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Abstract Growing roots of Nicotiana tabacum var. Havana generate transcellular ion currents which traverse developing and wounded tissues. Positive current of around 10 mA m?2 enters meristematic and elongating cells at the tip of primary roots. The growing tips of first order laterals are also traversed by a similar positive current with a density of around 2.0 mA m?2, as are immature laterals emerging at the primary root surface. These self-generated ion currents flow basipetally through developing tissues and leave from mature non-elongating tissue. A large positive current of around 70 mA m?2 also enters induced wound sites on the primary root surface. Motile zoospores of the fungal pathogen Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae have been reported to associate preferentially with these regions of the root. This might suggest that electrotaxis may be part of the mechanism by which zoospores locate root regions susceptable to fungal infection.  相似文献   
Shoot apices ofCarica papaya were multiplied in vitro on solidified nutrient media supplemented with -naphthyl-acetic acid and 6-benzylaminopurine. The micropropagated shoots were inoculated in vitro, through a stem wound, with a sporangial suspension (1.2×104 sporangia ml-1) ofPhytophthora palmivora. The symptoms exhibited by the shoots in vitro were similar to those described previously for infection of the whole plant in the field. The time taken for the host tissue to become brown and to wilt and the time to sporulation of the pathogen were all recorded for each shoot of four varieties of papaya challenged with each of ten isolates ofP. palmivora. Significant differences were observed between host-pathogen combinations for these variables and host-specificity was detected amongst the isolates ofP. palmivora. The time taken for the shoot to wilt was positively correlated with the time to sporulation of the isolated but both these variables were negatively correlated with the time to browning of the shoot. In vitro selection for disease resistance will be useful during breeding programmes involving papaya genotypes which are maintained through clonal propagation.  相似文献   
In order to study the influence of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (AM) on the development of root rot infection, tomato plants were raised with or withoutGlomus mosseae and/orPhytophthora nicotianae var.parasitica in a sand culture system. All plants were fed with a nutrient solution containing one of two phosphorus (P) levels, 32µM (I P) or 96µM (II P), to test the consequence of enhanced P nutrition by the AM fungus on disease dynamics. Mycorrhizal plants had a similar development to that of control plants. Treatment withPhytophthora nicotianae var.parasitica resulted in a visible reduction in plant weight and in a widespread root necrosis in plants without mycorrhiza. The presence of the AM fungus decreased both weight reduction and root necrosis. The percentage reduction of adventitious root necrosis and of necrotic root apices ranged between 63 and 89% The enhancement of P nutrition increased plant development, but did not appreciably decrease disease spread. In our system, mycorrhiza increased plant resistance toP. nicotianae var.parasitica infection. Although a contribution of P nutrition by mycorrhiza cannot be excluded, other mechanisms appear to play a crucial role.  相似文献   
Strawberry tissues infected with Phytophthora cactorum were comminuted and plated in a selective antibiotic agar medium to determine levels of tissue colonisation as indicated by the number of colony forming units (CFU) recovered per gramme of infected tissue. The number of CFU recovered per gramme of tissue increased logarithmically with the amount of necrosis in infected crown, leaf and petiole tissues. Under the conditions of enhanced susceptibility to infection and colonisation caused by cold storage treatments, this relationship between colonisation and necrosis was not significantly altered in the susceptible cv. Tamella. A recovery index was used to determine the effect of infected tissues on the recovery of CFU. This indicated that increasing levels of host colonisation stimulated CFU recovery and may partly explain the large increase in CFU g-1 with larger amounts of necrosis. The amount of tissue colonisation was greater in inoculated plants of the susceptible cv. Tamella than in less susceptible cv. Cambridge Favourite, although the necrotic tissues of the latter contained more CFU g-1, indicating a greater level of tolerance to colonisation. In cv. Tamella small amounts of colonisation were capable of causing wilt symptoms, although no wilted plants contained less than 200 CFU g-1. Conversely, plants containing more than 1000 CFU g-1 always wilted. In the early stages of infection, low levels of colonisation could be detected in strawberry crowns in the absence of symptoms. Dormant strawberry plants of cv. Tamella were readily infected by P. cactorum zoospore inoculations but, unlike actively growing plants, the majority of infections remained latent. These latent infections exhibited little or no symptoms and CFU recoveries from infected tissues were always below 100 CFU g-1.  相似文献   
