably typical of the environment in which most vertebrate species evolved.  相似文献   
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