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该研究以采自新疆的100余份饼干衣属(Rinodina)地衣标本为研究材料,通过形态解剖特征观察、地衣化学成分分析以及分子生物学鉴定方法鉴定出9个种,包括2个中国新记录种——阿富汗饼干衣(Rinodina afghanica)和古氏饼干衣(Rinodina guzzinii),7个常见种分别是:包氏饼干衣(R. bohlinii)、毕氏饼干衣(R. bischoffii)、代谢饼干衣(R. metaboliza)、密果饼干衣(R. pycnocarpa)、特雷氏饼干衣(R. trevisanii)、甘肃饼干衣(R. straussii)和地生饼干衣(R. terrestris)。并提供了新疆饼干衣属地衣的分种检索表、每个物种的详细描述、新记录种的特征图片以及系统发育分析。  相似文献   
该研究通过对山西管涔山和五鹿山等区域采集的蜈蚣衣科地衣300余份标本的鉴定分析,结合已有报道,从物种多样性、空间分布特点、生境类型及区系成分等方面对蜈蚣衣科地衣进行研究,以明确中国蜈蚣衣科地衣物种组成及区系特点。结果表明:(1)中国蜈蚣衣科地衣共有7属197种54变种,饼干衣属(Rinodina)占绝对优势,约占蜈蚣衣科地衣总种数的30.5%。(2)中国蜈蚣衣科地衣多分布于新疆,蜈蚣衣属(Physcia)是该科中分布最广泛的属,但其中有26.4%的物种仅分布于单一地区。(3)蜈蚣衣科地衣生境类型多样,有树生、石生、藓丛生、土生和多生境5种,以多生境地衣为主(48.5%)。(4)中国蜈蚣衣科地衣的地理成分复杂,同时伴随多种区系成分,但以温带性质显著(占43.1%),东亚特色明显。(5)仅分布于中国的蜈蚣衣科地衣共4属10种,且主要分布于中国东北、西北和西南地区。  相似文献   
Abstract Aim The (world) distribution of the European species of Physconia Poelt (Lichenes: Physciaceae) [except Ph. distorta (With.) J. R. Laundon and Ph. americana Essl.] was investigated. The study was complemented by data on the ecological behaviour of the species. Location The location of the study is the whole world with a local emphasis on Europe. Methods The geographical distribution of the lichen species under consideration was investigated from collection data of herbaria and field studies in a databank. Additional data were taken from existing literature and critically considered. Distribution maps were created with ArcView GIS. The distribution patterns are expressed as three‐dimensional areal formulas, regarding zonal distribution, altitudinal range and oceanity of the species distributions, using the method of Meusel et al. (1965 ). Results The distribution patterns of the ten Physconia taxa considered are represented in detailed maps and expressed as three‐dimensional areal formulas. The ecological behaviour was discussed. Physconia muscigena and Ph. perisidiosa are species of bipolar distribution type, the other species are holarctic types. Physconia detersa and Ph. enteroxantha occur in both Eurasia and North America, the remaining species (Ph.grisea ssp. grisea, Ph. grisea ssp. lilacina, Ph. petraea, Ph. servitii, Ph. subpulverulenta and Ph.venusta) are pure Old world taxa with a much more limited distribution.The majority of the European Physconia taxa are distributed meridionally to submeridionally and occur preferentially in suboceanic areas. Main conclusions Some of the species under consideration have a wide distribution, nevertheless they show clear affinities to ecological conditions that influence their distribution patterns. A number of species show not only zonal and regional restrictions, but also affinities to the western climatic type. The Mediterranean is the centre of diversity of the genus Physconia in Europe.  相似文献   
The wide but sporadic distribution of group I introns in protists, plants, and fungi, as well as in eubacteria, likely resulted from extensive lateral transfer followed by differential loss. The extent of horizontal transfer of group I introns can potentially be determined by examining closely related species or genera. We used a phylogenetic approach with a large data set (including 62 novel large subunit [LSU] rRNA group I introns) to study intron movement within the monophyletic lichen family Physciaceae. Our results show five cases of horizontal transfer into homologous sites between species but do not support transposition into ectopic sites. This is in contrast to previous work with Physciaceae small subunit (SSU) rDNA group I introns where strong support was found for multiple ectopic transpositions. This difference in the apparent number of ectopic intron movements between SSU and LSU rDNA genes may in part be explained by a larger number of positions in the SSU rRNA, which can support the insertion and/or retention of group I introns. In contrast, we suggest that the LSU rRNA may have fewer acceptable positions and therefore intron spread is limited in this gene. Reviewing Editor: Dr. W. Ford Doolittle  相似文献   
对五大连池蜈蚣衣科地衣的物种多样性及其分布、地理成分进行了初步研究。结果表明,分布在五大连池的蜈蚣衣科地衣共有4属,38种。其中,黑龙江新记录种25种,中国新记录种2种。这些种类分别为世界广布成分、东亚‐北美成分、东亚成分、北温带成分、泛热带成分、中国特有成分6个类型。本地区以北温带成分(29%)、东亚‐北美成分(29%)和世界广布成分(18%)为主。蜈蚣衣科地衣在五大连池地区主要生长在蒙古栎、火山杨、朽木和岩面上。  相似文献   
The red pigment pyxiferin from Pyxine coccifera (Fée) Nyl. is identical with chiodectonic acid, a naphthoquinone derivative. The lichen further contains 3β-hydroxy-25-acetoxy-20(S),24(R)-epoxy-dammarane, 25-acetoxy-20(S),24(R)-epoxy-3-oxo-dammarane, methyl pyxinate, atranorin, and chloroatranorin.  相似文献   
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