Crude steam distillate from Ocimum gratissimum sprayed onto infection courts on detached cocoa pods moments after inoculation with Phytophthora palmivora completely inhibited the pathogen and blackpod lesion development on 75% of the infection courts. Disease suppression obtained with the extract was comparable to that obtained with a 2% Kocide 101 suspension. In the field, the O. gratissimum extract also suppressed lesion development although to a significantly lower (P = 0.05) extent in comparison with Kocide 101. Blackpod lesion expansion rates of 3.80, 3.56, 2.71 and 0.78 cm/day, respectively, were associated with pods treated in the field with C. citratus extract, tap water, O. gratissimum extract and 2% Kocide 101. The extract from Cymbopogon citratus was also ineffective on detached pods. Sporangia of P. palmivora from sporu-lating blackpod lesions on both detached and non-detached pods lost their infectivity within 1 h of treatment with the O. gratissimum extract. This effect was superior to that obtained with Kocide 101. Fungitoxicity of the extract on pods, however, was lost within 3 h of application. Thus, despite its in vivo effectiveness as an eradicant, the O. gratissimum extract, in its present form, has limited utility as a protectant fungicide.  相似文献   
The ipiB and ipiO genes of the potato late blight fungus Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary were isolated from a genomic library in a screen for genes induced in planta. Expression of these genes was studied during pathogenesis on various host tissues and different host plants, some of which show specific resistance against P. infestans infection. During pathogenesis on leaves and tubers of the fully susceptible potato cultivar (cv.) Ajax and on leaves of the fully susceptible tomato cv. Moneymaker, the P. infestans ipiB and ipiO genes show a transient expression pattern with highest mRNA levels in the early stages of infection. During the interaction with leaves of the partially resistant potato cv. Pimpernel, the expression is also transient but accumulation and disappearance of the mRNAs is delayed. Also in P. infestans inoculated onto a race-specific resistant potato cultivar and onto the nonhost Solanum nigrum, ipiB and ipiO mRNA is detectable during the initial stages of infection. Apparently, the expression of the ipiB and the ipiO genes is activated in compatible, incompatible and nonhost interactions. In encysted zoospores, ipiB and ipiO mRNA accumulation was not detectable, but during cyst germination and appressorium formation on an artificial surface the genes are highly expressed. Expression studies in mycelium grown in vitro revealed that during nutrient starvation the expression of the ipiB and ipiO genes is induced. For ipiO gene expression, carbon deprivation appeared to be sufficient. The ipiO gene promoters contain a sequence motif that functions as a glucose repression element in yeast and this motif might be involved in the regulation of ipiO gene expression.  相似文献   
Phenolic compounds were present in greater amounts in non‐infected petioles of genotypes of Hevea brasiliensis that are resistant to Phytophthora leaf disease than in genotypes that are susceptible. Phenolic compounds extracted from petioles of either susceptible (PB86) or resistant (RRIC100) genotypes, before or after infection with Phytophthora meadii, had anti‐fungal properties. Artificially infected petioles of PB86 had phenolic acids, triterpenoids or flavonoids, whereas healthy petioles contained only triterpenoids or flavonoids. However, healthy or infected petioles of RRIC100 contained only trace amounts of the above compounds and of vanillin (3‐methoxy‐4‐hydroxybenzaldehyde). Vanillin and umbelliferone (7‐hydroxycoumarin) were shown to suppress zoospore germination of P. meadii on glass slides and to inhibit its growth in pea broth and V‐8 juice agar. Vanillin was slightly more active than umbelliferone. Resistance of RRIC100 to Phytophthora was suspected as being related to the polymerisation of phenolic compounds to form lignin, which may suppress further spread of the pathogen's mycelium into healthy tissues. Formation of lignin from phenolic aldehydes as a barrier to disease spread may be a critical factor in resistance.  相似文献   
The R1 allele confers on potato a race-specific resistance to Phytophthora infestans. The corresponding genetic locus maps on chromosome V in a region in which several other resistance genes are also located. As part of a strategy for cloning R1, a high-resolution genetic map was constructed for the segment of chromosome V that is bordered by the RFLP loci GP21 and GP179 and includes the R1 locus. Bulked segregant analysis and markers based on amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP markers) were used to select molecular markers closely linked to R1. Twenty-nine of approximately 3200 informative AFLP loci displayed linkage to the R1 locus. Based on the genotypic analysis of 461 gametes, eight loci mapped within the GP21–GP179 interval. Two of those could not be seperated from R1 by recombination. For genotyping large numbers of plants with respect to the flanking markers GP21 and GP179 PCR based assays were also developed which allowed marker-assisted selection of plants with genotypes Rr and rr and of recombinant plants.  相似文献   
Elicitins are 10 kDa holoproteins secreted by Phytophthora fungi, that elicit an incompatible hypersensitive reaction, leading to resistance against fungal and bacterial plant pathogens. Comparison of primary sequences of -elicitins and -elicitins indicated several potential necrotic activity-determining residues. All of the highly necrotic -elicitins have a hydrophilic residue (usually lysine) at position 13, whereas in the less necrotic -elicitins this residue is replaced by a valine. Here, we report the synthesis and expression of a gene encoding a highly necrotic elicitin, -cryptogein, and we show that the substitution of Lys-13 of this recombinant protein by a valine leads to a drastic alteration to the necrotic activity of the recombinant protein.  相似文献   
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